THR mad about pre game ceremony...


Dec 18, 2013
Meanwhile stands empty before Roy and Seniors can give speeches.... Lolololol.

Apparently they just don't like any kind of ceremony.
They'll hang a banner about it though. So, theres that. They like that ceremony
It's really ridiculous the amount of classlessness that is being shown over there right now. Of course, we should all be use to it by this point.
A bunch say it's nice then there are the crazy ones.

"I am not in favor of this either. I think in light of the sexual assault allegations and possible
coverup by the dook program, this will not sit well with UNC fans. I am all for the mutual
respect aspect of this as each program needs each other to make this rivalry great.
It is a classy attempt to show respect, but if I was sitting in the stands tonight, I
would not even give a golf clap. I would just sit in silence while coach k is honored."

A bunch call him rat over and over. What is wrong with some of these people
Originally posted by kailman:
A bunch say it's nice then there are the crazy ones.

"I am not in favor of this either. I think in light of the sexual assault allegations and possible
coverup by the dook program, this will not sit well with UNC fans. I am all for the mutual
respect aspect of this as each program needs each other to make this rivalry great.
It is a classy attempt to show respect, but if I was sitting in the stands tonight, I
would not even give a golf clap. I would just sit in silence while coach k is honored."

A bunch call him rat over and over. What is wrong with some of these people
I tried to go over there and be nice. That was a mistake. I am too nice at times and I tend to try and turn the other cheek. But my lord they make it so damned difficult.
Many THR fans are like ducks, they are totally quacky, not all of them but many on THR much have certification papers that simply are stamped "SPECIAL".
Originally posted by gottagonow:
Many THR fans are like ducks, they are totally quacky, not all of them but many on THR much have certification papers that simply are stamped "SPECIAL".
I believe it man! Lord, I just wanted to say that Roy was a class guy and that I appreciated what they did there at the beginning of the game. I mean this is a rivalry and I love winning these games. But, I care about the relationships between the two schools as well. Roy said some classy things about K this week in regards to the Sheed rape allegations and I will never forget that. Both coaches have shown that they have a great respect for one another and actually have become friends over the last few years I think. Mainly because of K and Dean's relationship I would assume. I have three brothers, two of them are Carolina all the way. So I have lived through some hellish times, but fun times! Highs and lows, and I would never, ever trade that away for anything. I love this rivalry and I have great respect for it. I just wish some of the guys over there would show the same.
The one thing that sticks out above all else on THR is how much hatred they have for Coach K. They wouldn't be satisfied with anything less than hanging K up alongside their banners.

Originally posted by OldasdirtDevil:
The one thing that sticks out above all else on THR is how much hatred they have for Coach K. They wouldn't be satisfied with anything less than hanging K up alongside their banners.

Very true. And how sick is that? I couldn't ever imagine acting this way EVER. I hate those boys in baby blue with ever fiber of my being, but it is just a game. I care about upholding the respect more than anything. That doesn't exist in some of their minds.
Its just pure simple jealously, especially now that K has owned Roy so many times in recent years. Put yourself in UNC fans shoes for a moment, which team has denied UNC its glory and greatness over the years? Its not Clemson, Virginia, GT, or any other ACC school except Duke. UNC should embrace their success over the years (and they have been a great program) rather than hate those responsible for taking much of the limelight away. Putting that jealously aside, I will never understand the evil and childish comments about Coach K and the lack of respect shown to him and the callous name calling such as the Rat and Ratface and POS. They want to drive a stake up our behind so badly they can't stand it. We say silly but harmless things about UNC and Roy but nothing even remotely similar to them.

Remember, those in lower positions will usually negatively talk about others to make themselves appear bigger, brighter, badder and better but they are the only ones who listen.

The deafening silence tomorrow from their peanut gallery will be golden.
I have to agree with THR on this one.

I like what we did for Dean, it was very appropriate as a memorial.

But giving an opposing coach a trophy at our home game? No freaking way.

I am all in favor of treating our rivals with BEGRUDGING respect rather than open animosity but that is where I draw the line.

Can you imagine honoring Roy and giving him a trophy for some milestone in NCAA basketball at our Senior night because I can not think of any scenario where I would appreciate that.
Originally posted by BluePhil:

I have to agree with THR on this one.

I like what we did for Dean, it was very appropriate as a memorial.

But giving an opposing coach a trophy at our home game? No freaking way.

I am all in favor of treating our rivals with BEGRUDGING respect rather than open animosity but that is where I draw the line.

Can you imagine honoring Roy and giving him a trophy for some milestone in NCAA basketball at our Senior night because I can not think of any scenario where I would appreciate that.
In isolation, I agree. But I think they just wanted to express gratitude for the Dean tribute, which was done tremendously well by our University. The debate, I suppose, is whether or not this was the best way to express that gratitude. I would be okay with this if it was the other way around, but I can understand the opposing view.

Overall, I don't really enjoy the animosity involved in the rivalry. Some people do. It's just different strokes, I suppose.
Originally posted by barkingpumpkin:

Originally posted by BluePhil:

I have to agree with THR on this one.

I like what we did for Dean, it was very appropriate as a memorial.

But giving an opposing coach a trophy at our home game? No freaking way.

I am all in favor of treating our rivals with BEGRUDGING respect rather than open animosity but that is where I draw the line.

Can you imagine honoring Roy and giving him a trophy for some milestone in NCAA basketball at our Senior night because I can not think of any scenario where I would appreciate that.
In isolation, I agree. But I think they just wanted to express gratitude for the Dean tribute, which was done tremendously well by our University. The debate, I suppose, is whether or not this was the best way to express that gratitude. I would be okay with this if it was the other way around, but I can understand the opposing view.

Overall, I don't really enjoy the animosity involved in the rivalry. Some people do. It's just different strokes, I suppose.
As long as we win the game after we honor Roy, then would it really matter? I think we have to look past the rivalry on things like this. About 30% of the dean dome clapped, most of them sarcastically I am sure. I really felt that at Cameron the tribute to Dean was more intimate and seemed more genuine from our fan base. Roy and his guys were great and I think that was a nice thing to do. However, when the camera scanned the crowds of fans, it was mostly older people clapping. So it is definitely I maturity thing.
Originally posted by bleediteveryday30:

As long as we win the game after we honor Roy, then would it really matter?
. We could arrange for Roy to get fed grapes on the bench and I wouldn't care, so long as we win the game.
I'll be honest. I expected to hear 20k booing fans for that little stunt but that was not the case. I thought the crowd was pretty damn classy or just too dumbfounded to react.

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