The Carolina Way VIII

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unx claimed to SACS that Wainstein found no evidence of fraud outside AFAM. Why? Only AFAM was investigated.


The term "fraud" was specifically used by SACS in its letter to unx. No question unx committed it.

About those "other options" unx had after AFAM fraud. "Stroman can be helpful","Drama department still functioning."


*Personal note: Feel free to discuss. Anyone wonder why unx hasn't already turned Deb Stroman into another another "Jan Boxill?" I have my own thoughts on it but would be interested to read anybody else's opinion on the matter.
One example why NCAA took "impermissible benefits" route. Classes had note-takers for athletes.

Inconsistency between what unx's Thorp said in 2011, vs. 2009 doc. Athletics continued fake classes after Crowder.

Stroman supported attacks on Smith, Willingham


"Kia Caldwell" sounds like a person of interest too.
unx still ran paper classes while under 1st investigation. Reminder for those who expect transparency from the "flagship"

Just a reminder why fewer unx documents mention MBB. Team had a separate "support" since 1980s. Doc from 1988.

Why NCAA used "special arrangements" language. It came from unx lexicon.

unx's status as a repeat violator was among the NOA's "aggravating factors".


unx case does not need to go before NCAA COI. It can go through summary disposition. Designed to streamline process.


Of course , to AVOID a meeting with the COI , both parties ( unx and the NCAA ) have to agree on both the violations committed AND the sanctions handed down. unx has yet to concede they did anything wrong. Can't imagine they'd agree to whatever sanctions are determined by the COI.
Does the NCAA have to file an amended NOA in unx case? No. It can just change pages without affecting timeline.



IOW , it's lookin' more an' more like unx isn't "waiting on an amended NOA" as Bubba said. Shocker.
Two misleading unx defenses: MBB, RW not named. Truth is, NOA named entire institution & singled out MBB, FB, WBB.

Fact-checking unx MBB coach Roy Williams. Docs contradict Williams. MBB coaches given daily updates on players.

Roy Williams book "Going Home Again" by Adam Lucas admits unx MBB players were "unprepared."

I've often wondered how that baseball program went from zero-to-sixty overnight...

Docs show unx baseball coach Mike Fox lied to Wainstein investig. Requested indep. study, was emailed @ paper classes.



Even unx defender Bethel admitted many special admits' preparedness "so low they cannot succeed here."


Admits the obvious too. Lulz...

"Recent ATHLETIC scandals..."
Re: UNC-CHEAT Scandal - When is judgment day?

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My contacts have been quiet since the anti-trust presentation to the COI in December. The last thing that I heard that was reliable was that UNC-CH was negotiating. It appears that "Athebeach" is hearing the same type of thing from a different set of sources. I am also hearing there is no amended NOA and the PTB at UNC-CH know this. The communication between UNC-CH and the NCAA is happening through outside counsel to minimize records available for review.

Bubba stated that he expects this to wrap up in the Spring of 2016. The only way that happens is the COI hears the case in the Dec meeting (could have happened, no reliable confirmation), the Feb COI or there is a negotiated settlement. Other than that there is no way a Spring 2016 timetable can be achieved.

Also, Bubba has been coached very well, he knows EXACTLY what he is saying and not saying. Bubba is not an idiot like their head basketball coach who continually contradicts himself.

As always , please take these re-posts ( even Manalishi's lol ) with a grain of salt. That said , this one fits pretty well with what's previously been posted here about unx , the COI , the NCAA etc. I feel pretty confident that Bubba's quotes about "waiting on an amended NOA" due to unx's "last minute" self-reported infractions , is pure PR. It's not always necessary for the NCAA to do that. They can just add the new info to what's already been reported. Speculation that unx is negotiating behind the scenes to save their azzes ain't hard to believe. What IS hard to believe is unx agreeing to a "negotiated settlement." First of all , both unx AND the COI would have to agree on the violations AND the sanctions for that to happen. I'm guessin' the CHeats don't do that unless it's another wrist slap....and if that's the case , I'm guessin' it would all be over by now...and it ain't. They're fully invested now. The millions in PR and lawyers , all the scapegoating and demonizing , B-Rad's opus etc. It's all a waste of time and money with anything less than a total exoneration. Anyway , Bubba's Spring '06 timetable looks less an' less likely given unx's willful deceit , intentional dishonesty , transparent delay tactics and inbred corruption.
Docs from unx's 4/30/2010 academic support conference: NCSU, Duke much better support for student athletes.



unx's own email refutes its "everybody does it defense." Huffstetler kept "under cover". Not like Kansas, MN.

why does this consume so much of your time? Is this fun for you? Just an honest question. Seems beyond tedious.

Why do you care? BTW , how often do you post on the unx site? I don't care but posting on an internet forum is posting on an internet forum. You just have a problem with WHAT I post. Pretty sure if I was here singing unx's praises , you wouldn't ask the same question. Back on topic...

Clear evidence athletics was involved in paper classes at unx. Emails with MBB, FB coaches/staff.



Interesting convo with ACC baseball writer...

BlueDevilicious ‏@BlueDevilicious

Might be interested in this @BFoley82. Relates to your 10/22/14 article in CBD about UNC Coach Mike Fox.


Brian Foley ‏@BFoley82

@BlueDevilicious pretty sure that was part of my basis of article

BlueDevilicious ‏@BlueDevilicious

@BFoley82 It was. Except for docs released since then indicate Mike Fox was not honest with Wainstein investigation.

Brian Foley ‏@BFoley82

@BlueDevilicious thanks I took a lot of heat for that and have been stripped from my #acc vote due to coaches complaining

WTF?! The baseball scribe was punished for doing his job. Here's the article...
Claim that fake AFAM courses at unx could have been run by 1 or 2 people fails basic critical reasoning test.

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Wainstein also pointed out that it was impossible for one prof to handle all unx AFAM fake classes. AND admin knew.


Wainstein's subtle way of spelling out Lack of Institutional Control so the NCAA can see it.


Wainstein's investigation specifically mentioned unx MBB and FB programs. Athletes steered to paper classes.

Wainstein report shows fact that Anson Dorrance is affiliated with any academic institution is deplorable.


When you hear unx coaches all say same thing, this is why: UNC hired PR firm to "unify" message.

It's a good thing the NCAA doesn't involve itself in "academic rigor" of certain unx courses. Because if they did...

unx fans often contend AFAM was only dept involved. Lulz. Paper classes outside AFAM? In "Ethics".

unx AD @BubbaUNC and @PaulPoggeUNC show how much they "care" for academics...

Looks another class for athletes. "Pass it on" says Boxill. Reminder, she was Chair of Ethics department.

NAVS 302 was a "crap course" according to unx prof..but no other departments investigated beyond AFAM.

53 unx football players were at-risk academically in Spring 2011. Over half the team. How did they stay eligible?

Clustering in Stroman's unx EXSS 89 class. All but 1 were athletes. No EXSS investigation yet.

unx's Robert Mercer admits the game: job was to ensure "degree completion", "eligibility". What @ education?

The one program/coach unx was willing to roll up and throw under the bus says , "It wasn't me!" Lulz...

UNC's Sylvia Hatchell: ‘There are no allegations’ against women’s basketball

Some say Hatchell’s program has been scapegoat but she sees no allegations

NCAA charged Jan Boxill, team’s former academic counselor, with misconduct

Hatchell down to seven scholarship players but she recently won her 700th game at UNC

Amid a long-running NCAA investigation at North Carolina some have surmised that the women’s basketball program has become a scapegoat – that the NCAA might more harshly penalize that program while going easier on other teams, including men’s basketball.

But Sylvia Hatchell, the UNC women’s basketball coach, doesn’t see it that way. Instead, she sees no allegations against her program, and on Wednesday during an appearance at the Raleigh Sports Club, she questioned why it would be subject to any NCAA-mandated sanctions.

“There are no allegations against the women’s basketball program,” Hatchell said during a brief session with reporters. “It’s against the academic counselors that were counseling the players. But there’s no allegations against any of the coaches or any recruiting or anything with the program.

So if there’s no allegations, how can there be penalties without allegations?”

The NCAA last May sent UNC a Notice of Allegations (NOA) that charges the university with five violations. One of the NCAA’s allegations is specifically against Jan Boxill, the former women’s basketball academic counselor.

NCAA investigators concluded that Boxill, who was also a philosophy instructor and the director of the university’s Parr Center for Ethics, “knowingly provided extra benefits in the form of impermissible academic assistance and special arrangements to women’s basketball student-athletes.”

Yet despite that allegation, Hatchell maintains there are no allegations against her program.

“The academic people handled everything,” Hatchell said. “I just happen to be the coach of the players. But I really don’t know anything else about it. But there were several sports involved.

“But I really don’t know anything else to say about it. But I just coach the team and I just trust that the right thing will be done and happen.”

There is no end in sight, though, to an NCAA investigation into the long-running scheme of bogus African Studies classes that over 18 years benefited a disproportionate number of athletes, many of them football and men’s and women’s basketball players. The case is still several months, at least, from going before the NCAA Committee on Infractions, which is the NCAA’s ruling body.

Before that happens UNC would need to receive an amended NOA, after which UNC would have another 90 days to respond to it. The university has been waiting to receive its amended NOA since August, when UNC provided more details of potential violations to the NCAA.

UNC submitted that new information four days before its response to the original NOA was due, after the university discovered additional evidence of improper academic assistance in women’s basketball. At the time Bubba Cunningham, the UNC athletic director, described the potential violations as “more of the same of what we’ve seen in the past.”

Hatchell on Wednesday described the investigation as “a total academic situation.” She said she hasn’t had any communication with Boxill, who no longer works at UNC, and Hatchell tried to distance herself and her assistant coaches from the case.

“The academic counselors are under the College of Arts of Sciences … they were advisers for our players,” Hatchell said. “And there’s no coaches involved or mentioned in there. But if you look at the allegations they’re academic. So that’s all I know, because we’ve had no involvement with it at all.”

Hatchell spoke for about 40 minutes in front of the Raleigh Sports Club and detailed her return to coaching after missing the 2013-14 season while undergoing treatment for leukemia. Her team’s 72-56 victory against Clemson on Sunday was her 700th victory at UNC.

This season has been among her most challenging, though. Amid the uncertainty surrounding the future of her program, several of her best players transferred after last season. Every member of the four-player 2013 recruiting class, regarded as the best in school history, has left the program.

The departures have left Hatchell with seven scholarship players. Yet her team has won 11 of its first 16 games, and she has remained optimistic amid the perception that her program is more likely than others to endure potentially crippling NCAA sanctions.

“The academic allegations were back (when) my players that I have now, they were 8 and 9, 10-years-old,” Hatchell said. “So most people have no clue about any of this stuff. I read the reports and I’m like, ‘That’s news to me.’

“And sometimes there’s people’s names that are mentioned that I don’t even know who they are. But again, I think everybody is just waiting to see and that’s all we can do.”
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