A little off- season trivia gang!

Charlottesville just to throw an answer in. My mom was born in Sheep Town, Va. if it's not Charlottesville or Ricmond. OFC
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hart2 chesson's guess of Norfolk was awfully close. One of those Raleigh-Durham situations where one city runs into the other
I knew you or Sky would get it. You’re up Hart.

Thx Mac!

Fix-it man Emmett Clark opened his FIX-IT SHOP in Mayberry during the color episodes. In one episode, Emmett's wife's obnoxious brother-in-law came to town. He tried to convert Emmett to his own profession. Name the profession... OFC
He tried to sell insurance
His brother in law was a pain. Emmett saved Howard Sprague's party with his dancing. I learned from that episode to never start a party before 8:30
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He tried to sell insurance
His brother in law was a pain. Emmett saved Howard Sprague's party with his dancing. I learned from that episode to never start a party before 8:30

Great job ged!!!! Lol, brother-in-law had all the answers didnt he!!!!???? Party episode was funny- they were going to break up at 9:30 til the Emmett rescue!! You are up! OFC
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Yes! Skysdad is up. I forgot the question I asked, and couldn't figure out why Duke was on this thread. You are correct!
Cousin Bessie. She was a good actress for a chimp. Frank Inn provided all of the animals for the show. That was his real name. As a boy, I thought Frank Inn was just a business name
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I was thinking of Skipper but there were two and Bessie was one of them. Good job and you are up. OFC
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Yes! Skipper! He was cute! I think Skipper might have been a bonobo. They're essentially chimpanzees, but smaller, and much nicer

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