
Roy Williams not asked to attend NCAA hearing on UNC probe

North Carolina coach Roy Williams told ESPN he hasn't been asked to attend the NCAA's Division I Committee on Infractions hearing and is optimistic he won't need to go, despite the fact that the school still hasn't been notified of who will be expected to be in attendance.

What a total egomaniac....After all the shame he's brought a school, he STILL cannot resist the urge to refer himself in the 3rd person...

Roy didnt know???? Come on, here's a coach who knows everything-looks up and has a fan removed for yelling "Miss it Deon," and you think he didnt know about players eligibility??? Hes a micromanager EXACTLY like the man he coached under at UNC...

B-Rad still fightin' the good fight. Gonna ship copies of "Unverified" down This guy's a hoot. Sends the offer from his "other" Twitter account. WTF? Lollers. BTW , that IS Jan Boxill at the table...

George L. Daniels ‏@BamaProducer

Thanks to @SocratesofSport for organizing our first @BamaSportscom event on UNC Academic scandal. Event is officially underway!

Bradley Bethel ‏@BradleyBethel

@BamaProducer @SocratesofSport @BamaSportscom If y'all might be interested in my documentary @Unverified_Film, let me know.

Seth Bordner ‏@SocratesofSport

@BradleyBethel @BamaProducer @BamaSportscom @Unverified_Film Will definitely check it out.

Unverified: The Film ‏@Unverified_Film

@SocratesofSport If you send us a direct message, we can tell you how faculty can watch the film for free.

Jay Smith...

A story of institutional failure and fumbled opportunities

BOT member Alston Gardner: “Of course, the ultimate root cause [of our scandal] is big time college athletics.”

BOG member Burley Mitchell: “Hell, yes” the NCAA should return to investigate UNC.

BOT member Alston Gardner‘s response: “What an *******.”

“Has Burley said this?” [Tom] Ross asked his chief spokeswoman, Joni Worthington, in an email. “I haven’t heard him say this. Do we know if he did?”

There, in a nutshell, is the explanation for UNC’s lengthy trip down the river DeNile....
Jay Smith...

A story of institutional failure and fumbled opportunities

BOT member Alston Gardner: “Of course, the ultimate root cause [of our scandal] is big time college athletics.”

BOG member Burley Mitchell: “Hell, yes” the NCAA should return to investigate UNC.

BOT member Alston Gardner‘s response: “What an *******.”

“Has Burley said this?” [Tom] Ross asked his chief spokeswoman, Joni Worthington, in an email. “I haven’t heard him say this. Do we know if he did?”

There, in a nutshell, is the explanation for UNC’s lengthy trip down the river DeNile....

There's the "chief spokesperson" of the mighty and honorable Tom Ross, a former state supreme court judge speaking in terms of keeping a lid on things....

Furthermore the phrase uttered by "Judge Ross" of Mary Willingham when the whistleblower could no longer deal with GLARING IRREGULARITIES in admissions and bogus classes was totally reprehensible...Ross should have THANKED Mary Willingham for her crusade and apologized for all the mischeivous activity!! No way, his initial response to Mary's crusade: "Mole?" This was uncovered in Dan Kane's very enlightening 4 part series. "Judge" Ross should be ashamed....

No way, his initial response to Mary's crusade: "Mole?" This was uncovered in Dan Kane's very enlightening 4 part series. "Judge" Ross should be ashamed....

Ya believe that? These are ( supposedly ) adults we're talkin' about too. Instead of raising heck an' lookin' to clean house , Ross hunkers down with the other over-grown frat boys in the Rams Club. Starts speculating on how the info is going public rather than how such blatant fraud ever happened in the first place. I'm just gonna say something here. Anyone who reads this stuff an' thinks unx has decided to go the straight an' narrow is a damn fool. Seriously. They're switching up the methods , that's all. Don't believe me? Check this out... is no longer available.

The authors have deleted this site.

Ya believe that? These are ( supposedly ) adults we're talkin' about too. Instead of raising heck an' lookin' to clean house , Ross hunkers down with the other over-grown frat boys in the Rams Club. Starts speculating on how the info is going public rather than how such blatant fraud ever happened in the first place. I'm just gonna say something here. Anyone who reads this stuff an' thinks unx has decided to go the straight an' narrow is a damn fool. Seriously. They're switching up the methods , that's all. Don't believe me? Check this out... is no longer available.

The authors have deleted this site.

Removed the site???!!! Ha the PR TEAM told em its ok huh!!!?? You know I actually had sympathy somewhat for Judge Ross after politics cost him his cushy job....None whatsoever now after reading his comments on Willingham....Hey Judge, you should thank her, your school got off light buddy!!

Removed the site???!!! Ha the PR TEAM told em its ok huh!!!?? You know I actually had sympathy somewhat for Judge Ross after politics cost him his cushy job....None whatsoever now after reading his comments on Willingham....Hey Judge, you should thank her, your school got off light buddy!!

Ross , supposedly , has long held an apartment in Chapel Hill that got most of its use during basketball season. Grain of salt with that but very believable. Anyway , Jay Smith still throwin' darts. About the 3 minute mark he starts in. The Cliffs Notes version? unx ain't even TRYIN' to change....
Reforms , moving foward , etc....

"There has been no report to faculty council that would indicate the academic experiences of our athletes has changed significantly in the past 5 years."

"We've been asking for data from the faculty athletics committee that would allow us to compare , to make meaningful comparisons , between sub-populations of athletes the committee case particular the scholarship athletes vs walk-on athletes , the athletes on the various teams and so on...major distribution , GPAs , general education and so on and we've been stonewalled by the FAC. They just don't wanna provide that information. The admission dept doesn't wanna provide it , the athletics dept doesn't wanna provide it and that's a real sad testimony I think to what has or has not changed at unc."

unx is moving forward. Here's the employee they just awarded. Folt loves her. Jay Smith is right. No change....

UNC faculty: Athletic, academic problems not 'malicious'

Joy Renner, athletics committee chairwoman and associate professor and director in the Department of Allied Health Sciences, does not believe the advisors had ill-natured intentions. "I don't think there was anything malicious,” Renner said.

“I don't think there was any surreptitious types of activities going on. I think it was truly people trying to help our athletes be able to compete on the field and also in the classroom."

Margolis said that she believes these types of issues exist at almost every Division I school and that, while UNC has been made an example, people need to pay attention to the problems within their respective universities.
DevilDJ think you agitate thr more than any of us and that's a compliment. If they had a poll over there the topic "which DI posters wold you like to disappear " you would win by a landslide my friend. OFC
DevilDJ think you agitate thr more than any of us and that's a compliment. If they had a poll over there the topic "which DI posters wold you like to disappear " you would win by a landslide my friend. OFC

Cool. Hey , truth hurts. If it was anyone else , unx fans would feel the exact same way everyone else ( not just abc'ers! ) feels. They cheated ( egregiously so ) and once busted they've done nothing to change. Every effort has been made to cover up and marginalize what happened. Is what it is. The average unx fan has been done a great disservice by the frat boys in the Rams Club. It's one thing to try and avoid sanctions etc but it's a completely different thing altogether to put millions of dollars into it while trying to exonerate yourself. WTF? If it was Duke , I'd want everyone gone...K , Cut , whoever. Why? Because you know they knew! And if by some miracle they didn't know , they get canned anyway. It's their job to know. The most surprising thing of all this , to me , is the reaction of unx and their fans. I hate 'em but always had a certain amount of respect for 'em. Thought they did things , more or less , the right way. Not only is that nowhere near the truth but they've been pushing that "carolina way" lie all these years too. Honestly , had they never done THAT , most woulda let this go a long time ago. What's so difficult about saying , "Yes. We lied. The entire episode is humiliating and no one's innocent...not Dean not Roy not Butch not Mack not Anson not Sylvia etc. It's also humiliating the way tptb on the unx campus are handling this." Had unx simply done that...paid their dues....take their medicine...this woulda been over years ago. They're perpetuating it , not me.
Really dude? Obviously I have no idea what happened between the 2 people involved but I'm 100% positive of one thing. "@RandyRSUNC" is a jack-azz. I'm also sure he is as clueless about what happened as I am so make that 2 things instead of just 1. Sickening...

Oh look. "@Im_all_tarheel" is a jackazz too. WTF is wrong with these guys...?

"Yeah , there's definitely some bruising on her neck but it's not nearly as bad as she claims. Look! Check out the pics! See? She's lying! The attack wasn't nearly as serious as reported!" Wow. Attacking the victim. Klassy....

Honestly , if Artis is innocent , I'll be the first to empathize with the kid for being dragged thru this. But no one knows at this point. Despite that , these yay-hoos have lost their minds...

"Yeah , there's definitely some bruising on her neck but it's not nearly as bad as she claims. Look! Check out the pics! See? She's lying! The attack wasn't nearly as serious as reported!" Wow. Attacking the victim. Klassy....

perhaps if UNC had investigated this when it was reported, we might know for sure. From what I heard , they just laughed at her.
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UNC, NCAA will have procedural hearing on Oct. 28

The University of North Carolina will have a procedural hearing with the NCAA Committee on Infractions on Oct. 28.

The hearing in Indianapolis will focus on UNC’s response to the amended notice of allegations it received from the NCAA amid an investigation into the university’s 18-year scheme of African and Afro American Studies courses that required little to no work. The hearing will not focus on “the merits or whether violations occurred,” according to an NCAA letter released Friday.

Interesting that the original NOA and the SACS report are included in this meeting. Wainstein too...


Keep in mind , this isn't a meeting to decide sanctions ( if any. ) It's simply to address unx's procedural concerns. One other thing. Check the date on the letter. Sept 26...this past Monday. unx waited until Friday to release it. We've certainly seen that before.
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The quick and dirty guide to UNC’s paper class scandal

You’re getting settled into your dorm and life on South Campus, and as you eat your pizza and chicken nugget-stacked plates of food in Rams, you begin to hear the upperclassmen rumblings about “the scandal.” Maybe it’s a joke about plagiarized papers or wanting to take a class that doesn’t meet. At any rate, you’ve heard that something big and bad happened recently.

We have a quick run-down of the essentials about UNC’s athletic and academic scandal with everything you need to know.
Date set for North Carolina to face NCAA, SEC boss tapped as chief hearing officer

The NCAA's Committee on Infractions will hear North Carolina argue the merits for its response to multiple major violations stemming from a long-running investigation of the athletic department, particularly its ties to "anomalous classes" in the African-American Studies. The chief hearing officer for the meeting, set for Oct. 28, will be SEC commissioner Greg Sankey and the panel is made up mostly of university administrators but also includes former Northern Illinois football coach Joe Novak. Since the NCAA will be making rulings in the middle of college basketball season, it's guaranteed that North Carolina, thanks to hoops, will already be in the headlines. The fact that North Carolina is challenging the NCAA's authority in the case also makes it precedent-setting for the industry of college athletics.

Ted Tatos ‏@BlueDevilicious

NCAA COI Chief Hearing Officer Greg Sankey in O'Bannon trial: "education is central to what we do." Doesn't square w/ fake classes at UNC.


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Always a hoot watchin' B-Rad get his panties in a wad. Lulz...

Seth Bordner ‏@SocratesofSport

@CheatingBlueRam Willingham knew of wrongdoing and was fired for whistleblowing. She's also not 77. Makes sense in her case

Bradley Bethel ‏@BradleyBethel

@SocratesofSport @CheatingBlueRam No, Willingham resigned and sued for hostile work environment.

CBR (Retired) ‏@CheatingBlueRam

@BradleyBethel @SocratesofSport Care to speculate why your dismissed friends, Bridger & Lee, haven't filed suit since wrongfully discharged?

Bradley Bethel ‏@BradleyBethel

@CheatingBlueRam @SocratesofSport If you were really faculty, you'd be informed enough to know NC law makes winning nearly impossible.

CBR (Retired) ‏@CheatingBlueRam

@BradleyBethel @SocratesofSport And yet...Mary collected $300k. Not going to debate professional credentials with you.

Bradley Bethel ‏@BradleyBethel

@CheatingBlueRam @SocratesofSport She sued for hostile work environment, not wrongful termination.

CBR (Retired) ‏@CheatingBlueRam

@BradleyBethel @SocratesofSport And being scapegoated doesn't qualify as hostile work environment?

Bradley Bethel ‏@BradleyBethel

@CheatingBlueRam @SocratesofSport You're an idiot. Stay retired. I'm watching the debate now.

CBR (Retired) ‏@CheatingBlueRam

@BradleyBethel @SocratesofSport Full disclosure, you were as much as source of that hostility as anyone else on campus.
... is written by a Duke grad!


Wait, we are talking about UNC, not the show?

Oh well.

I've explained in the past the NCAA's new definition of when it can investigate academics on campus. Meanwhile, North Carolina has used the NCAA's own past actions to argue the association has no jurisdiction over academic matters.

That raises an important question I asked several administrators to explain. What's the distinction between NCAA members wanting the NCAA Clearinghouse to scrutinize the academic rigor of recruits' schools and classes but not allowing the enforcement staff to do it on campuses? If it's OK to questions academics on the front end and it's OK to ban teams due to their Academic Progress Rate score, why is it not OK to examine the academic rigor of classes when called into question?

"The distinction is the members themselves are confident that their academic oversight is strong enough, and if it's not and we have cases when there's been fraud, we have the ability to step in and deal with it," NCAA president Mark Emmert said. "The issue with examining literally a handful out of the thousands of high schools out there is the members have said, 'Yeah, we want you to keep looking at schools where we're not sure they have the kind of rigor or expectations that we need.'"

Delany said my question is fair. He's in the minority who wants schools to admit whatever athletes they want academically as long as they sit out athletically as a freshman to adjust to academics in college.

"The point is we judge others about the quality of their offerings," Delany said. "We look behind [academic rigor on campus] some, but the first line of defense are the local faculties and faculty senates. Absent somebody alleging or showing that a course is not credible, do they go behind that? I know here in the Big Ten we would never really think about scrutinizing the majors at Illinois, Wisconsin or Minnesota. That's not to say we wouldn't be attuned to academic fraud."
Interesting article^^^. In it , Delany suggests the NCAA farm out investigations to an independent party. Obviously the schools wanted no parts of such a thing. Funny part is this...Delany's a unc alum. Gotta wonder if he woulda made that suggestion if he were working for his alma mater or the ACC...which is basically the same thing but ya know what I mean.
Interesting article^^^. In it , Delany suggests the NCAA farm out investigations to an independent party. Obviously the schools wanted no parts of such a thing. Funny part is this...Delany's a unc alum. Gotta wonder if he woulda made that suggestion if he were working for his alma mater or the ACC...which is basically the same thing but ya know what I mean.



How much of this crap went down on his watch as athletic director at unx? I'm guessin' a bunch. Guy's up to his teeth in it. Between him and fellow tarhole alum/ESPN CEO John Skipper , they've kept a ton of this buried...

How much of this crap went down on his watch as athletic director at unx? I'm guessin' a bunch. Guy's up to his teeth in it. Between him and fellow tarhole alum/ESPN CEO John Skipper , they've kept a ton of this buried...


Sickening duo....Sickening scenario...Politics at work....

Coach K's success is what triggered AFAM....

That success triggered a heretofore unheard of FIFTH crown ( Helm's Trophy ) for unx too. Duke wins multiple nattys an' all of a sudden a bread truck banner means something. Lmao. #carolinaway. Ridpath. Mentions B-Rad too. lulz...

Athletics Driven Or Athletics Nexus In North Carolina Academic Fraud-Ultimately It Does Not Matter

I share the conclusion that there are numerous academic, athletic and NCAA violations in this case.

...there is a connection to athletics that cannot be severed.

Ultimately, the revolting academic fraud at UNC is clearly an athletic academic fraud issue because of the athletic nexus as defined by the NCAA.


Our disagreements have become so vitriolic, that I decided to finally stop twitter battling with him once and for all (He has also blocked me at times...)
Not trying to get into a socio-political debate. At all. Not my style. "Bashing unx" IS. That said , I'm posting this because of the highlighted portion. That school really is run by athletics. Mary's said it , Jay's said it , just about anyone who wasn't in the tank 100% for Roy and Fed has said it. I could see someone complaining because the kids chose to protest. Thing is , I would think they would complain because of ( for lack of a better term ) "patriotic" reasons. No. Not at all. At unx , the complaints arise because the jocks aren't focused on for a couple of minutes. God forbid...

UNC student protestors have reached the tipping point

He said he’s received negative feedback because of the protests, but it’s not stopping him. Simpson said during a football game protest, a fan told the protesters to stand, as they were taking attention away from the football team.

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