
Another B-Rad mini-snit. He's been writing about the N&O's reporting on a case unrelated to unx and sports...

I'll simply post these Tweets for ya. Anyone who's read his wrong-headed defenses of unx will be familiar with such a scenario. Lol...

Bradley Bethel ‏@BradleyBethel

@andybechtel I hope you can admit you're no less biased than me here. Your familiarity with Locke makes admitting she was wrong difficult.

B. Martin ‏@yibyabby B. Martin Retweeted Bradley Bethel

Absolutely fascinating.

Bradley Bethel ‏@BradleyBethel

@yibyabby @andybechtel Nothing fascinating. Been saying for over a year that I have a point of view, and I try to be transparent about it.

B. Martin ‏@yibyabby

@BradleyBethel By that logic, you admit your familiarity w/ Beth & Jaimie makes admitting they were wrong difficult. I find that fascinating

Bradley Bethel ‏@BradleyBethel

@yibyabby @andybechtel B, stupid comments like that are why I've muted or blocked you in the past.

CBR (Retired) ‏@CheatingBlueRam

Intriguing to watch in real time as a trained educator documented his evolution into an unabashed advocate for big time athletics.

CBR (Retired) ‏@CheatingBlueRam

I miss the days when Bethel's blog was active. Ramblings interlaced with references to the Dark Knight and embeded Eminem videos. It was fun
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Cryptic comment...

DevilDJ ‏@DevilDJ32 … @macwfnz @TBoneWFNZ @WBTVDMan @JessikaMorgan @accnow @ACCSports @RyanWTWCNews #gagrule???

Cryptic comment...

DevilDJ ‏@DevilDJ32 … @macwfnz @TBoneWFNZ @WBTVDMan @JessikaMorgan @accnow @ACCSports @RyanWTWCNews #gagrule???


And Larry doesnt care....No Fedora ("Mr Hat") is all in to to the mighty W, and is merely a Butch clone, perhaps even more cold blooded. His players show up on(and disappear) from the police blotter, get swept off court dockets,etc,etc yet end up starters (especially in the defensive backfield!). I am sure the young man aforementioned heard the stock line of "world class education!" Ask Michael McAdoo about that line!! Of course in that instance it involved a line of courses MM had no interest, nor a major which would help him in later life...

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Kinda funny too about our state and all branches of govt. No matter where you turn, judicial (Baddour Jr), law enforcement(Woodall), and executive branch, there's a BLIND SPOT to anything amiss in Chapel Hill....Check out recent gubernatorial debate. McCrory who cheesed it up w/Chancellor Folt in a UNC sweatshirt last yr, attacks Cooper (UNC grad) and compares him w/another UNC grad...No wonder Fats Thomas has a permanent "Stay out of Jail" free card....
And Larry doesnt care....No Fedora ("Mr Hat") is all in to to the mighty W, and is merely a Butch clone, perhaps even more cold blooded. His players show up on(and disappear) from the police blotter, get swept off court dockets,etc,etc yet end up starters (especially in the defensive backfield!).

Spot on. And unx has gotten even better at circling the wagons on this stuff whether it's academics or impermissible benefits or covering up criminal behaviour.

No matter where you turn, judicial (Baddour Jr), law enforcement(Woodall), and executive branch, there's a BLIND SPOT to anything amiss in Chapel Hill

Again , spot on. Look at PJ. Busted with drugs , cash and a gun while driving a car registered to a felon. How many unx alum lawyers moved in to handle that case? Pro bono , of course. Not that it was necessary. As you mentioned , the judges are holes too. Point being , Duke/State woulda been crawled for that. Heck , even the cops are unx fans...

Wanna take it a step further? The news anchor in the link above? Cullen Browder....


Bachelor of Arts in Speech Communication, 1986, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Kinda shocked anything from unx EVER becomes public knowledge. All levels of law enforcement? unx. All levels of political power? unx. The media? unx. Jay Smith is correct. They haven't stopped cheating an' ya really can't blame 'em. There's no incentive to stop and the cover is even better than it had been. The revelations of their corruption only galvanized most of their supporters anyway...pizzed 'em off so bad that they're even MORE dedicated to covering up tarhole dirt.
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Had no idea the McCrory ties were so deep to the baby blue....Smh....NO ESCAPE!!! Thank you for your continued coverage!!!

UNC apologists can argue (and they do) that non-athlete students took paper classes and it is true that some non-athlete students took advantage of the paper class system. The Wainstein report (p.35) shows, however, that 71% of students who took between five and nine paper classes were athletes. I saw athletes’ transcripts with 6, 8, 10, 13 and 18 paper classes (see “Cheated” page 140). The paper class system was a system of athletic eligibility. Don’t we owe our athletes a real education? SACS dropped the ball on this one. They did not look at the transcripts and they therefore allowed themselves to be co-opted by the machine as well. Meanwhile, the NCAA, currently tied up in knots, needs a hearing before the hearing on the UNC case to figure out how to begin to end this game of dodgeball. Criminy.

The latest hypocrisy out of Indianapolis is the NCAA’s refusal to allow Isaiah Brock to play basketball at Oakland State. His high school transcripts were sub-par so he didn’t meet the GPA clearinghouse requirements. Mr. Brock has been a decorated soldier in the armed forces for the past four years and has successfully proved that he can pass college level coursework. By contrast, during my time at UNC we had no problem letting in students who could not do college coursework. We had no problem getting waivers for at least three students (one basketball and two football athletes) who were among the most underprepared athletes we ‘served’ during my seven year tenure in the academic support program at UNC. Oakland State must not have the power – follow the money.
Two things:

1) Judging from the NCAA's response to unx , it looks like Indy might actually be growing a pair. And...

2) Until any revenue sport at unx is actually sanctioned ( unlikely , imo ) , as fas I'm concerned this could all be theater. The NCAA talks tough to look relevant but unx still skates...

NCAA rejects UNC’s arguments about bogus classes

For two years, UNC-Chapel Hill and NCAA officials talked about the investigation into nearly two decades of fake classes as a joint probe, with both working together to find out if rules were broken.

That cooperative spirit wasn’t in evidence Tuesday, when newly released correspondence showed the NCAA no longer views the university as a partner in the investigation. It instead cited the university’s “willful violations” and “blatant disregard” for NCAA regulations.

The NCAA rejected all of UNC’s arguments – and asserted that the university didn’t tell the NCAA everything it should have about the classes in 2011. The commission that accredits UNC made a similar charge in putting UNC on probation for a year in 2015.

“It is now clear that the institution did not provide the (NCAA) enforcement staff with the entire body of pertinent information at that time, and the NCAA relied to its detriment on the thoroughness of the institution’s production,” the NCAA’s enforcement staff wrote.

Some damning stuff here. Basically , the NCAA is rejecting much of unx's arguments. Again...until I see different...this could all be theater.
"Stand up for HATCHELL!!!!????" That'll be the day....She's not a tick on the rump to ol Roy, Mr Hat, Bubba and the whole lot of RCers!
Page 10...

"It is now clear that the institution did not provide the enforcement staff with the entire body of pertinent information at that time, and the NCAA relied to its detriment on the thoroughness of the institution's production"
When Crowder says "your kids" to Wayne Walden , she's talking about men's basketball players specifically. Roy's. And when she said she had "a lot of leeway at this point" , well , she wasn't kiddin.' Page 62...

NCAA: North Carolina's procedural arguments 'without merit'

"Indeed, its (unx's ) response rests almost entirely on these procedural issues and touches only minimally on the underlying substantive facts," the enforcement staff's reply states.

After noting that many of the procedural issues had been addressed with the school previously, the documents states: "The parties explored each at length throughout this case and each is without merit."
NCAA: North Carolina's procedural arguments 'without merit'

"Indeed, its (unx's ) response rests almost entirely on these procedural issues and touches only minimally on the underlying substantive facts," the enforcement staff's reply states.

After noting that many of the procedural issues had been addressed with the school previously, the documents states: "The parties explored each at length throughout this case and each is without merit."

Maybe unc is hoping everything will come out quickly and they will get a presidential pardon of all crimes.:D OFC
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Reading that article really pisses me off. Lack of Institutional control and all this other crap yet the NCAA claimed that they found no issue with men's bball??!!! What a joke. They sweep the dirt under the rug to protect UNC's men's bball but now are gonna try and look all badass blasting women's bball and some other lesser sports teams just to try and save a little face. Ridiculous.
Reading that article really pisses me off. Lack of Institutional control and all this other crap yet the NCAA claimed that they found no issue with men's bball??!!! What a joke. They sweep the dirt under the rug to protect UNC's men's bball but now are gonna try and look all badass blasting women's bball and some other lesser sports teams just to try and save a little face. Ridiculous.

Thats very likely their entire MO. It sucks, as Mark Emmert is ensconced in the pockets of Rams Clubbers who only care about Roy and Mr Hat's programs. Would be nice if the COI levied something like forfeits, etc but dont look for it to happen. This is more than likely window dressing to make it look like they are seeking justice....What a joke..

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I don't want to seem like a jerk, but did we need another UNCheat thread? Like Roy at Kansas, I don't give a s*** about UNCheat and we already have threads on this.
The NCAA cannot afford for UNC to receive heavy sanctions - as we've all discussed. It's a bell-weather university. It's a pretty boy for the NCAA in so many sports. One of the "beautiful people."

If this were UNLV, basketball and football would be hammered. And, everyone would go, "Well, that's how it is at some of those schools."

But, the NCAA has so many issues relative to amateur sports, not paying athletes, draconian rules, losing athletes in basketball, etc., that it can't afford this sports-academic scandal.

Some part of UNC will be hurt - but I guarantee nothing will happen with basketball, even though there were a bevy of basketball players who took those fraudulent courses.

How the NCAA doesn't do something about that just exposes their own corruption.
It's "new" news, but not really news at all....if that makes sense. I think we have a thread or two this could have gone in just to save the bandwidth. Everybody knows their basketball team skated through this thing smelling like need to rehash the info, IMO.
The only thing this new thread accomplishes is making my stomach upset and my emotions boiling in the way the NCAA lets them slide. The worst cheating scandal in the history of college basketball and they skate scott free. Its almost as bad as the FBI's James Comey letting Hillary loose.
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This thread began in the wake of an old one that , I believe , was locked. IOW , there was only a single thread devoted to the unx scandal then and there's only a single one now. Easily avoidable for those choosing not to read it. That said , while I remain skeptical that Roy will ever be held accountable , keep one thing in mind. We've seen the ANOA that unc wanted us to see. They redact everything possible and the NCAA doesn't comment on an on-going case. Roy and football were in the first NOA. For all we know they could be in this one too...Wayne Walden is in this one and he's all Roy.
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This thread began in the wake of an old one that , I believe , was locked. IOW , there was only a single thread devoted to the unx scandal then and there's only a single one now. Easily avoidable for those choosing not to read it. That said , while I remain skeptical that Roy will ever be held accountable , keep one thing in mind. We've seen the ANOA that unc wanted us to see. They redact everything possible and the NCAA doesn't comment on an on-going case. Roy and football were in the first NOA. For all we know they could be in this one too...Wayne Walden is in this one and he's
all Roy.

This was very much NEW NEWS, and I for one appreciate DEVIL DJ's EXCELLENT coverage! Its news the way the NCAA REJECTED the UNC argument this week in the wake of the much watered down ANOA....While DEVIL DJ is right and it could be all "theatre" on big brother's part, at least it makes things still a little ticklish for 'em. DDJ is right too- Wayne Walden has had a DIRECT PIPELINE to Lyin Roy since their days at Kansas together...

Ted , "Bluedevilicious" , wrote an interesting article. Check it out. Some highlights...

What the NCAA's letter to UNC Means for Its Fraud Case and the Implications for Ongoing Antitrust Issues

If the NCAA punishes UNC it won't be for ethical reasons. It will be because UNC has placed the entire existence of the NCAA cartel at risk and threatened at least one of the two pillars remaining in its antitrust defense.

The "student-athletes", under the NCAA's academic-athletic integration justification don't benefit, because their education suffers. Thus, if the egregious behavior at UNC becomes ubiquitous, it spells the end of the NCAA.

Long story short, there is a lot of money at stake, and the UNC case has placed this all at risk by undermining the "integration of athletics and academics" argument.

If UNC escapes any substantive punishment, the NCAA's defense of the athletic/academic model will be exposed for the Potemkin village it already is. The UNC case is the albatross around the NCAA's neck, and the NCAA needs a way to remove it without substantially injuring itself in the process.

So, if the NCAA punishes UNC it won't be because it cares about the academic or the overall well-being of the students. The NCAA is a commercial venture, and, as such, its concern is profit-maximization. UNC's long-standing fraud has threatened the cash flow that the cartel enjoys. That is really the wrongdoing as far as the NCAA is concerned, not defrauding students of an education.

Simply put, if UNC escapes any substantive punishment in this case, to borrow from Yeats, "things fall apart." I believe the NCAA cartel will fall apart eventually, anyway, but a UNC escape may accelerate that outcome significantly.
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North Carolina Major Infractions Case Takes Another Curious Turn

The University of North Carolina Athletic Academic Fraud Scandal-The Gift That Keeps on Giving

...this Friday, October 28th, the NCAA Committee on Infractions (COI) is taking an unprecedented step and holding an unusual preliminary hearing essentially to rule on outstanding motions. This is essentially like a pre-trial or summary judgment hearing in American jurisprudence, the defendant (UNC) is actually seeking to have the entire case thrown out because of due-process issues. The hearing will also determine if the NCAA has the authority within its bylaws to continue to pursue the case against UNC regarding the fake classes. The COI is additionally expected to decide whether it can consider key information from the Wainstein Report. The latter should not be an issue as the COI and enforcement staff often use and consider information from outside internal reports to supplement its investigations.
Folt should take charge of scandal mess at UNC

Had the university been more forthcoming from the start, had it not cloaked itself in the “Carolina Way” and simply refused to believe that the problems were as serious as they were, this could have been put to be long ago. The latest fuss between the university and the NCAA is frustrating for the university’s constituency. Folt needs to take charge in a public way and do what has to be done to write the last chapter on this sorry story.

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