va, you literally, are the biggest unwanted asshole to ever hit rivals. It’s got to suck to be as miserable of a prick as you are. It’s also got to suck, or perhaps you’re proud of it, to be the biggest reason 85 % of the best posters who ever posted here have created a new forum. Do you enjoy just spreading dissent every damn day? Here’s a challenge, our last 4 games. Go to the game threads here and just roll through and read your reply’s only. Dude, that’s a huge conglomeration of sadness. You, and about 8 or 9 others, single handedly destroyed
this board. You sound like a broken, miserable record. I’ve never understood why guys dig in and stay at a forum where 90% of its posters literally despise you, but hey, I guess you’re that guy. You talk like Duke deserted you. Buddy, you don’t even deserve to pull for this program. You’re a chump.
I took your challenge and read his posts over the last four games!! Funny thing though, didn't have much to say during the Clemson game where we played really well. Wonder why? Oh wait, I answered my own question, "played really well".