The Carolina Way VIII

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Originally posted by DevilDJ:

Sensitivity of coaches to academic calendar and academic demands on student-athletes


v. Bubba Cunningham can work with FAC to identify these times in the semester

and communicate with the coaches and administrators that they should be

sensitive to the academic demands on students during these periods by reducing

practice obligations when possible.

Some coaches are concerned that student-athletes at other institutions have fewer

academic demands on them than students at unc-CH.


vi. Learn the facts regarding the requirements from other institutions and educate our

coaches, but more importantly about the requirements at unc.

vii. Learn the facts regarding the missed class limits at other institutions and educate

our coaches and communicate unc-CH expectations regarding class attendance.

Hahahahahaha, now that is rich! Only UNC could attempt to flip the tables in this manner. SMH.
Can't recall if these issues are on the docket for tomorrow's Faculty Council meeting. God forbid they have to table any discussion with "coaches (who) are concerned that student-athletes at other institutions have fewer academic demands on them than students at UNC-CH."
@amanda_albright usually live tweets during the meeting. Might wanna follow along on Twitter at 3 tomorrow afternoon. It's not unusual for there to be at least a couple of laugh-out-loud moments.

Broome said 347 unc student-athletes out of about 770 made the ACC Academic Honor Roll during 2013-14, which set a school record for the second year in row. However, she said that committee members were right to be concerned about some declining academic performance statistics in football and men's basketball.

Folt addressed the academic scandal saying the upcoming findings of a report by Kenneth Wainstein, a former federal prosecutor, would determine if more reforms are needed in the University's athletic program.

Originally posted by DevilDJ:
Can't recall if these issues are on the docket for tomorrow's Faculty Council meeting. God forbid they have to table any discussion with "coaches (who) are concerned that student-athletes at other institutions have fewer academic demands on them than students at UNC-CH."
@amanda_albright usually live tweets during the meeting. Might wanna follow along on Twitter at 3 tomorrow afternoon. It's not unusual for there to be at least a couple of laugh-out-loud moments.

Broome said 347 unc student-athletes out of about 770 made the ACC Academic Honor Roll during 2013-14, which set a school record for the second year in row. However, she said that committee members were right to be concerned about some declining academic performance statistics in football and men's basketball.

Folt addressed the academic scandal saying the upcoming findings of a report by Kenneth Wainstein, a former federal prosecutor, would determine if more reforms are needed in the University's athletic program.
I'm going to be pretty busy today, but hopefully I can get a chance to check on Albright's twitter later on in the day.
It's also Friday...UNC is probably going to dump some unpleasantness later on today.

unc-CH preparing for end of investigation into academic fraud and athletics

"We're still flying a plane in a fog," Folt told the Faculty Council on Friday. "We're moving forward while we are not at all participating in knowing what is happening in the investigation. That's how we set it up, to be independent. On the other hand, we have a lot of work that we're putting in place to be prepared for it."

Folt pointed out that Wainstein will only provide findings, not recommended fixes.

Graduation rates of student-athletes in 2012-13 lag those of the student body as a whole by 16 percentage points, she said. A power-point presentation showed gaps of 9 points at N.C. State University and 8 points at Duke University and 10 points at Wake Forest University. The University of Virginia had the same gap as unc - 16 points.

But unc's big money sports of men's basketball and football posted Academic Progress Rates below those at NCSU, UVa, Duke and Wake Forest in 2012-13,[/B]

Question. How does Miss Bethel still have a gig? Seems he's spending more time crafting spin than doing what he was initially hired to do.

unx certainly picked the right man for their job. #carolinaway...

Mike Bruni‏@mikebruni

#Intelligence2014 "Whistleblowers are not protected when they go to the media. Only when they use their agency's policy" - Kenneth Wainstein

Good job , Mr. Howell...

David Howell · Top Commenter · University of North Carolina at Charlotte[/B]

So unc expects us to believe that they haven't been constantly briefed on an investigation that they paid millions of dollars for (and to this day have withheld the terms of this million dollar arrangement), Yet, they are prepared for the results of this "investigation" that they "haven't seen".

Very impressive. They have come a long way from the group of people that could look at extremely high clustering numbers of athletes, and virtually impossible statistically high numbers of athletes in fraudulent/phony classes...and NOT see it as a scam to keep athletes eligible for decades.

They have lied and denied (and hidden behind FERPA) about this for 4 years. Now they want to lead the way in reforms. Problem can't lie and deny for years, and then only when faced with overwhelming evidence, then decide that you want to be a leader...all the while never forfeiting one game, and laying the blame at the feet of one person and his assistant. Most importantly....never coming clean as to why this ever happened...even while it was blatantly obvious.

Hopefully every time the media reports on these amazing reforms (like actually going to class) that unc is putting into place...they'll also remind us of the shamefully embarrassing way unc has behaved during this entire scandal.
Originally posted by DevilDJ:
unx certainly picked the right man for their job. #carolinaway...

Mike Bruniþ@mikebruni

#Intelligence2014 "Whistleblowers are not protected when they go to the media. Only when they use their agency's policy" - Kenneth Wainstein
Wow...I have a bad feeling about that statement by Wainstein. He's already 'framing' the whitewash.

Yeah, that fog is tricky.


This post was edited on 9/21 12:07 AM by OldasdirtDevil
The Daily Tar Heel@dailytarheel

In order to protect UNC's image, student-athletes are required to stick to social media policies.

They've got control over most of the politicians in the state, and they've got their own employees afraid to speak out (except for a few) now they want total control over their students! What are they afraid of?
Silly me, we know the answer.

B. Bethel
13 hours ago
Tarnished Heels is an excellent review and analysis of what is known and not known with regards to the academic and athletic scandal at the University of North carolina at Chapel Hill. More people should read it and I support, with this donation, efforts to expand the marketing.

C. Folt
9 hours ago
I wish to concur with my colleague, B. Bethel. Tarnished Heels is a fine piece of investigative work. I personally provided a copy to Ken when he started the eighth review of the Public Ivy and he has since used it as a road map on his journey through the muck and filth. It is a real shame we lacked the foresight to hire Rob Anderson instead of the $900/hour team currently on the job.


unc-CH ranked in the lowest quarter of ACC schools on spending per athlete. The median was $128,576 for the ACC. unc-CH fields 26 sports teams, with more athletes than most of its ACC competitors.

Less per athlete but MORE athletes.

The statistics are part of a 125-page report to the unc system, which now requires all of its campuses to be more transparent about the finances of intercollegiate athletics, relationships to booster clubs and academic performance of athletes. The more detailed reports were mandated this year, after the football and academic fraud scandals at unc-CH.

Another example of unx making others pay for their misdeeds. unx was the school cheating yet the report outlines changes that other schools must also adhere to. "Problem at rival school , problem with culture. Problem at unx , problem with SYSTEM."

Members of the unc Board of Trustees asked few questions Wednesday.

As usual. The BOG also asked very few questions during their last sit-down with Wainstein. No need to. They know what's coming.

Provost Jim Dean, who presented the data to trustees, said the university examined 201 class sections that had more than 20 percent athletes enrolled during a regular term or more than 30 percent athletes during a summer term.

"First of all, you make sure the course meets every criterion you would have for a course - there's syllabi, they're in the classroom meeting, there are deliverables for the course - the kinds of things we didn't have in the famous courses we had before," Dean said.

He was referring to the no-show courses in the African and Afro-American Studies Department, where classes never met and only required a paper. Athletes were disproportionately enrolled in those classes.

Dean said the recent review of 201 classes found no irregularities. "We don't think clustering is de facto evidence of anything wrong," he said.

Dean really is a stooge. He should be humiliated having to enumerate the frauds committed in AFAM ( and other courses.) Instead , he regurgitates that company line about how tons of jocks "clustering" in bs classes isn't in and of itself indicative of anything shady. Sell-out company man made even more pathetic given he's hardly alone over there.

The university is awaiting the results of an independent investigation by Kenneth Wainstein, the former Justice Department official who is looking into the university's academic fraud. That report is expected sometime this fall.

Report pushed back once already. Get ready boys an' girls. It should be a whitewash of ginormous proportions.

Cunningham said he wants to narrow the gap between students and student-athletes on graduation rates. N.C. State, Duke and Wake Forest universities had smaller gaps between athletes and other students, according to 2012-13 data.

"Ultimately, I would love to get our federal graduation rate of the students and the student-athletes closer," Cunningham said. "That's our ambition. That's our goal."

unx trails the other 3. How far would they trail if they weren't able to benefit from decades of academic fraud and hand out sham degrees? What a cesspool. Burn it. Seriously. Nuke it from space and salt the earth. It's the only way to be sure.

This post was edited on 9/24 11:45 PM by DevilDJ

Despicable. Paul Barrett goes on-line to answer questions and , like clockwork , it's clippity-clop clippity clop. Worse , the idiots think they "won." Pathetic. He's fooled into taking the bait right outta the gate...

unc71-00 14 points just now

When can we look forward to your AMA on unc and the "plentiful evidence of fraud related to athletics?"

AuthorPMBarrett 1 point just now

It's a good idea, and I'd be happy to do it. I'll be working on the release of Law of the Jungle for the next little while, and then perhaps I'll come back to unc via a fresh AMA. To tide you over, have a look at my most recent BBW feature story on the NCAA and the college sports industry:

All down-hill from there. Some hole references Bethel and a State fan responds. Nice...

[-]scratchart 14 points just now

You wrote "Coincidentally, and without Willingham's knowledge, Bradley Bethel, a reading and writing specialist with the Academic Support Program for Student-Athletes, sent a similar e-mail to Chancellor Folt in July. 'There have been many student-athletes who were specially admitted whose academic preparedness is so low they cannot succeed' at unc, Bethel wrote." Are you aware that Bethel has specifically challenged your use of this quote in this context as dishonest? Are you aware that Bethel has claimed your reporting on this matter is more broadly dishonest, and that he claims he gave you specific verifiable information that demonstrates the dishonesty of your articles prior to publishing?

littlezzncsu -1 points just now

Huh? What about Bethel's email is there to challenge? Here is the full paragraph from the email:

Finally, to heal from the recent athletic scandals, we need to look more closely at the admissions decisions regarding specially admitted student-athletes. Although we in the Academic Support Program for Student-Athletes are capable of supporting many student-athletes who are not as academically prepared as most unc students, there have been many student-athletes who were specially admitted whose academic preparedness is so low they cannot succeed here. I entered the profession of academic support because I wanted to help underprepared students develop the skills they need to earn a college degree. I am still passionate about that, but at a rigorous university like unc, there are some underprepared students who, no matter how much support they receive, have too many hurdles to overcome. To appropriately balance academics and athletics, we need to look more closely at the decisions, and the decision-making process, regarding specially admitted student-athletes.

Not only is the original quote appropriate for comparison's to Willingham's claim, he even later states that "there are some underprepared students who, no matter how much support they receive, have too many hurdles to overcome." All within the context of the admission decisions made by unc for athletes.

Bethel's challenge of the use of the quote is this:

Journalists who acquired my email through a public records request were all too eager to quote statements from my paragraph about athletics, but my other statements were apparently not sexy enough. No journalist cared to quote my sentence about unc's commitment to excellence, nor did they care to cite my suggestion that teaching quality be given more weight in the tenure process. Alas, criticizing college sports, like sex, sells.

So, nothing about the quote being used out of context or being used dishonestly, just that people ignored his statements about how awesome unc is because it's not "sexy" enough. Boo hoo. When the focus of the article is on the abilities of special admission student athletes, like the ones Bethel discusses, how unc handles normal students doesn't matter.


This post was edited on 9/25 7:36 PM by DevilDJ

This post was edited on 9/25 7:37 PM by DevilDJ

This is EXACTLY why the unx athletic department should take a full 365-day hiatus from competing in any sport. Seriously. They've proven themselves incapable of competing in collegiate athletics with any degree of integrity and , worst of all , their fans refuse to acknowledge the athletic department's role in ANY of it. WTF?! Violations revealed ( and some that haven't been...yet! ) in all 3 major revenue-producing sports but somehow the only ones who benefited are the "rogue offenders" on the "academic side?!" Please. It strains credulity but here they are...the tarhole nation...spreadin' the gospel of innocence all over the net. This is from a KU forum. Let's play a game called , "Count The Lies By a UNX Fan..."


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Posted: Yesterday 9:32 PM

Re: TARNISHED HEELS ..... the new book Post Rating (5 votes)

She plagiarized her master's thesis.

She went on ESPN and to other various media sources claiming to have a paper written by a unc athlete about Rosa Parks. She later revealed it was not any of the things she claimed it was on air. She lied directly to Outside the Lines and then later admitted it on twitter.

She lied about what data she released to unc, and was recently caught in that lie in publicly released emails.

She lied about her "research." Research that was eventually torn to shreds by 3 nationally respected academics in the field she was trying to dabble in.

It is all out there in print for those who want to go look for it. Certain members of the media who are pushing this story have just chosen to ignore it. The rest have basically cut ties with her once she was revealed to be a liar and a fraud. Even O'Bannon's lawyer has cut ties with her (and for those who don't know, he was the one pulling her strings for many months because this was about a much bigger prize for him.)

If anyone is actually interested in reading some facts... you could check out this blog by Bradley Bethel. He works in the same job Mary Willingham abused, and has been one of the few people interested in discussing facts instead of the sensational media story that has ignored many of those facts.

Despite the fact that the AfAm scandal has always been about one man who chose to take independent study classes and label them as lectures in order to get paid more money, and despite the fact that those independent study classes have been proven to have included work that is on par with independent study classes offered at practically every national university, and despite the fact that the majority of students who took those classes were not athletes... somehow the word of a liar and a fraud was allowed to spin this into an attack on athletics. Every investigation so far has pointed the blame back at the academic side of things. Because that is what this was. The only people who still believe Mary Willingham's claim at this point choose to do so because of their own personal bias. Her credibility has been torn to shreds, her "research" has been torn to shreds, she continues to act irrationally on public social media, we are on our 7th different independent investigation that disproves her accusations, and it seems like practically every week something new comes out that proves she lied about another claim in the past. Meanwhile the NC State fans remain her biggest fan, they go from site to site begging you to buy a book that was written by a crazed message board poster, and they are more interested in seeing unc take a PR hit than they have ever been in seeing their own team succeed.

I counted 13 misrepresentations and/or outright lies in the above paragraph alone. I may have missed some.
"Rape is like a BASKETBALL game...?!"

If you thought Twitter was bad, beware of Yik Yak. Not liking what is being discussed on Yik Yak today about one of our players.

Just read them, hope it is not true.

I don't have the app and I don't want it, but I have been hearing about it for a while from my child who is a soph. Basically, an app where students can make anonymous and often disparaging comments about campus life. (And this is not a unc specific app, but you can filter it to only follow unc commentary.) Anyway, there are numerous posts today about a female student who has claimed that she has been sexually assaulted by one of our players. I am not going to mention any names on this site as Yik Yak is the kind of place where anything goes and it would be unfair to the player if there is nothing to this. And I hope that is the case but I remain concerned that Yik Yak is a potential time bomb. All the students know about it but it has not yet reached mainstream awareness.

unx alum Bob Lee...

Sure, I thought his "I barely even knew John Blake" defense was hoot-erific, but, hey, it worked with his "eyes on the prize" disciples including this former Trustee, apparently.

Butch was told that if he accepted the BOT3's generous offer to become Head Coach at unc that he could recruit whichever players he needed to elevate this sleeping giant to Big Time College Football status. He was promised that "we have a system in place" to ensure their admission and eligibility. Was that "system in place" the mythical carolina Way?

Butch Davis did what he was promised he could do. Whether or not The BOT3 were speaking officially on behalf of the unc-CH Administration remains unclear. I guess we must wait for Ken Wainstein's report to know that. Huh?

It is simply the reality of what LOIC has wrought.

From the "COMMENTS" section...


BL,... Enjoy your blog. Another good one yet again. It will be "basketball season" rather soon in the triangle yet again. Quick question that you may have touched on in previous entry's. What is your take on this Bradley Bethel fellow? Seems like a goober to me, but I haven't been following this sage daily like alot of others. Where did he come from?


"Bradley Bethel" and I had a feisty little exchange here several months ago. I got the impression he doesn't like me very much. .... sigh.

From what I can gather, "Bradley" has anointed himself as Ace Crimefighter Supreme in some holy war he has declared against Mary Willingham. Ergo, he is a Superhero to the board monkey crowd on Insidecarolina. Not exactly a "high bar" to set for oneself.

"Bradley" is simply a tutor aka "Learning Specialist" for unc Athletics and doing all he can to endear himself to whoever runs that operation these days.

I think his ultimate goal is "a sideline pass".

Jay Smith...?


BobLee--another good column today. John Shelton Reed just remarked in an email (sent to the straight-thinking crowd) that you "have more integrity than 98% of unc faculty." Gulp. Too true. -Jay


JSR is far too generous! Did he specify who those 2% were? :)

This post was edited on 9/29 8:42 PM by DevilDJ
"Tarhole Slots." Even put the "Sausage Wallet" in there...


This post was edited on 9/29 10:34 PM by DevilDJ
Originally posted by DevilDJ:
"Tarhole Slots." Even put the "Sausage Wallet" in there...


This post was edited on 9/29 10:34 PM by DevilDJ
That's some funny stuff!
And it's also a great piece of work by whoever made it.

A unc-Chapel Hill professor has received a $3 million grant to help college students make it to graduation.

Abigail Panter, psychology professor and senior associate dean for undergraduate education at unc-CH, will use the federal funding over a four-year period to develop a program called the Finish Line Project. Designed for students who are the first in their family to go to college, the project aims to improve retention with outreach, support and changes to curriculum. Rural, transfer and historically underserved students are likely to be the focus of the program.

unc-CH has already revamped some of its science and math classes with less lecture and more active-learning methods, resulting in better performance by at-risk students.

Terrific. Once again , unx is "uniquely positioned to lead."

Originally posted by DevilDJ:
Al Bundy/Carol Folt....


This post was edited on 10/1 11:26 PM by DevilDJ
Now that was hilarious, DevilDJ! I'm a big 'Married With Children' fan, so that hit home on several fronts!

unx alum Woodall is at it again...

Charges dropped against tutor in unc agent case

Orange County District Attorney Jim Woodall said Thursday that his office was dropping charges against Jennifer Wiley Thompson, one of the five people accused of violating the state's agent-athlete inducement law in providing gifts and money to football players at the University of North carolina at Chapel Hill.

"Jennifer Wiley Thompson is more important to the state as a cooperating witness than as a defendant," he said.

It is the latest turn in the four-year investigation by the North carolina Secretary of State's office, which launched its probe shortly after the NCAA began investigating improper benefits and academic misconduct within the Tar Heels' football program in summer 2010.

Thompson, who faced four felony charges, has been cooperating with the investigation, Woodall said.

"There are a couple of people charged in this who are young, essentially the same ages of the student-athletes, and I am looking at the cases with that in mind," Woodall said.

Thompson was initially charged for her role in providing benefits to former Tar Heels football player Greg Little in an attempt to steer the wide receiver to sports agent Terry Watson.

"There's nothing more courageous than a prosecutor willing to dismiss a case they've charged, and I applaud him for that," said Wiley's attorney, Joe Cheshire.

He, too, cited his client's youth and naivete, saying, "She never did anything to profit or meant to break laws. She did what anyone did for a friend."

Woodall said he got an unusual level of cooperation from Thompson and Cheshire, and that he believed her to be truthful.

"We did work to confirm things she told us, through other witnesses and other evidence, and things did check out," Woodall said.

Watson, a Georgia-based agent, faces 14 felony counts in Orange County - 13 for athlete-agent inducement and one for obstructing justice. He is said to have provided nearly $24,000 to former unc football players Little, Marvin Austin and Robert Quinn to get them to sign with his agency.

Patrick Jones, a Georgia-based real estate agent and longtime associated of Watson, is accused of providing money to Quinn through a third party.

A single charge is also outstanding for former North carolina Central University quarterback Michael Wayne Johnson Jr., who was a friend of Little.

Prosecutors say Johnson arranged the May 2010 meeting between Watson and Little in which approximately $5,000 changed hands. Johnson is also charged with providing a mailing address to accept packages of cash from Watson for Little.

Woodall said prosecution would continue against Johnson and the two out-of-state men believed to be key to the case, Watson and Willie Barley, a Miami-based friend of his who allegedly sponsored Quinn to the tune of $1,525.74 for a trip to Miami in May 2010.

Violations of the state's Uniform Athlete Agent Act are low-level felonies, and Woodall has said anyone convicted would get probation if they didn't have a criminal record.

Late Thursday afternoon, Steve Kirschner, unc's senior associate director athletics for communications, issued a statement of support for the probe, and pointed to changes unc has made to avoid getting tied up in athlete-agent issues in the future.

"carolina has enacted a number of initiatives to further educate our students and their families about the agent process. We hope that these guidelines help everyone operate in a manner consistent with NCAA rules and state and federal laws," Krischner wrote.

What. A. Joke. Gonna pin this on those predatory agents who take advantage of unsuspecting youth. Whoa-is-me. Pathetic. Initially , Wiley was scapegoated as a "rogue offender" by unx AND their idiot fans. She was a pariah. Her alma mater barred her from on-campus alumni events and sent her a letter of disassociation. Fearing she would talk , Joe Cheshire ( another hole alum ) has been repping bono. The ONLY "cooperation" she's giving is whatever testimony it'll take to clear unx athletics. Notice that hole fans are very supportive of her now too. Short memories. Hypocrites , as usual. She was/is WAY more culpable than Cheshire would have people believe. This chick not only kept athletes academically eligible via academic fraud , she had "inappropriate" ( given the circumstances ) relationships with unx player(s) , was cited for being "uncooperative" by the NCAA and used HER plastic on player-accumulated parking tickets...among other things. Oh...and btw...she also carried cash from agents to unx players making her a "runner" by any reasonable standard. Woodall pardons her. Despicable.

A single charge is also outstanding for former North carolina Central University quarterback Michael Wayne Johnson Jr., who was a friend of Little.[/I]

Prosecutors say Johnson arranged the May 2010 meeting between Watson and Little in which approximately $5,000 changed hands. Johnson is also charged with providing a mailing address to accept packages of cash from Watson for Little[/B].

This is interesting. If Johnson doesn't finagle a few bucks outta this from unx , he's an idiot. He's still on the hook. He's also one of Fats' AND he's a tarhole fanboy...


What would a unx whitewash story be without Miss Bethel's analysis? For OADD...

Coaching the Mind ‏@BethelLearning

Obviously, so the reasoning goes, the DA's dropping the charge against Jennifer Wiley is evidence of a grand, unc-backed conspiracy.

Coaching the Mind ‏@BethelLearning

@cclem331 My understanding is that even if she crossed some lines, she did so because she cared too much. Shouldn't be demonized for that.


Originally posted by DevilDJ:
unx alum Woodall is at it again...

Charges dropped against tutor in unc agent case

Orange County District Attorney Jim Woodall said Thursday that his office was dropping charges against Jennifer Wiley Thompson, one of the five people accused of violating the state's agent-athlete inducement law in providing gifts and money to football players at the University of North carolina at Chapel Hill.

"Jennifer Wiley Thompson is more important to the state as a cooperating witness than as a defendant," he said.

It is the latest turn in the four-year investigation by the North carolina Secretary of State's office, which launched its probe shortly after the NCAA began investigating improper benefits and academic misconduct within the Tar Heels' football program in summer 2010.

Thompson, who faced four felony charges, has been cooperating with the investigation, Woodall said.

"There are a couple of people charged in this who are young, essentially the same ages of the student-athletes, and I am looking at the cases with that in mind," Woodall said.

Thompson was initially charged for her role in providing benefits to former Tar Heels football player Greg Little in an attempt to steer the wide receiver to sports agent Terry Watson.

"There's nothing more courageous than a prosecutor willing to dismiss a case they've charged, and I applaud him for that," said Wiley's attorney, Joe Cheshire.

He, too, cited his client's youth and naivete, saying, "She never did anything to profit or meant to break laws. She did what anyone did for a friend."

Woodall said he got an unusual level of cooperation from Thompson and Cheshire, and that he believed her to be truthful.

"We did work to confirm things she told us, through other witnesses and other evidence, and things did check out," Woodall said.

Watson, a Georgia-based agent, faces 14 felony counts in Orange County - 13 for athlete-agent inducement and one for obstructing justice. He is said to have provided nearly $24,000 to former unc football players Little, Marvin Austin and Robert Quinn to get them to sign with his agency.

Patrick Jones, a Georgia-based real estate agent and longtime associated of Watson, is accused of providing money to Quinn through a third party.

A single charge is also outstanding for former North carolina Central University quarterback Michael Wayne Johnson Jr., who was a friend of Little.

Prosecutors say Johnson arranged the May 2010 meeting between Watson and Little in which approximately $5,000 changed hands. Johnson is also charged with providing a mailing address to accept packages of cash from Watson for Little.

Woodall said prosecution would continue against Johnson and the two out-of-state men believed to be key to the case, Watson and Willie Barley, a Miami-based friend of his who allegedly sponsored Quinn to the tune of $1,525.74 for a trip to Miami in May 2010.

Violations of the state's Uniform Athlete Agent Act are low-level felonies, and Woodall has said anyone convicted would get probation if they didn't have a criminal record.

Late Thursday afternoon, Steve Kirschner, unc's senior associate director athletics for communications, issued a statement of support for the probe, and pointed to changes unc has made to avoid getting tied up in athlete-agent issues in the future.

"carolina has enacted a number of initiatives to further educate our students and their families about the agent process. We hope that these guidelines help everyone operate in a manner consistent with NCAA rules and state and federal laws," Krischner wrote.

What. A. Joke. Gonna pin this on those predatory agents who take advantage of unsuspecting youth. Whoa-is-me. Pathetic. Initially , Wiley was scapegoated as a "rogue offender" by unx AND their idiot fans. She was a pariah. Her alma mater barred her from on-campus alumni events and sent her a letter of disassociation. Fearing she would talk , Joe Cheshire ( another hole alum ) has been repping bono. The ONLY "cooperation" she's giving is whatever testimony it'll take to clear unx athletics. Notice that hole fans are very supportive of her now too. Short memories. Hypocrites , as usual. She was/is WAY more culpable than Cheshire would have people believe. This chick not only kept athletes academically eligible via academic fraud , she had "inappropriate" ( given the circumstances ) relationships with unx player(s) , was cited for being "uncooperative" by the NCAA and used HER plastic on player-accumulated parking tickets...among other things. Oh...and btw...she also carried cash from agents to unx players making her a "runner" by any reasonable standard. Woodall pardons her. Despicable.
This thing just continually amazes me. Rotten to the core.

Originally posted by DevilDJ:
What would a unx whitewash story be without Miss Bethel's analysis? For OADD...

Coaching the Mind þ@BethelLearning

Obviously, so the reasoning goes, the DA's dropping the charge against Jennifer Wiley is evidence of a grand, unc-backed conspiracy.

Coaching the Mind þ@BethelLearning

@cclem331 My understanding is that even if she crossed some lines, she did so because she cared too much. Shouldn't be demonized for that.

Oh me oh my. Does precious Bradley even listen to what he says anymore? Surely he can't be that stupid. Jennifer gets a free ride, and Mary gets sent up the creek without a paddle...smh.


I ain't linking this but the title speaks for itself. Yes , he wrote it. What a pompous douchebag. The quintessential tarhole...

The Education of Bradley Bethel: On the Challenges of Speaking Truth in a Media-Saturated World

Originally posted by DevilDJ:
I ain't linking this but the title speaks for itself. Yes , he wrote it. What a pompous douchebag. The quintessential tarhole...

The Education of Bradley Bethel: On the Challenges of Speaking Truth in a Media-Saturated World

I'm glad you didn't link it, DevilDJ...but I had to check it out! I just skimmed it because it's practically a damn book he wrote! You and the Broward guy seem to have caught his eye!
He is so full of himself, and he loves the attention.

Bradley needs to pay a little more attention to that pecking he hears in his forehead. He really is a birdbrain.


He is so full of himself, and he loves the attention.

Yep. His arrogance extends to speaking about matters which he knows nuthin' about. He knows bupkiss about sports. He knows even less about Wiley , runners , agents , "Wheelz4Heelz" , Fats , Iceberg , 100-dollar handshakes , Gatorade baths , pranks gone wrong , BOTBob et al...none of it. Gonna be a hoot when Wainstein puts out his whitewash and Kane ( and Jay and Mary's book ) refutes all of it. BTW , your Bradley/Kool-Aid chop got some love on Pack Pride yesterday. Nice....

I don't read much of his bs so I neglected to scroll thru his latest betch-azz whine. He actually took the time to acknowledge me and some other abc'ers in particular.
cole boyer ‏@cbboyer

Hey @CoachFedora, newsflash, the old QB switcheroo has yielded a 3 and out and a pick 6. How does the karma taste?


COMMENTS section of latest Bob Lee article...


BobLee, I heard this weekend that Wainstein's Report is going to be "bloody". Why do we (unc) have to pay for that crap?


Re: #2.... because Ken Wainstein doesn't work for free. Why Charming Lil Carol and "Z Smith Reynolds Tom" Ross ARE paying for it is above my pay grade.

I'm sure a Bank In The Caymans would have loaned ABCers 'R Us the $$$ to send in an army of black-ops snoops.

I don't doubt that Ken's Findings might be "bloody". That possibility has been out there since Marv hit SEND. I would be curious how your sources came to know that.

Originally posted by DevilDJ:
COMMENTS section of latest Bob Lee article...


BobLee, I heard this weekend that Wainstein's Report is going to be "bloody". Why do we (unc) have to pay for that crap?



Re: #2.... because Ken Wainstein doesn't work for free. Why Charming Lil Carol and "Z Smith Reynolds Tom" Ross ARE paying for it is above my pay grade.

I'm sure a Bank In The Caymans would have loaned ABCers 'R Us the $$$ to send in an army of black-ops snoops.

I don't doubt that Ken's Findings might be "bloody". That possibility has been out there since Marv hit SEND. I would be curious how your sources came to know that.
That is interesting! But I'll have to see it to believe it..

Originally posted by DevilDJ:
I don't read much of his bs so I neglected to scroll thru his latest betch-azz whine. He actually took the time to acknowledge me and some other abc'ers in particular.
Just as long as he enjoyed those pics...that's all that matters.

Originally posted by DevilDJ:
Miss Bethel has her panties in a wad tonight...
Hahahaha, it's a petty thing imo, but I'm glad to see Professor Wolf and Smith stick it to he does when the situation is reversed. It doesn't take too much to rile up precious Bethel!

I noticed Professor Wolf had a picture of a set of doors that that are painted with a UNC 'Game Day', 'Smart, Fast, Physical' slogan, and a UNC mural. I thought it could use a couple of changes.


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