Playing Time

Now that the roster seems set, how do you expect PT to be divvied up? Here's a template you can copy&paste and fill out if you want to. New guys listed more or less in height order. Last year's numbers filled in for returning players.

Tyrese Proctor30--------30
Caleb Foster--25------25
Cameron Sheffield
Kon Knueppel
Sion James
Isaiah Evans
Darren Harris
Mason Gillis
Maliq Brown
Cooper Flagg
Patrick Ngongba
Khaman Maluach
Not being a Dukie, but having watched GIllis for the past years, do not count him out of major PT.
Not being a Dukie, but having watched GIllis for the past years, do not count him out of major PT.
The phrase "it's going to be hard to keep so and so off the floor" is said every season. This season might be a challenge for everyone, Jon included. There may be several games where a player or two has to take a backseat due to someone else's good play.
Gillis seems like a 15 mpg guy, similar to Young's minutes. I would like to see him more aggressive with his shot. He can get passive on offense. He looks like a guy who could get 12 some nights, 2 others. Its been a while since we had 8 guys who can start.
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The phrase "it's going to be hard to keep so and so off the floor" is said every season. This season might be a challenge for everyone, Jon included. There may be several games where a player or two has to take a backseat due to someone else's good play.
The only way this becomes a challenge or problem that can be solved is if the pace of the game is fast. When I say fast, I also mean 90ft defense. I do not know if our guys can conform to that style of play. If so, you can easily see the staff playing 9 guys a game.
I actually think this season Jon and staff have no choice but to at the very least play nine . I just don’t see a situation where he can retain players with out doing it. I know people are gonna say that’s the nature of college ball these days but your looking at five players on this roster possibly going pro after this season and at least three that will be contacted through the season for not seeing minutes .
Gillis seems like a 15 mpg guy, similar to Young's minutes. I would like to see him more aggressive with his shot. He can get passive on offense. He looks like a guy who could get 12 some nights, 2 others. Its been a while since we had 8 guys who can start.
Gillis will be more of an asset in many ways than just scoring. He plays solid D, he rebounds, and he's a good passer.
I am expecting more out of Brown and Sion, but Gillis is a nice role player to have. Brown is great at knocking the ball away from players, and Sion has been very impressive this summer. They are all likely better than our recent transfers.
These transfers will have the impact Theo had. They were not only brought in as insurance, but as protection as well. If managed properly, Flagg and Foster should play with little pressure. You shouldn't see the the issues Flip, Mitchell and Roach had last season. The players playing behind or with Flagg and Foster will enhance their games.
There is no questioning our talent. But to only return 2 players; that is significant. And why most preseason polls have us in the 6-10 range. If all the talent gels we could go far, but even the transfers are new to Duke so that is a lot of adjusting Jon will need to do. We seem to have better chemistry this year, but the test will come if we lose a few in a row and/or guys aren't playing much. I just saw Evans at 9 on a mock draft, how do you not play a guy like that? And who do you bench? Not a bad problem to have, but that is a lot of guys to keep happy. If Harris starts raining 3s who do you sit? Ideally Harris and big Pat will wait their turn, but it didn't play out that way last year.
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There is no questioning our talent. But to only return 2 players; that is significant. And why most preseason polls have us in the 6-10 range. If all the talent gels we could go far, but even the transfers are new to Duke so that is a lot of adjusting Jon will need to do. We seem to have better chemistry this year, but the test will come if we lose a few in a row and/or guys aren't playing much. I just saw Evans at 9 on a mock draft, how do you not play a guy like that? And who do you bench? Not a bad problem to have, but that is a lot of guys to keep happy. If Harris starts raining 3s who do you sit? Ideally Harris and big Pat will wait their turn, but it didn't play out that way last year.
Agree with most of this. It's August, so I don't think we can say the chemistry seems to be better. Just my opinion here, but I think Jon was very irritated, mad... with how last season finished, and with how some of the players that departed were acting. So he went after what he feels is three quality transfers, and is hopefully sending a message to everyone.

If Jon has improved his coaching, and if everyone buys in, this team could be really special.
There is no questioning our talent. But to only return 2 players; that is significant. And why most preseason polls have us in the 6-10 range. If all the talent gels we could go far, but even the transfers are new to Duke so that is a lot of adjusting Jon will need to do. We seem to have better chemistry this year, but the test will come if we lose a few in a row and/or guys aren't playing much. I just saw Evans at 9 on a mock draft, how do you not play a guy like that? And who do you bench? Not a bad problem to have, but that is a lot of guys to keep happy. If Harris starts raining 3s who do you sit? Ideally Harris and big Pat will wait their turn, but it didn't play out that way last year.
I think the reason Evans is so high is because he is such a good 1 on 1 player and that works well in the NBA.
I think Evan’s is high because he’s a sleeper. I think this team goes as Flagg continues to include every player as he has done in every interview. I’m with Chris as I think this team is bonding well and there is nothing wrong with letting some players be sleepers. If Evans , Big Pat , Knup , Sion and the rest can play off each other then watch out . How do you plan for a team that plays as a fist 1-10?
That is why it's not as simple as "recruit the best players." You only get OADs a year. and most 5 stars will not wait their turn.
Counter argument to that is now that NIL and the portal are in existence every single player is a OAD until proven otherwise. No one “waits their turn” in college basketball these days.
Agreed. But some teams do. Gonzaga kept most of their team. We did last year.
Agreed. But some teams do. Gonzaga kept most of their team. We did last year.
Yes but the new change where Colleges can now directly pay players will most likely do away with that happening. Think about it . Scheyer even said it . The seven players that left he believes they were tampered with. So all a school has to do is pretty much reach out to a players family if the think he’s not getting what he wants at a school.
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Yes but the new change where Colleges can now directly pay players will most likely do away with that happening. Think about it . Scheyer even said it . The seven players that left he believes they were tampered with. So all a school has to do is pretty much reach out to a players family if the think he’s not getting what he wants at a school.
It also forces coaches to evaluate players in real time for future seasons. Some you’re fine with walking away. Others you may re-recruit harder in season to stick around. It’s so fluid these days and nothing is certain.
I read BYU has a lot of NIL money, likely from the church. They may become a power.
Collegiate sports is a new game, it’s no wonder why the K’s, Roy Williams, Jay Wrights, Boeheim’s, and Nick Saban’s have left the college games.

Wonder how many more seasons Self, Dabo, Pitino, and Izzo will hang around coaching the college games.
I'm not to concerned now about playing time because I believe Jon will be forced to play 9 players regularly. My concern is actually the depth at Center. I kinda don't want Brown playing minutes there.

The last few years, health has been a major concern. Mal and Pat must stay fresh and healthy. I definitely don't want Flagg taking up huge minutes at the 4. Evans can possibly be a matchup nightmare.
I'm not to concerned now about playing time because I believe Jon will be forced to play 9 players regularly. My concern is actually the depth at Center. I kinda don't want Brown playing minutes there.

The last few years, health has been a major concern. Mal and Pat must stay fresh and healthy. I definitely don't want Flagg taking up huge minutes at the 4. Evans can possibly be a matchup nightmare.
I think in small ball line ups for other teams Brown will play the five but that also means Mal and big Pat aren’t quick enough against smaller bigs .
It will be interesting as the season goes to see who else makes it hard for Scheyer to keep them on the bench .
I did see Gillis driving and making nice post passes in recent scrimmage video.
Good news; word is the huge New Zealand center is going to Georgetown. Nothing official yet.
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Idk man I'd spend a year there for 2 or 3 million. They are one of the leaders for that AJ guy. I had a layover in Salt Lake once and the women all look like Barbie.
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Can you get a team with mostly first year guys to buy in? Even the transfers are new to the program. That is the million dollar question. Jon has assembled a final four team on paper. But like you said; chemistry matters. We will see. Guys will have to figure out roles quick, and there are some heavy hitters on the schedule. If I were doing a preseason ranking I'd put us as a 2 seed, but certainly have the talent to be a one seed. We always look good in the summer playing against teammates.
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If the team plays a fast pace game, you will have plenty of minutes.
This sounds good in theory. Unless this team throttles everyone, I think the roster will most likely be trimmed to 7 or 8 guys playing more than 10 minutes. Also these are kids, and any coach worth anything is also going to ride who is playing well. Let's say Gillis is hitting shots and grabbing rebounds against a good team, I don't want him out for the sake of pt for someone else.

Jon possibly has a potential problem, even if on paper it seems like a good problem.
This sounds good in theory. Unless this team throttles everyone, I think the roster will most likely be trimmed to 7 or 8 guys playing more than 10 minutes. Also these are kids, and any coach worth anything is also going to ride who is playing well. Let's say Gillis is hitting shots and grabbing rebounds against a good team, I don't want him out for the sake of pt for someone else.

Jon possibly has a potential problem, even if on paper it seems like a good problem.
Agree. You're also explaining trust, and possibly expectations. Sometimes the player having the bad game is not benched because what is expected. I can see Jon keeping some players in the game to keep confidence alive.
North Carolina landed GT transfer Tyzhean Claude. Not a huge deal, but gives them a 6 foot 7 body down low which could help. Averaged 5 and 5 off the bench. He had 9 points and 8 rebounds against UNC. A decent pick up for them as he can rebound.
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