The New Lounge

Ok you mail millions of ballots to unverified addresses on voter registration rolls that are have not been updated in years.You have no idea who is filling out these ballots.In constant an absentee ballot must be requested by a registered voter .If every vote cast is by absentee ballot no problem.
Where did you get this "information" that millions of ballots of being sent to unverified addresses? I'd think most people like to keep their address updated. Most people want their mail. Even if a ballot was mailed to the wrong address, and someone knew the name of the previous tenant and sent in a ballot in their name, they can't fake that person's handwriting or signature, because there are handwriting safeguards in place to make sure fraud cannot take place.
Hahahahaha! This is so dumb. It’s literally pure sky is falling nonsense. We heard this same stupid shit for the last four years. Just like idiots trying to tell us Trump would start WWIII or the tax cuts were armageddon or that Trump would send us into a recession. There are countless examples of this idiotic nonsense from the libs who can’t think for themselves.
Yes you're totally correct, Trump hasn't shown that he wants be a dictator multiple times throughout his presidency. Again, he refuses to commit to a peaceful transition of power to Biden if he loses. He's talked about how much he admires Jong-Un, Putin, Xi Jinping. He absolutely wants to turn America into a fascist state, but in order to see that you'd have to stop gargling his nuts for two seconds.
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Yes you're totally correct, Trump hasn't shown that he wants be a dictator multiple times throughout his presidency. Again, he refuses to commit to a peaceful transition of power to Biden if he loses. He's talked about how much he admires Jong-Un, Putin, Xi Jinping. He absolutely wants to turn America into a fascist state, but in order to see that you'd have to stop gargling his nuts for two seconds.
But I bet you think it’s totally cool Obama and his team spied on an incoming administration and set up the entire fake Russian collusion hoax, amirite? Lol. I bet you have no issue with Hillary Clinton telling Dementia Joe that he shouldn’t concede under any circumstances, amirite? Lol.
But I bet you think it’s totally cool Obama and his team spied on an incoming administration and set up the entire fake Russian collusion hoax, amirite? Lol. I bet you have no issue with Hillary Clinton telling Dementia Joe that he shouldn’t concede under any circumstances, amirite? Lol.
Please provide some scrap of proof that Obama did that. Just one, single, solitary, independent shred of evidence.
A few things.

First, all of these "voter fraud" accusations are baseless accusations. They are meaningless noise. You cannot vote twice. We don't really have voter fraud in the United States. People don't fill in other peoples ballots, or fake names, or anything like that. The Democrats aren't undertaking some massive national voting conspiracy. It doesn't happen. It... doesn't... happen.

But don't take my word for it, or the liberal media's word for it.

Listen to Ben Ginsberg, the most famous GOP lawyer in the country, the man who represented the Republican National Committee, was George W. Bush’s lawyer during the 2000 recount battle, once appearing on all five Sunday talk shows on the same day. (Swamp creatures call this “the full Ginsberg.”), who worked for Bush again in 2004 and Mitt Romney in 2012, and who worked for Jones Day until a month or two ago, the firm hired by Trump's 2016 campaign:

Legions of Republican lawyers have searched in vain over four decades for fraudulent double voting. At long last, they have a blatant example of a major politician urging his supporters to illegally vote twice.

The only hitch is that the candidate is President Trump.

These are painful conclusions for me to reach. Before retiring from law practice last month, I spent 38 years in the GOP’s legal trenches. I was part of the 1990s redistricting that ended 40 years of Democratic control and brought 30 years of GOP successes in Congress and state legislatures. I played a central role in the 2000 Florida recount and several dozen Senate, House and state contests. I served as counsel to all three Republican national party committees and represented four of the past six Republican presidential nominees (including, through my law firm, Trump 2020).

Each Election Day since 1984, I’ve been in precincts looking for voting violations, or in Washington helping run the nationwide GOP Election Day operations, overseeing the thousands of Republican lawyers and operatives each election on alert for voting fraud. In every election, Republicans have been in polling places and vote tabulation centers. Republican lawyers in every state have been able to examine mail-in/absentee ballot programs.

...The truth is that after decades of looking for illegal voting, there’s no proof of widespread fraud. At most, there are isolated incidents — by both Democrats and Republicans. Elections are not rigged. Absentee ballots use the same process as mail-in ballots — different states use different labels for the same process.

The Heritage Foundation Election Fraud Database has compiled every instance of any kind of voter fraud it could find since 1982. It contains 1,296 incidents, a minuscule percentage of the votes cast. A study of results in three states where all voters are mailed actual ballots, a practice at the apex of the president’s outrage, found just 372 possible cases of illegal voting of 14.6 million cast in the 2016 and 2018 general elections — 0.000025 percent.

There's a TON more, but I don't want to cut and paste the whole thing... if you really care about your country, as some of you say you do, then get a subscription to the WP and learn a bit more.

So don't worry @topps coach and the rest of you... your fears are unfounded. There are no serious examples of what you are worried about in history. The process that handles ballots ensures this. In states where everyone gets mailed a vote, out of nearly 15 million recent votes, there appeared to be only a .000025 fraud rate. There is no giant fraud going on, and the Democrats don't have some big scheme to cheat... they are just doing what they can to maximize voting numbers in a pandemic and during a time when the Postal System is being accused of undermining voting. Why? They know that the more Americans that vote, the better for them, bc by every single matrix and poll and historical result, the majority of Americans will vote for Biden.

So! Glad that we got that off the table, and I am sure that panic over 9 ballots found in the garbage for whatever reason will be equal to the panic it actually deserves.

Oh, and I HIGHLY suggest you follow Ellen Weintraub, the Bush-appointed, unanimously confirmed Federal Election Commission Commish, on Twitter. She is really clear and reassuring about these fears.

So let's move on to the clearly more "real" story; the NYT blowing the lid off of Trump's taxes.

Well, you can see why he is the first presidential candidate SINCE 1972 TO NOT RELEASE HIS TAX RETURNS.

Now, again, I'm not going to cut and paste the entire NYT article but wow, what a shit show it is. First off, he is in MASSIVE personal debt. Somewhere between $400 million and a billion dollars, most of which is coming due in the next few years. And massive personal debt is the number one reason people are denied security clearances, bc over time the US has found that that is the #1 way that foreign powers get their claws into people. Second, there are MASSIVE discrepancies between his tax information and his loan information, which is hugely illegal. Third, he has taken millions and millions of deductions that don't appear to be legit. Fourth, while he hasn't paid taxes to the US, he pays them to other countries, which is obviously a great example of Making America Great Again. Fifth, it looks like Ivanka is in on it too, getting millions in consulting fees that she wasn't eligible to get. Sixth, there appear to be MASSIVE conflicts of interest, both in the United States and more importantly abroad, between Trump's business (which he never put into any sort of holding company or anything, like every other President in history did) and his Presidency. I mean... there is so much it is hard to get into, but it is an absolute mess of immoral and illegal... just look at that nearly 80 million dollar refund he seems to have lied to acquire.

It does seem likely that a lot of this is tied to the New York District Attorney taking a historic step and publically saying a few days ago that Trump could face legal charges including scheme to defraud, falsification of business records, insurance fraud and criminal tax fraud.

And apparently the Times has several other huge stories that they are working on.

Now, of course Trump fans will ignore that huge parts of what was found was apparently illegal. They will ignore the VERY odd fact that the top .001 percent of earners in the country tend to pay roughly 24% in taxes.... Trump is just smarter than everyone else or something, and it CERTAINLY isn't bc he is lying or cheating in his statements.

No, the die hard Trump fans will just say "Oh, well, he is just SMART! He is SMARTER than everyone else, and just knows how to, you know... use the system! And that's okay!" They will do that strange thing that people do, where they SAY they love America and love Americans, but think that it is a moral imperative to try to cheat the government of, by, and for the People out of every penny you possibly can.

The rest of us will say "Not only does it look like he is doing a lot of illegal shit, but it is also pretty anti-American to simply not pay your fair share of things like veterans health care and food for poor Americans in need and vital scientific and medical work, all while pretending you care about the country."

Anyway, here is the mindblowing article, although I wager most of you do not have subscriptions to the Times... they DO allow some free articles each month, though, and this is a doozy.

And for those who don't want to read it, here is a summary:

So no proof then.
Isn't that how you operate? You continuously spout of nonsense that literally has zero proof. Figured you of all people wouldn't ask for "proof" of anything.

But, for starters, there has already been one charged by Durham's team. He's the start. Not to mention, now that all the other information is coming out, it's beyond clear there was no issue or suspicion of collusion with Russia. It was completely, 100% made up to hurt Trump and his team.
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A few things.

First, all of these "voter fraud" accusations are baseless accusations. They are meaningless noise. You cannot vote twice. We don't really have voter fraud in the United States. People don't fill in other peoples ballots, or fake names, or anything like that. The Democrats aren't undertaking some massive national voting conspiracy. It doesn't happen. It... doesn't... happen.

But don't take my word for it, or the liberal media's word for it.

Listen to Ben Ginsberg, the most famous GOP lawyer in the country, the man who represented the Republican National Committee, was George W. Bush’s lawyer during the 2000 recount battle, once appearing on all five Sunday talk shows on the same day. (Swamp creatures call this “the full Ginsberg.”), who worked for Bush again in 2004 and Mitt Romney in 2012, and who worked for Jones Day until a month or two ago, the firm hired by Trump's 2016 campaign:

Legions of Republican lawyers have searched in vain over four decades for fraudulent double voting. At long last, they have a blatant example of a major politician urging his supporters to illegally vote twice.

The only hitch is that the candidate is President Trump.

These are painful conclusions for me to reach. Before retiring from law practice last month, I spent 38 years in the GOP’s legal trenches. I was part of the 1990s redistricting that ended 40 years of Democratic control and brought 30 years of GOP successes in Congress and state legislatures. I played a central role in the 2000 Florida recount and several dozen Senate, House and state contests. I served as counsel to all three Republican national party committees and represented four of the past six Republican presidential nominees (including, through my law firm, Trump 2020).

Each Election Day since 1984, I’ve been in precincts looking for voting violations, or in Washington helping run the nationwide GOP Election Day operations, overseeing the thousands of Republican lawyers and operatives each election on alert for voting fraud. In every election, Republicans have been in polling places and vote tabulation centers. Republican lawyers in every state have been able to examine mail-in/absentee ballot programs.

...The truth is that after decades of looking for illegal voting, there’s no proof of widespread fraud. At most, there are isolated incidents — by both Democrats and Republicans. Elections are not rigged. Absentee ballots use the same process as mail-in ballots — different states use different labels for the same process.

The Heritage Foundation Election Fraud Database has compiled every instance of any kind of voter fraud it could find since 1982. It contains 1,296 incidents, a minuscule percentage of the votes cast. A study of results in three states where all voters are mailed actual ballots, a practice at the apex of the president’s outrage, found just 372 possible cases of illegal voting of 14.6 million cast in the 2016 and 2018 general elections — 0.000025 percent.

There's a TON more, but I don't want to cut and paste the whole thing... if you really care about your country, as some of you say you do, then get a subscription to the WP and learn a bit more.

So don't worry @topps coach and the rest of you... your fears are unfounded. There are no serious examples of what you are worried about in history. The process that handles ballots ensures this. In states where everyone gets mailed a vote, out of nearly 15 million recent votes, there appeared to be only a .000025 fraud rate. There is no giant fraud going on, and the Democrats don't have some big scheme to cheat... they are just doing what they can to maximize voting numbers in a pandemic and during a time when the Postal System is being accused of undermining voting. Why? They know that the more Americans that vote, the better for them, bc by every single matrix and poll and historical result, the majority of Americans will vote for Biden.

So! Glad that we got that off the table, and I am sure that panic over 9 ballots found in the garbage for whatever reason will be equal to the panic it actually deserves.

Oh, and I HIGHLY suggest you follow Ellen Weintraub, the Bush-appointed, unanimously confirmed Federal Election Commission Commish, on Twitter. She is really clear and reassuring about these fears.

So let's move on to the clearly more "real" story; the NYT blowing the lid off of Trump's taxes.

Well, you can see why he is the first presidential candidate SINCE 1972 TO NOT RELEASE HIS TAX RETURNS.

Now, again, I'm not going to cut and paste the entire NYT article but wow, what a shit show it is. First off, he is in MASSIVE personal debt. Somewhere between $400 million and a billion dollars, most of which is coming due in the next few years. And massive personal debt is the number one reason people are denied security clearances, bc over time the US has found that that is the #1 way that foreign powers get their claws into people. Second, there are MASSIVE discrepancies between his tax information and his loan information, which is hugely illegal. Third, he has taken millions and millions of deductions that don't appear to be legit. Fourth, while he hasn't paid taxes to the US, he pays them to other countries, which is obviously a great example of Making America Great Again. Fifth, it looks like Ivanka is in on it too, getting millions in consulting fees that she wasn't eligible to get. Sixth, there appear to be MASSIVE conflicts of interest, both in the United States and more importantly abroad, between Trump's business (which he never put into any sort of holding company or anything, like every other President in history did) and his Presidency. I mean... there is so much it is hard to get into, but it is an absolute mess of immoral and illegal... just look at that nearly 80 million dollar refund he seems to have lied to acquire.

It does seem likely that a lot of this is tied to the New York District Attorney taking a historic step and publically saying a few days ago that Trump could face legal charges including scheme to defraud, falsification of business records, insurance fraud and criminal tax fraud.

And apparently the Times has several other huge stories that they are working on.

Now, of course Trump fans will ignore that huge parts of what was found was apparently illegal. They will ignore the VERY odd fact that the top .001 percent of earners in the country tend to pay roughly 24% in taxes.... Trump is just smarter than everyone else or something, and it CERTAINLY isn't bc he is lying or cheating in his statements.

No, the die hard Trump fans will just say "Oh, well, he is just SMART! He is SMARTER than everyone else, and just knows how to, you know... use the system! And that's okay!" They will do that strange thing that people do, where they SAY they love America and love Americans, but think that it is a moral imperative to try to cheat the government of, by, and for the People out of every penny you possibly can.

The rest of us will say "Not only does it look like he is doing a lot of illegal shit, but it is also pretty anti-American to simply not pay your fair share of things like veterans health care and food for poor Americans in need and vital scientific and medical work, all while pretending you care about the country."

Anyway, here is the mindblowing article, although I wager most of you do not have subscriptions to the Times... they DO allow some free articles each month, though, and this is a doozy.

And for those who don't want to read it, here is a summary:


This is me laughing at you thinking this is some bombshell reporting. As a non-financial person, you may just want to sit this one out. You've already made yourself look dumber, which is VERY hard to do. A rich guy has good accountants and pays little taxes. Color me SHOCKED. Good grief....

Lastly, I don't think you should be telling others what does and doesn't happen considering you were one of those people who fully, 100% believed (still think you do) the Russian collusion hoax.
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Isn't that how you operate? You continuously spout of nonsense that literally has zero proof. Figured you of all people wouldn't ask for "proof" of anything.

But, for starters, there has already been one charged by Durham's team. He's the start. Not to mention, now that all the other information is coming out, it's beyond clear there was no issue or suspicion of collusion with Russia. It was completely, 100% made up to hurt Trump and his team.
Wish Durham would finally come out with the results of his investigation because if the Democrats take over it will be quashed.If he has nothing which I doubt but the truth regardless of the outcome needs to come out.To the libs on this board they hate Trump so much that they will deny everything even if many of the Democrats are convicted
Oh man, i see someone i ignore already responded. I’m sure it is a thoughtful response to all of this, and not just some one or two sentence shot.

Btw, a few reactions, since twitter is so short and easy to understand, for people who don’t want to actually read...

Dan Alexander, Forbes top guy on Trump, is a great follow right now, although very numbers-heavy... he wrote an entire book about how Trumps presidency and business overlap:

Might as well end with this one...

Wish Durham would finally come out with the results of his investigation because if the Democrats take over it will be quashed.If he has nothing which I doubt but the truth regardless of the outcome needs to come out.To the libs on this board they hate Trump so much that they will deny everything even if many of the Democrats are convicted

Uh yeah, about that... this is former FBI assistant director of counterintelligence Frank F, on Marias scoop on Fox that there is no Durham report coming and no indictments.

And that, on the heels of this report from Republicans...

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Oh man, i see someone i ignore already responded. I’m sure it is a thoughtful response to all of this, and not just some one or two sentence shot.

Btw, a few reactions, since twitter is so short and easy to understand, for people who don’t want to actually read...

Dan Alexander, Forbes top guy on Trump, is a great follow right now, although very numbers-heavy... he wrote an entire book about how Trumps presidency and business overlap:

Might as well end with this one...

A few things.

First, all of these "voter fraud" accusations are baseless accusations. They are meaningless noise. You cannot vote twice. We don't really have voter fraud in the United States. People don't fill in other peoples ballots, or fake names, or anything like that. The Democrats aren't undertaking some massive national voting conspiracy. It doesn't happen. It... doesn't... happen.

But don't take my word for it, or the liberal media's word for it.

Listen to Ben Ginsberg, the most famous GOP lawyer in the country, the man who represented the Republican National Committee, was George W. Bush’s lawyer during the 2000 recount battle, once appearing on all five Sunday talk shows on the same day. (Swamp creatures call this “the full Ginsberg.”), who worked for Bush again in 2004 and Mitt Romney in 2012, and who worked for Jones Day until a month or two ago, the firm hired by Trump's 2016 campaign:

Legions of Republican lawyers have searched in vain over four decades for fraudulent double voting. At long last, they have a blatant example of a major politician urging his supporters to illegally vote twice.

The only hitch is that the candidate is President Trump.

These are painful conclusions for me to reach. Before retiring from law practice last month, I spent 38 years in the GOP’s legal trenches. I was part of the 1990s redistricting that ended 40 years of Democratic control and brought 30 years of GOP successes in Congress and state legislatures. I played a central role in the 2000 Florida recount and several dozen Senate, House and state contests. I served as counsel to all three Republican national party committees and represented four of the past six Republican presidential nominees (including, through my law firm, Trump 2020).

Each Election Day since 1984, I’ve been in precincts looking for voting violations, or in Washington helping run the nationwide GOP Election Day operations, overseeing the thousands of Republican lawyers and operatives each election on alert for voting fraud. In every election, Republicans have been in polling places and vote tabulation centers. Republican lawyers in every state have been able to examine mail-in/absentee ballot programs.

...The truth is that after decades of looking for illegal voting, there’s no proof of widespread fraud. At most, there are isolated incidents — by both Democrats and Republicans. Elections are not rigged. Absentee ballots use the same process as mail-in ballots — different states use different labels for the same process.

The Heritage Foundation Election Fraud Database has compiled every instance of any kind of voter fraud it could find since 1982. It contains 1,296 incidents, a minuscule percentage of the votes cast. A study of results in three states where all voters are mailed actual ballots, a practice at the apex of the president’s outrage, found just 372 possible cases of illegal voting of 14.6 million cast in the 2016 and 2018 general elections — 0.000025 percent.

There's a TON more, but I don't want to cut and paste the whole thing... if you really care about your country, as some of you say you do, then get a subscription to the WP and learn a bit more.

So don't worry @topps coach and the rest of you... your fears are unfounded. There are no serious examples of what you are worried about in history. The process that handles ballots ensures this. In states where everyone gets mailed a vote, out of nearly 15 million recent votes, there appeared to be only a .000025 fraud rate. There is no giant fraud going on, and the Democrats don't have some big scheme to cheat... they are just doing what they can to maximize voting numbers in a pandemic and during a time when the Postal System is being accused of undermining voting. Why? They know that the more Americans that vote, the better for them, bc by every single matrix and poll and historical result, the majority of Americans will vote for Biden.

So! Glad that we got that off the table, and I am sure that panic over 9 ballots found in the garbage for whatever reason will be equal to the panic it actually deserves.

Oh, and I HIGHLY suggest you follow Ellen Weintraub, the Bush-appointed, unanimously confirmed Federal Election Commission Commish, on Twitter. She is really clear and reassuring about these fears.

So let's move on to the clearly more "real" story; the NYT blowing the lid off of Trump's taxes.

Well, you can see why he is the first presidential candidate SINCE 1972 TO NOT RELEASE HIS TAX RETURNS.

Now, again, I'm not going to cut and paste the entire NYT article but wow, what a shit show it is. First off, he is in MASSIVE personal debt. Somewhere between $400 million and a billion dollars, most of which is coming due in the next few years. And massive personal debt is the number one reason people are denied security clearances, bc over time the US has found that that is the #1 way that foreign powers get their claws into people. Second, there are MASSIVE discrepancies between his tax information and his loan information, which is hugely illegal. Third, he has taken millions and millions of deductions that don't appear to be legit. Fourth, while he hasn't paid taxes to the US, he pays them to other countries, which is obviously a great example of Making America Great Again. Fifth, it looks like Ivanka is in on it too, getting millions in consulting fees that she wasn't eligible to get. Sixth, there appear to be MASSIVE conflicts of interest, both in the United States and more importantly abroad, between Trump's business (which he never put into any sort of holding company or anything, like every other President in history did) and his Presidency. I mean... there is so much it is hard to get into, but it is an absolute mess of immoral and illegal... just look at that nearly 80 million dollar refund he seems to have lied to acquire.

It does seem likely that a lot of this is tied to the New York District Attorney taking a historic step and publically saying a few days ago that Trump could face legal charges including scheme to defraud, falsification of business records, insurance fraud and criminal tax fraud.

And apparently the Times has several other huge stories that they are working on.

Now, of course Trump fans will ignore that huge parts of what was found was apparently illegal. They will ignore the VERY odd fact that the top .001 percent of earners in the country tend to pay roughly 24% in taxes.... Trump is just smarter than everyone else or something, and it CERTAINLY isn't bc he is lying or cheating in his statements.

No, the die hard Trump fans will just say "Oh, well, he is just SMART! He is SMARTER than everyone else, and just knows how to, you know... use the system! And that's okay!" They will do that strange thing that people do, where they SAY they love America and love Americans, but think that it is a moral imperative to try to cheat the government of, by, and for the People out of every penny you possibly can.

The rest of us will say "Not only does it look like he is doing a lot of illegal shit, but it is also pretty anti-American to simply not pay your fair share of things like veterans health care and food for poor Americans in need and vital scientific and medical work, all while pretending you care about the country."

Anyway, here is the mindblowing article, although I wager most of you do not have subscriptions to the Times... they DO allow some free articles each month, though, and this is a doozy.

And for those who don't want to read it, here is a summary:

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Uh yeah, about that... this is former FBI assistant director of counterintelligence Frank F, on Marias scoop on Fox that there is no Durham report coming and no indictments.

And that, on the heels of this report from Republicans...

So you are quoting the FBI who was neck deep in the spying on Trumps campaign that there was nothing going on.Every suspect always says I am innocent but this one is supposed to be our preeminent law enforcement agency.If nothing was going on why did FBI officials feel it necessary to to take out personal professional malfeasance insurance policies?
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So you are quoting the FBI who was neck deep in the spying on Trumps campaign that there was nothing going on.Every suspect always says I am innocent but this one is supposed to be our preeminent law enforcement agency.If nothing was going on why did FBI officials feel it necessary to to take out personal professional malfeasance insurance policies?

First... why didn't you respond to my whole thing about election fraud? I would have thought that would have made you feel much, much better?
Hey man, THIS is the one. THIS is the time we can fully believe the NYT and their anonymous sources. THIS is going to bring Trump down. He's positive.
He sure is gullible for such a high IQ fella. Isn't he?
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There have been 25 replies, all of which have been political, to this thread since the last time I asked which states are mass-spamming unsolicitated mail-in ballots. I've seen y'all arguing over where you get your news from, and I really don't even care about where the information comes from, but can somebody, anybody just answer the damn question?

I'm really curious about this and figured it would be big news.
There have been 25 replies, all of which have been political, to this thread since the last time I asked which states are mass-spamming unsolicitated mail-in ballots. I've seen y'all arguing over where you get your news from, and I really don't even care about where the information comes from, but can somebody, anybody just answer the damn question?

I'm really curious about this and figured it would be big news.
I answered. It varies by state/county. Nevada is the latest state that is trying to get to mass mail in voting. Again, mailing ballots to the voter rolls which are known for being inaccurate, is just asking for fraud. We've already seen multiple cases of ballot tampering and it's not even October yet.

Not to mention the Project Veritas just dropped a video up in Minnesota with Ilhan Omar and ballot harvesting/tampering. (TIFWIW as it's CNN)
There have been 25 replies, all of which have been political, to this thread since the last time I asked which states are mass-spamming unsolicitated mail-in ballots. I've seen y'all arguing over where you get your news from, and I really don't even care about where the information comes from, but can somebody, anybody just answer the damn question?

I'm really curious about this and figured it would be big news.
No state is mass spamming ballots. 9 are automatically sending ballots to registered voters addresses.
There have been 25 replies, all of which have been political, to this thread since the last time I asked which states are mass-spamming unsolicitated mail-in ballots. I've seen y'all arguing over where you get your news from, and I really don't even care about where the information comes from, but can somebody, anybody just answer the damn question?

I'm really curious about this and figured it would be big news.
I personally don't care enough about it to do any research on it. I suspect republicans exaggerate it and democrats downplay it. Any evidence for or against it will be ignored by the respective crowds.
No state is mass spamming ballots. 9 are automatically sending ballots to registered voters addresses.

Which makes sense, in the midst of a global pandemic, and all of those states have systems for ensuring their electoral process. There has never been any widespread voter fraud, and there probably never will be… We certainly have no evidence of any so far, and voting has already started.
I answered. It varies by state/county. Nevada is the latest state that is trying to get to mass mail in voting. Again, mailing ballots to the voter rolls which are known for being inaccurate, is just asking for fraud. We've already seen multiple cases of ballot tampering and it's not even October yet.

Not to mention the Project Veritas just dropped a video up in Minnesota with Ilhan Omar and ballot harvesting/tampering. (TIFWIW as it's CNN)

But you haven't answered the question. You talked about mass-spamming in the past tense, meaning it had already happened. What you mentioned in Nevada is a state trying to put a process in place that has already been in existence in five other states before this happened.
Somebody fact check this for me.

This is one of those things that people are going to see what they want to see. The 10 times in 15 years leading up to 2016 in which he paid zero federal taxes seems to be one of things people are taking issue with.

There's also the mountainous debt to banks in Turkey and the Philippines (among other places) which helps to explain Trump's puzzling levels of respect for murderous dictators like Erdogan and Duterte. This also presents the ironic situation of the President, if in any other role in government, would be ineligible for Top Secret clearance with SCI scope. I always figured this to be the case once he tried to push Kushner's TS/SCI through but was stopped.

There's also the lack of legitimate charitable deductions over the time period in review. Since, based on those, he clearly doesn't believe in philanthropy and community service, one has to question his motives for running for president in the first place.

Finally, the use of the office to protect himself and enrich his business (and possibility of conflicts of interest along the way) are probably more of a concern now than they were before seeing things in black and white. After all, a few hundred thousand from a government leader here for a hotel stay and few hundred grand more in charges to the Secret Service there might not have seemed like a big deal when people thought he was Jeff Bezos - lite (OK, nobody really ever thought that), but it seems like a bigger deal now that you see he claims his businesses to have a total cash on hand amount of 34 million and you see that he could have a possibility of over $400 million in debt and tax penalties coming due over the next four years.

Keeping it 100, like I said at the beginning, this probably isn't going to shift much. Most of those who say they can overlook the man and vote for his policies (those individual conversations can often be a little murky) will still support him. I thought he was a piece of shit who has a terrible handle on running a country last Monday just like I do this Monday, and nothing he has done in office makes me feel I should overlook that.
This is one of those things that people are going to see what they want to see. The 10 times in 15 years leading up to 2016 in which he paid zero federal taxes seems to be one of things people are taking issue with.

There's also the mountainous debt to banks in Turkey and the Philippines (among other places) which helps to explain Trump's puzzling levels of respect for murderous dictators like Erdogan and Duterte. This also presents the ironic situation of the President, if in any other role in government, would be ineligible for Top Secret clearance with SCI scope. I always figured this to be the case once he tried to push Kushner's TS/SCI through but was stopped.

There's also the lack of legitimate charitable deductions over the time period in review. Since, based on those, he clearly doesn't believe in philanthropy and community service, one has to question his motives for running for president in the first place.

Finally, the use of the office to protect himself and enrich his business (and possibility of conflicts of interest along the way) are probably more of a concern now than they were before seeing things in black and white. After all, a few hundred thousand from a government leader here for a hotel stay and few hundred grand more in charges to the Secret Service there might not have seemed like a big deal when people thought he was Jeff Bezos - lite (OK, nobody really ever thought that), but it seems like a bigger deal now that you see he claims his businesses to have a total cash on hand amount of 34 million and you see that he could have a possibility of over $400 million in debt and tax penalties coming due over the next four years.

Keeping it 100, like I said at the beginning, this probably isn't going to shift much. Most of those who say they can overlook the man and vote for his policies (those individual conversations can often be a little murky) will still support him. I thought he was a piece of shit who has a terrible handle on running a country last Monday just like I do this Monday, and nothing he has done in office makes me feel I should overlook that.

Have to point out, there’s a lot more there, like Ivanka getting paid huge sums of money as a consultant even though she was already an employee, and the fact that he got billions in loans even though he is massively in debt, which makes no sense... unless he lied on those loan docs. A LOT going on here.
This is one of those things that people are going to see what they want to see. The 10 times in 15 years leading up to 2016 in which he paid zero federal taxes seems to be one of things people are taking issue with.

There's also the mountainous debt to banks in Turkey and the Philippines (among other places) which helps to explain Trump's puzzling levels of respect for murderous dictators like Erdogan and Duterte. This also presents the ironic situation of the President, if in any other role in government, would be ineligible for Top Secret clearance with SCI scope. I always figured this to be the case once he tried to push Kushner's TS/SCI through but was stopped.

There's also the lack of legitimate charitable deductions over the time period in review. Since, based on those, he clearly doesn't believe in philanthropy and community service, one has to question his motives for running for president in the first place.

Finally, the use of the office to protect himself and enrich his business (and possibility of conflicts of interest along the way) are probably more of a concern now than they were before seeing things in black and white. After all, a few hundred thousand from a government leader here for a hotel stay and few hundred grand more in charges to the Secret Service there might not have seemed like a big deal when people thought he was Jeff Bezos - lite (OK, nobody really ever thought that), but it seems like a bigger deal now that you see he claims his businesses to have a total cash on hand amount of 34 million and you see that he could have a possibility of over $400 million in debt and tax penalties coming due over the next four years.

Keeping it 100, like I said at the beginning, this probably isn't going to shift much. Most of those who say they can overlook the man and vote for his policies (those individual conversations can often be a little murky) will still support him. I thought he was a piece of shit who has a terrible handle on running a country last Monday just like I do this Monday, and nothing he has done in office makes me feel I should overlook that.
Does it really surprise you that a billionaire with tons of properties he owns and loans and investments pays zero in taxes? It doesn't surprise me one bit. I used to work for a Fortune 10 company that had a couple hundred billion in revenue. I worked in the finance department and know for a fact that we paid typically anywhere from $1B - $5B in cash taxes. That's on almost $200B in revenue. It's not uncommon for those things to happen. Now, if you want to take issue with the tax code, I'm right there with ya. No issue with wanting people and companies to pay their fair share and not be given so many loop holes. But all in all, I agree with you point that this won't move the needle, at all either way.

But I also find this beyond parity that we didn't hear a peep from the media or idiot libs like @TheDude1 when we found out about all the Hunter Biden stuff and how he was paid millions from Russians and China. So when he posts stuff like he did this morning, I mock him. Well, largely because he doesn't understand finance at all, but also because he's blindly partisan which he won't admit. He thinks he's some moderate (LOL).
So. As someone who doesn't know much about the money world. What makes these allegations more concerning to the public than lifelong politicians enriching their families under the guise of foreign policy? The concerns surrounding the Clinton foundation have been brushed off as conspiracy theories by a lot of the same people who are deeply concerned about the Trump family. What about Hunter Biden? Our resident novel writer is 100% certain that Hunter did nothing wrong. Just a huge coincidence that his father was in charge of the foreign relations involving Ukraine at the same time he took a board position despite zero experience. Not to mention the financial benefits he received from China and Russia. Nothing to see here?

Honest question. Why are we only concerned about Trump's finances?
Does it really surprise you that a billionaire with tons of properties he owns and loans and investments pays zero in taxes? It doesn't surprise me one bit. I used to work for a Fortune 10 company that had a couple hundred billion in revenue. I worked in the finance department and know for a fact that we paid typically anywhere from $1B - $5B in cash taxes. That's on almost $200B in revenue. It's not uncommon for those things to happen. Now, if you want to take issue with the tax code, I'm right there with ya. No issue with wanting people and companies to pay their fair share and not be given so many loop holes. But all in all, I agree with you point that this won't move the needle, at all either way.

But I also find this beyond parity that we didn't hear a peep from the media or idiot libs like @TheDude1 when we found out about all the Hunter Biden stuff and how he was paid millions from Russians and China. So when he posts stuff like he did this morning, I mock him. Well, largely because he doesn't understand finance at all, but also because he's blindly partisan which he won't admit. He thinks he's some moderate (LOL).

The company thing happens but for an individual? Yeah, that is pretty startling. Amazon might not pay federal taxes but Jeff Bezos does.

There is one possibilities where the lack of taxpaying could hurt Trump with some of his supporters and that is the explanations he will inevitably give once it runs it normal Trump spectrum. He is so damn bad at communicating when pressed into stuff he doesn't want to talk about that he might actually say something along the lines of, "I'm a smart businessman and taxes are for the you commoners." Clearly that is a paraphrase, but you get the point.
The company thing happens but for an individual? Yeah, that is pretty startling. Amazon might not pay federal taxes but Jeff Bezos does.

There is one possibilities where the lack of taxpaying could hurt Trump with some of his supporters and that is the explanations he will inevitably give once it runs it normal Trump spectrum. He is so damn bad at communicating when pressed into stuff he doesn't want to talk about that he might actually say something along the lines of, "I'm a smart businessman and taxes are for the you commoners." Clearly that is a paraphrase, but you get the point.
But he's not wrong when he eventually says that he's smart for not paying taxes. As high profile as he and his company was/is, you know he's got teams of accountants both personal and professional. I would be beyond shocked if anything was criminal within his records. My guess is he clearly plays in the gray areas, but that's not criminal nor wrong.

And yes, plenty of very wealthy people don't pay much, at all, in taxes.
So. As someone who doesn't know much about the money world. What makes these allegations more concerning to the public than lifelong politicians enriching their families under the guise of foreign policy? The concerns surrounding the Clinton foundation have been brushed off as conspiracy theories by a lot of the same people who are deeply concerned about the Trump family. What about Hunter Biden? Our resident novel writer is 100% certain that Hunter did nothing wrong. Just a huge coincidence that his father was in charge of the foreign relations involving Ukraine at the same time he took a board position despite zero experience. Not to mention the financial benefits he received from China and Russia. Nothing to see here?

Honest question. Why are we only concerned about Trump's finances?

--I would very much like it if there were struct limitations placed on how and where immediate family members of politicians can earn money.

--There is a difference between a family member of a politician working with and making money with companies located in other countries and the President of the United States being severely indebted to foreign banks in countries run by murderous dictators. Not saying one might not be a questionable, it's just the other is a hell of a lot worse of a look.

--With it apparently having been common knowledge that Trump was so indebted to foreign banks (and probably just as common that he might not be as liquid as he lets on), that could in theory put the United States at risk. There is a reason that military personnel in intelligence positions are required to have a very low debt/income ratio to meet the requirements for TS/SCI clearance.

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