The Carolina Way VIII

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Did UNC admit unprepared student-athletes? 2010 NLI list shows admits w/ 280 SAT reading.

UNC summer Swahili classes didn't meet FLAS eligibility standards. 75 hrs vs. 140 for other languages.

UNC ASPSA maintained detailed database of athletes, meetings, etc. Delivered to coaches. No excuse for not knowing.


All 3 have told the truth about unx making them unworthy of FERPA's privacy far as unx is concerned anyway.
UNC document cites threats to UNC athletics, cites "integrity" as positive.


Diff. bet. athlete majors vs. gen students @ UNC. Shows ASPSA selected majors.




B-Rad^^^^. Lulz...
UNC MBB academic advisor Townsend describes role, undermines argument that Roy Williams was not aware of classes.

UNC LD/ADD students tripled in one year, 2009-2010. What proportion were athletes?

UNC student athletes realized Athletic Academic Support was steering them to certain classes not in their interest.

UNC MBB players majoring in COMM. "Almost had to move practice" to attend class. "managed to avoid it."Priorities?

‘Unverified’ documentary challenges UNC academic-athletic scandal narratives

Next to a theater showing the latest James Bond movie, Varsity Theatre’s Friday night headliner was unusual — a documentary on the UNC academic-athletic scandal.

Bradley Bethel, the former UNC learning specialist turned cinematographer, debuted his film, “Unverified: The Untold Story Behind the UNC Scandal,” to a select audience Friday.

Attendees included many people who have been affected by the scandal, such as now-fired athletic tutor Jaimie Lee, former men’s basketball assistant coach Joe Holladay and several former UNC student-athletes.

The film was advertised as the story of the “other side” of the UNC academic-athletic scandal, revolving around personal interviews with Bethel’s close friends, Lee and former athletic tutor Beth Bridger.

Bridger and Lee were fired after investigator Kenneth Wainstein’s report revealed their involvement in the paper classes within the former Department of African and Afro-American Studies.

Bethel said he specifically hoped to correct what he called the media’s sensationalism of the scandal. “‘If you don’t read the newspaper, you’re uninformed.

If you read the newspaper, you’re misinformed,’ Mark Twain,” the first scene of the movie read.

The most revealing interview was with former UNC Chancellor James Moeser, who was at the helm of the University when the number of paper classes peaked. “AFAM was given a kind of pass because no one wanted to be seen as dealing harshly with the African, the African-American studies department — candidly,” Moeser said when asked why deans that had knowledge of irregular classes did not act.

“It was a corruption of our higher values. These were people who were trying to help other people — people who were mostly poor, mostly black, coming from very poor households — and trying to give them a leg up.”

Bridger, Lee and Deunta Williams, a former UNC football player, defended the rigor of the paper classes.

“Some of the topics these kids had to write about, they got more out of that than sitting in a math class or sitting in a history class,” Bridger said in the film.

Wainstein’s report found that the classes, which began in 1993 and ended in 2011, helped boost athletes’ and non-athletes’ GPAs and were favorably graded by former office administrator Deborah Crowder, a non-faculty member.

Bethel challenged the Wainstein report — and UNC administration’s response — throughout the film.

“University leaders seemed content to let those associated with athletics take the blame, and the news media quickly propagated this narrative,” one Bethel voice-over said.

Bethel asked why his two friends were found responsible of academic fraud by Wainstein but not the deans above them.

The film said Chancellor Carol Folt declined to be interviewed and former UNC-system President Tom Ross did not respond to a request for an interview.

UNC spokesperson Jim Gregory said the chancellor does not comment on personnel issues but provided Bethel with materials on personnel decisions stemming from the Wainstein report.

Many journalists who have reported on the UNC scandal either declined to be interviewed or were not allowed to do an interview by their news agencies, according to the film, including The (Raleigh) News & Observer’s Dan Kane, CNN’s Sara Ganim and HBO Real Sports’ Bernard Goldberg. Wainstein also declined to be interviewed for the film.

Bethel quit his job at the University last year to work on the project, which was crowdfunded and raised $50,000 in its first day. The film eventually raised more than $140,000. “Unverified” will be showing at Varsity Theatre today and Tuesday.
ESPN filed info request for Temporary Use Exemptions (TUE) for ADHD drugs at UNC.

Doc points out problem with UNC ADHD diagnoses: "thin"..concerned it's "inadequate", almost everyone got diagnosis.



UNC athletics: FB player kicked out of class? Punishment is extra conditioning. Then athletics blames academics...

FB player misses four classes @ UNC? One day of post-practice conditioning. Yet UNC FB claims serious @ academics.

I posted this one earlier...


Got analysis of the data presented from Pack Pride. Unbelievable. Oh yeah. unx values ACADEMICS over athletics. My azz...

"200 is the minimum score. 280 ranks you in percentile #2, meaning that 98 percent of the people taking the test did better than you did. For the optimist, it means that there are 2% out there that are even dumber than a UNC football player."

"You get 100 points for signing your name - how can anyone be successful in a true college curricular with this kind of background? And to make it worse, our taxes help support this fraud."
Did UNC ever investigate use of "online" courses (CCO) to maintain eligibility? Changed policy in 2014.

UNC FB - 40 infractions in one summer school week, yet athletics has gall to claim fraud was on academic side.

Crowder to UNC MBB's Wayne Walden & Huffstetler "it's up to you guys" on class choice. 10th AFAM for athlete.

B-Rad lyin' his azz off?!?!?! Say it ain't so...!!!!

Letter: N&O disputes claim of declined interview


Your article about the “Unverified” documentary reported The (Raleigh) News & Observer’s Dan Kane either declined to be interviewed or was not allowed to do so. Neither is true.

An N&O team of Dan Kane (reporter), Steve Riley (investigations editor) and I agreed to talk with Bradley Bethel and his team on the record for as long as they wished.

We only asked that Bethel agree to answer our questions on the record (once we had answered his questions). We wanted to question him about his blog posts and tweets. We also wanted to ask him questions about the documentary, including his funding and methods.

We did not agree to be interviewed on camera. We wanted to have a deep conversation, including being able to make reference to files, documents and spreadsheets.

Bethel declined our offer.

John Drescher

Executive editor

The (Raleigh) News & Observer

Brief response from the "Unverified" Twitter account...

"Fact is?!?!?" Lulz. "Fact is" B-Rad purposely neglected to mention Drescher's counter-offer. Lies of omission are still lies. "Unverified," indeed.
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