The Carolina Way VIII

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Ok , fess up. Which one of you guys is "Frank Taylor?" This has to be a parody , right? Right...?

Consider unc woes in broader context

The University of North carolina at Chapel Hill is the oldest state university in the land. It remains in the top tier of public colleges in American academics.

Its athletics aren’t bad either.

Tar Heel basketball is legendary, thanks to Hall of Fame coaches Dean Smith and Roy Williams, who have consistently recruited talented athletes with excellent work ethics, on-the-court brilliance and off-the-court amicability.

Many have become leaders in their own right, long after their playing days have ended. Michael Jordan. Larry Brown. Brad Daugherty. Jeff Lebo. Kenny Smith. Buzz Peterson. Joe Wolf. And that’s just the start of a great list of names, many of whom credit their unc coaches for preparing them to be successful.

Tar Heel football hasn’t piled up championships, but it’s a competitive program that consistently produces excellence — as seen in the careers of NFL players such as Kelvin Bryant, Lawrence Taylor and Julius Peppers.

While less well-marketed, fans know that other Tar Heel sports, especially women’s soccer and baseball, are among the nation’s strongest programs.

As as happened with many schools boasting high-profile sports teams, unc has landed under the spotlight for misconduct. Some faculty were offering dubious classes and some athletes — along with a lot of other students — were taking advantage.

Despite some outrageous claims from disgruntled former basketball player Rashad McCants, the evidence has generally cleared the marqee sports programs and pointed to issues elsewhere.

The most recent update last week was more of the same, with former members the women’s basketball and men’s soccer teams possibly involved in additional incidents of academic misconduct.

Because of these problems, the NCAA may impose penalties.

Those who dislike unc because of rivalries or think its legacy has led to arrogance have been eager to laugh at unc’s woes.

Certainly carolina must answer for mistakes that have been made. But let’s put the brakes on for a minute and zoom the lens back a bit to look at the big picture.

Once the first whiff of scandal surfaced several years ago, the university has been diligent in policing itself. Other shoes keep dropping, but the independent investigator unc commissioned to probe its own programs is the one who keeps dropping them.

And this is an academics scandal that has tainted athletics. The questionable classes were created by faculty working outside of the athletics programs and without knowledge of sports staff, even if these faculty members’ intent was partially to help athletes who might be struggling with grades.

Pull the lens further back to take in, not just Chapel Hill, but the entire American university system, as well as the full range of collegiate athletics. Certainly there have been many other athletics scandals, some involving academics. But what other school ever engaged in this degree of self-policing?

Let’s word that question differently: What other major college athletics program in America could survive this level of scrutiny?

Here’s what unc could do for American collegiate athletics. Offer the know-how and experience of the team that’s investigating in Chapel Hill to every other major sports school, from Durham to Raleigh to Atlanta to Tallahassee to Miami. But don’t stop with fellow ACC schools.

Offer those services where they are most desparately needed: To every school in the Southeastern Conference. Conduct an independent investigation and see what turns up.

Now, maybe I’m wrong in my perception of the SEC. Maybe some or even most of those schools would come out clean. But we won’t know without looking.

The supporters of any school that’s not willing to pick up this challenge don’t have room to be critical of unc.

Now let’s turn the spotlight elsewhere entirely. Because this problem in academics and athletics doesn’t begin in college.

When are we going to hold elementary, middle and high school educators and idiot-infested school boards accountable for routinely passing along and graduating kids who have never learned the basics they will need to succeed in life, whether they are star athletics or not?

Every child should be able to read and do basic math before leaving first grade. If we have athletes or anyone else graduating from high school or college without those abilities, the system failed them a long time ago.

unc has embraced accountibility for its own mistakes. How about everyone else?

Hits all the talking points too...

"Academics NOT athletics"

"Everyone does it"

"We've investigated ourselves"

"We're uncovering the dirt"

"Rashad is a liar"

"Football and men's basketball are innocent"

"The SEC is way dirtier than we are"

"Haters gonna hate"

"Systemic problem not ours"

Great stuff. Hilarious. Surprised he could type with his head wedged that firmly up his arse. An accomplishment in itself. Hang a banner.
OADD....if ya ever start a Twitter account simply to display your work , you'd be an instant celeb. These are my "Notifications" specifically related to your Sylvia/bus gif. Most sent to me within the last 24 hours. You'll notice I gave ya full credit. You're welcome. lol......

BDevilU and 15 others retweeted you

16h: Thread on the @PackPride forums re: this gif. Created by "Old As Dirt Devil" on the @DevilsIllust message board.

BDevilU and 15 others favorited your Tweet

16h: Thread on the @PackPride forums re: this gif. Created by "Old As Dirt Devil" on the @DevilsIllust message board.

UNC Meme favorited a Tweet you were mentioned in

3h: @DevilDJ32 @PackPride @DevilsIllust Sweet Jesus. lolol

Tom Allen ‏@LakeJames2 now2 hours ago

@DevilDJ32 @stickwolf @PackPride @DevilsIllust LMAO!!!

LEROY CORSO favorited a Tweet you were mentioned in

16h: @DevilDJ32 @FoxSportsJR @DevilsIllust @LEROY_CORSO We aim to please...and piss-off...

LEROY CORSO, UNC Meme and Jonathan Reynolds favorited your Tweet

16h: @FoxSportsJR Hilarious ( and true! ) Compliments of "OldAsDirtDevil" on the @DevilsIllust forums. He , @UNCMeme & @LEROY_CORSO best in biz.

SirWallyOfRaleigh and 3 others retweeted you

16h: Thread on the @PackPride forums re: this gif. Created by "Old As Dirt Devil" on the @DevilsIllust message board.
SirWallyOfRaleigh Preston Moser Richard Wilson J. Pack

SirWallyOfRaleigh, Steven Snow and Zorro Volador favorited your Tweet

16h: Thread on the @PackPride forums re: this gif. Created by "Old As Dirt Devil" on the @DevilsIllust message board.

Jonathan Reynolds ‏@FoxSportsJR now16 hours ago

@UNCMeme @DevilDJ32 @DevilsIllust @LEROY_CORSO Well done.

UNC Meme and Jonathan Reynolds favorited your Tweet

16h: @FoxSportsJR Hilarious ( and true! ) Compliments of "OldAsDirtDevil" on the @DevilsIllust forums. He , @UNCMeme & @LEROY_CORSO best in biz.
UNC Meme Jonathan Reynolds

Hahahaha.. that's pretty cool so many people enjoyed that little gif! DevilDJ with you, and PackPride doing all the heavy work, I'm just glad that I can contribute in some small way by making a few pics.

I doubt I'll be making a Twitter account (don't have Facebook either). I think it's cool, but I have to be careful how I allot my free time (don't have much)...and posting on here, plus making pics takes a good deal of it (but I enjoy the heck out of it).

I appreciate all the credit you've given me, and I'll have to say it warms an old man's heart.:) You know you'll always have full access to anything I make, and to use it anyway you see fit. So, if you like something, you're always welcome to it.

Okay, I've been staring at my crystal ball, and I've caught a glimpse of the future. B-rad and his UNC documentary is going to play to a full house. State of the art projection expense spared. Don't know what he's going to do with all the money from the ticket receipts. Maybe he'll buy a pair of shoes from himself.


Okay, I've been staring at my crystal ball, and I've caught a glimpse of the future. B-rad and his UNC documentary is going to play to a full house. State of the art projection expense spared. Don't know what he's going to do with all the money from the ticket receipts. Maybe he'll buy a pair of shoes from himself.

"I'm ready for my close-up , Mr. DeMille."
Former unx jock Wes Patterson. OLine 2007-2011 in full-on must-defend mode...

Frattisimo ‏@FootbawFrat

Interesting words on @CheatingBlueRam from @BradleyBethel. Does make you wonder who's in charge of that account.

unc Meme ‏@uncMeme

@FootbawFrat @CheatingBlueRam @BradleyBethel Did it make you wonder when Willingham & Smith were getting threats?

Frattisimo ‏@FootbawFrat

@uncMeme @BradleyBethel So successful attempts to discredit JS and MW are now considered "threats?"

Cheating Blue Ram ‏@CheatingBlueRam

@FootbawFrat @uncMeme Discredited? Are you serious Wes? The confirmation of their story is SACS probation and 5 level 1 NCAA allegations.

unc Meme ‏@uncMeme

@FootbawFrat @BradleyBethel Keep your head in the sand....

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unx alum Bob Lee...

The Politics of unc’s Great Unpleasantness

So it stands to reason Politics is embedded in The Scheme – The Scandal – The Glorious Mess That Has Dominated Life As We Know It for over five years.

The basics of The Scheme could be viewed as quintessential Affirmative Action for AfAm Student-Athletes.

It can be argued that a considerable % of TruBlues have been reluctant to “mea culpa” on behalf of their teams thus far. Certainly unc’s current Hall of Fame Men’s Basketball Coach has yet to do so.

Roy’s insights beyond basketball and golf and his family are likely very limited to be generous. OK, he’s expert at “clustering” and “junk”. Neither of which are “partisan” issues.

What of the deep-pocketed, bragging-rights-obsessed Fat Cats who are filling the War Chest to fight the NCAA? Wall Street hedge-fund robber barons tend to “buy access to power” wherever it appears.
Another Bob Lee...

“BOG Bad Boy” Marty Kotis makes news AGAIN!

He is a fierce critic of his alma mater, unc-Chapel Hill, for abetting an academic scandal that nationally disgraced the university.

“They think they’re helping,” he said of faculty and administrators who created bogus classes that enrolled large numbers of athletes. “But you’re not helping anybody if you give them a piece of paper, but not an education.”



Marty has been outspoken re: his TGU concerns and that outspoken has drawn “rebukes” from within the BOG. For him to go directly/personally to Swofford as a sitting BOG member would be highly rebukable.


I’ve spoken up about the unc scandal many times in public meetings, closed meetings, communications and requests for information. The powerpoint slides about the classes that demonstrated staff knowledge were unconscionable. One of my first requests when joining the board in 2013 was that we launch an independent investigation (this was pre-Wainstein).

It’s important to root out the problems so that we can 1) protect the reputation of those that earned their degrees, 2) ensure a level playing field and maintain honor, and 3) most importantly – provide the athletes the education they deserve and hold up our end of the bargain with them.

Still not sure where Kotis stands. He certainly blames academics. The athletics "side?" He didn't say...
"I'm ready for my close-up , Mr. DeMille."

Hahaha! I think Bethel is about as obsessive (and as popular) as Norma Desmond was in her decline. He certainly sees himself as a star, or perhaps a savior of men's basketball. Don't think his mockumentary is going to change anyone's minds...just preaching to the choir.

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Hahaha! I think Bethel is about as obsessive (and as popular) as Norma Desmond was in her decline. He certainly sees himself as a star, or perhaps a savior of men's basketball. Don't think his mockumentary is going to change anyone's minds...just preaching to the choir.

Through the grapevine...unx would prefer he stfu. However , since he's now a shoe salesman , he's being propped up by the big $ athletic interests on the BOT. And as we've all seen over the course of the last 4+ years , athletic interests run that university. Another reason why unx should get nuked back to the Stone Age. Stripping banners coupled with crippling post-season bans and scholarship reductions are the only things that unx would understand. Otherwise , they'll just continue cheating. Business as usual.
A double standard at unc-CH over contracts for Williams and Hatchell

The University of North carolina at Chapel Hill is already facing enough allegations in its academic and athletic fraud scandal to make it one of the broadest sets of charges against an athletic program in NCAA history. Somehow, however, the university’s leadership has found a way to add an entirely new allegation to the mess – sexism.

That charge arises from the treatment of head women’s basketball coach Sylvia Hatchell. She and the head coach of the men’s basketball team, Roy Williams, both had contracts that ran through 2018. And both had players deeply involved in the bogus classes that moved the NCAA to level five major allegations against the university.

Williams’ contract was recently renewed through 2020 and included glowing praise from unc Athletic Director Bubba Cunningham. “Roy is a man of character and integrity, and I have great respect for the way he leads our basketball program,” Cunningham said.

Hatchell’s contract was not renewed, and Cunningham has little to say about her status. The longtime academic adviser to the women’s basketball program, Jan Boxill, is directly implicated in the fraud in the NCAA’s notice of allegations, and the women’s basketball program could face heavy penalties. In that event, Hatchell would almost certainly have to go. Not renewing her contract could limit any eventual expense to the university.

In light of likely penalties, Cunningham’s deferring a renewal is sensible. Where it becomes problematic is on the issue of equity. Both Hatchell and Williams are Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame coaches. Both have at least one national title. The men’s and women’s teams both reached the third round of their respective 2015 NCAA tournaments. And both coaches say they knew nothing about their players maintaining their eligibility by enrolling in phony classes.

Yet Williams has a fresh contract, a renewed vote of confidence and a well-stocked team that’s expected to contend for a national title. Hatchell missed most of last season battling leukemia but has recovered. The prospect of NCAA penalties has prompted several of her top players to leave for other schools.

Some have rallied to Hatchell’s defense, saying she is being made the scapegoat for academic fraud that started with football and men’s basketball players. But Hatchell’s troubles are of her own making. She either knew or should have known about the fraud. That the same isn’t expected of Williams and that his contract renewal wasn’t likewise held in abeyance until the NCAA acts are an obvious double standard.

With this new element, the scandal that has embarrassed the university is now dividing it.
Typical Chansky. Believing that "what was broken had already been fixed" while lamenting another investigation because...well...because "more embarrassing and potentially damaging information" could be found thus damaging unx's " image and brand." In short , just another morally bereft , corrupt to the bone tarhole basketball fan. Go eff yourself , Art. Seriously...

Chansky’s Notebook: Vicious Cycle Continues

By Art Chansky

Will the Wainstein Report ever go away? Not looking like it.

For the media and all those ABC fans, the Wainstein Report is the gift that keeps on giving. That one last independent probe into the academic scandal, which the Board of Governors and Chancellor believed we needed, traded transparency for protection of the university’s image and brand. Needless, I say, because what was broken had already been fixed.

Beyond the 131-page document that was bound neatly, released to the media and sent off the to the NCAA, which re-opened its investigation, were more than 1200 pages of interviews conducted that are still public documents being sought by the News and Observer and other public records requestors. Bubba Cunningham said Friday that those are related to millions of other documents, presumably mostly emails, that the university has to pour through in order to respond accurately to the NCAA’s Notice of Allegations.

Something else has been uncovered pertaining to women’s basketball, so who’s to say more of the same won’t be found by everyone looking, reading and requesting? The latest glitch could prolong the official response well into the new year, hurting recruiting further. And if anything else comes out, the vicious cycle will continue, although Cunningham is hopeful the NCAA will adjudicate this thing by the spring. That, of course, won’t keep the media and enemies from looking for and finding more embarrassing and potentially damaging information.

Before Wainstein, the university and NCAA had exchanged letters saying, “Thank you, three-year probation served, and investigation closed.” That is where it should have ended before another $3.5 million was spent and more questions were raised from those answered by the report. All the internal audits and reviews unc wanted or needed could have kept on going to make sure the right classes were being taught in the right way by the right professors.

But that last little bit of transparency blew the case wide open again when, in my opinion, it was the last thing carolina ever should have done to protect itself from further damage. Now, where it all ends nobody knows.
unx alum Bob Lee...

Here’s goes Art…. AGAIN!

“My Buddy Art” is at it again. My various “Buddys” – Art, Marty, etc etc and their various proclamations have this Ol’ Internet Legend “busier than a one-armed paperhanger with carpal tunnel syndrome” posting their latest for your viewing pleasure.

This go-round the Art-ful Dodger bemoans (again) that unc EVER opened itself up to Wainstein. THAT, claims AC, was the Biggest Mistake unc made ….. not all the Football locker room shenanigans…. not all the Julius crap…. not all the Jennifer The Tutor crap.

…. A Bigger Mistake than recruiting Mike Paulus over Russell Wilson??…. and Bigger than hiring Matt Doherty instead of “anyone else”?? Me, I would include promoting Call Me Dickie as AD 20 years ago to any short list of Biggest unc Mistakes EVER…. but this is Art’s column, not mine.

Art is certainly NOT the only unc Insider that blames “ever letting an investigator “in” to snoop around” as The #1 MGodfatheristake. I’ve heard one unc insider (not Art) even say “The Corleone Family would NEVER do that”. I confess I double-taken at that. Maybe not the best comparable to use, but then again, maybe it was. :)

Whatever film flammery and shady shadow scheming was going-on for 20 years was: …. “everybody does it” sorta stuff and besides “We ARE carolina” and Anything We Do is Pure and Good because We Do It…. and besides Dean recruited Charlie Scott.”

Oh well…. here’s Art’s latest in his own words AGAIN.

"COMMENTS" section:

(Art) "has absorbed a bazillion gallons of his school’s Kool-Aid."
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DevilDJ, you ever see this pic before? I went over to PP to read a few posts, and saw this pic that someone staged back in 1985 (and published it in an NC State paper?, I guess). I've never seen it before, and I thought it was pretty dang funny. Maybe there is a better pic out there, but I couldn't find I did a few repairs, and cleaned it up a bit (picture below the original). And I also changed the caption on the last pic of the 3.


Here's the one with some repairs.


Here's the last one with a little more clean-up of the pic, and with a new caption of mine.


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B-Rad wets himself...


Cheating Blue Ram‏@CheatingBlueRam

Not-so-Smart. Fast. Physical.

Coaching the Mind ‏@BethelLearning

@CheatingBlueRam I wonder whether such comments mocking a student would be considered unprofessional enough to affect your tenure.

Cheating Blue Ram ‏@CheatingBlueRam

@BethelLearning Was he allowed to be a student and focus on academics over the summer or forced into summer athletic conditioning programs?

Coaching the Mind ‏@BethelLearning

@CheatingBlueRam I don't know. Is mocking a student's intelligence appropriate for a professor?

Cheating Blue Ram ‏@CheatingBlueRam

@BethelLearning You know as well as I do the expectations of athletes during the summer. Academics isn't even in the top three. Not-so-smart. Was it wise judgement to jeopardize an academic gift, entry at unc, for the glory of his limited playing time? Issue may not have been with his intelligence. Could have been his priorities or more than likely, his coaches' priorities. At some point, you'll have the revelation the system is broken and the athletes are tossed aside with little to no recourse.

Coaching the Mind ‏@BethelLearning

@CheatingBlueRam You are the one who made his intelligence the issue, calling him "not-so-smart."Many former unc athletes feel far more exploited by Jay Smith and Mary Willingham than by unc.

Cheating Blue Ram ‏@CheatingBlueRam

@BethelLearning Step back and look at the situation as the educator you claim to be, not the fan boy you've become.

Coaching the Mind ‏@BethelLearning

@CheatingBlueRam Have always agreed college athletics broken. Difference between you and me: I'm unwilling to abandon ethics for that cause.

Cheating Blue Ram ‏@CheatingBlueRam

@BethelLearning Ethics, are you serious? Go back and read your blog. Look how you treated Mary & Jay, fanning the fire of your fans hatred.

Coaching the Mind ‏@BethelLearning

@CheatingBlueRam Everything I've written about those two is true. They, however, have defamed her former colleagues and exploited athletes.

Finebaum tells it like it is.....

PF: Lance is up next in Tennessee. What's up Lance?

Lance: Hey man, I missed you yesterday. Let me ask you about some coaches Paul. The interview you just did with Butch Davis, I just throw out the North carolina Tar Heels tried to taint that man. I believe he should still be coaching. How do you feel about that?

PF: I agree with you. I thought he got a raw deal when you consider the garbage that came after him that he had nothing to do with. This is a program in North carolina that really has been infected since Dean Smith. Of course, the people in Chapel Hill don't want to act like Dean Smith ever did anything wrong, but anyone who knows anything knows that's where the academic issues began, and Butch just got caught up in it, like many know...Butch...people forget...he had it going in Miami, he resurrected that program.

"Infected since Dean Smith...."

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Finebaum tells it like it is.....

PF: Lance is up next in Tennessee. What's up Lance?

Lance: Hey man, I missed you yesterday. Let me ask you about some coaches Paul. The interview you just did with Butch Davis, I just throw out the North carolina Tar Heels tried to taint that man. I believe he should still be coaching. How do you feel about that?

PF: I agree with you. I thought he got a raw deal when you consider the garbage that came after him that he had nothing to do with. This is a program in North carolina that really has been infected since Dean Smith. Of course, the people in Chapel Hill don't want to act like Dean Smith ever did anything wrong, but anyone who knows anything knows that's where the academic issues began, and Butch just got caught up in it, like many know...Butch...people forget...he had it going in Miami, he resurrected that program.

"Infected since Dean Smith...."

He better get him some bodyguards 'cause the Heel fans will be coming after him after talking about Saint Dean.

Thank God for tenure. Otherwise , Margolis would be chased outta there too. BTW , his "suggestion?" Not "over the top." I'd say it sounds like a "good start..."

Just Penalties

Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow, is the 1963 Academy Award winning film starring Sophia Loren and Marcello Mastroianni. Loren supports her family by means of assorted black market schemes which eventually bring the law down on her. Under Italian law, a pregnant woman could not serve time in jail, so it became the duty of her husband, played by Mastroianni, to assure that she was always with child, protected from jail. After 8 children, he runs out of steam. See the movie.

This charming film came to mind at the latest unc athletics revelations, involving women’s basketball and men’s soccer. The details are not important here, but movie fans will see the parallels. These latest admissions mean that any potential NCAA penalties stemming from the over 20 year unc scandal will be delayed, yet again, while the new adjudication plays out. Conveniently, no action is likely until well into the spring, after the NCAA basketball tournament.

Here’s a thought. We know we did wrong, so let’s deliberate and impose penalties, acknowledging that we are capable of more thoughtful, meaningful, and just sanctions than anything the NCAA could possibly impose. To get the discussion going at our university, I’ll open the bidding by suggesting that unc drop all athletic scholarships going forward and make athletics secondary to the mission of research, scholarship, and creativity. In addition, forfeit all games involving players whose eligibility was a function of fraudulent classes.

Admittedly, my suggestion may sound over the top, but as a teacher, it’s simply meant to get the discussion going. Let’s not wait for the NCAA. What are your suggestions?
Dollars to doughnuts , "Parker Executive Search" is helmed by a unx alum...

UMN receives more Norwood Teague sex-harassment complaints

The University of Minnesota has received additional sexual harassment complaints against former Gophers athletics director Norwood Teague, university President Eric Kaler told Minnesota Public Radio on Wednesday morning.

Kaler wouldn't specify the number but said there were "less than five" new cases being investigated by the university and the outside legal counsel hired to examine the situation in the wake of Teague's Aug. 7 resignation.

Two members of Kaler's senior leadership staff and a Minneapolis sports journalist previously complained about being sexual harassed by Teague, who apologized for his behavior.

"We have received a small number of additional complaints since he came forward," Kaler said on MPR. "We're in the process of investigating those and we will ask the external counsel that we brought on board to also look into them."

The school later released a statement about "complaints or charges against Norwood Teague," saying they will be reviewed by the "outside counsel in charge of the independent review," Minneapolis-based attorney Karen Schanfield.

"Not all reports allege the same conduct, but the University cannot provide further information about their contents," the school said in its statement. "In fairness to those who have reported and others who may do so, and to not jeopardize the external review, the University will not be commenting further."

Kaler opened the interview with MPR's Cathy Wurzer by saying he was "angry, disappointed and disgusted" that Teague let him and the university down.

Teague, who was hired from Virginia Commonwealth University in 2012, sexually harassed two of his colleagues during a senior leadership retreat July 15 in Breezy Point, Minn. The victims brought their complaints to the university the next day.

On Wednesday, Kaler was asked if the university needed to change its policy about mixing business with alcohol after this incident. Kaler pointed out that this was a case of one individual with a "long-standing problem" getting drunk and misbehaving.

"The vast majority of people behave responsibly," Kaler told MPR. "You have a glass or two of wine with your dinner. I think that's OK. But clearly this is a situation in which he harassed two of my senior leaders. But that's not just the alcohol. The alcohol may have enabled him? I don't think so. I think this was a long-standing problem. The previous history shows this wasn't the first time."

During the Aug. 7 news conference announcing Teague's resignation, Kaler said there were rumors about Teague having issues with alcohol, but he said he didn't want to speculate. Responding to a question on MPR, Kaler said he had no concerns about Teague before the senior leadership retreat.

"I trusted him to manage Gophers athletics for us," Kaler said. "He was out raising money. He was out recruiting coaches, and I didn't see, nor did people tell me, about issues that might have preceded this. There's always 20-20 hindsight, but I was surprised."

After Teague's resignation, it was reported that settlements totaling $300,000 were paid to former VCU women's basketball coach Beth Cunningham and former Gophers senior associate AD Regina Sullivan for gender discrimination.

The U released a statement saying that it was unaware of the VCU settlement until December 2012, eight months after Teague was hired, when Sullivan included the information in her complaint against Teague.

Kaler said Wednesday that he supported Teague replacing Sullivan because he hired another senior woman administrator. Beth Goetz is now the interim AD and is a candidate for the permanent position, Kaler said.

Parker Executive Search received $112,000 from the U in the search for Teague. But it didn't uncover the VCU gender-discrimination complaint. Kaler said the university relied on Parker to do background checks, "and they missed this," he said Wednesday.

"It's not clear if we have any legal recourse against them," Kaler said of the search firm. "We're certainly looking into that. But their view is that this was not publicly viewable information. That may well be true."

In hiring his next AD, Kaler underscored that the university needs to perform its due diligence as much as it "legally can" after making a mistake with Teague.

"In this case, we had a guy who didn't disclose," Kaler said. "And you know, whether he had those problems before and didn't disclose them, whether this developed recently, is hard for us to know. But I guess all I can say is we're going to continue to ask hard questions and we're going to vet them as thoroughly as possible and look under every rock."
Roy whiffs again...

Sacha Killeya-Jones commits to Kentucky Wildcats

Sacha Killeya-Jones, a 6-foot-11 recruit who decommitted from Virginia on June 2, told ESPN on Wednesday that he'll attend Kentucky after his senior season.

Killeya-Jones, who is ranked No. 56 in the ESPN 100, is the first commitment for Kentucky in the class of 2016. He chose the Wildcats over Virginia, Cal, Florida, Connecticut, Georgetown, Wake Forest, and North carolina.

The Virginia Episcopal School senior -- who is from Chapel Hill, North carolina -- cited the opportunity to play for Hall of Fame coach John Calipari as a factor in his decision.

"I look at what Coach Calipari has done with players like myself, and I see the way he prepares them for the next level and it's impressive," Killeya-Jones said. "He is a really genuine person who is a demanding coach. I felt very comfortable with him and trust him."

"IOW , even though I'm a life-long hole fan , I grew up within spittin' distance of the Nose Dome and my mom WORKS at unx , I'm avoiding Roy (AGAIN!) because my coach will get me prepped for the league without trying to hold me back just so he can pad his resume with more ill-gotten gains. And even though my new coach has gotten TWO schools in hot water with the NCAA , he's STILL more trust-worthy than Roy."
Someone tell me how this isn't EXACTLY like the situation with PSU , the NCAA and the Freeh Report? Indy wants to allege "impermissible benefits" rather than "academic fraud?" Fine. However , the organization (SACS) tasked with making decisions regarding academic rigor an' such DID rule on unx and found the "flagship" seriously WANTING in that area. Said the athletics tail is wagging the academic dog and unx needs to get that mutt house-trained because it keeps diggin' up the rose garden an' crappin' all over the carpet. No reason the NCAA can't use SACS' findings (just as they did with Freeh's) to hammer unx...

Strong pimp hand.
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Posted: Yesterday 11:04 PM

Re: New Findings Likely to Delay NCAA Process /N&O Edit. P20

The NCAA took the Impermissible benefits route because it was a safer route for them. I get that. However since their initial NOA, a third party has come in and found them guilty (as in not alleging) of academic fraud in direct relation to not having control over athletics. There is nothing here for the NCAA to research or look into. It is sitting there for them from a group whose job it is to judge the academic integrity of unc. The choice is simply if the NCAA wants to pick up the club SACS left sitting on the ground for them.
Student newspaper killin' it...

Opinion: unc should stand by employees in a consistent manner

When several unc academic personnel were fired in the aftermath of the release of the Wainstein report, it seemed easy to believe that the rolling of heads would soon begin to slow.

But after a summer of bad news for unc on the scandal front — news that was largely directed at the women’s basketball program — a pattern might be forming regarding how punishment is given out for misdeeds.

In this pattern, new misdeeds come to light and unc acknowledges general wrongdoing, but specific punishments seem to hit figures in areas that will provoke the least controversy for unc. This pattern is a disturbing one and reinforces the idea that actions taken by unc and the NCAA are designed to uphold the status quo of college athletics.

unc is not responsible for what the NCAA chooses to focus on, but it can counteract the NCAA’s focus to be fairer to its employees.

Even before unc announced it was self-reporting a new violation concerning improper academic help to members of the women’s basketball team, the NCAA’s notice of allegations targeted the team for special attention.

Several players, including leading scorers Allisha Gray and Stephanie Mavunga, left the program after the end of last season.

And unc did not reach a contract extension agreement with women’s basketball head coach Sylvia Hatchell, even while head men’s basketball coach Roy Williams’ contract was extended.

In 2011, both coaches’ contracts were extended at the same time.

It seems odd that, after the Wainstein report, women’s basketball should be singled out for special focus when the report clearly stated fraudulent classes at the heart of this scandal were created for and most frequently used by athletes in the revenue sports of football and men’s basketball.

This seems especially troubling when the NCAA’s notice of allegations seemed to extensively use the Wainstein report as its primary source of evidence. Did NCAA investigators neglect to read Wainstein’s executive summary?

The focus on women’s basketball echoes the placement of axe falls after the Wainstein report’s release. Heads rolled but choices were puzzling.

If Professor Tim McMillan and Bobbi Owen, both academics, were guilty for not asking enough questions, why wasn’t Roy Williams, the person in charge of ensuring institutional control for the men’s basketball team while almost a decade of fraudulent classes were taking place?

This isn’t to say that punishing Roy Williams would start a makeover of the troubling ethics in all of college sports, or that his firing would have accomplished a positive good.

And it doesn’t mean McMillan and Owen were free of responsibility in deeply troubling wrongdoing.

What it does mean is suspicions as to the priorities of leadership in these issues seem reasonable.

Were leaders interested in giving out the most constructive, ethical and proportionate levels of punishment possible, or were they interested in minimizing damage to the reputation of unc’s major revenue sports of men’s basketball and football?

unc’s leaders are certainly interested in making sure fraudulent classes never again take place at this university. The focus on women’s basketball, an easier, less popular target than men’s basketball, is troubling. The team that seems no more complicit in wrongdoing than others mentioned in the Wainstein report.

Neglecting to follow up on eyebrow-raising information present in the Wainstein report and primarily punishing academics for a scandal that was constructed for the benefit of persons in the athletics department don’t seem to reflect courageous and moral leadership.

It’s up to unc to prove these suspicions wrong by treating Hatchell with consistency. Hatchell is a hall-of-fame coach, same as Williams. If she says she needs a contract extension to do her job properly, that request does not seem unreasonable.
B-Rad. I'm sure the DTH staff is all torn up about it. Lulz...

Coaching the Mind@BethelLearning

Was wavering on whether to include DTH in press invited to documentary premiere. After today's inane editorial, I decided they won't be.

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Reactions: Mark Gastineau
Lulz ^^^^. Call 'im butter , ya'll. He's on a roll. More Bwadley. From re-defining "cheating" to re-defining "marriage..."

Marital Linguistics

Considering the patriarchal connotations of husband and wife, Tracy and I believe our using these terms would undermine the egalitarian nature of our relationship....

That nose of his is Dean-worthy. Check the color of the crib too. Lol...

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Butch's mouthpiece. Sasser (also a unx alum , btw...)

Jon Sasser@JonSasser

For years, unc claimed Butch Davis sullied its reputation. In fact, the opposite was true.

The Fundamental Way That Universities Are an Illusion

To understand the failures of the modern American college system — from admissions marketing to graduation rates — you can begin with a notorious university football scandal.

But it didn’t take long for Mr. Davis to realize that Chapel Hill’s reputation for sports excellence without compromise was a myth. From 1991 to 2009, the university’s department of African and Afro-American studies ran a huge academic fraud operation.

Mr. Davis came to understand this all too well. As the investigators wrote in their final report, Mr. Davis “found Chapel Hill’s attitude toward student-athlete academics to be like an ‘Easter egg,’ beautiful and impressive to the outside world, but without much life inside.”
B. David Ridpath ‏@drridpath

Great to see Oliver Luck again after so many years. Also encouraging to have such a forward thinker at the NCAA


alan justus ‏@AlanJustus

@drridpath Is Mr. Luck forward thinking AND bold enough to insist that #unc is punished like serial cheaters deserve?

B. David Ridpath@drridpath

@AlanJustus We will see. That we didn't talk about nor would he. My guess is yes but only time will tell.

Latest from the N & O is just as the headline suggests. However , there's one quote in it that speaks volumes about the tarhole-laden Board of Governors and why they've taken zero action vs the "flagship." Lou Bissette. Vice-chairman of such an august chamber. What a scumbag....

Emails show conservatives cheered firing of unc’s Tom Ross

Bissette also offered reassurance. “Your comments were fine,” Bissette wrote to Gage. “We knew what the media would do with the story. It is how they sell their product as we have seen with the four year campaign to discredit unc CH.”
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