Let's talk a little Duke football.

By the way, as the eternal optimist and generally happy guy, I like us against Louisville. Just saying...
By the way, as the eternal optimist and generally happy guy, I like us against Louisville. Just saying...

dbav love your optimism!!!! Going to pour me another to get the glass that "half full!"

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We're playing solid defense, just have to get that offense going.

I'm a big fan of Nash. Let's throw some up for the big guy.
This northwestern team has had our number the past few years but they still lost to two nobodies. Is our offense really that bad?
It's not looking good. I'm impressed with our defense. #14 Fields is really impressing me. Very versatile like Cash was. Just need to get something going on O.
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Dammit I'm a genius. Our running backs touch the ball and good things happen.

Actually, DukeBlueBlood said it a week ago, but I wholeheartedly agree.
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GREAT second effort by Schneider...and then that happens. Dammit.
Solid again from the defense. Let's get some points now.
Sirk was a big loss. We just can't get this offense started.
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Sirk was a big loss. We just can't get this offense started.

I was just thinking the same thing but I also remember how many of us really got on him in a bad way last year. Let's not be like that this year with Jones. He's going to be fine. OFC
I was just thinking the same thing but I also remember how many of us really got on him in a bad way last year. Let's not be like that this year with Jones. He's going to be fine. OFC

You're absolutely right. I actually really like Jones. Very elusive. Good arm. Just needs game experience.
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Guys I dont know....Whatever the reason, the Duke offense just doesnt have it....7 points grand total in the 3 second halves this year doesnt cut it....

Guys I dont know....Whatever the reason, the Duke offense just doesnt have it....7 points grand total in the 3 second halves this year doesnt cut it....


Well we did just get a garbage time TD....not near enough....

It sucks that we may be staring at a 1 or 2 win season after that bowl win. I know there is still a lot of football left but nothing I have seen leads me to believe we will surprise a few teams.
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Yikes it might be a 2 or worse a 1 win season. Very long season ahead for the boys it seems.
It sucks that we may be staring at a 1 or 2 win season after that bowl win. I know there is still a lot of football left but nothing I have seen leads me to believe we will surprise a few teams.

There's no LIFE or REAL SPARK the last two weeks on offense...There's no ground game and Defenses are bringing the house...The defense hangs a while but tires, and tonite a veteran secondary gave up 3 long TD PASSES..

Special teams are a nightmare.Tonite a missed Fg, PAT and an embarrassing dropped snap by our punter that led to a go ahead TD...I will be pulling for us all year, but must say this start of 1-2 is a bummer.. No way did I foresee double digit losses to Wake and NW....

I'm not as high on Jones as everyone else is. I know he needs more experience but I wish they'd give bracey a shot at qb since he's apparently doing nothing at wr. Dude was a bad ass qb in high school. Shoot look at Shane buchele at Texas so far. Nobody expected him to be this good
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bracey popped a hammy and is still recovering. stop with the qb stuff. he only played there in high school cause he was best athlete on team. our biggest issue to me seems to be coaching. WHY do we only run between the tacklies? we have no outside runs so teams put everyone in the box and we get stuffed.also it seems like we are getting better dl play this year and yet we still give up huge pass plays. recievers open by 10 yards. WHAT THE HELL? i think this is where cuts refusal to go outside the program has bit us in the ass. same reason they let him go at old miss. we need a new mind at oc who can see the whole field. i love ferris as a recruiter but man the dbs have gone backwards since he took them over. our talent level is much higher now but we sure are not showing it on the field.
bracey popped a hammy and is still recovering. stop with the qb stuff. he only played there in high school cause he was best athlete on team. our biggest issue to me seems to be coaching. WHY do we only run between the tacklies? we have no outside runs so teams put everyone in the box and we get stuffed.also it seems like we are getting better dl play this year and yet we still give up huge pass plays. recievers open by 10 yards. WHAT THE HELL? i think this is where cuts refusal to go outside the program has bit us in the ass. same reason they let him go at old miss. we need a new mind at oc who can see the whole field. i love ferris as a recruiter but man the dbs have gone backwards since he took them over. our talent level is much higher now but we sure are not showing it on the field.
I was thinking the exact same thing with the running game. Bounce some of the runs outside.
I'm not as high on Jones as everyone else is. I know he needs more experience but I wish they'd give bracey a shot at qb since he's apparently doing nothing at wr. Dude was a bad ass qb in high school. Shoot look at Shane buchele at Texas so far. Nobody expected him to be this good

To Ioliva's point I do agree we need some wildcat in the qb position....May be just the tonic to get Wilson going....

I was thinking the exact same thing with the running game. Bounce some of the runs outside.

Exactly! Wilson is good, but w/our weak OL, he cant expect to bang thru walls...Get him to the flanks!

Sorry, I wasn't attempting to lay blame on a particular position. I agree that the issue is more the play calling.

The only thing I meany about the QB position is the game experience Sirk has is hard to replace. He can make adjustments with that which is tough to do based on practice reps.

That being said, I still think we shock Louisville. :)
I'm not as high on Jones as everyone else is. I know he needs more experience but I wish they'd give bracey a shot at qb since he's apparently doing nothing at wr. Dude was a bad ass qb in high school. Shoot look at Shane buchele at Texas so far. Nobody expected him to be this good

To Ioliva's point I do agree we need some wildcat in the qb position....May be just the tonic to get Wilson going....

I was thinking the exact same thing with the running game. Bounce some of the runs outside.

Exactly! Wilson is good, but w/our weak OL, he cant expect to bang thru walls...Get him to the flanks!

we are getting better dl play this year and yet we still give up huge pass plays. recievers open by 10 yards. WHAT THE HELL? i think this is where cuts refusal to go outside the program has bit us in the ass. same reason they let him go at old miss. we need a new mind at oc who can see the whole field. i love ferris as a recruiter but man the dbs have gone backwards since he took them over. our talent level is much higher now but we sure are not showing it on the field.[/QUOTE said:
Ferris should be more focused on recruiting. If he cant coach this seasoned group of dbs we are in trouble...

Sorry, I wasn't attempting to lay blame on a particular position. I agree that the issue is more the play calling.

The only thing I meany about the QB position is the game experience Sirk has is hard to replace. He can make adjustments with that which is tough to do based on practice reps.

That being said, I still think we shock Louisville. :)

But remember how much Duke fans as a whole wanted to replace Sirk last year. OFC
I know it sounds like a broken record but today is a HUGE DAY for Duke Football...Obviously we're off to a terrible start and theres been breakdowns abound, truly in execution of basic fundamentals to quite frankly coaching, especially in terms of playcalling....(New OC whose claim to to fame is genetics- he's Kurt Roper's brother-yet Zach has never been an OC)....

No I dont expect us to win- you dont suffer back to back double digit losses to Wake and NW, and discover "magic dust" in South Bend....Nonetheless lets at least not lay the "Golden egg in the Golden dome!!" A bad loss on national tv today and our commits are suddenly tenuous, as others begin to swoop in on others like 4 star qb Jack Sears....

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I like us today. Just saying.

Keep fighting fellas.

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