The Carolina Way VIII

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Fran Fraschilla@franfraschilla

@shage05 You will have a good argument if unc doesn't get hammered, but I suspect they will. Let's see.

Fran Fraschilla@franfraschilla

NCAA at True Value right now. RT @Dukefan_: @stlappas @franfraschilla what about unc then? Where is their "Hammer"

Fran Fraschilla ‏@franfraschilla

I'd say that, after today, unc Women's basketball program is in serious trouble.

Steve Lappas@stlappas

@Digetydog @franfraschilla when it's all said and done if what is being said is true then unc should get it too

Seth Greenberg‏@SethOnHoops

@jeffborzello @GoodmanESPN @franfraschilla better question is this a precursor for unc?

BTW , the next time some hole says ,"Men's basketball wasn't named in the NOA..."

The men’s basketball team appears to be tied to roughly 40 exhibits, judging by the academic support staff identified in them. Nearly all of the emails speak to athletes’ enrollments in AFAM classes and, in some cases, the grades they received.

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Geez Louise , I completely missed it in the bios for Hart and Stout. Stroman's? Lulz...


Hart earned a bachelor's degree in Physical Education, Health and Sport Science....


He graduated from North Carolina in 2010 with a bachelor's degree in exercise and sport science

A wise man, indeed
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Posted: Today 6:09 AM

Re: Cheaters gonna cheat (continuing the cheat thread)

I just spent some time with people that are quite knowledgeable about the unc machinations. Based on feedback from them I submit the following :

1 Roy Williams has not told recruits that unc basketball is in the clear nor has he told them they are going to be hammered. He minces words like the unc lawyers have instructed him. Most of the recruits know the possibility of the hammer and are wary of situation. Roy wants out but his loyalty to unc is keeping him in tow. unc is using Roy and have a plan in place to blame him if he becomes expendable...His contract will remain valid

2 The SMU situation is a game changer and has unc is a panic mode. The language behind closed doors would make gpack86 blush. It seems that Folt has now become fully aware of the severity of the cheating at unc and the SMU publicity has opened a whole new chapter of strategies for fighting/reducing the upcoming charges. The legal bill is just getting started and will be a waste of resources according some on the inside at unc. Even some of the insiders expect little mercy from the ncaa. There is a concern that Dean Smith might get tarnished by the ncaa. I think he will be spared.

3 unc insiders are convinced that PP has caused this scandal to stay in the public eye and feel that had this website not existed, the scandal would have died. Some have commented that the national political nominations had worked in unc's favor by soaking up press air time.

4 According to another source, the BOG is working hard on the Tom Ross replacement as well they should. It seems that there is insider fighting on the BOG as certain members have a candidate in mind for the job ahead of the due process required. There is a report on the BOG website about the expectations/requirements expected of the next system president. My mole source laughed and said a " unc partisian " was an unwritten requirement for the job.

5 How does one unc ram feel about SACS ? quote, " F sacs, they are a toothless old woman and don't even mention integrity, if SACS had any they would have been been on the ball long before now."

Enjoy the when you see a unc fan wearing the unc T shirt.
More from PP...

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Posted: Today 12:30 PM

Re: Cheaters gonna cheat (continuing the cheat thread)

Point, Great post as always, but I'm going to respectfully disagree with one portion of the information your sources are giving you feedback on:

Roy Williams is absolutely, positively telling these recruits that basketball is not going to get hit (as is Fedora re: Football). Otherwise we wouldn't be getting direct quotes on the subject and we certainly wouldn't be getting qualifiers like "100%" and "fully in the clear", etc. He is plain and simple just flat out lying to these kids just like everybody not associated with unc knows that he is.

The part about "mincing words" is what he is telling people back at carolina when they want to know why "Kids x, y and z" are all saying the same thing.

He's telling them that basketball is fully in the clear - when the truth is that even he knows they are going to get hammered.

A cheater is going to cheat - and in Roy's case a liar is going to lie.

No doubt in my mind about that.

A wise man, indeed
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Posted: Today 1:14 PM

Re: Cheaters gonna cheat (continuing the cheat thread) might be right as I have not been in the room with Roy or the recruit. My feedback is, of course, unc related. I do know for a fact that a current player on the unc team was told by his hs advisor that major trouble was coming for the basketball team. Now will Roy tell a recruit one thing and tell Bubba something else, I say time will tell.
unx alum Bob Lee. "Dean Smith Disciple..."

SMU Prez: “(unc) shaking in their boots.”

While giving the usual “we didn’t do nuthin’ wrong …. don’t penalize the kids …. blah blah yadda yadda” speech, SMU President Gerald Turner said:

“other schools facing penalties (unc) must be shaking in their boots” over severity of penalties that SMULarry Brown received…. for various malfeasances committed by Dean Smith Disciple – “Weepin’ Larry Brown.

Meanwhile Larry simply dug out his usual post-caught cheating speech he used after UCLA and Kansas…. the ones where he denies everything while crying and blubbers about “trying to help kids”.

Larry did add a fresh line this time…. “I don’t know why I lied” …. during his testimony to the NCAA.
Swofford talks about ACC prospects, unc problems

ACC in “great shape,” he tells Raleigh Sports Club

Takes questions on unc’s NCAA issues

Expresses concern about length of NCAA process

ACC commissioner and former unc athletic director John Swofford talks with News & Observer reporter Dan Kane on the NCAA investigation into athletic and academic issues at the University of North carolina. Swofford spoke to a weekly meeting of the Raleigh Sports Club in Raleigh, NC Wednesday, Sept. 30

In a 25-minute speech Wednesday, ACC Commissioner John Swofford gave a large audience attending the Raleigh Sports Club’s weekly luncheon an upbeat message about the league’s fortunes.

He spoke of the numerous championships ACC schools have won in football, men’s basketball and baseball among other sports in the last two years, the member schools’ high academic standards and the steps the NCAA and ACC are taking to help student athletes financially without compromising their amateur status.

“We’re in great shape,” he said. “I think if you are an ACC supporter of any of our schools, or the league, you can expect great things going forward, and I would expect nothing less.”

It wasn’t until the attendees started asking questions that Swofford had to talk about what one of them described as “the elephant in the room” – the academic scandal involving athletes at unc-Chapel Hill.

The NCAA has accused unc of five major allegations that include impermissible benefits and a lack of institutional control, but the case has yet to be heard by the NCAA’s infractions committee. The scandal involves 18 years of fake classes mostly created by a departmental manager who was not a professor and who handed out high grades if a paper was completed. Athletes made up roughly half of the 3,100 students enrolled in the classes.

Swofford took three scandal related questions from the attendees. One wanted to know what Swofford has said or done or wanted to say or do “that would have helped the resolution of the issues in a somewhat more responsible manner.”

His response was more along the lines of a concern about how long it takes the NCAA to complete infractions cases.

“The sheer length of these kinds of investigations become a severe sanction in themselves,” he said, adding that leaders of the five major conferences are talking about ways to revamp the process.

He was asked about the “one and done” path star college basketball players choose because they can’t be drafted out of high school. He said he favored the baseball model that allows high school students to sign with teams and to commit to three years if they choose to go to college.

But he admitted the infrastructure to move to that model isn’t in place, in part because the NBA and its players’ union have not signed on. That’s an issue with football, as well, because the NFL has no farm system.

The last question spoke to the low academic eligibility standards set by the NCAA. Why didn’t the ACC lead the way by setting higher standards?

“You are going to get into more North carolina messes if you don’t,” the questioner said.

Swofford the ACC did have an 800 SAT score minimum, but had to drop it under the threat of a lawsuit. He said ACC members likely wouldn’t set a higher standard to avoid being at a “competitive disadvantage” with the other major conferences.

Swofford was unc’s athletic director when the departmental manager, Deborah Crowder, began offering the classes in 1993, an investigation found, after academic support staff for athletes complained about independent studies that required meetings and progress reports on term papers. But he has said he knew nothing about the fake classes, which grew dramatically after he left to run the ACC in 1997.

In an interview after his appearance, Swofford could not say whether the facts of the unc case constituted academic misconduct. The NCAA did not allege academic misconduct, and has said in a related court case that member schools make the call whether courses are legitimate. Critics say that’s a loophole that could give schools a way to cheat without drawing NCAA action.

The NCAA is developing a proposal for member schools that would give it more say in determining academic misconduct. Swofford said he was aware of it but did not know the details.

As unc’s athletic director, Swofford had moved the Academic Support Program for Student-Athletes out from under the athletic department and over to the College of Arts and Sciences in the late 1980s. He said no specific incident prompted him to make the move; he just saw it as a better fit.

Swofford allowed the men’s basketball team to keep its academic support largely separate from the program, and it stayed that way until 2003, when Coach Roy Williams took over and brought in his academic support leader, Wayne Walden, from Kansas. Prior to that, Burgess McSwain, ran the men’s basketball tutoring. She was a close friend of Crowder’s, and records show men’s basketball players enrolled in the bogus classes early in the scandal.

“The idea was to transition it gradually,” Swofford said. He said he thought it was an effective program.

Swofford said he knew McSwain, who died in 2004, and saw nothing she had done in his time at unc that would have given him pause.

Bottom line. Swoff was there when the scam was in high gear. He knew exactly what was goin' on. Today he's whining about the length of the NCAA investigation process. Why? Because it's negatively impacting unx basketball recruiting. Did he say that? No. He won't. Ever. In complaining about the length of the process did he mention that unx has purposely drawn this out for the last 4+ years. Did he mention they did that...AGAIN!...just last month? No. He won't do that either. Ever. Once a tarhole scumbag always a tarhole scumbag.
Yesterday's decision did no favors for unx....

Court shuts down plan to pay athletes, says NCAA violates antitrust law

O'Bannon attorney Michael Hausfeld said he was "thrilled" with the decision and has no interest appealing to the Supreme Court. He noted that it was Wilken's idea to allow $5,000 per year to players, not O'Bannon's.

"I think this is an even worse position than the NCAA has been in," Hausfeld said. "Remember, the court did not strike down the unlawfulness of the regulation. They just said the relief wasn't necessarily a less-restrictive restraint. So is there other relief? Now they've opened it up to us to propose reforms of relief. This opinion shakes up the entirety of the relationship that the NCAA has had with the athletes. They can no longer exercise economic dominion over athletes’ values. it clearly underscores the responsibility of the schools and the association to make sure athletic participation does not diminish academic success."

Hausfeld is also the attorney in the Rashanda McCants lawsuit against the NCAA and North carolina over the academic fraud scandal at unc. Hausfeld said the O'Bannon ruling will help him in McCants.

"In McCants, the NCAA says they have no obligation to academics," Hausfeld said. "This court says that's your very reason for existing."
If ya haven't already , definitely click on the Kane/Swofford vid. 13 minutes of agony for the hole and he LOOKS like it. Lulz. Those pauses Dan takes between questions gotta seem like HOURS to Swoff. Excruciating to watch. Even unx alum Bob Lee notices it...

Dan Kane “Bravehearts” John Swofford: …. 13 minutes of Hell!

Oh My!! “That Damn Dan Kane” performs a journo-proctology exam on John Swofford ….. with a rusty razor blade and no anesthesia.

I can’t imagine that The ACC Commissioner has endured a more uncomfortable 13 minutes in his 65 years. Think William Wallace’s execution in Braveheart !!!!

As noted in our earlier post about John Swofford’s visit to the Raleigh Sports Club on Wednesday…. following his remarks, he spoke briefly with me…. then not so briefly with Dan Kane. Our minute or so chat was light hearted and pleasant. When I turned him over to “That Damn Dan” it got “a bit testy”

NOTE: I don’t know if this interview was pre-arranged or if it was “a gotcha”. If it was an “ambush”, John is certainly savvy enough to have begged out of it in any of various ways. To his credit, he did not. As you watch and listen it is easy to imagine John was wishing he was having root canal surgery… by a clumsy rookie dentist wearing oven mitts…. in the dark.
The first tweet is from Drake Group president Gerald Gurney. The others are just fans. Anyway , in looking for some background on Gurney , I ran across this from 2014. Lulz....

"When you bring your own academic counselor from Kansas and that counselor continued the sham for eligibility purposes, it is not believable that Roy Williams didn't know about it," Drake Group president Gerald Gurney told CBS Sports last week.

The Drake Group states on its website that its mission is to "defend academic integrity in higher education from the corrosive aspects of commercialized college sports."

To that end, Gurney told CBS, "I can assure you the depth and breadth and sheer numbers of affected athletes is in fact the largest and the most egregious case of academic fraud by far in NCAA history. I feel almost certain that this is an egregious case of lack of institutional control. If ever there was a case, this is it."

Gerald Gurney‏@GeraldGurney1

@dankanenando Swofford: The new Sgt. Schultz. I see nothing! I know nothing!

Robert Gibson‏@hootieUSC

@Wufwuf1 @dankanenando @ACC Swoff with the defensive drink sips

Wufwuf1 ‏@Wufwuf1

@dankanenando's interview with John Swofford @ACC Commissioner is amazing. … Swofford uncomfortably evades questions.

Wufwuf1 ‏@Wufwuf1

@uncMeme @dankanenando @ACC Man Swoff was staring daggers between his stammers.

Wufwuf1 ‏@Wufwuf1

@uncMeme @dankanenando @ACC One thing clear in that interview, Swoff represents unc not @ACC. If not run by him, the @ACC would be engaged.

Wufwuf1 ‏@Wufwuf1

@uncMeme @dankanenando @ACC He accompanied #unc when they went to the @NCAA, yet he knew nothing? He was AD yet everything was not his job.
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If ya haven't already , definitely click on the Kane/Swofford vid. 13 minutes of agony for the hole and he LOOKS like it. Lulz. Those pauses Dan takes between questions gotta seem like HOURS to Swoff. Excruciating to watch. Even unx alum Bob Lee notices it...

Dan Kane “Bravehearts” John Swofford: …. 13 minutes of Hell!

Oh My!! “That Damn Dan Kane” performs a journo-proctology exam on John Swofford ….. with a rusty razor blade and no anesthesia.

I can’t imagine that The ACC Commissioner has endured a more uncomfortable 13 minutes in his 65 years. Think William Wallace’s execution in Braveheart !!!!

As noted in our earlier post about John Swofford’s visit to the Raleigh Sports Club on Wednesday…. following his remarks, he spoke briefly with me…. then not so briefly with Dan Kane. Our minute or so chat was light hearted and pleasant. When I turned him over to “That Damn Dan” it got “a bit testy”

NOTE: I don’t know if this interview was pre-arranged or if it was “a gotcha”. If it was an “ambush”, John is certainly savvy enough to have begged out of it in any of various ways. To his credit, he did not. As you watch and listen it is easy to imagine John was wishing he was having root canal surgery… by a clumsy rookie dentist wearing oven mitts…. in the dark.
It's amazing how much he dances around obvious answers.
It's amazing how much he dances around obvious answers.

I know for a fact Kane is lookin' into Swoff's role in all this...has been...for quite awhile. Reckon unx will scapegoat him too if necessary? That said , I wish a reporter could indict Provost Dean. He's a fire-breathing "carolina way" azzwipe. The way he went after Mary was an attack dog. Why? For telling the truth. He must have box seats. I can't get past the paywall for this next story but the first few words tell ya all ya need to know about "Provost Dean" and where his priorities lie. He really is one vile SOB. Seriously...

unc provost: ‘Progress’ seen on paper-classes scandal

unc faculty are still in a “sort of a post-traumatic situation” regarding the school’s paper-classes scandal, but for the most part “are happy to see progress being made” in recovering from it, Provost Jim Dean told campus trustees Wednesday.

But “not everyone really seems to want to get past it,” he added, taking what seemed like a not-so-veiled shot at a faction of professors who’ve argued unc needs to do far more to prevent a recurrence of the academic fraud that benefited its major sports programs.
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Dean’s comment, made to the Board of Trustees’ university affairs committee, came as he concluded a report on athletics the unc system requires administrators to give trustees each year.

It also came less than a week after unc-Chapel Hill’s Faculty Council, in two lopsided votes, shot down or deflected proposals from an informal group of professors want a more aggressive response to a scandal that’s jeopardized the school’s accreditation.

Submitted by history professor Jay Smith, one of the proposals would have restructured the Faculty Athletics Committee, by specifying that professors from the College of Arts and Sciences should hold a majority of its seats.

The college, Smith and his allies argue, houses the academic programs that are most popular with athletes, particularly those who are “academically troubled.”

Faculty elections in recent years have handed a majority of the seats to professors from unc’s professional schools.

A majority on the council agreed, however, that the professional schools are deeply involved in teaching undergraduates. Dean’s report indirectly backed that up, noting that two of the five most popular majors among athletes at unc are based in the Kenan-Flagler Business School and the School of Media and Journalism.

The other proposal would’ve sidelined the Faculty Athletics Committee entirely from an upcoming discussion on how unc should react, in defense of academics, to prospective changes to the business of college sports.
But a majority of the council agreed on the need for debate, but kept Faculty Athletics Committee in charge of organizing it.

The field “is moving so fast now [that it’s ] the time for continued discussion, not necessarily immediate votes by the faculty,” math professor Peter Mucha, acting chairman of the Faculty Council, told trustees.

Mucha alluded to a federal appeals court decision, announced Wednesday, that dealt with the NCAA’s ability to limit the compensation of college athletes.

The paper classes scandal involved a secretary in unc’s African-American studies department orchestrating a scheme where athletes and other student received easy grades on papers she graded, receiving credit for what were ostensibly lecture classes.

The affair prompted unc’s accreditor, the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges, to put it on a year’s probation. The move gives unc that long to prove to the group it’s reformed its procedures sufficiently to prevent a recurrence of the scandal.
Tim Sullivan‏@TimSullivan714

When #NCAA punishes schools for cheating, readers ask "What about North carolina?" Answer: unc appears before infractions committee Oct. 28.

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I have told of my experiences of academic fraud and have been met with resistance every step of the way. At first, and for many years, my bosses, administrators and the NCAA ignored me. I confronted hate mail, death threats and even a provost’s public denunciation, but my stories have been verified and corroborated by several investigations including one by a well know DC attorney, Kenneth Wainstein – and from the thousands of emails that I have received from colleagues all across the country.

At unc-CH, this system reminds me of segregation. Separate, but not equal. The profit-sport athletes spend at least twice as much time in their sport than they do in class or studying.

They do not have access to all 78 majors at unc-CH. Three-quarters of unc’s football and basketball players cluster in two or three majors. Their educational experience always takes a back seat to their sport.

17 regular players had an overall cumulative grade point average of 2.3[v]

They accumulated 10 semesters of academic probation (below a 2.0)

Together they had 29 F’s and 53 D’s on their unofficial transcripts

Together they took a total of 48 drama classes even though not a single athlete among them majors in drama; this happens because scholarship athletes in the profit sports are funneled to all of the easiest classes available.

One football player was artistically gifted and wanted to teach art and another wanted to coach middle school football back in his hometown. Their athletic schedules, their need for intensive academic support, the prohibitive costs of an art major, and the high GPA requirements of the School of Education did not allow for either of these pursuits. Another athlete wanted to study non-profits (real non profit organizations) and someday build a YMCA in one of NC’s poorest counties but the business school gpa requirements were out of reach. Another aspired to be a school counselor so that he could intervene when, as had been his experience, a 5th grade teacher tells a young child that he will never learn to read or write. This was also impossible because of his busy basketball schedule.[viii] Instead, all these players majored in AFAM, where paper classes made their lives easier but gave them little of real educational value. did the NCAA look away from the unc academic fraud case? I spoke up publically in the fall of 2012, but I never heard from the NCAA until they opened their 2nd investigation. They did not want to know the truth; they certainly didn’t want the truth exposed. They have since decided to call our paper class system an impermissible benefit.
"Haterade" , B-Rad style. Lol...

Coaching the Mind ‏@BethelLearning

Don't bother reading Mary Willingham's congressional testimony. Just know it contains her typical embellishment and--again--violates FERPA.

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The carolina way. Taints everything it touches. unx alum Bob Lee...

But for sheer IRONY….. Nothing can beat The Leslie Strohm Connection. Leslie Strohm was unc’s Chief Counsel a/k/a “The University Lawyer” when Marvin tweeted back in the Spring of 2009. Insiders “credit Leslie The Lawyer” for much of the really really dumb covering-up and delay tactics that have come to symbolize The Great Unpleasantness. I am sure Leslie has her supporters around Chapel Hill as do Deborah Crowder, “Mother” Burgess, Fidel Castro, and Saul Alinsky; but I have yet to meet one. I’ve have also yet to meet Fidel or Saul.

No one asked Leslie to reconsider when she announced her resignation (wink, wink) in Nov 2014. She resigned to become Chief Counsel for The University of Louisville. 1-2-3 Yeeee Haa!
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Another pathetic tarhole fan logs onto Twitter in "must-defend" mode. I wonder how many other abc'ers he'll add to this list? "Obsession," unx-style. Lol...

Cheating Red Wolf ‏@CheatingRedWolf

hello @DevilDJ32

Cheating Red Wolf ‏@CheatingRedWolf

hello @cheatingblueram
Just noticed something about the "CheatingRedWolf" account. Look at his followers. Fire-breathing scandal-deniers all of 'em...including B-Rad. And he just started posting TODAY. Another of his followers is Randall Kerr. Kerr's account features this...

Investigative producer


This got my attention because awhile back I received this from Kerr...


Randall Kerr at WRAL-TV. I'm intrigued by your post. We're working on some new things involving the scandal and how it may be bigger than thought in relation to basketball players. You have any insight you share- anonymously if needed? (919) 302-2287

This was 3 years ago. Kerr , from what I can tell , is a hole. And WRAL would sooner investigate themselves as crawl unx's azz. At the time , I believe he was less interested in finding dirt on Roy as he was in finding personal info on me. Holes. Go figure. Lulz
Opinion: After Scandal, unc Needs Sweeping Changes

I bristled when reading the words of unc Provost Jim Dean ("unc Provost: "Progress" seen on paper-classes scandal," Oct. 1). When referring to unc's athletic/academic scandal, the provost said "not everyone really seems to want to get past it."

Speaking as a proud unc graduate ('71) and after reading "Cheated: The unc Scandal, the Education of Athletes, and the Future of Big-Time College Sports," I do not want to "get past it" until sweeping changes occur.

Why sweeping changes? Because unc now stands at the forefront of college athletic/academic scandals. For 18 years, unc housed a program that cheated many athletes of their promised educations by creating a scheme whereby athletes were placed in courses with little or no content. All this, while a number of administrators, athletic officials and faculty looked the other way.

If it were not for professor Jay Smith, whistleblower Mary Willingham and others, this exploitation of athletes may not have come to light. For the provost to urge people to "get past it" is the same threat that Smith and Willingham faced when first examining the true extent of the scandal.

I would like for my unc to take a lead in both recognizing the causes/extent of the scandal and setting a national example with solutions that guarantee student-athletes their right to a true university education.

unc's motto is "Lux, Libertas" (light, liberty). "Light" is not an administrator's push to "get past" issues that still sorely trouble my university.

John E. Chase

Cheating Blue Ram ‏@CheatingBlueRam

UNVERIFIED is one way of describing Bradley's list of contributors to his movie. Jim Goodnight? Chuck Willingham?

Cheating Blue Ram ‏@CheatingBlueRam

Seems Bradley is still publishing unverified information, which is exactly what he has accused the N&O, CNN and others of doing.

Some interesting names among the "unverified" ones. Perrin , Kleissler...
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B-Rad says Mary violated FERPA ( she didn't ) , said Mary was unethical ( she wasn't ) and claimed all schools have the same policy re: accessing records ( they don't. ) So , basically ,he's pizzed about the same thing all unx fans are pizzed about. She exposed unx's scam. This convo neatly distills that fact...

Coaching the Mind ‏@BethelLearning

Don't bother reading Mary Willingham's congressional testimony. Just know it contains her typical embellishment and--again--violates FERPA.

Cheating Blue Ram ‏@CheatingBlueRam

@BethelLearning Can you elaborate? How was FERPA violated? Individual students weren't identified and only summarized info presented.

Coaching the Mind ‏@BethelLearning

@CheatingBlueRam See my first blog entry: …. Simply accessing the transcripts was a violation of privacy.

Cheating Blue Ram ‏@CheatingBlueRam

@BethelLearning Lots of people access transcripts for a variety of reporting reasons. Veteran Affairs, Academic Advising, Scholarship Awards

Coaching the Mind ‏@BethelLearning

@CheatingBlueRam MW didn't have athletes' permission nor did her job require her to keep or access athletes' records after she left ASPSA. That Willngham stole athletes' private information is indisputable.

Cheating Blue Ram ‏@CheatingBlueRam

@BethelLearning If indisputable, why has no one pursued a case against her? Is it because FERPA law is unclear and untested?

Coaching the Mind ‏@BethelLearning

@CheatingBlueRam Nothing unclear about prohibition against accessing and keeping records of students unrelated to one's current job.

Cheating Blue Ram ‏@CheatingBlueRam

@BethelLearning Academic records annotated with advising notes are public records and cannot be destroyed.

Coaching the Mind ‏@BethelLearning

@CheatingBlueRam (1) I'm talking about transcripts. (2) MW accessed--and stole--transcripts from before and after she worked in ASPSA.

Cheating Blue Ram ‏@CheatingBlueRam

@BethelLearning If she didn't need access, why did she have it?

Coaching the Mind ‏@BethelLearning

@CheatingBlueRam One database with all student records. But all advisor-type employees sign agreement to only access records related to job.

Cheating Blue Ram ‏@CheatingBlueRam

@BethelLearning Hard to believe there is an all or none strategy for access to student records.

Coaching the Mind ‏@BethelLearning

@CheatingBlueRam That is how nearly every University operates. Advisors have access to all but agree only to access records related to job.

Cheating Blue Ram ‏@CheatingBlueRam

@BethelLearning So you had access to everyone's records as well, correct?

Coaching the Mind ‏@BethelLearning

@CheatingBlueRam Yes, and, unlike Willingham, I only accessed records related to my job.

Cheating Blue Ram ‏@CheatingBlueRam

@BethelLearning Explain to all of our followers why exactly as an ASPSA employee you needed access to
non-athletes' records

Coaching the Mind ‏@BethelLearning

@CheatingBlueRam Again, as is the case at nearly every college, there is one database; employees agree only access records related to job.

Cheating Blue Ram ‏@CheatingBlueRam

@BethelLearning Not true. Many universities you can only see the students in your "realm."

Coaching the Mind ‏@BethelLearning

@CheatingBlueRam I don't think that's true, but if it is, unc does need to catch up. MW still agreed not to go outside realm but did anyway.

B. Martin@yibyabby

@BethelLearning @CheatingBlueRam Dialogue presents a good illustration of how FERPA violation rests on institution, not individual. If MW shouldn't have accessed records, but was able to and did, FERPA puts that onus on the institution.

Coaching the Mind ‏@BethelLearning

@yibyabby @CheatingBlueRam In other words, the legal onus is on the institution, and the ethical onus is on the employee.

B. Martin ‏@yibyabby

@BethelLearning @CheatingBlueRam FERPA is a legal instrument. But if we're talking ethics, then how the abuse of FERPA?

Coaching the Mind ‏@BethelLearning

@yibyabby @CheatingBlueRam Employees, as agents of University, must agree to comply with FERPA. Thus, both an ethical and legal obligation.

B. Martin ‏@yibyabby

@BethelLearning What legal obligation does the employee have to FERPA? The legal obligation is the institution's. What I'm hoping to convey to you is if you are truly a privacy advocate, don't cite FERPA. It doesn't protect the student …… and institutions abuse it to avoid release of info never meant to be FERPA-protected. For all the "fear" of FERPA……there's never been a single penalty imposed for FERPA violation. Stand up for ethics and privacy, but don't cite FERPA.

Cheating Blue Ram ‏@CheatingBlueRam

@yibyabby @BethelLearning As I said about 9 hours ago, "FERPA law is unclear and untested"

B. Martin ‏@yibyabby

@CheatingBlueRam @BethelLearning More like it doesn't functionally protect privacy and it's exploited by institutions. It's fatally flawed.

Coaching the Mind ‏@BethelLearning

@yibyabby @CheatingBlueRam Non sequitur, B.

B. Martin ‏@yibyabby

@BethelLearning @CheatingBlueRam Do I need to string my Tweets together for you to see how it follows? I feel like I'm being repetitive.

Coaching the Mind ‏@BethelLearning

@yibyabby @CheatingBlueRam No.

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Posted: Today 9:23 PM

Re: Cheaters gonna cheat (continuing the cheat thread)

From what I am hearing, Roy will not be punished with a show cause. There is an outside chance (less than 25%) that he would face some type of suspension. The focus of the NCAA is punishing the programs that are called out in the NOA and that includes MBB and Men's Football. The COI will be the ultimate arbiter but NCAA staff influence the COI heavily.

As I have said before everything the NCAA is doing is framed by its litigation problems. UNC-CH has put them in a very unique position where they are a named defendant in a lawsuit that involves the same set of facts they are investigating and will pass judgement in 2016.

From everything I am hearing from Indy UNC-CH will be hit hard to set an example and as attempt to mitigate damages in their lawsuits. As the O'Bannon 9th circuit appeals judgement shows, the Courts are only willing to give the NCAA some slack on payments due to the fact that the athlete is a student first and foremost. If the NCAA does not hit UNC-CH hard Kessler will use that against the NCAA in the Jenkins case. If the NCAA loses Kessler will then argue on appeal (to the same Court that upheld O'Bannon but showed some sympathy to the NCAA on the student front) that the NCAA does not care about protecting academics as evidenced by their lack of punishment in the UNC-CH case. With the student-first argument gone the NCAA is exposed to effective elimination by the Court.
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North Island = military base in San Diego
hotwash = postop debriefing/evaluation
PF = pucker factor

PP HOF - SpecOps
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Posted: Today 3:45 AM

Re: Cheaters gonna cheat (continuing the cheat thread)

Getting ready to take a short hop to North Island for a hotwash. Not the most favorable way to spend a weekend.

I will try and post an update at some point next week.
A lot has been going on, and none of it is good for unc.
The PF is getting high over there...
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Posted: Today 10:26 AM

Re: Cheaters gonna cheat (continuing the cheat thread)

For cheat hole lurkers, if you are buying the the' PR spin,"not specifically mentioned in the NOA" I suggest you look for something else to buy.

Is Wayne Walden charged in an allegation in the NOA? No. Is he specifically mentioned in the NOA? YES! Did Wayne Walden report directly to Roy boy? Yes. I'm sorry ******* cheat holes but when his name is printed out in the NOA document numerous times as "Wayne Walden" then he, as Wayne Walden, IS specifically mentioned.

Also, how they love to say MBB and FB are not specifically mentioned in the NOA which is pure BS, they ARE specifically mentioned in the NOA and it is in allegation #5.

Case No. 00231
May 20, 2015
Page No. 49
The AFRI/AFAM department created anomalous courses that unchecked for 18 years. This allowed individuals within ASPSA to use these courses through special arrangements to maintain the eligibility of academically at-risk student-athletes, particularly in the sports of football, men's basketball and women's basketball.

I could be wrong but to me that is a specific mention. And also for you cheat hole lurkers the NCAA doesn't give a damn that other non-athletes were involved so they can take that lame *** excuse and flush it.

"Although the general student body also had access to the anomalous AFRI/AFAM courses, student-athletes received preferential access to these anomalous courses, enrolled in these anomalous courses at a disproportionate rate to that of the general student body and received other impermissible benefits not available to the general student body in connection with these courses."

They are going to get hammered.
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Posted: Today 10:26 AM

Re: Cheaters gonna cheat (continuing the cheat thread)

For cheat hole lurkers, if you are buying the the' PR spin,"not specifically mentioned in the NOA" I suggest you look for something else to buy.

Is Wayne Walden charged in an allegation in the NOA? No. Is he specifically mentioned in the NOA? YES! Did Wayne Walden report directly to Roy boy? Yes. I'm sorry ******* cheat holes but when his name is printed out in the NOA document numerous times as "Wayne Walden" then he, as Wayne Walden, IS specifically mentioned.

Also, how they love to say MBB and FB are not specifically mentioned in the NOA which is pure BS, they ARE specifically mentioned in the NOA and it is in allegation #5.

Case No. 00231
May 20, 2015
Page No. 49
The AFRI/AFAM department created anomalous courses that unchecked for 18 years. This allowed individuals within ASPSA to use these courses through special arrangements to maintain the eligibility of academically at-risk student-athletes, particularly in the sports of football, men's basketball and women's basketball.

I could be wrong but to me that is a specific mention. And also for you cheat hole lurkers the NCAA doesn't give a damn that other non-athletes were involved so they can take that lame *** excuse and flush it.

"Although the general student body also had access to the anomalous AFRI/AFAM courses, student-athletes received preferential access to these anomalous courses, enrolled in these anomalous courses at a disproportionate rate to that of the general student body and received other impermissible benefits not available to the general student body in connection with these courses."

They are going to get hammered.

Good stuff! I know they'll not get hammered as bad as they should, but I have to believe it's going to be much more serious than the Tar Heel faithful think it will be. If this exact same scenario was going on with Duke University they would be hollerin' with every breath that Duke should get the death penalty. The hypocrisy is strong within them.

Greg Sankey will have the most influence on college hoops this season

At some point in the next few months he and his crew will start to figure out what in the world to do with the University of North carolina.

That will all seem like a pillow fight when the committee finally rules on North carolina.

This is easily the biggest case for the COI in recent memory, perhaps the biggest in its history.

It is not just the scope of the allegations, involving more than 1,000 athletes and dating back nearly two decades. It's what is being alleged and against whom.

This is about North carolina, the carolina Way

The charges call out for a hammer

That makes the due date for all of this a bit fluid, and also will make the Tar Heels' season feel like a sort of mad dash for completion. Can the Tar Heels outrun the competition, as well as the NCAA ruling,

But you can't elude the long arm of the law for long, and eventually, Sankey and his committee will have to do the dirty work, namely figure out how North carolina will pay for its transgressions.
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