The New Lounge

It's funny that you're accusing me of wanting to see people suffer. You would just assume see the majority of Americans struggle financially, be forced to live in crime ridden communities and send their kids to over populated and under staffed public schools just so you can feel good about having a progressive president who shares your same looney stances on identity politics.

I prefer to have a president who puts Americans first. But to you, that makes me a "white nationalist".
I call the 45th President "President Trump."
You call the 46th President "Joetato."
I work in public education, supporting kids across the political spectrum.
You work with criminals whom you hate.
I can and have identified positive things Donald Trump did as President despite detesting him.
You have been saying Joe Biden is the worst President in American history by far since before the midterms. Worse than Presidents Buchanan, Tyler, Pierce, Fillmore, Andrew Johnson, Harding, Hoover, and Nixon.
I call the 45th President "President Trump."
You call the 46th President "Joetato."
I work in public education, supporting kids across the political spectrum.
You work with criminals whom you hate.
I can and have identified positive things Donald Trump did as President despite detesting him.
You have been saying Joe Biden is the worst President in American history by far since before the midterms. Worse than Presidents Buchanan, Tyler, Pierce, Fillmore, Andrew Johnson, Harding, Hoover, and Nixon.
Speaking of public education, do your students assume you’re working on lesson plans or corresponding with your colleagues when you’re discussing politics on a message board?
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I call the 45th President "President Trump."
You call the 46th President "Joetato."
I work in public education, supporting kids across the political spectrum.
You work with criminals whom you hate.
I can and have identified positive things Donald Trump did as President despite detesting him.
You have been saying Joe Biden is the worst President in American history by far since before the midterms. Worse than Presidents Buchanan, Tyler, Pierce, Fillmore, Andrew Johnson, Harding, Hoover, and Nixon.
What does any of this have to do with what we're talking about? Just another opportunity for you to pat yourself on the back because no one else will. And don't talk about who I hate. You have no clue. I have worked with some very questionable characters and I have more respect for each and every one of them than I do you. And I don't hate you.
And lol at working with kids across the political spectrum. Who the hell is assigning these kids a political spectrum?
What does any of this have to do with what we're talking about? Just another opportunity for you to pat yourself on the back because no one else will. And don't talk about who I hate. You have no clue. I have worked with some very questionable characters and I have more respect for each and every one of them than I do you. And I don't hate you.
It's in response to our competing accusations about the other accepting suffering. It demonstrates my class and your immaturity. I'm aware of my weaknesses and humble about them. I know my strengths and won't deny them.

"more respect for each and every one of them than I do you." 🤣 🤣 🤣
You really just can't get out of your own way, can you? Such drama! lol

And lol at working with kids across the political spectrum. Who the hell is assigning these kids a political spectrum?
I understand it's hard to comprehend when your kid is 2, but by middle school, lots of kids are developing political opinions. By high school, almost all of them have. If you have one kid who won't be satisfied until white men are all locked up and one kid who doesn't think girls should be allowed to get an education, the range of opinions between them would be called "a spectrum." I care about and stand up for kids whose political beliefs are very objectionable to me. You claim here all the time that the Left is deranged and evil.
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It's in response to our competing accusations about the other accepting suffering. It demonstrates my class and your immaturity. I'm aware of my weaknesses and humble about them. I know my strengths and won't deny them.

"more respect for each and every one of them than I do you." 🤣 🤣 🤣
You really just can't get out of your own way, can you? Such drama! lol

I understand it's hard to comprehend when your kid is 2, but by middle school, lots of kids are developing political opinions. By high school, almost all of them have. If you have one kid who won't be satisfied until white men are all locked up and one kid who doesn't think girls should be allowed to get an education, the range of opinions between them would be called "a spectrum." I care about and stand up for kids whose political beliefs are very objectionable to me. You claim here all the time that the Left is deranged and evil.
You do not have class. Fluffing yourself on an internet message board doesn't give you class. I can admit that maturity is not what I come here for. But you don't need to worry about my maturity and professionalism in the real world. Especially at work. I work hard for people who are struggling. And in all honesty, it's people like you who have failed them. You went to Raleigh to whine about your wages when you were supposed to be teaching kids. So save me the self promoting "I care and stand up for kids" nonsense. As far as the political environment with school aged children. I am sure it has grown substantially since our time in school. Due to social media, lunatic parents and radical teachers. Which I know have always existed, minus social media, but never to the level we're at now. But that doesn't mean it should be a divisive tool in schools. You say you "work with" both sides, and good on you. I prefer it not be a publicly discussed topic between teenagers in a school setting. But the earlier you can get in their head, the better, right?
The problem with public education is just what Dat said he’s doing. We have teachers giving their opinions on politics and social justification when all they should be doing is teaching their curriculum. Education has steadily taken a nose dive, especially since Covid.
Jesus, while we're at it, why not just offer $10,000 to every first time car buyer? How do I get stock in the money printing business? And in 7 years the government will bail out the banks who gave people loans they couldn't afford and foreclosed on.

You do not have class. Fluffing yourself on an internet message board doesn't give you class. I can admit that maturity is not what I come here for. But you don't need to worry about my maturity and professionalism in the real world. Especially at work. I work hard for people who are struggling. And in all honesty, it's people like you who have failed them. You went to Raleigh to whine about your wages when you were supposed to be teaching kids. So save me the self promoting "I care and stand up for kids" nonsense. As far as the political environment with school aged children. I am sure it has grown substantially since our time in school. Due to social media, lunatic parents and radical teachers. Which I know have always existed, minus social media, but never to the level we're at now. But that doesn't mean it should be a divisive tool in schools. You say you "work with" both sides, and good on you. I prefer it not be a publicly discussed topic between teenagers in a school setting. But the earlier you can get in their head, the better, right?
You mean that one day in 2018 and that one day in 2019 when teachers marched in Raleigh with stated goals centered on improving schools for kids while partnering with churches and community groups to make sure kids who depend on school for food still got fed? That’s how we’ve failed them? 😂
A kid being gay in public is a political agenda in your book. 🙄 That kid can answer a question in a math class requiring nothing but a number, or an answer in a history class requiring nothing but a date, and if it’s a boy with “glitter” in his voice, a teacher might have to deal with a younger version of you snickering and saying something under your breath. And they have to show compassion for that teenage version of you, too. The teacher doesn’t have to bring up politics for politics to exist in school. Just because you were oblivious to it last time you were in a school doesn’t mean it wasn’t there even then.
The problem with public education is just what Dat said he’s doing. We have teachers giving their opinions on politics and social justification when all they should be doing is teaching their curriculum. Education has steadily taken a nose dive, especially since Covid.
What did I say I’m doing? Did my last post clarify it for you?
I’ve been working in NC public ed since 1996. We’ve been heading downhill since the housing crisis and recession around 2009 — circumstances that had absolutely nothing to do with schools but hurt us anyway — then the Tea Party took over NC in 2010 and things got worse faster.

Politics have been screwing over public schools for more than half of my career, but how dare we say anything political? 😂 Y’all don’t want us to shut up and teach. You just want us to shut up. You don’t even trust us to teach. You wanna ban books, censor history to protect yourselves from what your kids might learn, and pre-approve canned curriculum.

Y’all really cannot keep up with me when it comes to the state of public education in NC. You can throw your childish “brainwashing!” and “socialism!” accusations, but you have no idea. Economy? I’ll be quiet. Education? I’m the expert here. The only one I’m aware of.
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Jesus, while we're at it, why not just offer $10,000 to every first time car buyer? How do I get stock in the money printing business? And in 7 years the government will bail out the banks who gave people loans they couldn't afford and foreclosed on.

You do realize that subsidies to first time home owners is not new. Right? FDR did it. It helps people get mire stability and brings a lot of benefits to communities.
You do realize that subsidies to first time home owners is not new. Right? FDR did it. It helps people get mire stability and brings a lot of benefits to communities.
If it were during times of prosperity and the interests rates were down, there would be a slight benefit for some people. It certainly doesn't bring stability and how does it bring benefits to communities?

This would just be another burden for tax payers on top of all of their other promises. It's not reality. Home buyers would hardly see a difference with $25,000. Maybe like $25/mo. Iif that. What would benefit home buyers would be an affordable marker with lower interest rates. More government spending with less revenue leads to inflation. Inflation leads to higher interest rates. Also, every single time the government offers subsidies for something, the price goes up. It's not a winning tactic here. The government needs to get its hands off of the market and let it flow organically.
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If it were during times of prosperity and the interests rates were down, there would be a slight benefit for some people. It certainly doesn't bring stability and how does it bring benefits to communities?

This would just be another burden for tax payers on top of all of their other promises. It's not reality. Home buyers would hardly see a difference with $25,000. Maybe like $25/mo. Iif that. What would benefit home buyers would be an affordable marker with lower interest rates. More government spending with less revenue leads to inflation. Inflation leads to higher interest rates. Also, every single time the government offers subsidies for something, the price goes up. It's not a winning tactic here. The government needs to get its hands off of the market and let it flow organically.
If times were prosperous and interest rates were down, fewer people would need the help. How does home ownership not bring stability to communities?

A quick search says the price for a new home in NC is $282K. How do you figure a $25k downpayment (8.8%) would hardly make a difference? That's almost halfway to having enough equity to get rid of PMI.

Spending under President Biden has been much less than under President Trump and job creation has been up, but we've had inflation anyway.

If subsidies cause price increases, why is there so much corporate welfare?
If times were prosperous and interest rates were down, fewer people would need the help. How does home ownership not bring stability to communities?

A quick search says the price for a new home in NC is $282K. How do you figure a $25k downpayment (8.8%) would hardly make a difference? That's almost halfway to having enough equity to get rid of PMI.

Spending under President Biden has been much less than under President Trump and job creation has been up, but we've had inflation anyway.

If subsidies cause price increases, why is there so much corporate welfare?
Houses will automatically go up 25k datt
Kamala four policy proposals since becoming the nominee:

Stealing President Trump's "no tax on tips" policy

Stealing J.D. Vance's tax credit for new parents.

Implementing communist price controls for food, which will make food a lot more expensive and cause rationing.

Giving new homeowners $25K down payments, which will make housing more expensive due to subsidizing demand

On top of ALL that.. she is IN POWER and able to do this now
And lol at working with kids across the political spectrum. Who the hell is assigning these kids a political spectrum?

If times were prosperous and interest rates were down, fewer people would need the help. How does home ownership not bring stability to communities?

A quick search says the price for a new home in NC is $282K. How do you figure a $25k downpayment (8.8%) would hardly make a difference? That's almost halfway to having enough equity to get rid of PMI.

Spending under President Biden has been much less than under President Trump and job creation has been up, but we've had inflation anyway.

If subsidies cause price increases, why is there so much corporate welfare?
Yesterday you said you’d be quiet on the economy. Promises promises. “ Soending under President Biden has been much less than President Trump”. According to whom?
If times were prosperous and interest rates were down, fewer people would need the help. How does home ownership not bring stability to communities?

A quick search says the price for a new home in NC is $282K. How do you figure a $25k downpayment (8.8%) would hardly make a difference? That's almost halfway to having enough equity to get rid of PMI.

Spending under President Biden has been much less than under President Trump and job creation has been up, but we've had inflation anyway.

If subsidies cause price increases, why is there so much corporate welfare?
You made my point for me, datt. Lower interest rates and a more affordable market would help far more than a tax payer funded subsidy of $25,000 in today's environment. I didn't say homeownership doesn't bring stability. I said this proposal wouldn't bring stability.

$282,000 is a pretty modest price and would not qualify for the full subsidy. Even if so, it's barely a dent on your monthly payment on a 30 year mortgage with high rates, and as I said, it would just lead to higher prices.

I don't care if you blame Trump or Biden. It makes no difference in how this would impact the economy and the housing market.
I don't see how to get by the no tax on tips. If that's the case, they would have to say that tips don't count as income, which means they would have to bring their wages up to the minimum. Then that creates a whole new set of problems in the workforce. Cooks and dishwashers would be paying more taxes and making less money, just as an example. I thought it was a very unrealistic promise by Trump and then Kamala went and made the same promise. Lol
CNN and Washington Post are two lib outlets that are criticizing Kamala's economic plan. My favorite is from the Washington Post. 'When your opponent accuses you of being a communist, maybe don't propose price controls on goods'.
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CNN and Washington Post are two lib outlets that are criticizing Kamala's economic plan. My favorite is from the Washington Post. 'When your opponent accuses you of being a communist, maybe don't propose price controls on goods'.
I don’t trust anything you say, but credit where credit’s due: you called it.

Of course, anything any of those outlets say that’s critical of President Trump is just liberal claptrap.
I don’t trust anything you say, but credit where credit’s due: you called it.

Of course, anything any of those outlets say that’s critical of President Trump is just liberal claptrap.
Not anything they say. There are plenty of things to be critical about with Trump. It's just that 90% of what they say about him is fake and only meant to stir emotions from the loons. It's just surprising to see them resemble journalism for a moment in regards to queen Kamala.
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She referenced stealing ideas from President Trump and Sen Vance?
She referred to her price-gouging prevention as communist?
That’s you.
Are you a literal moron? I never said she referred to any of it that way. I take back what I said about ole gal
Are you a literal moron? I never said she referred to any of it that way. I take back what I said about ole gal
Datt has a habit of reading things the way his brain sees it and making it mean what he wants it to mean. Then when you tell him that's not what you meant or said, he just tells you what you meant or said.
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Are you a literal moron? I never said she referred to any of it that way. I take back what I said about ole gal
You said she released it.
I laughed.
You asked why I laughed.
I told you "the spin," as in, your frame.
You doubled-down, claiming via rhetorical question that's what she released.
I elaborated.
Now you are the one clinging to a technicality -- that you didn't specify that she specified it that way.

You could have left it at my laugh. Or at my two-word response. You didn't. Now you wanna throw a little hissy fit over my pointing out exactly what my point was all along: you and others are not actually addressing policy or discussing policy; you're slandering and misrepresenting policy. I'll probably do the same thing tomorrow. Feel free to call me on it.
You said she released it.
I laughed.
You asked why I laughed.
I told you "the spin," as in, your frame.
You doubled-down, claiming via rhetorical question that's what she released.
I elaborated.
Now you are the one clinging to a technicality -- that you didn't specify that she specified it that way.

You could have left it at my laugh. Or at my two-word response. You didn't. Now you wanna throw a little hissy fit over my pointing out exactly what my point was all along: you and others are not actually addressing policy or discussing policy; you're slandering and misrepresenting policy. I'll probably do the same thing tomorrow. Feel free to call me on it.
More gaslighting in the future on the way. Not only from our befuddled friend Datt here, but from the Harris camp and Dems at large. Just as she was never appointed the border czar, a month from now the narrative will be she never discussed price controls. Not that we misunderstood, but that IT NEVER HAPPENED
Not anything they say. There are plenty of things to be critical about with Trump. It's just that 90% of what they say about him is fake and only meant to stir emotions from the loons. It's just surprising to see them resemble journalism for a moment in regards to queen Kamala.
What y'all call MSM are doing more authentic journalism than y'all will ever give them credit for. I doubt you vet any of it, and certainly not the things you're predisposed to dislike. Sure, a headline about President Trump's self-destructive rhetoric might grab your attention, but any insinuation that he's culpable for January 6th, for example? You'll dismiss that out of hand and cling to bc narratives about undercover antifa instead.
What y'all call MSM are doing more authentic journalism than y'all will ever give them credit for. I doubt you vet any of it, and certainly not the things you're predisposed to dislike. Sure, a headline about President Trump's self-destructive rhetoric might grab your attention, but any insinuation that he's culpable for January 6th, for example? You'll dismiss that out of hand and cling to bc narratives about undercover antifa instead.
Disastrous policy proposals by the Dem candidate. Lo and behold, let’s talk about Jan 6 some more. Right on cue
What y'all call MSM are doing more authentic journalism than y'all will ever give them credit for. I doubt you vet any of it, and certainly not the things you're predisposed to dislike. Sure, a headline about President Trump's self-destructive rhetoric might grab your attention, but any insinuation that he's culpable for January 6th, for example? You'll dismiss that out of hand and cling to bc narratives about undercover antifa instead.
You're an activist who calls himself a teacher. So of course you will call political activism, journalism.
You're an activist who calls himself a teacher. So of course you will call political activism, journalism.
I'm both a public school educator and an activist. I did not say MSM are entirely legit; I said they are doing more legit work than you will ever give them credit for. I was quite clear and thorough, unlike you.
You said she released it.
I laughed.
You asked why I laughed.
I told you "the spin," as in, your frame.
You doubled-down, claiming via rhetorical question that's what she released.
I elaborated.
Now you are the one clinging to a technicality -- that you didn't specify that she specified it that way.

You could have left it at my laugh. Or at my two-word response. You didn't. Now you wanna throw a little hissy fit over my pointing out exactly what my point was all along: you and others are not actually addressing policy or discussing policy; you're slandering and misrepresenting policy. I'll probably do the same thing tomorrow. Feel free to call me on it.
No slandering or misrepresenting here. Even CNN, NYT, WaPo is calling out the nonsense of her policy.
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The mainstream media does legit work when they’re not talking about politics. If you can’t see the propaganda against Trump, you need to take off your blinders.
The best moment in the history of the Colbert show was Monday when he called CNN objective during his interview with K Collins and even his audience laughed. The jig is up. Datt is one of the last of the Mohicans who refuse to acknowledge that the Media is in the tank for the Democrats. Always have been, but it got real bad real fast with their Messiah Obama
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The mainstream media does legit work when they’re not talking about politics. If you can’t see the propaganda against Trump, you need to take off your blinders.
When are they not discussing politics though? They insist on injecting politics into sports, entertainment, public schools. It’s pervasive.
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Any known person that leans to the right that does an interview on any station not named Fox, better prepare their self.

They are going to get treated like a degenerate.

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