The New Lounge

The best moment in the history of the Colbert show was Monday when he called CNN objective during his interview with K Collins and even his audience laughed. The jig is up. Datt is one of the last of the Mohicans who refuse to acknowledge that the Media is in the tank for the Democrats. Always have been, but it got real bad real fast with their Messiah Obama
I don't think he denies that they are in the tank for the democrats. He just excuses them and still calls them journalism. I haven't once made excuses for fix news and he still will accuse me of getting my information from them. I don't waste much time at all with any of them. I just look at what my eyes see.
Her latest brilliant proposal is for a 28% corporate tax rate. This as we are seeing major businesses announcing plans to lay of thousands of employees. This is higher than it was in Obama's first term and when it reached 26%, companies left the country and we saw a 3 month period where 1.5 million people were laid off. I guess if you are okay with this because she's not orange and mean, whatever.
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Her latest brilliant proposal is for a 28% corporate tax rate. This as we are seeing major businesses announcing plans to lay of thousands of employees. This is higher than it was in Obama's first term and when it reached 26%, companies left the country and we saw a 3 month period where 1.5 million people were laid off. I guess if you are okay with this because she's not orange and mean, whatever.
It makes you wonder if the Democrats in power have any more economic literacy than their average voter. Corporate taxes go up. They either raise prices, lay off workers or both. Or worst scenario: leave the country. This ain’t rocket science
The mainstream media does legit work when they’re not talking about politics. If you can’t see the propaganda against Trump, you need to take off your blinders.
I see some of it as propaganda. I suspect you dismiss some legit stuff about him as propaganda.
No slandering or misrepresenting here. Even CNN, NYT, WaPo is calling out the nonsense of her policy.
Haven't seen all of them. Did they say she "stole" ideas from the Trump-Vance ticket? Or refer to her attempt to stop price-gouging as "communist price controls"? Again, my point is that there is a difference between criticizing policy and spinning it to impugn intention. That has been my only point in this exchange with you.
The only answer is low tax rates on businesses and corporations, and tax breaks as well. Freightliner is in the county I live, and it's a company that employs over 2,300 people. The wages they make are very solid, with most people working there til retirement. The impact a company like them has on our county and counties close by are very welcomed.
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Corporations are seeing record profits while paying practically no taxes. That's not working, either. Do you have a suggestion?
21% tax rate is hardly “ no taxes”. Furthermore, every worker from the CEO on down pays plenty of taxes. The goal is to attract investment, not scare it away. Kamala has also voiced support for taxes on unrealized capital gains, perhaps the dumbest idea she’s had yet?
The only answer is low tax rates on businesses and corporations, and tax breaks as well. Freightliner is in the county I live, and it's a company that employs over 2,300 people. The wages they make are very solid, with most people working there til retirement. The impact a company like them has on our county and counties close by are very welcomed.
I would imagine the taxes those 2, 300 people pay are quite a boon to the local and state economies. Let’s raise the corporate tax rate because a non human entity is not paying its “fair share” though. The Far Left’s tax em til they bleed policies would create ghost towns in many areas
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I would imagine the taxes those 2, 300 people pay are quite a boon to the local and state economies. Let’s raise the corporate tax rate because a non human entity is not paying its “fair share” though. The Far Left’s tax em til they bleed policies would create ghost towns in many areas
There is a catch in this though. Freightliner, in an attempt to save money, several years ago wanted to relocate a lot of their work to Mexico. But several of their big contracts said if they did, they wouldn't buy their trucks anymore.

That's a great stand by Freightliner's customers.
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Corporations are seeing record profits while paying practically no taxes. That's not working, either. Do you have a suggestion?
Corporations employ a quarter of American workers with the average corporate employee making more than twice what the average American income is. Between the corporate taxes, and individual corporate employee taxes, that's over half of the tax revenue.

My suggestion is the same as it has always been. Fix wasteful spending, then see how much more money you need to steal from the tax payers. No one will answer what will happen to that money that they take. They're still going to pass massive spending bills that lead to massive waste and the politicians who are supposed to be civil servants are still going to get richer while their voting base cheers them on.
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21% tax rate is hardly “ no taxes”. Furthermore, every worker from the CEO on down pays plenty of taxes. The goal is to attract investment, not scare it away. Kamala has also voiced support for taxes on unrealized capital gains, perhaps the dumbest idea she’s had yet?
Not just unrealized gains. A 44% tax before the unrealized gains. Which is actually what Joe Biden suggested. Seeing how he never pushed for a bill on it, I guess he lied to his base about that just like he lied when he said he was going to cure cancer. Seems like they only care about Trump’s lies.
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The only answer is low tax rates on businesses and corporations, and tax breaks as well. Freightliner is in the county I live, and it's a company that employs over 2,300 people. The wages they make are very solid, with most people working there til retirement. The impact a company like them has on our county and counties close by are very welcomed.
Thanks for this perspective, Mac. While my take remains vastly different, it's better informed because of it.
Can’t believe the Trump administration lied about creating 800K+ more jobs than it actually did and constantly bragged about it.

Oh wait, that’s THIS administration. Just in time for the federal reserve to lower interest rates though.
Can’t believe the Trump administration lied about creating 800K+ more jobs than it actually did and constantly bragged about it.

Oh wait, that’s THIS administration. Just in time for the federal reserve to lower interest rates though.
Last month I mentioned to @SDevada, after she claimed the economy was doing so good, that each jobs report that showed gains was later revised downward in the dark of night after this regime had already hyped the gains as economic victories for Bidenomics. If we could see the real numbers that weren't just people returning from the pandemic or the federal government employees added, I'd bet they would be historically low. This country is in trouble and will be far worse if Kamala gets elected just because she makes us feel better as a people.
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Last month I mentioned to @SDevada, after she claimed the economy was doing so good, that each jobs report that showed gains was later revised downward in the dark of night after this regime had already hyped the gains as economic victories for Bidenomics. If we could see the real numbers that weren't just people returning from the pandemic or the federal government employees added, I'd bet they would be historically low. This country is in trouble and will be far worse if Kamala gets elected just because she makes us feel better as a people.
And the 800k+ was the worst in 15 years if I saw the report correctly. But you’re absolutely right. Government jobs added were enormous, those jobs add zero to the economic benefit of the country. So it’s much much worse than they’re even saying. But again, this was not only intentional on the front end, it’s intentional now, so that the fed will drop interest rates and make everything seem hunky dory.
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What's ironic about Harris copying Trump's no tax on tips, is her regime hired 80,000+ IRS agents, many in the auditing sector. To focus on unreported income. Which the vast majority of unreported income comes from middle wage employees who are not reporting all of their tips. Not evil millionaires or billionaires who are audited like they are hiding Jews from the Nazis in the 1930's.
What's ironic about Harris copying Trump's no tax on tips, is her regime hired 80,000+ IRS agents, many in the auditing sector. To focus on unreported income. Which the vast majority of unreported income comes from middle wage employees who are not reporting all of their tips. Not evil millionaires or billionaires who are audited like they are hiding Jews from the Nazis in the 1930's.
What’s convenient though is that she wants to tax unrealized gains. So she takes your money one way or another.
And the 800k+ was the worst in 15 years if I saw the report correctly. But you’re absolutely right. Government jobs added were enormous, those jobs add zero to the economic benefit of the country. So it’s much much worse than they’re even saying. But again, this was not only intentional on the front end, it’s intentional now, so that the fed will drop interest rates and make everything seem hunky dory.
Labor participation rate increased dramatically in 2017. Following an 11 year drop. It continued to increase until 2020 when covid hit. After the economy opened back up, there was a brief spike in labor participation. Since then, it has decreased again. To play apples to apples with Trump era revisions to this regime's revisions is completely dishonest. One was great numbers being revised to really good numbers. The other was poor numbers being revised to atrocious numbers.
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Labor participation rate increased dramatically in 2017. Following an 11 year drop. It continued to increase until 2020 when covid hit. After the economy opened back up, there was a brief spike in labor participation. Since then, it has decreased again. To play apples to apples with Trump era revisions to this regime's revisions is completely dishonest. One was great numbers being revised to really good numbers. The other was poor numbers being revised to atrocious numbers.
Bingo. I didn’t think it was worth typing all of that out. But to continue. It was historic lows in every marginalized group’s unemployment rates in their history under Trump.

So let’s see. We’ve had 8 years of Obama, 4 more years of Obama, sorry Biden/Harris, and they want us to subscribe to at least 4 more years of the same, but according to our current VP Harris, she will correct everything on day 1 of her new presidency. Can’t right now of course, bc she’s “just the last person the president asks before making a decision,” but then she can definitely do it. It’s not like they see eye to eye on every policy. Oh wait, the press secretary said they do just last week. Well that’s awkward. So which is it. Everything is great but you insist everything will change for the better when she gets in office, or, you’re linked to everything that’s already amazing in the current administration that 2/3 of America say is heading in the wrong direction? Interesting questions to answer. Of course she won’t answer any questions bc she’s going with the same basement strategy of her “current” boss’s campaign four years ago. But I’m sure a person who got zero votes, got hand picked for the presidential ticket, will protect democracy.
So let’s see. We’ve had 8 years of Obama, 4 more years of Obama, sorry Biden/Harris

Just to divert from the conversation a little bit and address this. It is interesting. The first two years of Trump were clouded by fake accusations of collusion. Then there was a 7 month period that had a hint of stability. And then covid. Yet, every single demographic benefited from Trump’s presidency, financially. In the 12 years outside of Trump’s term, only the elite have benefited. It's almost as if someone is lying to us.
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What's ironic about Harris copying Trump's no tax on tips, is her regime hired 80,000+ IRS agents, many in the auditing sector. To focus on unreported income. Which the vast majority of unreported income comes from middle wage employees who are not reporting all of their tips. Not evil millionaires or billionaires who are audited like they are hiding Jews from the Nazis in the 1930's.
Fact-checking that 80k+ number: 20-30k are new positions, the rest filling expected vacancies; the term "agent" refers to the auditing sector, and very few are that, not "many"; about 1/8 of all IRS employees are "agents."

If you wanna use a Nazi analogy, the evil billionaires are the ones who worked with the Nazis, not who hid the Jews. That's how they got rich. A single billionaire's tax cheating probably equals a bigger fish than all the tip cheaters put together.

However, as BIPOC know, if a law doesn't specify who it is targeting, it will ultimately target the so-called little guy, so just like a domestic terrorism law won't actually target white nationalists unless it specifically says so, vague targeting of tax cheats will ultimately hit tipped employees, small businesses, etc, not billionaires, so you're right about that... up until the point they specify tipped employees' being exempt.
Just to divert from the conversation a little bit and address this. It is interesting. The first two years of Trump were clouded by fake accusations of collusion. Then there was a 7 month period that had a hint of stability. And then covid. Yet, every single demographic benefited from Trump’s presidency, financially. In the 12 years outside of Trump’s term, only the elite have benefited. It's almost as if someone is lying to us.
You're parroting President Trump himself, who is well known for hyperbole and straight-up lies. The truth is much more complicated and mixed.
Fact-checking that 80k+ number: 20-30k are new positions, the rest filling expected vacancies; the term "agent" refers to the auditing sector, and very few are that, not "many"; about 1/8 of all IRS employees are "agents."

If you wanna use a Nazi analogy, the evil billionaires are the ones who worked with the Nazis, not who hid the Jews. That's how they got rich. A single billionaire's tax cheating probably equals a bigger fish than all the tip cheaters put together.

However, as BIPOC know, if a law doesn't specify who it is targeting, it will ultimately target the so-called little guy, so just like a domestic terrorism law won't actually target white nationalists unless it specifically says so, vague targeting of tax cheats will ultimately hit tipped employees, small businesses, etc, not billionaires, so you're right about that... up until the point they specify tipped employees' being exempt.
Pretty unimportant fact check that doesn't change the points being made. And I won't bother fact checking your claim that billionaires got rich by working with the nazis.

Anyone who uses the term BIPOC, is not to be taken seriously.
You're parroting President Trump himself, who is well known for hyperbole and straight-up lies. The truth is much more complicated and mixed.
That article is very laughable. Though it references the pandemic, it does not point out that the pandemic was a big reason why some of the things Trump takes credit for, weren't able to take full effect. Whether they would have or not is speculation. Add to the fact, he lost the election and Biden undid almost everything and imposed his own economic policies that have been terrible for the country.
Most Americans say that they were doing better under Trump. Most Americans view Trump as more favorable for the economy than Harris. The left and the msm are working overtime trying to convince those Americans that they are wrong. The AP is pretty much Vox at this point.
Pretty unimportant fact check that doesn't change the points being made. And I won't bother fact checking your claim that billionaires got rich by working with the nazis.

Anyone who uses the term BIPOC, is not to be taken seriously.
No, no, no. I didn't claim billionaires got rich working with Nazis. I was extending your analogy. I said so in the exact same sentence.

Accuracy is important, especially when your inaccuracy is intended to mislead and deceive. You know, lie. You know very well the prospect of 80k more agents going after Republicans only is a fictional horror story many will fall for, just like the one about parents chopping off little kids' genitals on Tuesday because they arbitrarily decided it on Monday.

Once upon a time, people like you thought "colored" was too PC and shouldn't be taken seriously. You can choose to spell out Black, Indigenous, and People of Color if you like. I prefer to abbreviate it. It's not going anywhere.
That article is very laughable. Though it references the pandemic, it does not point out that the pandemic was a big reason why some of the things Trump takes credit for, weren't able to take full effect. Whether they would have or not is speculation. Add to the fact, he lost the election and Biden undid almost everything and imposed his own economic policies that have been terrible for the country.
You yourself whittled President Trump's greatness down to 7 months, excusing everything else as someone or something else's fault. 🤣

And of course, daring to say something is not 100% one way is way too radical in your book. :rolleyes:
We had Obama for 8 years, Trump for 4, and Biden (Obama) the last 4 years. Yet everything that's wrong is due to the one guy sandwiched between a run of Democrat dominance.

The powers to be have to sit there and marvel at how stupid so many are. "Let's push this old, senile, memory losing crook out and see if they bite on him being the leader. Hide the VP from them too. She's worse than Biden is."

"Holy shit, they're buying what the media says!!"
Most Americans say that they were doing better under Trump. Most Americans view Trump as more favorable for the economy than Harris. The left and the msm are working overtime trying to convince those Americans that they are wrong. The AP is pretty much Vox at this point.
People just need to quit listening to the media, open their eyes, and wallet. That’ll tell you everything you need to know.
You yourself whittled President Trump's greatness down to 7 months, excusing everything else as someone or something else's fault. 🤣

And of course, daring to say something is not 100% one way is way too radical in your book. :rolleyes:
For a self proclaimed intellect, you sure are dumb.
Once upon a time, people like you thought "colored" was too PC and shouldn't be taken seriously. You can choose to spell out Black, Indigenous, and People of Color if you like. I prefer to abbreviate it. It's not going anywhere.
Whether you spell it out or use the abbreviation, it is stupid and only woke morons use the term. And they are not to be taken seriously.
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This is awesome. Not sure how he kept a straight face. Unless it's real, which would still be awesome.

People just need to quit listening to the media, open their eyes, and wallet. That’ll tell you everything you need to know.
Like you're not just listening to different media with even less vetting. And how much of a bubble must you live in to assume everyone has the same experience looking into their wallet?
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Like you're not just listening to different media with even less vetting. And how much of a bubble must you live in to assume everyone has the same experience looking into their wallet?
Everyone has to eat. Everyone’s prices have gone up. No one suggested we all have an equal amount of money or had the same exact opportunities. How on earth do you know how much vetting there’s been on any network? CNN and MSNBC are extensions of the Dem Party at this point. Neither mentioned the 800,000 Job hoax Just doesn’t fit their narrative
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