The New Lounge

This WaPo article criticizes her policy positions for not being particularly nuanced or unique, but it doesn't pretend she has none.
This Time Mag article covers 12 areas.
This CNN article says she's "recalibrating" her stances from the Biden positions.
From USA Today, for you crayon-eaters.
And these two: a Democratic Senator from California fires back at the idea that Harris has "flip-flopped," and the GOP propaganda machine that is Fox News assuming she is flip-flopping.

She isn't even the official nominee yet -- and y'all are still whining that she WILL be the nominee -- but you want details of policies now? And you know it doesn't matter what her official policies are because YOU won't be voting for her regardless. You've already decided. So you're not even inquiring in good faith.

And I bet you're not as dumb as you're pretending. I bet you can guess where she stands on some pretty key issues. And you disagree, as you're entitled to. But stop pretending she doesn't have any policies or stances at all.
Thanks man. Not clicking a single link. Haha. The point isn't that she has no policies, it's that she isn't running a campaign. The media is doing that for her. If she was held to the same standards as (fill in conservative candidates), the media and their parrots would be all over her for hiding and not answering the press. You can downplay it all you want, but she should be available for the American people. But they know if that happens, she would be exposed as being an empty head just like Joe. So they hide her. Just like they did Joe.
I have a challenge for all of you. Lose your internet for six days (as I did due to power surges in my area), then log back in and check out the Lounge. You will find that nothing has changed, no one has been influenced either way, and sophomoric name calling continues unabated. So, I ask: what's the point? Find something to do.
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I have a challenge for all of you. Lose your internet for six days (as I did due to power surges in my area), then log back in and check out the Lounge. You will find that nothing has changed, no one has been influenced either way, and sophomoric name calling continues unabated. So, I ask: what's the point? Find something to do.
You’re right but serious question.. if it bothers you why read it? It was set up for a reason and it’s doing its job
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Nobody uses abortion as birth control. Talk about either being extremely naive, a huge liar.
The very language is bc. You seriously think that's anyone's plan? No. Abortion is -- again, at worst -- used in cases where the plan failed. The plan was the birth control. People resort to abortion when birth control fails, whether human error or not. There is nobody out there getting an abortion every month.
Thanks man. Not clicking a single link. Haha. The point isn't that she has no policies, it's that she isn't running a campaign. The media is doing that for her. If she was held to the same standards as (fill in conservative candidates), the media and their parrots would be all over her for hiding and not answering the press. You can downplay it all you want, but she should be available for the American people. But they know if that happens, she would be exposed as being an empty head just like Joe. So they hide her. Just like they did Joe.
So once again you don't actually have any interest in the answers to the questions you ask, just like VP Harris' nomination, policies, and now so-called availability don't matter to you. You're just concern trolling on behalf of Democratic voters you don't care about. :rolleyes:
The very language is bc. You seriously think that's anyone's plan? No. Abortion is -- again, at worst -- used in cases where the plan failed. The plan was the birth control. People resort to abortion when birth control fails, whether human error or not. There is nobody out there getting an abortion every month.
You're giving people an out they don't deserve. There are absolutely women who got pregnant and decided they are going to have an abortion just because they don't want the responsibility. That is using abortion as birth control. You're problem is you want to use the term in a 100% literal manner in order to win your naive argument.

So once again you don't actually have any interest in the answers to the questions you ask, just like VP Harris' nomination, policies, and now so-called availability don't matter to you. You're just concern trolling on behalf of Democratic voters you don't care about. :rolleyes:

What do you have to say about her, just like Joe, never having to be pressed on her policies, never having to answer real questions from actual press reporters, never having to answer for some of her questionable stances from the past while the media campaign and lie for her? Would you be okay with that if it were like that for conservatives?
I have a challenge for all of you. Lose your internet for six days (as I did due to power surges in my area), then log back in and check out the Lounge. You will find that nothing has changed, no one has been influenced either way, and sophomoric name calling continues unabated. So, I ask: what's the point? Find something to do.
Careful! The conservatives here might start mocking you for needing a "mental health break," or for taking meds, or for going to therapy, because they think mental health is something to tease people about, unless it's their nephew who has an opioid addiction, then they think everybody better be sensitive to it or they're why 'Murica is failing.

I get bored or busy and take long breaks from here all the time and I second your recommendation.
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You're giving people an out they don't deserve. There are absolutely women who got pregnant and decided they are going to have an abortion just because they don't want the responsibility. That is using abortion as birth control. You're problem is you want to use the term in a 100% literal manner in order to win your naive argument.
You are using slanted, inflammatory language because you can't handle an intellectually honest discussion of these things. You don't have the slightest idea what goes into women's decisions about having an abortion and you don't actually care. You have to oversimplify it as "just" one thing so it fits the only narrative you can follow.

I added language about plans, but somehow I'm using the term in a 100% literal manner. Sure thing, sherlock.

I was in the mountains this weekend. Driving back down the mountain, I saw a few of those emergency sand pits for big trucks whose brakes fail. If I ever see a truck in one of those pits, I won't call it the trucker's plan for "speed control." That's what brakes are for. The brakes are for "speed control." The sand pits exist for when the plan for "speed control" fails. No truck driver ever drives down a mountain planning on using the sand pits. What kind of idiot thinks that's anything but a last ditch option?
What do you have to say about her, just like Joe, never having to be pressed on her policies, never having to answer real questions from actual press reporters, never having to answer for some of her questionable stances from the past while the media campaign and lie for her? Would you be okay with that if it were like that for conservatives?
Never, never, never. lol Still scared of integrity, I see.

Most of what conservatives call MSM do the best they can to be neutral while still being somewhat relevant. Fox News is #1 in a landslide for bias plus viewership. They were founded to be schills for conservatives first, journalists second. That was their purpose from the beginning.

I don't have anything to say to you about your extremist allegations other than to point out what a coward you are when it comes to discussing anything with integrity. I'm not entering into a bad faith, trap conversation based on your loaded terms for a candidate you are predetermined never to approve of.
You are using slanted, inflammatory language because you can't handle an intellectually honest discussion of these things. You don't have the slightest idea what goes into women's decisions about having an abortion and you don't actually care. You have to oversimplify it as "just" one thing so it fits the only narrative you can follow.

I added language about plans, but somehow I'm using the term in a 100% literal manner. Sure thing, sherlock.

I was in the mountains this weekend. Driving back down the mountain, I saw a few of those emergency sand pits for big trucks whose brakes fail. If I ever see a truck in one of those pits, I won't call it the trucker's plan for "speed control." That's what brakes are for. The brakes are for "speed control." The sand pits exist for when the plan for "speed control" fails. No truck driver ever drives down a mountain planning on using the sand pits. What kind of idiot thinks that's anything but a last ditch option?
This was a whole lot of wasted words for you to give an example of why people say that abortion is used as a form of birth control. You really thought that you were being intellectual here. Ha.

Never, never, never. lol Still scared of integrity, I see.

Most of what conservatives call MSM do the best they can to be neutral while still being somewhat relevant. Fox News is #1 in a landslide for bias plus viewership. They were founded to be schills for conservatives first, journalists second. That was their purpose from the beginning.

I don't have anything to say to you about your extremist allegations other than to point out what a coward you are when it comes to discussing anything with integrity. I'm not entering into a bad faith, trap conversation based on your loaded terms for a candidate you are predetermined never to approve of.
More wasted words by a narcissist who thinks he's the smartest person in whatever room he's in. I didn't say anything extreme.
Careful! The conservatives here might start mocking you for needing a "mental health break," or for taking meds, or for going to therapy, because they think mental health is something to tease people about, unless it's their nephew who has an opioid addiction, then they think everybody better be sensitive to it or they're why 'Murica is failing.

I get bored or busy and take long breaks from here all the time and I second your recommendation.
I bet you are a lot of fun at parties.
This was a whole lot of wasted words for you to give an example of why people say that abortion is used as a form of birth control. You really thought that you were being intellectual here. Ha.

More wasted words by a narcissist who thinks he's the smartest person in whatever room he's in. I didn't say anything extreme.
Extremist says he didn't say anything extreme. Shocking.
We are beating a rubber hammer against an anvil expecting it to do damage.
The really frustrating part, and I’ll say it again, is after years of manipulation and lies by the media, the truth finally came out about Biden. It’s as bad with Kamala, maybe worse. Yet the libs won’t admit it, instead they dig in deeper, resorting to key phrases (lies) cleverly used by the media. You’re hateful to women, you are a bigot, you don’t care about abortion or opioids unless it hits your cousin…

@Willcampbell, the board curmudgeon, was actually speaking the truth.
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So the VP pick for Kamala is the governor who wants to take children out of their homes if their parents don't approve of trans therapy, including surgeries. Wants tampons in boy's rooms. Made it legal for illegal immigrants to obtain driver's licenses, said he wanted to invest in ladder companies to help illegal immigrants get over the border wall, encouraged rioters to destroy the biggest city in his state and referred to half of the country as fascists.

JD vance is weird.
So the VP pick for Kamala is the governor who wants to take children out of their homes if their parents don't approve of trans therapy, including surgeries. Wants tampons in boy's rooms. Made it legal for illegal immigrants to obtain driver's licenses, said he wanted to invest in ladder companies to help illegal immigrants get over the border wall, encouraged rioters to destroy the biggest city in his state and referred to half of the country as fascists.

JD vance is weird.
So social issues and soundbites from rightwing media? Baaaaaaaah!
Like most of us, you'd never heard of him before yesterday. Go ahead and show us your source (singular) so we can see if you even bothered paraphrasing. You're too lazy to read links answering questions YOU asked, so we all know you didn't do your own research with any integrity. You went straight to your clown world, rightwing, 2nd grade reading level site you always go to.
I challenge any conservative here to read this. THIS is what trans-affirming therapy is. It's a process with multiple checkpoints and steps. It's not cooky parents cutting off their 7-year-old's penis. (Am I allowed to say "penis" here? I've been suspended previously for ABBREVIATING "what the ____.") You're an intellectual coward to claim otherwise.
Gov Walz signed a bill requiring public schools and charter schools to provide free menstrual products to students.

CHECK-IN: Any problem with that so far?

Criticizing that tampons would be available in boys' restrooms actually contradicts other rightwing b.c. propaganda: Trans minors are all pre-op. IOW, practically NOBODY is undergoing gender-reassignment surgery under the age of 18. Conservative sheeples act as if that's an epidemic.
So social issues and soundbites from rightwing media? Baaaaaaaah!
Like most of us, you'd never heard of him before yesterday. Go ahead and show us your source (singular) so we can see if you even bothered paraphrasing. You're too lazy to read links answering questions YOU asked, so we all know you didn't do your own research with any integrity. You went straight to your clown world, rightwing, 2nd grade reading level site you always go to.
Funny. No one knew anything about Vance, yet went with the whole, "weird" thing. Seems like you weren't calling that out. You unhinged lunatic.

I literally posted that knowing that you wouldn't be able to help yourself but to get all tangled up in your feels.

I definitely knew of him for his terrible leadership while Minneapolis was burning down and how he refused to send national guard until they had already over taken the city. Even then his daughter leaked out the time and place.

My source was a Pierce Morgan youtube video, btw. Lol.

And fvck your link to anything normalizing the brainwashing of children during confusing and critical times of their development. Sick people.
Gov Walz signed a bill requiring public schools and charter schools to provide free menstrual products to students.

CHECK-IN: Any problem with that so far?

Criticizing that tampons would be available in boys' restrooms actually contradicts other rightwing b.c. propaganda: Trans minors are all pre-op. IOW, practically NOBODY is undergoing gender-reassignment surgery under the age of 18. Conservative sheeples act as if that's an epidemic.
Practically nobody is too many, you sick weirdo.
Dattier, you sure have been using the term "intellectual coward" a lot. It doesn't make you smart, just makes you look like a dork.
Funny. No one knew anything about Vance, yet went with the whole, "weird" thing. Seems like you weren't calling that out. You unhinged lunatic.

I literally posted that knowing that you wouldn't be able to help yourself but to get all tangled up in your feels.

I definitely knew of him for his terrible leadership while Minneapolis was burning down and how he refused to send national guard until they had already over taken the city. Even then his daughter leaked out the time and place.

My source was a Pierce Morgan youtube video, btw. Lol.

And fvck your link to anything normalizing the brainwashing of children during confusing and critical times of their development. Sick people.
Tell me the timeline: When was Sen Vance named the VP candidate? When did I show ANY support of the "Weird" narrative? Gov Walz was first named YESTERDAY and you're already parroting ALLLLLLLLL the pre-packaged talking points, sheep.

The only one of my feels involved here is amusement at how predictably dumb you are. You're the Drake in this.

Your memory has been jogged now, but you had no idea who Tim Walz was yesterday morning, just like I didn't, and that bc take on what happened is the ONLY thing you remember, and you're conflating his response with the response from the mayor of Minneapolis. Gov Walz has been widely PRAISED for how he responded to the aftermath of the George Floyd murder. War time executive for the win!

YouTube is your source. No reading. No link. Figures.

And in response to my challenge to find any empathy for a transperson, you just say "fvck your link." (Am I allowed to use that alteration of that word @pisgah101 ? @timo0402 ? Because I have L-I-T-E-R-A-L-L-Y been suspended before for using an abbreviation of "what the ____?" while others here get away with EVERY curse word. Is it just partisan, cowardly moderation you've inherited or what?)

Back to bigot301... A professional journalist's piece on what gender-affirming care really is elicits nothing but a dismissal from you. THIS is why you are an intellectual coward. THIS is why you are intellectually inferior and dishonest. It's not my name-calling. It's my accurate labeling.
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Good lord. What are we talking about now?
"Practically nobody is too many," you intellectual coward and hypocrite. I LiTeRaLlY quoted ONE sentence from you and responded with ONE sentence, and you can't keep up?
Dattier, you sure have been using the term "intellectual coward" a lot. It doesn't make you smart, just makes you look like a dork.
lol I've been doing much more than using it. I've been backing it up.
Tell me the timeline: When was Sen Vance named the VP candidate? When did I show ANY support of the "Weird" narrative? Gov Walz was first named YESTERDAY and you're already parroting ALLLLLLLLL the pre-packaged talking points, sheep.

The only one of my feels involved here is amusement at how predictably dumb you are. You're the Drake in this.

Your memory has been jogged now, but you had no idea who Tim Walz was yesterday morning, just like I didn't, and that bc take on what happened is the ONLY thing you remember. Gov Walz has been widely PRAISED for how he responded to the aftermath of the George Floyd murder. War time executive for the win!

YouTube is your source. No reading. No link. Figures.

And in response to my challenge to find any empathy for a transperson, you just say "fvck your link." (Am I allowed to use that alteration of that word @pisgah101 ? @timo0402 ? Because I have L-I-T-E-R-A-L-L-Y been suspended before for using an abbreviation of "what the ____?" while others here get away with EVERY curse word. Is it just partisan, cowardly moderation you've inherited or what?)

Back to bigot301... A professional journalist's piece on what gender-affirming care really is elicits nothing but a dismissal from you. THIS is why you are an intellectual coward. THIS is why you are intellectually inferior and dishonest. It's not my name-calling. It's my accurate labeling.
"Practically nobody is too many," you intellectual coward and hypocrite. I LiTeRaLlY quoted ONE sentence from you and responded with ONE sentence, and you can't keep up?
lol I've been doing much more than using it. I've been backing it up.
You wear sweaters in the summer time, don't you?
"Practically nobody is too many," you intellectual coward and hypocrite. I LiTeRaLlY quoted ONE sentence from you and responded with ONE sentence, and you can't keep up?
It's not the weapons that kill. It's people who kill. So comparing what you call assault weapons, bet you think AR15's are assault weapons, to the mutilation of children is pretty intellectually stupid for such an intellectually superior you claim to be.
It's not the weapons that kill. It's people who kill. So comparing what you call assault weapons, bet you think AR15's are assault weapons, to the mutilation of children is pretty intellectually stupid for such an intellectually superior you claim to be.
On the same day that 26 children and teachers were slaughtered at Sandy Hook, there was a knife attack in China where there were also exactly 26 victims... every one of whom lived. So sure, it's not the weapon that kills; it's the very specific weapon that makes killing much, much, much, much, MUCH, MUCH, MUCH, MUCH, MUCH easier.

I'm aware that AR-15s and assault weapons are not synonymous. It's a technicality conservatives like to hang their tiny hats on. I am neither endorsing anything approaching a total gun ban like your lot constantly fear-mongers about, nor am I endorsing any specific gun restrictions at all. I'm just pointing out the hypocrisy of the once-is-enough rhetoric.
So the VP pick for Kamala is the governor who wants to take children out of their homes if their parents don't approve of trans therapy, including surgeries. Wants tampons in boy's rooms. Made it legal for illegal immigrants to obtain driver's licenses, said he wanted to invest in ladder companies to help illegal immigrants get over the border wall, encouraged rioters to destroy the biggest city in his state and referred to half of the country as fascists.

JD vance is weird.
Well no. His gender affirming care bill allows for trans children and their parents to come to Minnesota to get the kind of medical care they are denied by states like Florida. It protects those families and ensures that the decision about how and when to deal with a kid who is considering transitioning are made by the families and not by the government. Since you don't believe that there are trans kids and that they are just a product of Munchausen by proxy I get why you don't like it but could you at least be accurate as to what the bill says?

As for the tampon issue, it should be a no-brainer that schools provide free tampons for their students. It is amazing to me that it is controversial at all. Since some students using the boys bathroom are girls who are transitioning, then they are still getting their periods so putting them in the boys bathrooms isn't crazy. But more to the point, who cares? If none of the boys use them, then the worst that happens is that they see what it is girls use and go through each month. Seems like a win-win. Or do you not want boys to be educated about women's reproductive health issues.

Turning to undocumented immigrants getting drivers licenses. News flash. Many undocumented immigrants drive cars but since they can't get licenses they therefore cannot get insurance, which is obviously a problem if they get into accidents. I believe NY is trending this way too and I support it as it makes the roads safer, not just for them, but for other drivers whom they might hit. If we would stop demonizing these people we would recognize how most of them are working hard and contributing to the economy and we might make it a bit safer for them. The governor is NOT advocating for supporting ladder companies to help undocumented immigrants climb over the wall. He was making fun of Trump, in an interview with Anderson Cooper, and his insistence that we need to build more wall at the border. His point was that building a wall is not the way to stop illegal immigration because someone can always build a ladder that is higher and that there were other ways to protect the border.

I will stop here because I have already written a lot but the bottom line is that , once again you accept lies from right wing media. Way to go.
On the same day that 26 children and teachers were slaughtered at Sandy Hook, there was a knife attack in China where there were also exactly 26 victims... every one of whom lived. So sure, it's not the weapon that kills; it's the very specific weapon that makes killing much, much, much, much, MUCH, MUCH, MUCH, MUCH, MUCH easier.

I'm aware that AR-15s and assault weapons are not synonymous. It's a technicality conservatives like to hang their tiny hats on. I am neither endorsing anything approaching a total gun ban like your lot constantly fear-mongers about, nor am I endorsing any specific gun restrictions at all. I'm just pointing out the hypocrisy of the once-is-enough rhetoric.
You're luring me into a completely different topic. It's a common tactic with you. You are not even close to making a good point, regardless.
Well no. His gender affirming care bill allows for trans children and their parents to come to Minnesota to get the kind of medical care they are denied by states like Florida. It protects those families and ensures that the decision about how and when to deal with a kid who is considering transitioning are made by the families and not by the government. Since you don't believe that there are trans kids and that they are just a product of Munchausen by proxy I get why you don't like it but could you at least be accurate as to what the bill says?

As for the tampon issue, it should be a no-brainer that schools provide free tampons for their students. It is amazing to me that it is controversial at all. Since some students using the boys bathroom are girls who are transitioning, then they are still getting their periods so putting them in the boys bathrooms isn't crazy. But more to the point, who cares? If none of the boys use them, then the worst that happens is that they see what it is girls use and go through each month. Seems like a win-win. Or do you not want boys to be educated about women's reproductive health issues.

Turning to undocumented immigrants getting drivers licenses. News flash. Many undocumented immigrants drive cars but since they can't get licenses they therefore cannot get insurance, which is obviously a problem if they get into accidents. I believe NY is trending this way too and I support it as it makes the roads safer, not just for them, but for other drivers whom they might hit. If we would stop demonizing these people we would recognize how most of them are working hard and contributing to the economy and we might make it a bit safer for them. The governor is NOT advocating for supporting ladder companies to help undocumented immigrants climb over the wall. He was making fun of Trump, in an interview with Anderson Cooper, and his insistence that we need to build more wall at the border. His point was that building a wall is not the way to stop illegal immigration because someone can always build a ladder that is higher and that there were other ways to protect the border.

I will stop here because I have already written a lot but the bottom line is that , once again you accept lies from right wing media. Way to go.
I'm done discussing the whole trans nonsense. One of many reasons I don't support these radical lefties is because of this issue, but we don't need to go round and round on it anymore.

As far as illegal immigrants driving cars, that is an active crime. Driving is a privilege, not a right. Instead of making it legal for criminals to drive, they should be holding them accountable for being in the country illegally. You're simplifying it by being snooty with your "news flash". And I understand that the ladder comment was satirical. But it illustrates his inability to take such an important issue, seriously. They are not undocumented immigrants, they are illegal immigrants. If I walk into your house without you approving or knowing who I am and refuse to leave, I am not an undocumented resident of your house, I am a trespasser.
I can’t blame the snowflakes. It’s much easier to talk about transgenders, why right wingers don’t care about race relations, climate control… than have to face the reality of the two retards that have been President and VP since January 2021.

Classic liberalism 101: can’t win on issues so attempt to beat the hell out of their character.
I'm done discussing the whole trans nonsense. One of many reasons I don't support these radical lefties is because of this issue, but we don't need to go round and round on it anymore.

As far as illegal immigrants driving cars, that is an active crime. Driving is a privilege, not a right. Instead of making it legal for criminals to drive, they should be holding them accountable for being in the country illegally. You're simplifying it by being snooty with your "news flash". And I understand that the ladder comment was satirical. But it illustrates his inability to take such an important issue, seriously. They are not undocumented immigrants, they are illegal immigrants. If I walk into your house without you approving or knowing who I am and refuse to leave, I am not an undocumented resident of your house, I am a trespasser.
I had forgotten how anti-science you are. But it is truly frustrating when we are having a debate where you refuse to learn anything and then tell me I am wrong. As far as the ladder comment, you just want to hate the Democrats. When you have nothing you come up with crap like "oh I knew it was a joke but he should not have made it." Not a word about Trump chickening out from debating Harris? Clearly he knows he can't stand up against someone younger and smarter than him. Classic.
I'm done discussing the whole trans nonsense. One of many reasons I don't support these radical lefties is because of this issue, but we don't need to go round and round on it anymore.

As far as illegal immigrants driving cars, that is an active crime. Driving is a privilege, not a right. Instead of making it legal for criminals to drive, they should be holding them accountable for being in the country illegally. You're simplifying it by being snooty with your "news flash". And I understand that the ladder comment was satirical. But it illustrates his inability to take such an important issue, seriously. They are not undocumented immigrants, they are illegal immigrants. If I walk into your house without you approving or knowing who I am and refuse to leave, I am not an undocumented resident of your house, I am a trespasser.
Why are kids that were brought here by their parents and probably here for much/most of their life considered criminals?...isn't illegally coming over a misdemeanor?
I had forgotten how anti-science you are. But it is truly frustrating when we are having a debate where you refuse to learn anything and then tell me I am wrong. As far as the ladder comment, you just want to hate the Democrats. When you have nothing you come up with crap like "oh I knew it was a joke but he should not have made it." Not a word about Trump chickening out from debating Harris? Clearly he knows he can't stand up against someone younger and smarter than him. Classic.
Such garbage. You do know that Trump agreed to debate with her and she refused, right? Personally, I think it shouldn't be held by any of the main news networks, but neither one will agree to do it unless it is held in their comfort zone. Truth be told, though, fox. As much as it is conservative, has far more people critical of Trump than any of the other networks have that would be critical of Harris all put together. But this was just you luring me into a completely different discussion, just like every other lib out there. It's pretty hilarious you think Harris would look good in a debate, though. I hope something gets worked out and we get to see it.

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