The New Lounge

I made a factual statement that Kamala was socialist heavy, communist light because she believes in equal outcomes not equal opportunities. You deny said fact. Try to claim the only place you could find anything close was on (your favorite fallback) fox news. It is absolutely your homework. Coward.
I replied with a link to Harris herself explaining the difference between equality and equity. I’m not going to put any effort into finding something to support your partisanship.

It’s clear you’re bothered by my calling you a coward and explaining thoroughly, consistently why. It’s a poor substitute to throw the same label back at me when you don’t have anything to make it stick. If it makes you feel good, go ahead and keep doing it, but it’s pretty clear you’re just doing a poor imitation of me. You lack the self-awareness to see the difference, which is also why you believe President Trump or/and Fox News when they accuse the left of doing exactly what they’re doing.
What's weird is you attempting to glom on to the term they are attaching to Vance when this is what your people represent.

One is a Senator and VP candidate who wags his jowls and morally condemns people for their gender identity, among other things. The other is a person attending a political rally.

That lack of self-awareness I mentioned? It’s behind why you would attempt to equate the two.
I replied with a link to Harris herself explaining the difference between equality and equity. I’m not going to put any effort into finding something to support your partisanship.

It’s clear you’re bothered by my calling you a coward and explaining thoroughly, consistently why. It’s a poor substitute to throw the same label back at me when you don’t have anything to make it stick. If it makes you feel good, go ahead and keep doing it, but it’s pretty clear you’re just doing a poor imitation of me. You lack the self-awareness to see the difference, which is also why you believe President Trump or/and Fox News when they accuse the left of doing exactly what they’re doing.
You really think highly of yourself. Which is good, at least somebody does. You are either, lazy, naive or a liar. Personally, I think you are all 3.

Nothing you will call me or accuse me of will ever bother me. I don't respect you enough for that stuff to matter. I just throw it back at you to point out your hypocrisy.

One is a Senator and VP candidate who wags his jowls and morally condemns people for their gender identity, among other things. The other is a person attending a political rally.

That lack of self-awareness I mentioned? It’s behind why you would attempt to equate the two.
I wasn't comparing those looney lefties to Vance. I specifically stated that they were what your people represent. In other words, how can I take your sick opinion on anyone seriously when you support the same people that that lunatic trans man, gay man, who has been pregnant and had an abortion, supports? Pretty big fail from someone who is a self proclaimed smart person.
I just throw it back at you to point out your hypocrisy.

...they were what your people represent... you support the same people that that lunatic trans man, gay man, who has been pregnant and had an abortion, supports?
Yet you haven't. And Lord knows my hypocrisy exists, but you're not even in the ballpark. That's what self-awareness has done for me, and how it's lacking in you.

They are absolutely among WHOM* -- not "what" -- I support. The most marginalized, traumatized people in society? Why wouldn't any decent human being support them? It's classic schoolyard bully crap to instead call them lunatics. You know who else I support? The rare conservative kids with whom I work in Durham. The wealthy white kids with everything going for them with whom I worked at Duke. The impoverished, addiction-decimated people with whom I work through church. The small business owners with whom my wife is in community with. Shoot, *I* would be a better VP candidate than Sen Vance. lol

You? You make jokes about how long George Floyd has been sober now, then go to work where you're supposed to be supporting people who are on probation because they've run afoul of the law somehow -- some of the many, many people you despise.

(*BTW, there's this button labeled "shift" -- two of them, actually, on either side of the keyboard -- and another labeled "caps lock." Push either one of them while typing and it capitalizes stuff. It helps a selected word stand out. No yelling required.)
You really think highly of yourself. Which is good, at least somebody does. You are either, lazy, naive or a liar. Personally, I think you are all 3.

Nothing you will call me or accuse me of will ever bother me. I don't respect you enough for that stuff to matter. I just throw it back at you to point out your hypocrisy.

I wasn't comparing those looney lefties to Vance. I specifically stated that they were what your people represent. In other words, how can I take your sick opinion on anyone seriously when you support the same people that that lunatic trans man, gay man, who has been pregnant and had an abortion, supports? Pretty big fail from someone who is a self proclaimed smart person.
That stuff about the trans man, gay pregnant man made me think about my buddies in college. We used to joke around and say “I’m a lesbian trapped in a man’s body. Damn if we don’t seriously have people that actually think that way. If you support that stuff, it’s just hard to believe anything that comes out of your mouth.
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Yet you haven't. And Lord knows my hypocrisy exists, but you're not even in the ballpark. That's what self-awareness has done for me, and how it's lacking in you.

They are absolutely among WHOM* -- not "what" -- I support. The most marginalized, traumatized people in society? Why wouldn't any decent human being support them? It's classic schoolyard bully crap to instead call them lunatics. You know who else I support? The rare conservative kids with whom I work in Durham. The wealthy white kids with everything going for them with whom I worked at Duke. The impoverished, addiction-decimated people with whom I work through church. The small business owners with whom my wife is in community with. Shoot, *I* would be a better VP candidate than Sen Vance. lol

You? You make jokes about how long George Floyd has been sober now, then go to work where you're supposed to be supporting people who are on probation because they've run afoul of the law somehow -- some of the many, many people you despise.

(*BTW, there's this button labeled "shift" -- two of them, actually, on either side of the keyboard -- and another labeled "caps lock." Push either one of them while typing and it capitalizes stuff. It helps a selected word stand out. No yelling required.)

"Self awareness" is your latest overused term, I see. This is how you chose to start your Monday, huh? Don't throw your arm out of socket patting yourself on the back with your self promoting rant. I still find it odd that you are a church goer. Seeing how you support the murders of the unborn and the mutilating of children. You're not supporting these people. You're affirming their lies which does not help them. They need help, not affirmation.

You continue to pretend to know what I do for a living and give uneducated opinions on how I view the people I work with. But you haven't gotten it right, yet.

Your last paragraph is just weird. No one who is as weird and psychotic as you are has any business calling anyone else weird.
My phone is running on fumes. I need to fuel it up before the battery dies.

There could be a video of her literally licking a window and you would say that wasn't weird.

"Self awareness" is your latest overused term, I see. This is how you chose to start your Monday, huh? Don't throw your arm out of socket patting yourself on the back with your self promoting rant. I still find it odd that you are a church goer. Seeing how you support the murders of the unborn and the mutilating of children. You're not supporting these people. You're affirming their lies which does not help them. They need help, not affirmation.

You continue to pretend to know what I do for a living and give uneducated opinions on how I view the people I work with. But you haven't gotten it right, yet.

Your last paragraph is just weird. No one who is as weird and psychotic as you are has any business calling anyone else weird.
Correct. Some of these delusional trans types need psych help stat, but the Datts of the world would rather pat them on the back and say “You’re pregnant? Let’s get you to the obgyn”. Gender dysphoria may exist in minute numbers, but social contagion is def at play now. And the Dems have a shiny new voting bloc to keep stirred up
Yet you haven't. And Lord knows my hypocrisy exists, but you're not even in the ballpark. That's what self-awareness has done for me, and how it's lacking in you.

They are absolutely among WHOM* -- not "what" -- I support. The most marginalized, traumatized people in society? Why wouldn't any decent human being support them? It's classic schoolyard bully crap to instead call them lunatics. You know who else I support? The rare conservative kids with whom I work in Durham. The wealthy white kids with everything going for them with whom I worked at Duke. The impoverished, addiction-decimated people with whom I work through church. The small business owners with whom my wife is in community with. Shoot, *I* would be a better VP candidate than Sen Vance. lol

You? You make jokes about how long George Floyd has been sober now, then go to work where you're supposed to be supporting people who are on probation because they've run afoul of the law somehow -- some of the many, many people you despise.

(*BTW, there's this button labeled "shift" -- two of them, actually, on either side of the keyboard -- and another labeled "caps lock." Push either one of them while typing and it capitalizes stuff. It helps a selected word stand out. No yelling required.)
You're like the cross eyed guy that says "look at me when I'm talking."
you support the murders of the unborn and the mutilating of children.
Boring troll is boring.

Look up church reactions to Roe v Wade. Everyone but Catholics supported it in 1973, including evangelicals, based on the wellbeing of the woman.

What changed was Jerry Falwell. He launched a tv campaign against abortion starting in 1979 that completely changed evangelical minds. So unless you’re Catholic, your opposition to abortion essentially traces back to a tv charlatan brainwashing evangelicals everywhere.

So your moral outrage is not rooted in objectivity. It’s arbitrary, and extremist, inflammatory language like “murders of the unborn,” like your outright lie about “mutilating of children” doesn’t do anything but give you a wittle tiny stiffy.
Boring troll is boring.

Look up church reactions to Roe v Wade. Everyone but Catholics supported it in 1973, including evangelicals, based on the wellbeing of the woman.

What changed was Jerry Falwell. He launched a tv campaign against abortion starting in 1979 that completely changed evangelical minds. So unless you’re Catholic, your opposition to abortion essentially traces back to a tv charlatan brainwashing evangelicals everywhere.

So your moral outrage is not rooted in objectivity. It’s arbitrary, and extremist, inflammatory language like “murders of the unborn,” like your outright lie about “mutilating of children” doesn’t do anything but give you a wittle tiny stiffy.
You don’t think the removal of sex organs and breasts could be called mutilation? How is this a lie? A child can’t legally vote or drink alcohol let alone consent to sex, but they can give the okay for “gender reassignment” surgery? Preposterous.
Re: abortion, you’re saying that half the country was brainwashed by a tv evangelist and, if not for his campaign, most evangelicals today would be prochoice. You’re probably right. I’m sure it has nothing to do with unborn babies, some of whom are viable outside the womb, having their skulls crushed with medical instruments. People began to change their views on abortion when they realized what the procedure entailed.
You don’t think the removal of sex organs and breasts could be called mutilation? How is this a lie? A child can’t legally vote or drink alcohol let alone consent to sex, but they can give the okay for “gender reassignment” surgery? Preposterous.
Re: abortion, you’re saying that half the country was brainwashed by a tv evangelist and, if not for his campaign, most evangelicals today would be prochoice. You’re probably right. I’m sure it has nothing to do with unborn babies, some of whom are viable outside the womb, having their skulls crushed with medical instruments. People began to change their views on abortion when they realized what the procedure entailed.
He tells himself these things in order to justify putting his political ideologies ahead of the God he supposedly believes in. There's not a true Christian out there who thinks it is morally acceptable to perform abortions without a physical threat to the mother. And even then, it is a struggle. Then he just pretends that child sex operations aren't happening and that the right wingers are making it up.
Boring troll is boring.

Look up church reactions to Roe v Wade. Everyone but Catholics supported it in 1973, including evangelicals, based on the wellbeing of the woman.

What changed was Jerry Falwell. He launched a tv campaign against abortion starting in 1979 that completely changed evangelical minds. So unless you’re Catholic, your opposition to abortion essentially traces back to a tv charlatan brainwashing evangelicals everywhere.

So your moral outrage is not rooted in objectivity. It’s arbitrary, and extremist, inflammatory language like “murders of the unborn,” like your outright lie about “mutilating of children” doesn’t do anything but give you a wittle tiny stiffy.
Yep , one man changed every evangelical mind starting in 1979. Do you really believe everything you spout out your mouth? You can find excerpts from here and there, but it doesn’t always mean it’s true. You may want to attend church and read your Bible and let the Holy Spirit let you discern what to believe.
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He tells himself these things in order to justify putting his political ideologies ahead of the God he supposedly believes in. There's not a true Christian out there who thinks it is morally acceptable to perform abortions without a physical threat to the mother. And even then, it is a struggle. Then he just pretends that child sex operations aren't happening and that the right wingers are making it up.
All right wingers watch Fox News too. I like to watch a little bit of all news outlets just to see how they cover events. If you can’t tell the mainstream media is biased, then you’re not thinking for yourself.
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All right wingers watch Fox News too. I like to watch a little bit of all news outlets just to see how they cover events. If you can’t tell the mainstream media is biased, then you’re not thinking for yourself.
Since the Harris coup, what I’ve seen from the msm is light years worse than simple bias though. It’s straight up propaganda Prior to the coup we were lied to for three years re: Joe’s mental state. Now the Border Czar Lie. The msm was also complicit in the Michael Brown hoax which led to billions of $ prop damage and theft
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Harris says she will "fix inflation". What has she been doing for the last 3 1/2 years? She said she will fix the border. What has she been doing for the last 3 1/2 years? She said she will fix high utility bills. What has she been doing for the last 3 1/2 years? She said she will fix crime in the big cities. What has she been doing for the last 3 1/2 years? She said she will fix the economy. What has she been doing the last 3 1/2 years. Why doesn't she do all of this now? Her own website has ZERO plans concerning the what is she going to do to fix it?
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Since the Harris coup, what I’ve seen from the msm is light years worse than simple bias though. It’s straight up propaganda Prior to the coup we were lied to for three years re: Joe’s mental state. Now the Border Czar Lie. The msm was also complicit in the Michael Brown hoax which led to billions of $ prop damage and theft
Yep, and we’re supposed to believe that Biden is running the country. Harris can’t even do a press conference or an interview, she’s just doing what a good Indian is supposed to. My fault, a good black person. Warren is the Indian. Any person with a functioning brain knows as Mac would say, “Joe and the Ho ain’t running things.”
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Harris says she will "fix inflation". What has she been doing for the last 3 1/2 years? She said she will fix the border. What has she been doing for the last 3 1/2 years? She said she will fix high utility bills. What has she been doing for the last 3 1/2 years? She said she will fix crime in the big cities. What has she been doing for the last 3 1/2 years? She said she will fix the economy. What has she been doing the last 3 1/2 years. Why doesn't she do all of this now? Her own website has ZERO plans concerning the what is she going to do to fix it?
I guess just keep on laughing and hope her sheep will laugh along with her. It’s really sad that some people thinks she’s a leader.
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Harris says she will "fix inflation". What has she been doing for the last 3 1/2 years? She said she will fix the border. What has she been doing for the last 3 1/2 years? She said she will fix high utility bills. What has she been doing for the last 3 1/2 years? She said she will fix crime in the big cities. What has she been doing for the last 3 1/2 years? She said she will fix the economy. What has she been doing the last 3 1/2 years. Why doesn't she do all of this now? Her own website has ZERO plans concerning the what is she going to do to fix it?
She’s been too busy interviewing candidates. She can’t keep employees more than a couple of months due to her unpreparedness, volatile temper, and general lack of professionalism Just as Biden made the Obama years look good, so too will Harris out clown Joe. What a sh storm this country is in. On a related note, saw where the average utility bill for June- Sept in the Us looking like it will be $ 720/month 🤡
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I guess just keep on laughing and hope her sheep will laugh along with her. It’s really sad that some people thinks she’s a leader.
She tries to appear mainstream and then she picks Tampon Tim as her vp. Only with a media that rolls over like an old dog if you have a D next to your name would this gas lighting translate into a legit campaign strategy
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Yep, and we’re supposed to believe that Biden is running the country. Harris can’t even do a press conference or an interview, she’s just doing what a good Indian is supposed to. My fault, a good black person. Warren is the Indian. Any person with a functioning brain knows as Mac would say, “Joe and the Ho ain’t running things.”
The fact that the msm is running point for the Democrats and she still won’t sit down for an interview with any of these cheerleader hacks tells you she’s not fit to be President if she can’t form an unscripted articulate thought
Trump is sharp as a tact in negotiations. He's a born leader, and the deals he makes prove it. I just wish they would limit his mic time, because he's awful in front of the camera for long stretches.

But, I'll vote for him eight days a week. Nothing but puppets is what the rest are. The Ho and Tampon Tim? GTFOH.

We need someone to take on the Establishment, and Donald Trump is the ONLY choice. No matter how arrogant he may be. It tells me all I need to know when the other side, most of the media, and some from his own party don't want him there.
Trump is sharp as a tact in negotiations. He's a born leader, and the deals he makes prove it. I just wish they would limit his mic time, because he's awful in front of the camera for long stretches.

But, I'll vote for him eight days a week. Nothing but puppets is what the rest are. The Ho and Tampon Tim? GTFOH.

We need someone to take on the Establishment, and Donald Trump is the ONLY choice. No matter how arrogant he may be. It tells me all I need to know when the other side, most of the media, and some from his own party don't want him there.
Agreed. It appears that the Dems, other than their sacred commitment to being pro choice, aren’t interested in policy so much anymore. They’re happy as clams with an empty vessel figurehead as long as she checks off the right boxes. It makes them FEEL GOOD
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Yep , one man changed every evangelical mind starting in 1979. Do you really believe everything you spout out your mouth? You can find excerpts from here and there, but it doesn’t always mean it’s true. You may want to attend church and read your Bible and let the Holy Spirit let you discern what to believe.
That guy can’t even be bothered to click a link that leads to an answer to a question he asked. Why would I waste my time with the long version of the evangelical flip-flop on abortion here?

The point is, there is no definitive Biblical message about abortion. The SBC even reaffirmed their support of RvW at at least two conventions between 1973 and 1978. Sure, it wasn’t Falwell alone who turned them, but it also wasn’t that they suddenly learned to read, either.
Harris says she will "fix inflation". What has she been doing for the last 3 1/2 years?
I’ll never claim to be a financial expert. Best I can tell from this article, inflation (1) started in early 2022, (2) affected almost every country in the world, and (3) was way better in the US than in most places. My interpretation of that is that it was way, way bigger than anything President Biden’s administration was responsible for or any admin could reasonably be expected to turn around on a dime. It was global, and we didn’t get anywhere near the worst of it.

If anyone can fill in some gaps in my understanding without being a condescending, partisan douche, I’d sincerely appreciate it. If you’re a douche, I’m likely to just tune everything you say out.
I’ll never claim to be a financial expert. Best I can tell from this article, inflation (1) started in early 2022, (2) affected almost every country in the world, and (3) was way better in the US than in most places. My interpretation of that is that it was way, way bigger than anything President Biden’s administration was responsible for or any admin could reasonably be expected to turn around on a dime. It was global, and we didn’t get anywhere near the worst of it.

If anyone can fill in some gaps in my understanding without being a condescending, partisan douche, I’d sincerely appreciate it. If you’re a douche, I’m likely to just tune everything you say out.
It actually started mid 2021 and was caused mostly by trillions of stimulus spending, as well as insufficient supply to meet pent up demand caused by pandemic era lockdown policies. So, yes Biden’s policies contributed to the inflation. Other countries passed similar spending packages so that played a role globally as well.
He tells himself these things in order to justify putting his political ideologies ahead of the God he supposedly believes in. There's not a true Christian out there who thinks it is morally acceptable to perform abortions without a physical threat to the mother. And even then, it is a struggle. Then he just pretends that child sex operations aren't happening and that the right wingers are making it up.
No true Scotsman! lol
With "self awareness" being your new favorite phrase, you sure are lacking it here. You just described yourself better than anyone possibly could.
False equivalency. I humbly asked for help understanding something I admit I don’t understand. You never do that.
False equivalency. I humbly asked for help understanding something I admit I don’t understand. You never do that.
There was no equivalence. Just a point of fact. To the topic, I certainly am not an expert on the economy either. But I share the previous poster's questions on what Kamala is going to do to curb it. We were at one point better off than other countries, but now we are anywhere from 1.5%-3% higher than most western countries on inflation. And she can't answer why we are falling behind other countries or what she plans to do to fix it. We at least know what the other side plans to do, not that we know it will definitely work. But we saw it work from 2017 - 2019.
"No True Scotsman" is a well-known logical fallacy. You committed it. As a field of study, logic is nonpartisan.

There's a difference between being a condescending douche to someone who is expressing vulnerability and humility, and being a condescending douche to you, which would actually just be being ruthlessly superior. So there was no irony in what I said, and it was absolutely a false equivalency (another logical fallacy) when you brought it up.
"No True Scotsman" is a well-known logical fallacy. You committed it. As a field of study, logic is nonpartisan.

There's a difference between being a condescending douche to someone who is expressing vulnerability and humility, and being a condescending douche to you, which would actually just be being ruthlessly superior. So there was no irony in what I said, and it was absolutely a false equivalency (another logical fallacy) when you brought it up.
Man, I bet nobody in your house even talks to you without you begging them to. You are not superior to me at all. You are an ugly and miserable person who uses the internet to pump your ego and pretend to be smarter than anyone who actually knows you, would ever accuse you of being. Condescending, partisan douche is absolutely a perfect description for you and that's what makes it a rich thing for you to preemptively accuse someone else of being.

I don't blame you for ignoring policy discussions and focusing solely on the personal back and forths. You suck at both, but at least with the insults you can punch the post button and give yourself a high five.
Man, I bet nobody in your house even talks to you without you begging them to. You are not superior to me at all. You are an ugly and miserable person who uses the internet to pump your ego and pretend to be smarter than anyone who actually knows you, would ever accuse you of being. Condescending, partisan douche is absolutely a perfect description for you and that's what makes it a rich thing for you to preemptively accuse someone else of being.

I don't blame you for ignoring policy discussions and focusing solely on the personal back and forths. You suck at both, but at least with the insults you can punch the post button and give yourself a high five.
Re: bold...
Just you. (Weird comma. Weird.)
You dismiss the very existence of policies when presented with factual evidence. Nothing left to do but blow the whole thing up.
Speaking of policies, what are Kamala’s policies on the border and crime? We know what it is on tips.
Border: Border is secure
Crime: Crime is down
Inflation: Trump’s fault, but its transitory
Middle East: Israel has a right to defend itself, but ( insert pro Hamas gibberish here) …..ceasefire
Speaking of policies, what are Kamala’s policies on the border and crime? We know what it is on tips.
"Vice presidents rarely have policy portfolios of their own — and almost always set aside any views that differ from those of the Oval Office occupant. Now, after four years of following President Joe Biden’s lead, Harris is taking a cautious approach to unveiling a policy vision in her own right."

You're really just concern trolling. You don't care what her policy positions are because you already know you won't be voting for her.
'Cautious approach'. A.K.A. so radical and unpopular, I don't want to make them public. You clowns keep making excuses for her refusal to be transparent and forthcoming.