It's a crazy world for sure. Just when you think you think it can't get any worse, they say "hold my beer." Guys like Glenn Beck and Alex Jones don't seem near as loony as many thought they were a few years ago. If you think they're still full crazy, you refuse to pay attention.
Anyone that believes the vaccines and masks are the way to go is a sheep. Think about this, how many times, pre covid, did you, or someone you know, go to a doctor because you were very sick. If your doctor just halfway cared, he would prescribe you some really strong antibiotic, and within a couple days, you felt better. Now? they tell you to take tylenol, or worse, say there's nothing they can do. Most of us know why, and 3 years ago you were called a nut for suggesting they want people to die.
Most every doctor office now, or at least where I live, are tied into the Hospital system. It then flows into the pharmacies. Most all the pharmacies are big chains. This hasn't been done by accident.
People have died of covid because they aren't being properly treated. If you want to get better, find some little independent Doctor, if you can, and have him/her treat you, and pray there's a family owned pharmacy that will fill it.