The New Lounge

Oh god, is this more Hunter Biden stuff?

Yeah, seems like he got a cushy job bc of his last name. Just like a lot of folks. Lemme know when Hunter Biden runs for President, and then we can discuss if that is immoral, or just taking advantage of the system, right?

Oh, and Joe Biden did nothing wrong.

Now can we play that game with Ivanka and Don and Eric and Jared, folks who actually work for the United States of America, have security clearances, and ALSO have millions and millions of dollars tied up with foreign entities, including both China and Russia?

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Oh god, is this more Hunter Biden stuff?

Yeah, seems like he got a cushy job bc of his last name. Just like a lot of folks. Lemme know when Hunter Biden runs for President, and then we can discuss if that is immoral, or just taking advantage of the system, right?

Oh, and Joe Biden did nothing wrong.

Now can we play that game with Ivanka and Don and Eric and Jared, folks who actually work for the United States of America, have security clearances, and ALSO have millions and millions of dollars tied up with foreign entities, including both China and Russia?

Hunter Biden? Nothing to see here.


Typical response from the fantasy intellectual.
But he's not wrong when he eventually says that he's smart for not paying taxes. As high profile as he and his company was/is, you know he's got teams of accountants both personal and professional. I would be beyond shocked if anything was criminal within his records. My guess is he clearly plays in the gray areas, but that's not criminal nor wrong.

And yes, plenty of very wealthy people don't pay much, at all, in taxes.

Since the IRS is and has been fighting with him for what may amount to $100 million in unpaid taxes, yes he may actually be wrong.

Whether right or wrong, I have to imagine that a good portion of the voters he really appeals to and who were so key in putting him in office (you know the ones and you definitely don't sound like one of them) will not like hearing that. After all, most of them really haven't seen a hell of a lot of upward movement over the past three and a half years and they might get pissed when he implies it up to dumb poor folks like them to pay for the interstates, government building and schools.

I have to ask why you're so confident that there is nothing that rises to the level of criminality in his records. Most people who are in the position to commit crimes but don't usually stay clean due to fear or a moral compass. Trump seems to possess neither, so I wouldn't put it past him to cheat on his taxes. And yes, I would summarize Bill the same way.

The biggest difference between the two is that Clinton initially began his political career due to a desire to help others. His weaknesses and tendencies got the better of him many times, but I do think he still cares about the betterment of his fellow man.

Trump, it seems, began his career in politics as an attempt to, at best, further expand his brand and his business empire and, at worst, protect himself from financial and personal ruin.
Since the IRS is and has been fighting with him for what may amount to $100 million in unpaid taxes, yes he may actually be wrong.

Whether right or wrong, I have to imagine that a good portion of the voters he really appeals to and who were so key in putting him in office (you know the ones and you definitely don't sound like one of them) will not like hearing that. After all, most of them really haven't seen a hell of a lot of upward movement over the past three and a half years and they might get pissed when he implies it up to dumb poor folks like them to pay for the interstates, government building and schools.

I have to ask why you're so confident that there is nothing that rises to the level of criminality in his records. Most people who are in the position to commit crimes but don't usually stay clean due to fear or a moral compass. Trump seems to possess neither, so I wouldn't put it past him to cheat on his taxes. And yes, I would summarize Bill the same way.

The biggest difference between the two is that Clinton initially began his political career due to a desire to help others. His weaknesses and tendencies got the better of him many times, but I do think he still cares about the betterment of his fellow man.

Trump, it seems, began his career in politics as an attempt to, at best, further expand his brand and his business empire and, at worst, protect himself from financial and personal ruin.
But you realize, the middle class actually HAS seen wage increases and more upward mobility than what we saw under Obama. Not to dive into who should or shouldn't get credit (just for reference, they both should get credit) for it, but Trump is president and ultimately the buck stops with him so he's the guy that has driven economic mobility and increases in wages which is something Obama fundamentally couldn't generate on any substantial basis.

As to Trump's finances, I already mentioned it in he likely has a huge team of accountants both personal and professional that comb through the details of his complex financial situation. He can be an idiot, but he's not dumb enough to not have gone through internal audits of his business taxes and even personal taxes. Being that said and given the complexity that he undoubtedly would have needed to put these things together, any material issues would have been uncovered by now prior to him being president.
Yeah, so it’s basically down to caring about corruption when we want our foes to pay. But rationalizing it or in some cases, just brushing it off when it comes to our team. This just further solidifies my stance on voting based on issues and not the person. They are all politically if not morally corrupt and they all lie and cheat. So it is disingenuous to spend so much energy painting one side a different shade of the same color as the other.
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Yeah, so it’s basically down to caring about corruption when we want our foes to pay. But rationalizing it or in some cases, just brushing it off when it comes to our team. This just further solidifies my stance on voting based on issues and not the person. They are all politically if not morally corrupt and they all lie and cheat. So it is disingenuous to spend so much energy painting one side a different shade of the same color as the other.
I just love the confirmation we got from the "bombshell" NYT report on Trumps taxes. There wasn't anything in there. Nothing. Not a damn thing. Yet for the last four years libs like thedude have been crying about Trump not releasing his tax returns like there was finally going to be some huge smoking gun. Many of us more level headed, intelligent types told him not to hold his breath. Well, looks like we were right. Goodness. Can't imagine how it feels to get self owned continuously like @TheDude1 does on politics. It's really quite impressive.
I just love the confirmation we got from the "bombshell" NYT report on Trumps taxes. There wasn't anything in there. Nothing. Not a damn thing. Yet for the last four years libs like thedude have been crying about Trump not releasing his tax returns like there was finally going to be some huge smoking gun. Many of us more level headed, intelligent types told him not to hold his breath. Well, looks like we were right. Goodness. Can't imagine how it feels to get self owned continuously like @TheDude1 does on politics. It's really quite impressive.
You're a ****ing brilliant troll. Legitimately impressive.
Glad you obviously can't refute anything I said above.
Sorry man, you had some seriously juicy bait. But it's not gonna work on me anymore. If I may offer you some advice on your future trolling endeavors however, when in your trolling persona you constantly make easily refutable and outlandish claims, don't go referring to yourself as a "level-headed, intelligent type". It quickly gives away that you are in fact trolling and will most probably make even your best written, future trolling attempts on this board absolutely feckless. I would personally hate to see such a person with a such, a clear but unguided talent for trolling succumb to rookie mistakes. Anyway, good luck in your future attempts!
That was one of the states I referenced last night. I guess I just don't see the concern if precincts are cross-checking ballots submitted via mail against the in-person rolls.
Are all states doing that? I don't believe they are. But this is just one example of issues that are already coming up and we're not even to the heart of voting yet.
Are all states doing that? I don't believe they are. But this is just one example of issues that are already coming up and we're not even to the heart of voting yet.

That is how I understand it. I started looking into this last night and didn't find anything to make me suspect of the process. The fact that mistakes are getting caught 45 days before the election is actually a good sign.
That is how I understand it. I started looking into this last night and didn't find anything to make me suspect of the process. The fact that mistakes are getting caught 45 days before the election is actually a good sign.
I agree that we're catching issues so far out being a good thing, however, I do think there is plenty of potential for voter fraud. And in an election year where I expect the results to be really close one way or another, each vote is going to count.

Plus, the question at the heart of all this, why are we trying to mail out ballots to everyone when we know voting in person is the safest way to go about voting?
I agree that we're catching issues so far out being a good thing, however, I do think there is plenty of potential for voter fraud. And in an election year where I expect the results to be really close one way or another, each vote is going to count.

Plus, the question at the heart of all this, why are we trying to mail out ballots to everyone when we know voting in person is the safest way to go about voting?

The reason for encouraging mail-in voting this year is because every time there are mass gatherings of people COVID cases spike. This has been the case 10-14 days after every holiday weekend since the start of the pandemic. They're doing it partially as a safety precaution and also to encourage people to vote who are either highly at risk or who simply don't want to subject themselves to large indoor crowds right now.

There are five states (Colorado, Utah, Washington, Oregon and Hawaii) that already do mail-in voting in which every registered voter gets a mail-in ballot. All but Hawaii, which passed the law last year, have conducted their voting by mail for years. Of those five, three (Colorado, Washington and Oregon) ranked at least 8 percentage points higher than the national average in terms of turnout among registered voters in both 2016 and 2018.

Not to say it's not out there, but I have yet to find any information or articles about mail-in fraud in those states. I did find an article saying how much the Red state of Utah likes mail-in voting and another about Republican lawmakers in Oregon who said it is a safe process.
Voting is not considered a mass gathering. All of these experts we have been told to listen to for the past 7 months have said that voting in person is safe. We already have early voting that is even safer for those who need to take extra precautions. Voting in person will not be any different than waiting in line at the grocery store. Again, according to the experts.

Also, literally no one has an issue with mail in voting in states that already have the infrastructure in place where you request a mail in ballot. Or absentee ballots. These are ballots that are verifiable and safe. It's the states that don't have the infrastructure to handle the number of ballots that will be sent through the mail that raise concerns. Also, states that have removed the signature verification requirement and extended the dates past November 3rd to November 9th or later in some cases are raising concerns as to their motivation behind it. And then there are the unsolicited ballots. Especially since we have so many people that have died this year, how many of them are going to get a ballot in the mail?

Listen, I get that there are no studies that show "widespread" voter fraud. But their has also never been a situation like this. So it's silly to just pretend that there are no legitimate concerns for voter fraud. Especially given the extention of the dates mail in votes are received. If I am manipulating ballots, I have no problems manipulating postmark dates. With the extended dates. I have more time to come up with the number of votes I need in swing states now that I know about how many I need. Hypothetically of course.

What I find interesting, though. Is Republicans get mocked for being concerned about voter fraud. But you guys have nothing to say about the libs whining about Trump "stealing" the election. Or their constant bickering about whether Trump will peacefully leave office. Remember when they said that accepting the results of an election is a vital part of our democracy? Haha. They still haven't accepted the results of the 2016 election to this day.
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Voting is not considered a mass gathering. All of these experts we have been told to listen to for the past 7 months have said that voting in person is safe. We already have early voting that is even safer for those who need to take extra precautions. Voting in person will not be any different than waiting in line at the grocery store. Again, according to the experts.

Also, literally no one has an issue with mail in voting in states that already have the infrastructure in place where you request a mail in ballot. Or absentee ballots. These are ballots that are verifiable and safe. It's the states that don't have the infrastructure to handle the number of ballots that will be sent through the mail that raise concerns. Also, states that have removed the signature verification requirement and extended the dates past November 3rd to November 9th or later in some cases are raising concerns as to their motivation behind it. And then there are the unsolicited ballots. Especially since we have so many people that have died this year, how many of them are going to get a ballot in the mail?

Listen, I get that there are no studies that show "widespread" voter fraud. But their has also never been a situation like this. So it's silly to just pretend that there are no legitimate concerns for voter fraud. Especially given the extention of the dates mail in votes are received. If I am manipulating ballots, I have no problems manipulating postmark dates. With the extended dates. I have more time to come up with the number of votes I need in swing states now that I know about how many I need. Hypothetically of course.

What I find interesting, though. Is Republicans get mocked for being concerned about voter fraud. But you guys have nothing to say about the libs whining about Trump "stealing" the election. Or their constant bickering about whether Trump will peacefully leave office. Remember when they said that accepting the results of an election is a vital part of our democracy? Haha. They still haven't accepted the results of the 2016 election to this day.

I haven't mocked anybody and don't come at me with that you guys shit. Reality is this, Trump didn't need Russian interference to win in 2016. All he needed was a female opponent (who happened to be the most disliked presidential candidate in my lifetime) and a country who was ready for a return to the status quo (middle aged or older white guy) after 8 years of otherness. That's reality. If the democrats hadn't been in the bag for Hillary, we're not having this conversation right now. If Biden or Bernie had been the nominee in 2016, Trump doesn't win.

The most important part of your post where you acknowledge there is no proof of widespread voter fraud.

I'm not mocking you, but here are the two reasons I am not concerned about voter fraud in the 2020 election.

FIRST REASON: The only people who trumpet the idea of voter fraud via mail-in ballots are the guy who says the only way he can lose is if the other side cheats and his most ardent supporters. Like I said, I don't believe that shit when sports fans say it and I don't believe it when this guy says it. Seriously, there is no objective data out there that says this is a thing to be concerned.

SECOND REASON: I don't hear any concerns about illegals committing voter fraud this time around. Yeah, the same guy who said illegal aliens cost him the 2016 popular vote and stole wins from so many 2018 candidates has apparently decided they're no longer a factor in 2020. Did they all gain citizenship in the past two years? Did they lose interest in voting? Or was that just a bunch of shit from the same guy who has shifted his attention to a new scare topic?
Wow. You ignored every relevant point. Anyways, the you guys was not in relation to the mocking of relublicans. It was in relation to you guys ignoring the libs who cry about Trump stealing the election. Which is different from crying about voter fraud how, exactly?
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From Rick Riley, sports writer extraordinaire…

Between his brutal cheating at sports and the fact that he likes his steak well done with ketchup, that’s enough for most decent people to write him off. Both things say a lot about a man.
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Wow. You ignored every relevant point. Anyways, the you guys was not in relation to the mocking of relublicans. It was in relation to you guys ignoring the libs who cry about Trump stealing the election. Which is different from crying about voter fraud how, exactly?

They were hard to find. You started by saying a presidential election year voting location is not considered a mass gathering by most of the standards that have been in place since March. That is not true. They will be above the 10, 50 and 100 maximum numbers that I have read for most states.

Next, you mentioned how nobody seems to have a problem with mail-in ballots in states that have been doing it. You also said nobody has a problem with absentee voting. You just have a concern that states won't have the infrastructure in place to make it work. Many states have already done this in primaries this year. Has there been any proof of fraud from those primaries?

Next, you mentioned the extension of time to count votes. States have always allowed a period of days after polls close to finalize vote counting. This year it will probably just be a little longer.

Next, you again brought up mass-mailing of unsolicitated ballots. Again, I'm going to ask, where has this taken place?

Next, you made the point I addressed. No proof of widespread voter fraud. The other stuff you mentioned was so far into the rabbit hole it belongs in one videos on YouTube explaining how Jay-Z is a member of the Illuminati.

Last paragraph, you went into the what about stuff revolving around 2016. I did address that in my previous reply to you.

Democrats tricked off 2016 by pushing Hillary to the ballot because it was "her turn." There were a lot of democrats who stayed home because they didn't think Trump could win but they didn't want to cast a vote for Hillary. They were wrong and they are pissed, and like a bunch of people in this country, they can't own it do they deflect it. Let me be clear, I do think there was Russian interference (not collusion but interference) in 2016. If Dan Coats and Jim Mattis seem to think Putin and the Russians had an interest in putting Trump into the White House, I'll roll with their opinion. They have a lot more first hand knowledge about this than me or anybody posting in this thread.

Finally, are you actually asking me the difference between complaining about the refs after a loss and complaining about them before you get to the arena?
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Hunter Biden? Nothing to see here.


Typical response from the fantasy intellectual.
Trump got impeached for a phone conversation but Biden brags about no billion dollars for you unless you fire the prosecutor that is investigating my Coke head son.Nothing to see since Biden is an honorable beyond reproach
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They were hard to find. You started by saying a presidential election year voting location is not considered a mass gathering by most of the standards that have been in place since March. That is not true. They will be above the 10, 50 and 100 maximum numbers that I have read for most states.

Next, you mentioned how nobody seems to have a problem with mail-in ballots in states that have been doing it. You also said nobody has a problem with absentee voting. You just have a concern that states won't have the infrastructure in place to make it work. Many states have already done this in primaries this year. Has there been any proof of fraud from those primaries?

Next, you mentioned the extension of time to count votes. States have always allowed a period of days after polls close to finalize vote counting. This year it will probably just be a little longer.

Next, you again brought up mass-mailing of unsolicitated ballots. Again, I'm going to ask, where has this taken place?

Next, you made the point I addressed. No proof of widespread voter fraud. The other stuff you mentioned was so far into the rabbit hole it belongs in one videos on YouTube explaining how Jay-Z is a member of the Illuminati.

Last paragraph, you went into the what about stuff revolving around 2016. I did address that in my previous reply to you.

Democrats tricked off 2016 by pushing Hillary to the ballot because it was "her turn." There were a lot of democrats who stayed home because they didn't think Trump could win but they didn't want to cast a vote for Hillary. They were wrong and they are pissed, and like a bunch of people in this country, they can't own it do they deflect it. Let me be clear, I do think there was Russian interference (not collusion but interference) in 2016. If Dan Coats and Jim Mattis seem to think Putin and the Russians had an interest in putting Trump into the White House, I'll roll with their opinion. They have a lot more first hand knowledge about this than me or anybody posting in this thread.

Finally, are you actually asking me the difference between complaining about the refs after a loss and complaining about them before you get to the arena?
You have asked about where mass mailings are happening.They are limited now but the Democrats are pushing for them in every state.Youalso said there have no problems yet in counting votes in new states but there is a primary I think in New Jersey that we still don’t have a definitive answer as to who won
You have asked about where mass mailings are happening.They are limited now but the Democrats are pushing for them in every state.Youalso said there have no problems yet in counting votes in new states but there is a primary I think in New Jersey that we still don’t have a definitive answer as to who won

I have asked about mass, unsolicited mailings. Unsolicited, in this case, does not mean states such as the five I mentioned where every voter gets one. If it's a state law and you're registered you should chalk up your registration as meaning you "solicited," the mail-in ballot.

I said I had not read about any cases of fraud coming out of the primaries, not delays in counting.

Are you talking about the school board primary?

On a side note, New Jersey's 2020 primary had the second highest voter turnout in history. More people voting is a good thing, right?
They were hard to find. You started by saying a presidential election year voting location is not considered a mass gathering by most of the standards that have been in place since March. That is not true. They will be above the 10, 50 and 100 maximum numbers that I have read for most states.

Next, you mentioned how nobody seems to have a problem with mail-in ballots in states that have been doing it. You also said nobody has a problem with absentee voting. You just have a concern that states won't have the infrastructure in place to make it work. Many states have already done this in primaries this year. Has there been any proof of fraud from those primaries?

Next, you mentioned the extension of time to count votes. States have always allowed a period of days after polls close to finalize vote counting. This year it will probably just be a little longer.

Next, you again brought up mass-mailing of unsolicitated ballots. Again, I'm going to ask, where has this taken place?

Next, you made the point I addressed. No proof of widespread voter fraud. The other stuff you mentioned was so far into the rabbit hole it belongs in one videos on YouTube explaining how Jay-Z is a member of the Illuminati.

Last paragraph, you went into the what about stuff revolving around 2016. I did address that in my previous reply to you.

Democrats tricked off 2016 by pushing Hillary to the ballot because it was "her turn." There were a lot of democrats who stayed home because they didn't think Trump could win but they didn't want to cast a vote for Hillary. They were wrong and they are pissed, and like a bunch of people in this country, they can't own it do they deflect it. Let me be clear, I do think there was Russian interference (not collusion but interference) in 2016. If Dan Coats and Jim Mattis seem to think Putin and the Russians had an interest in putting Trump into the White House, I'll roll with their opinion. They have a lot more first hand knowledge about this than me or anybody posting in this thread.

Finally, are you actually asking me the difference between complaining about the refs after a loss and complaining about them before you get to the arena?
Ha. I only gave you points to why some people may be concerned. I have seen where Michigan, Pennsylvania and Nevada have allowed unsolicitated ballots to be mailed out. I am not saying that it will lead to widespread fraud. Just that it leaves open the possibility, so it is a concern. I gave you hypothetical examples of how this along with the extended dates COULD lead to fraud. Which is a concern. All of this is hypothetical. I am not claiming that there is widespread fraud. But you pretending that it isn't a concern doesn't mean that it isn't.

As far as mass gathering. You are going by lockdowns guidelines for get togethers and extended periods of time in close proximity. The experts that we are supposed to listen to have said that voting in person can be done safely and no different than waiting in line at a grocery store. This is not considered a gathering.

My only reason in bringing up 2016 is not to talk about why Trump won or collusion. Just the same people today whining about Trump not leaving office peacefully and claiming he won't accept the outcome are the same people who still haven't accepted the outcome of the last election.

Your last paragraph, explain it to me like I am 5.
And btw. I know this is in text and a lot of people are hostile in these types of discussions. But there is no hostility coming from me. Just talking.

It's pool night. Got people coming over to shoot some pool and watch the Chiefs and Ravens game. All be good.
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Pot meet kettle .Wall Street Journal reporting Biden and wife avoided paying taxes on 13 million dollars using highly aggressive tax deductions.Good for Biden using legal means to lessen tax bill.Did not think he was smart enough to do it but shows the hypocrisy of politicians
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Trump got impeached for a phone conversation but Biden brags about no billion dollars for you unless you fire the prosecutor that is investigating my Coke head son.Nothing to see since Biden is an honorable beyond reproach

So... you do know what *actually* happened, right?

Simple really simple facts:

Biden was pushing American policy to fire prosecutor Shokin, who was hired as a reformer and had already been involved in a Burisma probe long before Hunter Biden was involved, but who then turned out to be REFUSING to investigate corruption, a man who everyone on earth endorsed getting rid of, including the IMF, the World Bank, and the EU?

I am confused why you seem to believe the opposite.

And I do think it is strange that Republicans are *convinced* that Joe Biden is this MASSIVE corrupt politician who is not qualified for president, when he was actively and on tape working against corruption and has been found innocent of anything illicit by Republicans themselves, and all because Hunter Biden got a cushy 600k/year job with some oil company...

... yet here we are, with Donald actively paying Ivanka about 800k as a consultant (as part of an unexplained 26 million in consulting fees) even though she was an employee, which is a tax dodge and actually against the law... and it’s just “Oh no no, that’s not illegal, that’s just SMART! Take advatage of the system, baby!”
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Pot meet kettle .Wall Street Journal reporting Biden and wife avoided paying taxes on 13 million dollars using highly aggressive tax deductions.Good for Biden using legal means to lessen tax bill.Did not think he was smart enough to do it but shows the hypocrisy of politicians

Was what he was doing illegal? Bc one of the big issues with Trump is that there seems to be concern with illegal stuff going on, such as paying family members as a tax dodge and loan information not matching up with tax information and lying on refund paperwork... you know, tax evasion sort of stuff... on top of the fact that he paid SO much less than other people in similar situations and the whole other-countries thing and all...
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Btw, wanted to ask... we are a bit more than a month out... who do folks think wins the election?

I think Biden is the likely winner.
Was what he was doing illegal? Bc the issue with Trump is that there seems to be concern with illegal stuff going on, such as paying family members as a tax dodge and loan information not matching up with tax information... you know, tax evasion sort of stuff.
If u read my post said what he did was legal.Trump is doing the same things which are legal to lessen his tax obligations.The point is the hypocrisy of railing against someone for doing the same thing that you do yourself.
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So... you do know what *actually* happened, right?

Simple really simple facts:

Biden was pushing American policy to fire prosecutor Shokin, who was hired as a reformer and had already been involved in a Burisma probe long before Hunter Biden was involved, but who then turned out to be REFUSING to investigate corruption, a man who everyone on earth endorsed getting rid of, including the IMF, the World Bank, and the EU?

I am confused why you seem to believe the opposite.

And I do think it is strange that Republicans are *convinced* that Joe Biden is this MASSIVE corrupt politician who is not qualified for president, when he was actively and on tape working against corruption and has been found innocent of anything illicit by Republicans themselves, and all because Hunter Biden got a cushy 600k/year job with some oil company...

... yet here we are, with Donald actively paying Ivanka about 800k as a consultant (as part of an unexplained 26 million in consulting fees) even though she was an employee, which is a tax dodge and actually against the law... and it’s just “Oh no no, that’s not illegal, that’s just SMART! Take advatage of the system, baby!”
Uh Joe has used his connections for years to get his relatives lucrative government contracts in areas where they have no experience whatsoever while claiming to be a pure as driven snow public servant.If u don’t think some of that money has found its way back to Joe you are either naive or willfully obtuse.Biden has forty plus years of lying and racist comments and actions
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If u read my post said what he did was legal.Trump is doing the same things which are legal to lessen his tax obligations.The point is the hypocrisy of railing against someone for doing the same thing that you do yourself.

So again... The big issue is legality.

So who do you think wins the election, if you had to bet right now?
Btw, wanted to ask... we are a bit more than a month out... who do folks think wins the election?

I think Biden is the likely winner.
Who will be there to give this guy a hug when Trump wins this election?
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So again... The big issue is legality.

So who do you think wins the election, if you had to bet right now?
Do not have a clue.The issue to me is that Biden portrays him self as the moral savior of the country while being involved in the same types of behavior or worse than Trump.Dont think like like to be friends with either of them but will vote for the candidate who is more competent.Do you think that Biden is not having some clear cut cognitive problems.The man closes down his campaign by mid morning each day.If he wins Kamala will be president within a year
Was what he was doing illegal? Bc one of the big issues with Trump is that there seems to be concern with illegal stuff going on, such as paying family members as a tax dodge and loan information not matching up with tax information and lying on refund paperwork... you know, tax evasion sort of stuff... on top of the fact that he paid SO much less than other people in similar situations and the whole other-countries thing and all...
And unlikely any of it is illegal. Yet here you are, showing your bias and total ignorance.
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Do not have a clue.The issue to me is that Biden portrays him self as the moral savior of the country while being involved in the same types of behavior or worse than Trump.Dont think like like to be friends with either of them but will vote for the candidate who is more competent.Do you think that Biden is not having some clear cut cognitive problems.The man closes down his campaign by mid morning each day.If he wins Kamala will be president within a year

It’s nutty stuff like this... I don’t get it.

The same or worse?

Do you know that Trump was found guilty of illegal discrimination in rentals? Obviously you know about the thousands and thousands of lawsuits Trump has been involved in, many times more than any other major real estate developer, including many cases of not paying his bills and jilting contractors, forcing them to settle for pennies on the dollar? You know that he has bankrupted nearly every business he has been involved in? Do you realize that Donald was impeached after asking a foreign power for a favor involving a political opponent? Do you realize he was found guilty of illegally using charity money for personal gain? Did you not just read a story about hundreds and hundreds of millions of dollars of debt to unknown sources and questionable payments and loans? You DO realize that his personal lawyer worked directly with an “active Russian agent” while looking for dirt on Biden, right? And that every one of his campaign managers have been arrested? And that his close friend and advisor was working with Russian assets and an American traitor to find dirt on Hillary, was arrested and found guilty of crimes... And was then pardoned by Trump? And don’t forget the dozens of sexual assault charges and the payments to a porn star a few months after his wife gave birth.

But yeah... Biden does the same, or if we are being honest, way WAY worse.

And yeah... Trump slurring in half his speeches, needing help down a ramp, the inability to drink water, having his own cabinet discussing using the 25th amendment to remove him and the possibility he is owned by Russia, him openly talking about the cognitive dementia tests he took in front of a bunch of doctors (man, woman, person, camera, tv!), bragging that he has won all sorts of awards that don’t exist, the crazy off topic rambling in every speech... he is fine. I mean, his own doctor officially said that, if elected, he would be ”the healthiest individual ever elected to the presidency”... his DOCTOR said that, so we know there’s no funny business going on. And DAMN, did you hear how clear he was, when he was interviewed by Hannity and asked simply what his second term goals were?

Well, one of the things that will be really great, you know the word experience is still good. I always say talent is more important than experience. I’ve always said that. But the word experience is a very important word. It’s an — a very important meaning. I never did this before. I never slept over in Washington. I was in Washington, I think, 17 times. All of a sudden, I’m president of the United States. You know the story. I’m riding down Pennsylvania Avenue with our First Lady and I say, ‘This is great. But I didn’t know very many people in Washington. It wasn’t my thing. I was from Manhattan, from New York. Now I know everybody, and I have great people in the administration. You make some mistakes. Like, you know, an idiot like Bolton. All he wanted to do was drop bombs on everybody. You don’t have to drop bombs on everybody. You don’t have to kill people.”

Sharp as a tack.

But Biden... If you can’t see he is on drugs, as Donald so astutely pointed out... Well, you are just nuts. I mean, he isn’t even having massive indoor rallies during a global pandemic that he called the plague in private but said would just vanish in public!

Let’s be honest, this is a waste of both of our times.
It’s nutty stuff like this... I don’t get it.

The same or worse?

Do you know that Trump was found guilty of illegal discrimination in rentals? Obviously you know about the thousands and thousands of lawsuits Trump has been involved in, many times more than any other major real estate developer, including many cases of not paying his bills and jilting contractors, forcing them to settle for pennies on the dollar? You know that he has bankrupted nearly every business he has been involved in? Do you realize that Donald was impeached after asking a foreign power for a favor involving a political opponent? Do you realize he was found guilty of illegally using charity money for personal gain? Did you not just read a story about hundreds and hundreds of millions of dollars of debt to unknown sources and questionable payments and loans? You DO realize that his personal lawyer worked directly with an “active Russian agent” while looking for dirt on Biden, right? And that every one of his campaign managers have been arrested? And that his close friend and advisor was working with Russian assets and an American traitor to find dirt on Hillary, was arrested and found guilty of crimes... And was then pardoned by Trump? And don’t forget the dozens of sexual assault charges and the payments to a porn star a few months after his wife gave birth.

But yeah... Biden does the same, or if we are being honest, way WAY worse.

And yeah... Trump slurring in half his speeches, needing help down a ramp, the inability to drink water, having his own cabinet discussing using the 25th amendment to remove him and the possibility he is owned by Russia, him openly talking about the cognitive dementia tests he took in front of a bunch of doctors (man, woman, person, camera, tv!), bragging that he has won all sorts of awards that don’t exist, the crazy off topic rambling in every speech... he is fine. I mean, his own doctor officially said that, if elected, he would be ”the healthiest individual ever elected to the presidency”... his DOCTOR said that, so we know there’s no funny business going on. And DAMN, did you hear how clear he was, when he was interviewed by Hannity and asked simply what his second term goals were?

Well, one of the things that will be really great, you know the word experience is still good. I always say talent is more important than experience. I’ve always said that. But the word experience is a very important word. It’s an — a very important meaning. I never did this before. I never slept over in Washington. I was in Washington, I think, 17 times. All of a sudden, I’m president of the United States. You know the story. I’m riding down Pennsylvania Avenue with our First Lady and I say, ‘This is great. But I didn’t know very many people in Washington. It wasn’t my thing. I was from Manhattan, from New York. Now I know everybody, and I have great people in the administration. You make some mistakes. Like, you know, an idiot like Bolton. All he wanted to do was drop bombs on everybody. You don’t have to drop bombs on everybody. You don’t have to kill people.”

Sharp as a tack.

But Biden... If you can’t see he is on drugs, as Donald so astutely pointed out... Well, you are just nuts. I mean, he isn’t even having massive indoor rallies during a global pandemic that he called the plague in private but said would just vanish in public!

Let’s be honest, this is a waste of both of our times.
You just repeated every bs liberal nonsense that had been going on since2016

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