Sports nicknames.

PJ Hairston JD Hairplane
Ted "The Mad Stork" Hendricks
Pete "Charlie Hustle" Rose
Ron"Gator" Guidry
Say Hey Willie Mays
I also loved Reggie White...the minister of defense.
Bear Bryant
The General Bob Knight
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PJ "The Glare" Hairston.
Jim " Catfish " Hunter
Walter "The Big Train" Johnson
Enos " Country" Slaughter
Guidry was also known as Louisiana Lightning.

The Wizard of Westwood John Wooden
Big Papi David Ortiz
Mailman Karl Malone
The Manster Randy White
Captain America Roger Staubach
PJ Cheech Hairston
Will Chong Graves
Three Mile Lyle Alzado.
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Tyler " Hanstravelflopsandfoulsalotbutnevergetsfouled" Hansbrough
Wilt "The Big Dipper" Chamberlain
Walt "Clyde" Frazier
"Pogo " Joe Caldwell

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"Smokin" Joe Frazier
"Thunder Dan" Marjerle
PJ Hairston TG Hairsupply
Dave "The Cobra" Parker
I was happy to see the Yankees AAA affiliate move to Scranton because it's only about 50 minutes away, but I was sad because it was cool to have a minor league team named after a former player. The Yankee Clipper was always a cool nickname.
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