The New Lounge

I am sorry but that last sentence is bullshit. We all should be lecturing the anti-vaxxers and telling them to get real medical advice and stop listening to what every two-bit crack pot they are listening to. Had we had a higher vaccine rate, we would not be in this mess. People are not individual islands that always get to do what they want. They live in societies and have certain obligations to their fellow citizens. Men have no problem telling women to carry unwanted pregnancies to term but we can't tell people to cut the crap and do their part to get vaccinated?
You ridicule people who after getting medical advice do not do what your own biases dictate.If it is a woman’s right to murder babies then it is an individual’s right to decline a vaccine that had a 99% survival rate
I brought this up above, it was conveniently ignored because we need to stick to our talking points, data be damned.
Amazing how they ignore anything contrary to their dogma or use some extreme left wing source saying that the subject matter was taken out of context
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Amazing how they ignore anything contrary to their dogma or use some extreme left wing source saying that the subject matter was taken out of context
The irony is that I do think the vaccines are effective and if you are certainly in a position to need one you should get one. But chastising and belittling anyone won’t help. Now we’ve gone passed that to, get one or lose your job. Force your employees to get one or face fines of $14k per infraction. Test weekly per unvaccinated employee (btw those tests are neither free nor cheap). What are we doing here?
I brought this up above, it was conveniently ignored because we need to stick to our talking points, data be damned.
actually, it supports my point. Asians have the highest Vax rate and that is only 68%. Whites are at 54%. that is disgraceful. As for blacks, you don't think some of them are straight up anti-vaxxers? And, as far as forcing people to get vaccinated, what we are doing here is saving lives.
Its prudent to actually look at who isn't vaxxed if you want to make the argument that we all need to be may not be who the media portrays them to be...

According to the graph, there are roughly 92 million non-Hispanic whites in the U.S. who have not received a vaccine shot. At the same time, there are approximately 24.5 million non-Hispanic Blacks and 32 million Hispanics in the U.S. who haven't been received a shot. White people are also more likely to have health insurance and to go to the doctor than Black and Hispanic folks.

All these factors mean unvaccinated white people are taking up hospital beds at a significantly higher rate than anyone else in this country.

Is that what you were going for?
actually, it supports my point. Asians have the highest Vax rate and that is only 68%. Whites are at 54%. that is disgraceful. As for blacks, you don't think some of them are straight up anti-vaxxers? And, as far as forcing people to get vaccinated, what we are doing here is saving lives.
So to play this game with you. Have you asked African Americans why they are hesitant to take the vax since that is the group that is lacking the most? Have you considered why they are hesitant?
According to the graph, there are roughly 92 million non-Hispanic whites in the U.S. who have not received a vaccine shot. At the same time, there are approximately 24.5 million non-Hispanic Blacks and 32 million Hispanics in the U.S. who haven't been received a shot. White people are also more likely to have health insurance and to go to the doctor than Black and Hispanic folks.

All these factors mean unvaccinated white people are taking up hospital beds at a significantly higher rate than anyone else in this country.

Is that what you were going for?
I’m really not even sure what this post is supposed to mean. Anyone, anytime (over 12 years old) regardless of health insurance or financial income, can get a vaccine for free. So what is your point here?
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I’m really not even sure what this post is supposed to mean. Anyone, anytime (over 12 years old) regardless of health insurance or financial income, can get a vaccine for free. So what is your point here?

He wrote that if the key to getting past the pandemic is getting everyone vaccinated and that the graph shows that the greatest barrier might not be who the media portrays. My post was to was to ask if he meant that non-Hispanic whites are the greatest obstacle to getting everyone vaccinated because, according to the graph, there are far more of them who are unvaccinated than any other racial or ethnic group.

The health insurance reference was just to further illustrate that unvaccinated white folks are also putting a greater strain on the healthcare system than any other ethnic or racial group.
He wrote that if the key to getting past the pandemic is getting everyone vaccinated and that the graph shows that the greatest barrier might not be who the media portrays. My post was to was to ask if he meant that non-Hispanic whites are the greatest obstacle to getting everyone vaccinated because, according to the graph, there are far more of them who are unvaccinated than any other racial or ethnic group.

The health insurance reference was just to further illustrate that unvaccinated white folks are also putting a greater strain on the healthcare system than any other ethnic or racial group.
You got this out of the graph that was posted, and to top it off, non vaxxed whites are taking up hospital beds at a higher rate?
The old saying applies to your posts here today: better to be thought a fool than open your mouth and remove all doubt.

You’ve been out for a while, take another 2 weeks off then quit posting all together.
He wrote that if the key to getting past the pandemic is getting everyone vaccinated and that the graph shows that the greatest barrier might not be who the media portrays. My post was to was to ask if he meant that non-Hispanic whites are the greatest obstacle to getting everyone vaccinated because, according to the graph, there are far more of them who are unvaccinated than any other racial or ethnic group.

The health insurance reference was just to further illustrate that unvaccinated white folks are also putting a greater strain on the healthcare system than any other ethnic or racial group.
Understood, appreciate the clarification there. My assumption, and he can speak for himself, is the constant narrative that southern republicans are the ones who are hesitant and the reasons for these mandates.
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You got this out of the graph that was posted, and to top it off, non vaxxed whites are taking up hospital beds at a higher rate?
The old saying applies to your posts here today: better to be thought a fool than open your mouth and remove all doubt.

You’ve been out for a while, take another 2 weeks off then quit posting all together.

What did I type that was incorrect?
According to the graph, there are roughly 92 million non-Hispanic whites in the U.S. who have not received a vaccine shot. At the same time, there are approximately 24.5 million non-Hispanic Blacks and 32 million Hispanics in the U.S. who haven't been received a shot. White people are also more likely to have health insurance and to go to the doctor than Black and Hispanic folks.

All these factors mean unvaccinated white people are taking up hospital beds at a significantly higher rate than anyone else in this country.

Is that what you were going for?
Long story short. White people bear 100% of the responsibility in this country.

Funny how we use the percentage of the population that is white to dismiss data when it's convenient, but turn around and use it as a tool when making another argument.
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actually, it supports my point. Asians have the highest Vax rate and that is only 68%. Whites are at 54%. that is disgraceful. As for blacks, you don't think some of them are straight up anti-vaxxers? And, as far as forcing people to get vaccinated, what we are doing here is saving lives.
Where is the science behind this vaccine saving lives? It's not a vaccine. The sooner we quit calling it a vaccine, the sooner we can make responsible decisions on how to move forward.
What did I type that was incorrect?
Well for one you misread the graph. According to Biden on Friday only 80M Americans haven’t been vaccinated. So I’m not sure where we got 92M “non white” Americans there.

The point of the graph, as I pointed out before, is that a huge chunk of non vaccinated folks are not what the media wants you to believe they are- which is white southern republicans. A large chunk is minorities, people who don’t vote Republican. Many of which, African Americans especially, have a historical reason to being hesitant to getting the vaccine. That should be addressed. Instead what is happening is the administration is chastising anyone and everyone who isn’t and telling them the patience is wearing thin! How does that help? Threatening them with their jobs? We are targeting the wrong people here, while, exceptions are being made for certain groups- USPS workers (hundreds of thousands who have face to face interactions on a daily basis are exempt.) so are all congressional offices and their staffs. Can and why is that ok?

So let’s rethink this one. Instead, a more practical approach would be 1. Finding out what their hesitancy is, 2. Encouraging them to speak to their doctors and 3. Stop chastising anyone who dared not take it.

Additionally, we are still not addressing elephant in the room which is, people who already have natural immunity. Fauci himself couldnt answer this simple question.
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According to the graph, there are roughly 92 million non-Hispanic whites in the U.S. who have not received a vaccine shot. At the same time, there are approximately 24.5 million non-Hispanic Blacks and 32 million Hispanics in the U.S. who haven't been received a shot. White people are also more likely to have health insurance and to go to the doctor than Black and Hispanic folks.

All these factors mean unvaccinated white people are taking up hospital beds at a significantly higher rate than anyone else in this country.

Is that what you were going for?

Wasnt "going' for anything...merely pointing out the facts.
Well for one you misread the graph. According to Biden on Friday only 80M Americans haven’t been vaccinated. So I’m not sure where we got 92M “non white” Americans there.

The point of the graph, as I pointed out before, is that a huge chunk of non vaccinated folks are not what the media wants you to believe they are- which is white southern republicans. A large chunk is minorities, people who don’t vote Republican. Many of which, African Americans especially, have a historical reason to being hesitant to getting the vaccine. That should be addressed. Instead what is happening is the administration is chastising anyone and everyone who isn’t and telling them the patience is wearing thin! How does that help? Threatening them with their jobs? We are targeting the wrong people here, while, exceptions are being made for certain groups- USPS workers (hundreds of thousands who have face to face interactions on a daily basis are exempt.) so are all congressional offices and their staffs. Can and why is that ok?

So let’s rethink this one. Instead, a more practical approach would be 1. Finding out what their hesitancy is, 2. Encouraging them to speak to their doctors and 3. Stop chastising anyone who dared not take it.

Additionally, we are still not addressing elephant in the room which is, people who already have natural immunity. Fauci himself couldnt answer this simple question.

The graph said 52 percent of white Americans had received at least 1 shot, meaning 48 percent had not. Since the graph separated whites and Hispanics, I went with the number of non-Hispanic whites in the U.S (192 million according to the 2020 census). 48 percent of that figure is 92.1 million. To be fair, Biden's 80 million probably referred to eligible Americans whereas I just used the total numbers for all three groups. If you remove minors, there 156 million non Hispanic whites, 44 million Hispanics and 33 million non-Hispanic Blacks. That gets you closer to that 80 million, but that still doesn't account for 12-17.

In the early months of vaccine availability the media did a lot of stories about vaccine hesitancy, often referencing the Tuskegee experiment.

I'm not really arguing any of your other points. I personally don't chastise people who won't get the vaccine, but I will tell people I don't understand it when they bring it up. I don't understand how multiple vaccines have been required to enroll kids in kindergarten for years but for some reason this is the one that threatens our way of life and deprives us of our freedoms.
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Long story short. White people bear 100% of the responsibility in this country.

Funny how we use the percentage of the population that is white to dismiss data when it's convenient, but turn around and use it as a tool when making another argument.

I've always felt this way. Everytime someone brings up more whites getting killed by police than Blacks, I say the same thing. There should be more whites getting killed by police than Blacks, as there are nearly five times the amount of white folks in this country. The problem has always been that Black folks are more than three times as likely to be killed by a cop than white.
I've always felt this way. Everytime someone brings up more whites getting killed by police than Blacks, I say the same thing. There should be more whites getting killed by police than Blacks, as there are nearly five times the amount of white folks in this country. The problem has always been that Black folks are more than three times as likely to be killed by a cop than white.
Lol. There SHOULD be more WHITES getting killed by police than blacks. What a statement. And using a capital b when spelling black is the stupidest way of pretending to give a damn about black people ever. If you ever want to include context to the numbers you provided, let me know.
The graph said 52 percent of white Americans had received at least 1 shot, meaning 48 percent had not. Since the graph separated whites and Hispanics, I went with the number of non-Hispanic whites in the U.S (192 million according to the 2020 census). 48 percent of that figure is 92.1 million. To be fair, Biden's 80 million probably referred to eligible Americans whereas I just used the total numbers for all three groups. If you remove minors, there 156 million non Hispanic whites, 44 million Hispanics and 33 million non-Hispanic Blacks. That gets you closer to that 80 million, but that still doesn't account for 12-17.

In the early months of vaccine availability the media did a lot of stories about vaccine hesitancy, often referencing the Tuskegee experiment.

I'm not really arguing any of your other points. I personally don't chastise people who won't get the vaccine, but I will tell people I don't understand it when they bring it up. I don't understand how multiple vaccines have been required to enroll kids in kindergarten for years but for some reason this is the one that threatens our way of life and deprives us of our freedoms.
Roger that, I totally get your response. One of the things that’s also a problem is that many new regulations adversely affect minorities- especially in New York. Where you need to show your vaccine card or no service. To me, this is blatant. Your thoughts?
Lol. There SHOULD be more WHITES getting killed by police than blacks. What a statement. And using a capital b when spelling black is the stupidest way of pretending to give a damn about black people ever. If you ever want to include context to the numbers you provided, let me know.

I should clarify, ideally no one should be getting killed by police. It makes sense, however, that there would be more whites killed by police than Blacks or anyone else.

I learned AP writing style in school and it stuck. Caucasian is spelled with a capital C, whereas white is spelled with a lower case w. Black was always spelled with capital B, as it was the actual name of the race. If that is outdated or has been changed, let me know and I'll correct myself.

What context would you like?
I've always felt this way. Everytime someone brings up more whites getting killed by police than Blacks, I say the same thing. There should be more whites getting killed by police than Blacks, as there are nearly five times the amount of white folks in this country. The problem has always been that Black folks are more than three times as likely to be killed by a cop than white.
So I guess by that logic black folks should be more than 3 times as likely to be killed by police given they lead the US in murder at -5x the amount of white folks🤷‍♂️Lol🙄
Let's start with WHY black people are more likely to be killed by police. That's pretty important, no?

Blacks and whites are policed differently. Leaving anecdotal evidence out of it, look at things like drug sentencing. Various studies over the past 20 years have shown that Black folks are anywhere from five to seven times more likely than white people to serve a year or more for a non-violent drug offense. Over the same time frame, studies have shown that there is significant difference in the percentage of drug users by race.

Can you think of any reason for that other than the obvious?
Blacks and whites are policed differently. Leaving anecdotal evidence out of it, look at things like drug sentencing. Various studies over the past 20 years have shown that Black folks are anywhere from five to seven times more likely than white people to serve a year or more for a non-violent drug offense. Over the same time frame, studies have shown that there is significant difference in the percentage of drug users by race.

Can you think of any reason for that other than the obvious?
Policing has nothing to do with sentencing. Also, you are again leaving out important context while regurgitating the same sensationalized falsehoods that have been debunked for years.
Roger that, I totally get your response. One of the things that’s also a problem is that many new regulations adversely affect minorities- especially in New York. Where you need to show your vaccine card or no service. To me, this is blatant. Your thoughts?

That is definitely a potential problem with vaccine identification. The reality of any ID regulations is that the people asking for IDs are going to enforce them as they see fit and let some people get by and others not. I'm not sure I agree with vaccine ID laws.

I'm not opposed to companies with significant public-facing components being mandated to vax their employees.

While I see the vax-ID laws as possibly being disproportionately problematic for minorities, oddly enough, company mandated vaccines could conceivably open up a lot of doors for historically underrepresented folks. If companies really start firing the unvaccinated, regardless of level, or if people really start quitting rather than getting vaccinated there could be a lot or management and leadership roles eventually opening up to people who might otherwise not have gotten an opportunity.
Race is what The Rev wants to talk about. This is a tired topic that will never get answered. The blacks that are the power players make too much money off beating this dead horse. They have no intent to make things better. Neither does The Rev.

I want him to answer the vaccine question on the USPS and congressional offices being exempt. Or any lib for that matter.
Policing has nothing to do with sentencing. Also, you are again leaving out important context while regurgitating the same sensationalized falsehoods that have been debunked for years.

If a person is more likely to be arrested, they are more likely to be convicted.

If a person has a felony conviction with a prison stint on their record, do you think an officer will be more inclined to treat them differently during a traffic stop than they would if they had not served time or if their record has been expunged because the same crime got dropped to a misdemeanor?
That is definitely a potential problem with vaccine identification. The reality of any ID regulations is that the people asking for IDs are going to enforce them as they see fit and let some people get by and others not. I'm not sure I agree with vaccine ID laws.

I'm not opposed to companies with significant public-facing components being mandated to vax their employees.

While I see the vax-ID laws as possibly being disproportionately problematic for minorities, oddly enough, company mandated vaccines could conceivably open up a lot of doors for historically underrepresented folks. If companies really start firing the unvaccinated, regardless of level, or if people really start quitting rather than getting vaccinated there could be a lot or management and leadership roles eventually opening up to people who might otherwise not have gotten an opportunity.
Race is what The Rev wants to talk about. This is a tired topic that will never get answered. The blacks that are the power players make too much money off beating this dead horse. They have no intent to make things better. Neither does The Rev.

I want him to answer the vaccine question on the USPS and congressional offices being exempt. Or any lib for that matter.

@denverexpat brought up race.

I don't know how the hell USPS can circumvent a vaccine law. I agree one hundred percent they should fall under a vaccine mandate. I actually pointed that out already, albeit indirectly, when I said companies with a significant public-facing component.

As for congressional offices, I don't know how I feel about that. It would actually depend on the status of the office. Is someone who works for Mitch McConnell or Chuck Schumer an employee of the U.S. government or the individual senator? I ask because that will impact how I feel.
If a person is more likely to be arrested, they are more likely to be convicted.

If a person has a felony conviction with a prison stint on their record, do you think an officer will be more inclined to treat them differently during a traffic stop than they would if they had not served time or if their record has been expunged because the same crime got dropped to a misdemeanor?
Why is the person more likely to be arrested? You're changing the subject. You're point is that black people are more likely to be killed by police than white people. Sentencing has absolutely no relevance to this point.

Your question is silly. Like, middle school silly.

Wow if you want. We have different perspectives on life. That has been established long ago. You seemingly don't believe people are discriminated against based on race, gender or sexual orientation. I'm not sure if you believe the same applies to age.

I don't like when people say, "agree to disagree," but there's really not anything that comes from these discussions.

Why is the person more likely to be arrested? You're changing the subject. You're point is that black people are more likely to be killed by police than white people. Sentencing has absolutely no relevance to this point.

Your question is silly. Like, middle school silly.

Again, there is really not a reason to go further with this. You and I have had this discussion before. Your view is what it is, as is mine. Why do you think Blacks are more than three times as likely as Caucasians to be killed by a police officer?
That is definitely a potential problem with vaccine identification. The reality of any ID regulations is that the people asking for IDs are going to enforce them as they see fit and let some people get by and others not. I'm not sure I agree with vaccine ID laws.

I'm not opposed to companies with significant public-facing components being mandated to vax their employees.

While I see the vax-ID laws as possibly being disproportionately problematic for minorities, oddly enough, company mandated vaccines could conceivably open up a lot of doors for historically underrepresented folks. If companies really start firing the unvaccinated, regardless of level, or if people really start quitting rather than getting vaccinated there could be a lot or management and leadership roles eventually opening up to people who might otherwise not have gotten an opportunity.
So if I’m reading this correct, you’re saying the only way minorities can get ahead is if whites don’t get vaccinated?
My quarterback today had 351 yds 2td and 0 Int. His name is Kirk Cousins. That should tell ya all you need to know about stats😂 💩
So if I’m reading this correct, you’re saying the only way minorities can get ahead is if whites don’t get vaccinated?

Not at all. I don't believe that.

I'm saying that if people begin getting fired or quitting due to vaccine laws there will be a need to fill those roles. That need may open up doors for people who are already are employed with those companies but had previously been unable to break through and move up for whatever reason. By default, some of those people will be people who have been historically underrepresented in management and leadership position.

I apologize if my previous post came off that way.
You seemingly don't believe people are discriminated against based on race, gender or sexual orientation. I'm not sure if you believe the same applies to age.
What a ridiculous thing to say. I absolutely acknowledge that people are discriminated against for all kinds of reasons including race. WTF gives you the idea that I don't believe people are discriminated against?

Again, there is really not a reason to go further with this. You and I have had this discussion before. Your view is what it is, as is mine. Why do you think Blacks are more than three times as likely as Caucasians to be killed by a police officer?

Is there no reason to go further, or is there a question you would like me to answer? Blacks are more likely to be killed by police because they are more likely to, 1) encounter police. 2) not follow orders, 3) resist/fight police.
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Not at all. I don't believe that.

I'm saying that if people begin getting fired or quitting due to vaccine laws there will be a need to fill those roles. That need may open up doors for people who are already are employed with those companies but had previously been unable to break through and move up for whatever reason. By default, some of those people will be people who have been historically underrepresented in management and leadership position.

I apologize if my previous post came off that way.
Sure, but that completely disregards the reality that the majority of African Americans and Hispanics have not been vaccinated. So how exactly does that give them a better opportunity?

Again, this is also missing the Forrest for the trees here. Why are we not educating the minorities on why vaccines work? Why are we wasting our time dividing each other on vaccines?
What a ridiculous thing to say. I absolutely acknowledge that people are discriminated against for all kinds of reasons including race. WTF gives you the idea that I don't believe people are discriminated against?

Is there no reason to go further, or is there a question you would like me to answer? Blacks are more likely to be killed by police because they are more likely to, 1) encounter police. 2) not follow orders, 3) resist/fight police.

I have gathered that opinion based on posts you have made over the past year. I said you seemingly feel that way. I dont know if I've ever specifically heard you say you don't believe discrimination is such a thing.

Yes, Blacks are more likely to encounter police than whites. That has to do with the fact that Blacks are policed differently than whites. Do you have data to back up parts two and three of the answer to your own question?
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So to play this game with you. Have you asked African Americans why they are hesitant to take the vax since that is the group that is lacking the most? Have you considered why they are hesitant?
I don’t know ALL african-americans. the ones i know have diverse views and opinions, just like every other group. My point was that you can’t put all people of one race in a box, and there is no reason to assume that antivax ignorance is limited to the other racial groups solely.