Well for one you misread the graph. According to Biden on Friday only 80M Americans haven’t been vaccinated. So I’m not sure where we got 92M “non white” Americans there.
The point of the graph, as I pointed out before, is that a huge chunk of non vaccinated folks are not what the media wants you to believe they are- which is white southern republicans. A large chunk is minorities, people who don’t vote Republican. Many of which, African Americans especially, have a historical reason to being hesitant to getting the vaccine. That should be addressed. Instead what is happening is the administration is chastising anyone and everyone who isn’t and telling them the patience is wearing thin! How does that help? Threatening them with their jobs? We are targeting the wrong people here, while, exceptions are being made for certain groups- USPS workers (hundreds of thousands who have face to face interactions on a daily basis are exempt.) so are all congressional offices and their staffs. Can and why is that ok?
So let’s rethink this one. Instead, a more practical approach would be 1. Finding out what their hesitancy is, 2. Encouraging them to speak to their doctors and 3. Stop chastising anyone who dared not take it.
Additionally, we are still not addressing elephant in the room which is, people who already have natural immunity. Fauci himself couldnt answer this simple question.