Sulaimon at Center of Sexual Assault Allegations

I just read that this morning. That's really sad all the way around. I don't know what's wrong with some people.
Horrible deal all the way around!! First off, if true, i sincerely feel for the victims.
Secondly, man I Hope K and White ones what they were doing!!!! Sounds like things are to complicated to make assertions yet the entire nation will!!!

Mother F!!!!!!!!!!!
It's really hard to assess the validaty of such allegations, with no hard evidence and no names. I think it unlikely that 2 seperate students would make up such a thing. The fact that this guy who knows one of the girls quit his job with the team over it says the most IMO. Also, Rasheed's silence in all this doesn't sit well with me. If I were innocent, I'd be shouting it from the rooftops. Really dissappointing news, potentially disturbing.
Double post

Will just say to all, ya can't let the neighbors bother ya, they are certainly gonna do EVERYTHING possible to make this ugly.
This post was edited on 3/2 9:04 AM by WI#1Dukie22
I've read several articles on the situation. It's cloudy, but even though it's only allegations, I think K did the right thing letting him go. I hate the fact that a girl says she was sexually assaulted but never goes to any authority and reports it. If a woman IS sexually assaulted she should report it immediately. Keeping it quiet only makes it more difficult to prove and stretches the process out. It makes it hard for me because I only want the truth. If Sulaiamon really did it, he's a piece is $hit ans I'm ashamed to know him. If he didn't, this is the most awful thing that could ever happen to a young athlete. BUT, I don't see Rasheed fighting for his position back. I don't see him speaking out saying it's not true. In the end , looks like K and the staff has been wading through this allegation for a while and finally determined the best action was dismissal. I agree.

This post was edited on 3/2 9:02 AM by Showenuff
IF true.

Amazing that TWO people would wait that long to speak up. I am not defending Sheed, but let us see how the EVIDENCE turns out. Many collegiate athletes do stupid things to put themselves in this situation, but screamin rape (after all of this time) sounds funny to me.
I'm not a fan of how this reticle is written anyway. It's almost like they are accusing the coaching staff of know and not doing anything about it. Especially after the lacrosse fiasco, you have to be cautious about this type of situation. I don't get not going to authorities as soon as possibly anyway. I really hope the truth comes out for both sides.
In terms of what Sheed did or didn't do, there's no point in discussing it because only him and the two girls know.

In terms of how Duke handled it, I guess the anonymous source wanted him dismissed from the program earlier. I guess that's fair, but if the accusers refuse to file a complaint with the school and refuse to go to the police, how are you supposed to respond. Its a dangerous precedent to set when you start punishing people based only on rumors.
BTW, be prepared because the media will run with this like you've never seen before. In terms of basketball, this team's players will be facing a huge distraction all the way through the tournament.
It is not "amazing" that 2 women would wait several months to say something. In fact, that is usually how it happens. The emotional shock from this kind of breach of trust paralyzes young women. That part of this story should surprise no one.
The most important thing for us, as fans, is to not start sounding like UNC fans with their school wide academic fraud case. They still don't acknowledge wrong doing and won't listen to the facts as they come out. Look, if Sheed did, he deserves to go to prison. Getting rid of him is the right thing to do. And yes, we need to let evidence and all that to come out, but we have to embrace that this actually a big deal and that we support the truth and for the responsible parties to actual admit responsibility and do things accordingly. They still don't do that in Chapel Hill.
Originally posted by GTHC, GTH!:
The most important thing for us, as fans, is to not start sounding like UNC fans with their school wide academic fraud case. They still don't acknowledge wrong doing and won't listen to the facts as they come out. Look, if Sheed did, he deserves to go to prison. Getting rid of him is the right thing to do. And yes, we need to let evidence and all that to come out, but we have to embrace that this actually a big deal and that we support the truth and for the responsible parties to actual admit responsibility and do things accordingly. They still don't do that in Chapel Hill.
Everyone on here if basing this merely off of the article. People are now going around and saying that since the staff knew of these rumors in March 2014, they should have immediately dismissed him. If the article is factual, K was under no obligation to dismiss him. Rumors are just that: rumors, until they aren't. if the accusers are unwilling to take any action, what are you supposed to do?
I am not saying that they should or shouldn't have done anything last year. I am not worried about all of that right now because we need for to come out first. I just want us as a fan base to be the opposite of UNC fans and their blind belief that they have done nothing wrong. We are here to support the truth, to want the truth and to judge accordingly. Not to let the facts come out and still act like nothing happened.
If a complaint is filed with the Office of Student Conduct, an investigation is conducted and a disciplinary hearing occurs if necessary. If a student is found responsible for sexual misconduct in a disciplinary hearing, the recommended sanction is expulsion.

This is exactly what happened to a kid that I coached that got in trouble for this. They had a hearing and both sides presented their cases and the boy was expelled from the school. The coaches in the matter are not allowed to speak on the matter because of the legalities of it all.

I'm not sure what K is supposed to do when it's just rumors....I'd think you have to give benefit of the doubt until everything is investigated and Truth comes out. You are talking about ruining a mans life if they are untrue rumors.

I'd like to think everyone involved did their due diligence to a point where they decided there is truth to the rumor and action needed to be taken. Our rivals of course would like to think the opposite and that would be hard for me to believe after the Penn State and Florida State situations not to mention the Duke Lacrosse Case.
Originally posted by GTHC, GTH!:
I am not saying that they should or shouldn't have done anything last year. I am not worried about all of that right now because we need for to come out first. I just want us as a fan base to be the opposite of UNC fans and their blind belief that they have done nothing wrong. We are here to support the truth, to want the truth and to judge accordingly. Not to let the facts come out and still act like nothing happened.
Thats all true, but as it stands right now, based only off of that article, this doesn't look to be some sort of institutional cover-up. NOT YET, AT LEAST. My prediction, however, is that the media will run with this article today as a means to implicate K and the program. Based only off of this article, there's nothing in there to justify that.
That seems like an incredibly tough spot for K. If the alleged victims are not interested in pursuing any action, how does a coach respond to that? Appropriate decisions cannot be made without facts. You can't take action simply because of allegations and rumors.
Originally posted by The Right Blue:
Originally posted by GTHC, GTH!:
The most important thing for us, as fans, is to not start sounding like UNC fans with their school wide academic fraud case. They still don't acknowledge wrong doing and won't listen to the facts as they come out. Look, if Sheed did, he deserves to go to prison. Getting rid of him is the right thing to do. And yes, we need to let evidence and all that to come out, but we have to embrace that this actually a big deal and that we support the truth and for the responsible parties to actual admit responsibility and do things accordingly. They still don't do that in Chapel Hill.
Everyone on here if basing this merely off of the article. People are now going around and saying that since the staff knew of these rumors in March 2014, they should have immediately dismissed him. If the article is factual, K was under no obligation to dismiss him. Rumors are just that: rumors, until they aren't. if the accusers are unwilling to take any action, what are you supposed to do?
I agree....Id imagine the due diligence was started and the accusers not coming forward didn't help matters. Also it seems K's superiors knew the accusations and I'd imagine where investigating and reporting back to K where things stood. It seems they gathered information, the accusers started to come forward and it became clear that actions needed to be taken. I think getting kicked off the team was probably the first step.
Lots of "ifs" this in this whole thing.

If...Rasheed indeed did it. Then a prison uniform is the right attire for him.

If...K and his staff sat on solid evidence of this happening and not just rumor, then serious consequences should come down on them too.

It sucks, but as a previous post mentioned. You have to put your fandom aside for this type of thing.

Such a bad situation all around. The fake allegations of the past with Duke Lacrosse make people suspicious of the women. Yet the power a big time collegiate program like Duke Men's BBall make you suspicious that indeed it could intimidate women who were truly wronged.

It's a mess. Assumptions will be made. Hope the thing doesn't completely blow up prior to more facts coming out.
I sure there will be a ton of kickback on me for this...but...

Joe Paterno was told of a horrible incident and reported it to the athletic director and the head of campus security.

The fact that he didn't pursue the allegations further after he reported them was his crime and he was burned at the stake for it. I will never defend Joes actions but he was the only one to make the right choice initially.

I bring this up because our society loves to destroy those on matter what K did or did not do...even if in time he ends up being 100% correct...there will likely be a large outcry from those who want to see good men fail.

People will judge K loudly before we know all the facts...just be prepared...the statement, "don't let the facts cloud a good story" is the American culture these days.
Joe P at PSU is like K at Duke. What they say and how they handle things goes a long way at both schools. This is a terrible situation. I had heard these rumors when he was let go and many people gave me the business for bringing it up. that it could be true. I still hope it isn't.... but even if its not.... this will be run with by the media even more that the unc mess. not good.
my take...if he did it, he deserves to be punished PERIOD!!!....but he deserves a fair shake as rumor and accusation is not a guilty sentence

This post was edited on 3/2 9:50 AM by BOOGIEMAN1914
Originally posted by Tim1515:
I sure there will be a ton of kickback on me for this...but...

Joe Paterno was told of a horrible incident and reported it to the athletic director and the head of campus security.

The fact that he didn't pursue the allegations further after he reported them was his crime and he was burned at the stake for it. I will never defend Joes actions but he was the only one to make the right choice initially.

I bring this up because our society loves to destroy those on matter what K did or did not do...even if in time he ends up being 100% correct...there will likely be a large outcry from those who want to see good men fail.

People will judge K loudly before we know all the facts...just be prepared...the statement, "don't let the facts cloud a good story" is the American culture these days.
I grew up in PA as a PSU fan and I guess you could draw a very loose parallel -- but, obviously there are some huge differences: (i) even if you believed everything reported was accurate (which is a gigantic, huge assumption that probably shouldn't be made), the suggestion is that the coaches were made aware of a 3nd-hand rumor of sexual assault allegations from a team psychologist -- which is entirely different than an assistant (at least allegedly) reporting to have observed a sexual assault in the football facility; (ii) the program wasn't sitting on any information that other people in the university / community didn't know about; (iii) the fact that children were involved significantly changes things; and (iv) the program ultimately took action to dismiss Sulaimon.

K better have an explanation (I don't think he's going to get away with refusing to comment), but I think this story probably doesn't have legs beyond a couple news cycles.

This post was edited on 3/2 10:31 AM by aah555
K handled it fine. He had no arrest to go on, he had no evidence to go on. Looks like he worked to find out what happened , stuff like that don't happen in a day. Any of you who are real fans should know the love K has for his daughters and the kind of man he is. I'm sure once he was satisfied he had enough info, he made his decision. The media can make it out any way they want, I could give a shit. K kicked the kid off the team and did the right thing.
1. If true, this really sucks for those girls. Hopefully they'll prosecute.

2. If not true, it sucks Sheed was dismissed by rumors. Not to mention character assassination.

3. There is no indictment on Sheed. No charges. He's stilled enrolled with the university. At this point, these are just rumors.

4. Looks to me like the coaching staff caught wind of the rumors and dismissed Sheed before actual charges could even be made. How can someone slight the staff for not handling it in a serious manner/sweeping it under the rug?
I think the article is horribly written and no blame should even be implicitly placed upon the Duke staff until more information comes out....I can't even tell what is pure hearsay, what is coming from the alleged victims (which I believe the answer is nothing at this point) and what is the authors' own opinions...It is a messy article but the vibe I got and I think a majority of people will get is that the Duke staff sat on rape information for over a year....I think this is ammo for every Duke hater in the world to come out of the weeds guns blazing....Shame on the authors is my opinion.
Just like the Chris Jones situation I'll wait until everything is in before I determine anything. OFC

This post was edited on 3/2 10:42 AM by skysdad
Originally posted by skysdad:
Just like te Chris Jones situation I'll wait until everything is in before I determine anything. OFC
Exactly! We have a "innocent until proven guilty" judicial system. Everyone should wait for the facts before making any judgements one way or another.
Wow. Good ole' Steat at THR says best case scenario is that this story stays relevant for the next couple of months so that its bad press for Duke...With all the dynamics at play here and the issue of sexual assault being as sensitive as it is, to be rooting for longevity so that it results in bad press for Duke is as evil as it gets...It is their board and I respect that so I won't make comments there, but if he is reading this, shame on you.
Originally posted by chov1125:
Wow. Good ole' Steat at THR says best case scenario is that this story stays relevant for the next couple of months so that its bad press for Duke...With all the dynamics at play here and the issue of sexual assault being as sensitive as it is, to be rooting for longevity so that it results in bad press for Duke is as evil as it gets...It is their board and I respect that so I won't make comments there, but if he is reading this, shame on you.
Chov, misery loves company. They have their own crosses to bear. Of course a lot of them over there will wish bad upon Duke. We are just going to have to ignore it. What I would like to see is justice to be served justly and as swiftly as possible for everyone involved.
Paterno may have followed the correct chain of command but the sticking point there is he allowed Sandusky to continue to come around and did not banish him from the facilities. Joe much like K held all of the power at that University and chose not to use it. He went with out if site out if mind.

Look no further than Jameis Winston to see how ugly this will be. There are many media members who would love nothing more than to cut down K at the knees.
Originally posted by LastWaltz:
Paterno may have followed the correct chain of command but the sticking point there is he allowed Sandusky to continue to come around and did not banish him from the facilities. Joe much like K held all of the power at that University and chose not to use it. He went with out if site out if mind.

Look no further than Jameis Winston to see how ugly this will be. There are many media members who would love nothing more than to cut down K at the knees.
The obviously huge difference being that (i) there was no formal allegation / report that was mishandled; (ii) FSU never took any action against Winston -- i.e., it's not really similar at all.
It IS amazing considering that girls are often encouraged to file/seek charges or AT LEAST record the incident ASAP, unlike say 10+ years ago. Giving that I know people this has happened to, this IS amazing to me. It's early, but it won't shock me to hear that there is/personal attention and/or attack going on here versus evidence-based rape/sexual assault.
Well Deadspin has already picked up the article and accused Duke of violating the law...At least journalistic integrity still exists lol
Good job pulling out of that what you wanted to. I was referring more to how the media will handle this than anything else. Once this becomes mainstream the reporting and digging will become non stop.

Also I have always found it odd for a group so quick to point out that situations like Duke Lax exist to think that a State's attorney, a state funded university, and a former State Supreme Court Judge all felt it was worth their reputations to cover up for a football player.
This story is going to become huge. We all saw how the media distorted facts with the Jameis Winston "allegations". It's not about journalistic integrity, it is about attracting readers to websites/networks.

Will be extremely interesting to see how ESPN handles. They had reporters camped out on FSU's campus this past season trying to dig up dirt. Next thing we'll hear is Jahil received free french fries at Burger King and should be suspended,

Be prepared for numerous articles taking shots at Duke. There was no Title IV hearing, media will either state Duke persuaded the accusers to not file charges or delayed the student trial.
Originally posted by LastWaltz:
Good job pulling out of that what you wanted to. I was referring more to how the media will handle this than anything else. Once this becomes mainstream the reporting and digging will become non stop.

Also I have always found it odd for a group so quick to point out that situations like Duke Lax exist to think that a State's attorney, a state funded university, and a former State Supreme Court Judge all felt it was worth their reputations to cover up for a football player.
It's impossible to know how this story will play out, but the huge -- critical difference -- was that FSU decided to stick its neck out on the line to keep Winston in school in the face of a complaining witness who reported the incident to the police, and continually to vocally and publicly accuse Winston of rape.

It may be unfair to Sheed if it turns out these public statements were completely untrue, but the Duke program -- unlike FSU -- prophylactically elected to disassociate itself from Sheed. The Winston story wouldn't have played out the way it did if FSU had not insisted on starting him. Obviously, the fact that Winston was the heisman trophy winner for the national champion -- i.e., the most high-profile player on the most high-profile team also made a difference. The real comp. would be if a student had filed a complaint accusing Okafor of rape, and the school elected to not investigate the issue and refused to sit him for the NCAA tournament as the case was being investigated.

I'm not saying there won't be a public PR hit of sloppy, salacious articles -- but I don't think what I'm reading even remotely compares to the Winston situation. Also, just practically, the PSU and FSU stories were largely sensationalized by ESPN. When you consider how prominent former Duke guys are to their on-air and off-air basketball operation / people who have long ties to Coach K (whether it be Bilas, JayWill, Shane Battier, or even Dick Vitale) and how important Duke games are to driving ratings, I have a feeling that there won't be the same kind of rush to judgment in this situation as there has been in the comps. that are being thrown around.

This post was edited on 3/2 11:50 AM by aah555
Originally posted by aah555:

Originally posted by LastWaltz:
Good job pulling out of that what you wanted to. I was referring more to how the media will handle this than anything else. Once this becomes mainstream the reporting and digging will become non stop.

Also I have always found it odd for a group so quick to point out that situations like Duke Lax exist to think that a State's attorney, a state funded university, and a former State Supreme Court Judge all felt it was worth their reputations to cover up for a football player.
It's impossible to know how this story will play out, but the huge -- critical difference -- was that FSU decided to stick its neck out on the line to keep Winston in school in the face of a complaining witness who reported the incident to the police, and continually to vocally and publicly accuse Winston of rape.

It may be unfair to Sheed if it turns out these public statements were completely untrue, but the Duke program -- unlike FSU -- prophylactically elected to disassociate itself from Sheed. The Winston story wouldn't have played out the way it did if FSU had not insisted on starting him. Obviously, the fact that he was the QB for the national champion -- i.e., the most high-profile player on the most high-profile team also made a difference.

The real comp. would be if a student had filed a complaint accusing Okafor of rape, and the school elected to not investigate the issue and feature him in the NCAA tournament.

I'm not saying there won't be a public PR hit -- but I don't think what I'm reading even remotely compares to the Winston situation. Also, just practically, the PSU and FSU stories were largely sensationalized by ESPN. When you consider how prominent former Duke guys are to their on-air and off-air basketball operation / people who have long ties to Coach K (whether it be Bilas, JayWill, Shane Battier, or even Dick Vitale) and how important Duke games are to driving ratings, I have a feeling that there won't be the same kind of rush to judgment in this situation as there has been in the comps. that are being thrown around.

This post was edited on 3/2 11:45 AM by aah555
ESPN torched FSU and it caused ratings to soar, they'll do the same to anyone for profit. Plus the movie being released this Friday related to female campus issues will only feed the fire.
"Fear of backlash ..." in light of the Winston, FSU, response.

Honestly, I don't think that would have been the case. Duke is a much smaller school and also a more liberal-minded student body so I don't think there would be nearly has much of a problem, if any, had they officially reported that.

They can't fully address rumors and they can't publicly discuss player conduct. Further they have to refer such rumors to the student council - which appears they did.

It will likely hit national news - but I don't think it will amount to anything. And, we all remember the Lacrosse debacle. Not saying it's the same but it shows that the "rush to judgment" is often quite flawed.

My hope is that the Duke staff crossed its "T's" and dotted it's "i's" ... if it did so, there's really not much else that can be done since they were only rumors and neither person came forward. And, I'm sure if they talked with 'Sheed that he would have denied it.

What are you going to do? It's a world where people do bad things and you have to interact with those people at a certain level of trust and integrity.
I work at a college and we get extensive training on Title IX legislation, as it is a huge deal with tremendous legal implications. I have only read the Deadspin story, but they leave out a critical piece of information. Yes, it is federally mandate that ANY and ALL college employees have to report any allegation of sexual assault IF IT IS TOLD TO THEM DIRECTLY (even if the student does NOT want it reported. You have to report it regardless.... similar to child abuse in public schools). However, according to the article, the girls did not report it to a member of the Duke Basketball staff or administrator. In fact, the article doesn't even specify if there was a college employee who heard it at the retreat. It says it was in a group session and it was heard by other participants. It doesn't specify whether any of those participants were employees.

The Duke coaches have no legal obligation to report the alleged sexual assault. That would only apply if one or both of the girls had walked into one of the coaches or administrators offices and told them directly. Then we would have a whole different scenario.