Playing Time

Thank You Shey, I appreciate you! It was just a misunderstanding on my part. Sorry if it seemed like I was coming off as a jerk, I promise that was definitely not my intention.

Fishing I heard is a very good time and relaxing. I need to get my license and do it this summer. Do you fish for sport or do you eat your catches?
I eat my catches however I’m more of a salt water fisher . It can be give or take . I didn’t take it any way brother you’re good . I live in NC and fish both north and South Carolina the regulations in NC have become to stupid but Flounder, grouper, Maui and Tuna are fun . Hoping to get to the outter banks for tuna and I want to get back to Florida for lobster diving .
I eat my catches however I’m more of a salt water fisher . It can be give or take . I didn’t take it any way brother you’re good . I live in NC and fish both north and South Carolina the regulations in NC have become to stupid but Flounder, grouper, Maui and Tuna are fun . Hoping to get to the outter banks for tuna and I want to get back to Florida for lobster diving .

It has to be rewarding eating your catches! I do enjoy a great fish fry too.
I eat my catches however I’m more of a salt water fisher . It can be give or take . I didn’t take it any way brother you’re good . I live in NC and fish both north and South Carolina the regulations in NC have become to stupid but Flounder, grouper, Maui and Tuna are fun . Hoping to get to the outter banks for tuna and I want to get back to Florida for lobster diving .
Come to NY for lobster diving. They have claws. It's not like going to the supermarket:).
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Come to NY for lobster diving. They have claws. It's not like going to the supermarket:).
That’s how I usually buy them lol but only the tails. Went diving one time off the keys it was fun.
If this team gels the way I hope it does, I don't have any concerns. Not saying we will win every one of those non-conference games, but we should be going into every one of them with the expectation to win. Seeding will take care of itself. I want every opponent to fear Duke!!
One of those years I will go into NO GAME predicting our Devils to lose (subject of course to injuries,slumps).HOWEVER I really expect our DEPTH to OVERRIDE such pitfalls in most cases.

If this team gels the way I hope it does, I don't have any concerns. Not saying we will win every one of those non-conference games, but we should be going into every one of them with the expectation to win. Seeding will take care of itself. I want every opponent to fear Duke!!
Well said !
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Summer work outs. Ummm changing my tune on Kon. Guy looks toned and hungry like he hit the weights this summer. Guy is gonna play. Sion is a big dude. And Brown has long arms. This team could go far.
Should been there the whole time on Kon
Who the heck SITS,if the rotation gets trimmed to the usual 7-8 in March???

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Who the heck SITS,if the rotation gets trimmed to the usual 7-8 in March???

Even early in the season in a close game, if a couple guys are really playing well, especially in the second half, whoever normally rotates in those positions are going to have to take one for the team that game and be happy sitting.

I realize times are different, but I can't recall a team that, on paper, was as talent heavy as this one appears to be.
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Someone will get injured/have surgery in the fall, I can almost guarantee it at this point. Our practices will be super competitive and that alone could lead to an injury.
Guys we can’t afford to lose seem to be Proctor, Foster, and Flagg. Maluach too if he’s the real deal.

We will see with Kon. I think everyone knew he could score, but can he keep anyone in front of him? If he can, he will play, I have my doubts though. Power was getting rave reviews this time last year due to hitting everything in offseason workouts.

Sion is a MAN, so is Gillis. If Maluach can be as good as advertised, than the ceiling is the roof for this team.
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Gillis is good but not a more than 20 minute guy. Maybe 10-15 minutes. A bit passive on o, but that could change. Sion and Brown definitely rotation guys. Jon is in win now mode.
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Everything I’ve read says it’s between Sion/ Brown who starts ( Foster, Proctor, Flagg and Mal are starters).
I’m not in favor of a three guard line up and think Sion would do this team more justice as a secondary threat coming off the bench with Gillis for experience and Evans . The rest we will have to see once the season starts .
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Everything I’ve read says it’s between Sion/ Brown who starts ( Foster, Proctor, Flagg and Mal are starters).
I’m not in favor of a three guard line up and think Sion would do this team more justice as a secondary threat coming off the bench with Gillis for experience and Evans . The rest we will have to see once the season starts .
I agree with that lineup projection. I don’t mind the 3 guard lineup if Sion is that good. I think having a rim protector allows you to be smaller on the perimeter (and with Sion’s strength as a guard, I’m not sure I would even consider us small.) The 3 guards got burned defensively last year because we didn’t have anyone to protect the rim.

Flagg will block and alter a lot of shots, if Mal can too, than I’d go with 3 guards plus those 2.
I get the feeling that it all depends on where Flagg feels more comfortable. The team is being built around him this year.
I get the feeling that it all depends on where Flagg feels more comfortable. The team is being built around him this year.
Flagg is best suited for SF and limited minutes at pf . My only knock on Sion is he has never played against constant top tier talent . I remember the same things being said about him being said about Grandison.

My next question is do you play Brown and big pat at the same time if he comes off the bench ? I don’t see Scheyer going ten deep . Given the landscape of college basketball and retaining players the staff has alot to figure out .
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Sion isn't built like a guard. He can play guard, but is built like a truck. He could be a 4, not that we need that. Jon bought good transfers in to compete for starting spots.
Great to see Foster back on the court and playing!
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harris and for sure.. people are high on him. I don’t see it. Kon will be special here

I think Gillis gets spot minutes along with ngongba
Pisg,you are usually right on these things. Like you noted,folks are high on Harris(I am one of em). I saw him in a couple hs games on ESPN, and he was lights out from perimeter. He also had good handles, and even looked good bringing ball upcourt.

Keeping Darren mostly on the pine underscores point by @Mac9192 per just how loaded this team really is. It would be my hope we could really keep Harris around for a sophomore season. Potential bust out year!!

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It wouldn't be summer without a Duke injury. Harris fractured his non shooting hand. Gotta be hard for him.
Dang it Chris , weren’t you the first to report all the injuries last season ? You need to start a thread because you keep us in the know . Call it ,” Dr. Chris’s weekly team health report !”

No I’m not picking either you are always on top of the injuries . Thanks for the info .
I agree with that lineup projection. I don’t mind the 3 guard lineup if Sion is that good. I think having a rim protector allows you to be smaller on the perimeter (and with Sion’s strength as a guard, I’m not sure I would even consider us small.) The 3 guards got burned defensively last year because we didn’t have anyone to protect the rim.

Flagg will block and alter a lot of shots, if Mal can too, than I’d go with 3 guards plus those 2.
I can not say it enough, you do not want Flagg out of position. These are grown men. I do not want to see our players helping him off the floor on every play.
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Luckily it's his non shooting hand, and it's only June. Still, you can always count on something happening in the summer.
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Dang it Chris , weren’t you the first to report all the injuries last season ? You need to start a thread because you keep us in the know . Call it ,” Dr. Chris’s weekly team health report !”

No I’m not picking either you are always on top of the injuries . Thanks for the info .
Haha. I saw it on Duke Forum. I don't post there I just read things.
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Hey all - long time reader, never really posted - but I attented K Academy for the first time this year and saw 3 scrimmages so wanted to report on what I saw, and share some thoughts - these are my own, I believe I know basketball but you know...

- The scrimmages were the first time the team was playing against each other. If you think these guys were taking that lightly... they were not. This is about figuring out where people rank, and given everyoine is pretty much new, it is super important.
- Scrimmages were without the coaches, and were "ran" by Tyrese (Tyrese and Caleb were not playing as they were still fixing some minor injuries, Patrick Ngonba was also not there).
- A few alumns played in the scrimmage (Grayson Allen, Lace Thomas, Marshall Plumlee, Quinn Cook, Jeremy Roach).

Overall impression:
- WOW. You could tell the guys were hungry, but also that they wanted to show they know how to play the game. The ball was moving fast. And these guys are tall. I was really impressed with the size, the defense and the shooting. For example, Quinn Cook came in for a little while and I couldn't help but feel... "wow he can only catch and shoot and he is at a disadvantage on defense".
- It's early, probably way too early... but man this feels like a special team that has a very real shot.
- I know we often say this early in the season and then we end up with a 6-7 player rotation... but this team is deep. Scheyer thinks they can absolutely play 9 maybe even 10 deep.

- Jeremy Roach: He really impressed me. You could tell he was big man on campus and felt ultra confident. He was really quick and was able to create and get his mid-range fade aways. He definitely made me felt bad that he was leaving - now I think we will have a very different look without him (taller, stronger, more defense, not play through him so much...) and that may end up being better. But he was GOOD. Best of luck to him at Baylor, except against us.

- Sion James: REALLY impressed everyone. Built like a tank. But three things were clear to me: 1) He can be a leader (small things but he would talk a lot on the court, call the score, call when the ball is live, etc.. I think these matters). 2) He really plays within himself. Never tries anything fancy, no head-scratcher but picks his spots, shoots (and makes) the right shots, the right drives. 3) He can defend. He was EASILY the best and only viable person to defend Cooper. People very high up in the program after the 3 scrimmages were saying: "He might be our 2nd best player... (after Cooper)". This guy will play very very real minutes and I could absolutely see him start - even at the beginning of the year. He was that good. To be fair, Tyrese and Caleb were not playing so it was harder to compare... but Sion is absolutely in the mix.

- Cooper Flagg: WOW. A level above everyone else. Even in the games where Grayson or Lance played... Cooper felt like the best player. A few observations: 1) He plays within the team offense, not a ball hog, knows when to pass. Rarely made bad decisions. At the same time he plays knowing he is the best player out there, so he can be agressive. 2) Everything he does seemed to work, floaters near the hoop all went in, spot up 3s, even a few pull up 3 in transition - to a point where people watching just felt like "what!?!?". 3) He is a very very good defensive player, great shot blocker, quick feet... So this guy is clearly Duke's best player and this is his team. You can feel it, and everyone knows it - including him. I think this is very good because he is unselfish but assertive at the same time.

- Kaman Maluach: he's very very tall and he is very skilled. I would not be surprised if in 5 years he is one of the best center in the NBA, but I also wouldn't be surprised if he is not that impactful in the league either. I was WOW when I saw him shoot on his own, I was disappointed when I saw him play in the scrimmage. 1) His skills are very high, but the feel for the game wasn't there as much. He was not very impactful in the scrimmage. He would score at times of lobs or if he got the ball near the rim for a dunk, but 1-1 against Maliq (and he has REAL size advantage) he didn't do anything - Maliq would poke the ball away very very often. I just felt his decision making and speed to operate was not the same as everyone else. Now, this is a scrimmage so there were no set plays, they tried to give him the ball down low or to put him in screen & roll... but it wasn't impactful. Now, when things slow down, and the team run plays - will he be more successful in offense, probably. A bit better spacing and really forcing teams to make choices like leaving him open at the 3 or to help of of him when he is near the basket may be what gives him success in our offense - but this guy will not be a go to option on offense from what I saw. 2) On defense, I was blown away by his length, and for sure he affected shotsw (people would change their shot, shoot floaters, kick-out, etc.. so he will certainly have an effect on defense - but I also was not OMG this guy will anchor our defense so much. Cooper or Maliq probably came across as better defenders in terms of concrete plays - but Kaman's size and length is almost defense by default... I keep reading that this guy is starting for sure... mmmm... not sure. Maybe he does because he is such a talent and it would hurt future recruiting to not start him.. maybe.. but in the end I think Maliq ends up playing more than him. I could see them splitting the time at the 5.

- Isiah Evans: I was disappointed. Probably be the most talented with Cooper and Kaman, and he may very well be Brandon Ingram in 5 years... but from what I saw he has a lot of growing up to do. Donèt get me wrong, he is tall, has a lot of moves, can shoot it... but he played in these scrimmage trying to do too much and shooting bad and very hard shots. I'm sure he can make a lot of them, but he played as if he was THE top guy on his high school team. He got frustrated at times going against Cooper - or trying the same thing but missing. I'm a bit harsh but I saw too many turnovers, bad shots, hero ball for my liking. My hope is that very quickly he realizes he has to adapt, become smarter and pick his spots - and that he becomes a spark off the bench. He could be a guy that comes in for 20 minutes off he bench and have some games of 15-20 points. But he needs to find ways to score within the flow of the offense. He will probably get us excited and frustrated at the same time. He will likely compete with Kon for playing time off the bench.

Kon Knupel: I was REALLY impressed. He does not have the NBA upside of Isiah but man that guy can ball. Made the right play everytime, did not force anything. He did not seem like a freshman at all. He shot the ball extremely well, did not force anything, did not shot much off the dribble, but everytime he had a bit of a window from catch and shoot he shot it and it went in very often. He also really impressed me when driving the ball, he uses his body very well, driving hard and then slowing down in his layup steps to create space and often scored. He does not WOW you with athleticism or crazy skills, but he is big and uses his body incredibly well - this guy maximises his touches. I get the sense that he will fit perfectly into his role on offense. It will be VERY VERY hard to keep him off the floor. It may come down to defense. I did not notice anything on defense from him. By that I mean, I did not notice big plays or him being super effective, but I also never noticed him being in the wrong spot, being taken advantage of. He plays hard on both side of the ball. He came across to me as a winning player. I think he will compete with Isiah for playing time - they both will likely play the same position, and play a similar role off the bench (Isiah may be asked to create a bit more) but to me they are almost the opposite of each other. Isiah has more upside, but also more downside. This guy will be steady. IHard for me not to see Scheyer trusting this guy unless defense is an issue.

Cameron Sheffield: Did not notice him at all. I don't think he will play - at all. Too much proven talent ahead of him. I'm sure he is a very decent player, but not on the level of Tyrse, Caleb, Sion, Kon, Mason, etc..

Darren Harris: I also did not notice him much - he played I think in only 1 or 2 scrimmage. And then he showed up with a cast on his hand (was supposed to be just a small thing... and now we know). From what I saw, he was just a shooter. I didn't see much of him, never noticed something bad, but other than this guy will hit open shots for sure, I did not notice him. I feel someone like Kon brings the same shooting but more scoring versatility (driving), more physical presence, and likely more intangibles.

More to come on the others...
Just watched some highlights from a scrimmage. Sion blocked Brown, and rejected Mal in the low post. Very excited about this guy. He has that Winslow toughness to his game and can defend very well in the low post and on the wing. Flagg looked very polished on O. He looks like a Banchero/Tatum type impact freshman. Maluach is going to need time to develop (he looked a little lost on D) so Brown is an important pick up. Kon impressed.
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We must remember Sion is mature and older than the competition in this scrimmage. My main concern is for our BIGs to be rim protectors.
This . I’m not high on Sion as most because he’s an upper classmen . These are freshman and transfers learning a new system . Not to mention like stated the staff wasn’t there . Sion has played and trained four years on a college system . I’m sure if the coaches were there both Brown and Mal would be hearing it from the coaches on the block and deflections .
Ready for November.

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