The New Lounge

Yes it seems like Trudeau is a bit of a Trojan horse. His dad or grandad was pm so it feels very familiar as these Canadians have every last freedom taken from them. Maybe they’ll start flooding the Northern border but I’m not sure I want them. We got enough ignorance and delusion down here as it is

I think his dad might be Fidel Castro.. some weird stuff about them
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I think his dad might be Fidel Castro.. some weird stuff about them
I saw an interview with his mother who had nothing better to do than tell anyone who would listen how charismatic and sexy old Fidel was and that he was twice the man Pierre was. Entirely possible I’m not sure of his DNA but I know 100% deuche when I see it
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Biden agrees to talk with Putin without Russia showing any good faith. My guess is that Russia wasn't going to invade Ukraine, but instead use the threat as leverage for us committing to not helping Ukraine join NATO and make concessions on the missile defense system. Biden gives in, Russia retreats, Biden takes credit for preventing WIII, but Putin wins. Juat my guess
Biden agrees to talk with Putin without Russia showing any good faith. My guess is that Russia wasn't going to invade Ukraine, but instead use the threat as leverage for us committing to not helping Ukraine join NATO and make concessions on the missile defense system. Biden gives in, Russia retreats, Biden takes credit for preventing WIII, but Putin wins. Juat my guess
Biden agrees to talk with Putin without Russia showing any good faith. My guess is that Russia wasn't going to invade Ukraine, but instead use the threat as leverage for us committing to not helping Ukraine join NATO and make concessions on the missile defense system. Biden gives in, Russia retreats, Biden takes credit for preventing WIII, but Putin wins. Juat my guess

Frankly, as long as we don't put our military in harm's way then I am fine with losing face. This isn't a conflict that we should be fighting for Ukraine or even Nato..the weakness here is Germany, they have shown they are a weak member of Nato and won't challenge Putin due to the fact they are now compromised economically and energy-wise. Putin is a master criminal...he'd be great as Bond's next villain ( if Bond was truly Bond and not some new woke caricature of his former self) He is way ahead of the European leaders on strategy...and needless to say way ahead of Brandon too.
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Yes. It is the people protesting draconian mandates, now laws, and calling for freedom from tyrannical lockdowns that are suffocating people's livelihoods that are the Hitler sympathizers.


Not the "leaders" who crush the lives of people who peacefully speak out against the regime. Both physically and financially.

Yes. It is the people protesting draconian mandates, now laws, and calling for freedom from tyrannical lockdowns that are suffocating people's livelihoods that are the Hitler sympathizers.


Not the "leaders" who crush the lives of people who peacefully speak out against the regime. Both physically and financially.

It’s for your health though.
And again, a short speech full of jumbled words and squinty eyes followed by the coward's back without taking any questions. And his mouth breathing supporters don't care.
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It’s too late, but, the Left needs to be treated like children. We wouldn’t dare let our kids be responsible for paying bills and buying groceries. The left shouldn’t be allowed to be in charge, or have any say in ANYTHING. They are all pathetic people.

In all honesty, children should have more say than the Left.
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It’s too late, but, the Left needs to be treated like children. We wouldn’t dare let our kids be responsible for paying bills and buying groceries. The left shouldn’t be allowed to be in charge, or have any say in ANYTHING. They are all pathetic people.

In all honesty, children should have more say than the Left.
Carter was an unmitigated disaster as is the current currupt clown in the Oval Offuce. What saved Obama from complete ineptitude was when the Rep won back the House and Senate after his first two years . Even so the economy was so anemic that the msm tried to convince us that 1 % Econ growth was the new normal and we should be grateful it’s not worse. Sound familiar?
It’s too late, but, the Left needs to be treated like children. We wouldn’t dare let our kids be responsible for paying bills and buying groceries. The left shouldn’t be allowed to be in charge, or have any say in ANYTHING. They are all pathetic people.

In all honesty, children should have more say than the Left.
Better be careful. The old liberal is preparing her latest diatribe as we speak. Pathetic is one of her trigger words
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Good job Sloppy Joe. You could of hit Russia with major sanctions when all this started now Russia is starting to roll downhill. Americas energy sector could of led the way and made Russia's oil impact miniscule. And China says hi.

Pisssssss poor leadership.
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Good job Sloppy Joe. You could of hit Russia with major sanctions when all this started now Russia is starting to roll downhill. Americas energy sector could of led the way and made Russia's oil impact miniscule. And China says hi.

Pisssssss poor leadership.
If Joe were cognitively able he could write a bestseller: “How to wreck a nation’s economy and empower the world’s two most dangerous regimes in 12 months or less”
If we didn’t know any better, we’d think this is all planned.

What was I thinking? Hold on, let me take my tin foil hat off.
The Left probably never considered the consequences of us becoming less energy independent: more power and leverage to Russia and therefore China. But they want to get us off fossil fuels even though they have no real idea on where all that energy’s coming from. California already has way too many people for its limited water and electricity yet they continue to support open borders. Scary how ignorant they are
The folly of renewable energy is masked by the mania of the green movements and the media. The US isnt the main problem...China, Russia and India account for more of the CO2 than the US. Replacing electricity is one thing, but what about the plastics, oils and petroluem by-products that come from fossil fuels? How are you going to replace those? And how are your renewable energy sources going to get their energy to their end points? It took 100+ years to get our grid to where it is today..and we think it can be replaced in a decade? Recently a study showed how ethanol is 25% more corrosive to the environment than gasoline..but where do you see that in the media? Its another bait and switch...being fed to the sheep.
Better be careful. The old liberal is preparing her latest diatribe as we speak. Pathetic is one of her trigger words
Mac I only thought she was preparing. Did you see her alias lurking on the game day thread? She’s got nothing; to her credit she has wisely chosen the path of silence
Mac I only thought she was preparing. Did you see her alias lurking on the game day thread? She’s got nothing; to her credit she has wisely chosen the path of silence
She will wait til one of us racists inbreds make some snide remarks about a gay transvesticle, or some insensitive remark about one of our fine, upstanding women, like Ms Abrams. Then she will pounce on all of us like the horrible, vile, sexists men that we are.
She will wait til one of us racists inbreds make some snide remarks about a gay transvesticle, or some insensitive remark about one of our fine, upstanding women, like Ms Abrams. Then she will pounce on all of us like the horrible, vile, sexists men that we are.
Okay well I’ll throw some chum in the water: does anyone know where you can order some of Selena Montgomery’s “romance novels” ? Asking for a friend
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I am sure Putin is highly concerned about the effect that his tanks, planes and navy are having on the ennviroment...I am sure they are repairing the tank tracks, craters and replanting any trees that were harmed during the shelling....Kerry is disconnected from reality
Think about the events from 2020 to present. It’s mind boggling.
We have Captain Mush Brain in office now.
We traded a President with a set of balls big enough to fit in a dump truck, with leaders that have NO balls.

And scary how far they will go to ruin us. What’s worse is the people that think Trump was a bad President. He was a strong leader. What we are seeing right now is weak leadership. Is the Ol gal really happy with what is going on? And if not, who’s she blame?

Gas went up .24 cents from yesterday to today in my hometown.