He moved over 100,00 people safely out of Afghanistan in a two-week period and then mobilized to process the Afghanis seeking expatriation quickly as well. Even though Trump had negotiated one of the most ridiculous withdrawals ever by negotiating with the Taliban and not the Afghan government, Biden recognized that he needed to honor Trump's deadline because unlike Trump he respected that the office of the President is so important that the promises of a prior president should usually be honored. He has also pulled NATO together, an occurrence that surprised Putin who thought he would be able to do what he wanted in connection wit the Ukraine with little opposition.
There is, btw, nothing in the grant proposals that discusses crack pipes. That language is simply not there. And, Biden is working to do something about inflation, and is getting blames for not being able to solve it more quickly even though it is the result of a bad confluence of events like the pandemic, labor shortages caused by the pandemic, the fact that so much of our manufacturing is done over seas (so much for making the American worker great again) and that spending habits changed. To the response that he over stimulated the economy with the aid package, Europe is facing the same inflation issues as we are and they did not offer stimulus packages. As far cognitive capacity, Covfefe anyone?