The Carolina Way VIII

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Updating some "COMMENTS" from the latest Bob Lee blog. Lee's an alum with connections. Pretty clear that unx is tryin' to throw Sylvia under the bus but Bob confirms it...


It seems the almost mantra-like “The truth is in the transcripts” will carry the day. Neither McCants’ teammates, in their “we didn’t have the same experience” response, and your “buddy Art” in his salvo exchange with Bonnie (of Bonnie and Clyde), will even acknowledge this, the crux of the entire argument. I know that you’re enjoying the endless column fodder TGU provides (as are most of us readers), but at the end, isn’t it that simple? The NCAA has all the transcripts (athletic scholly’s waive FERPA for the NCAA). No amount of spin can change that.
Am I missing something?


Does the NCAA have all the transcripts ??? I can’t imagine anyone across the partisan spectrum NOT realizing that the revealed transcripts of the 2005 team (if not the 2009) would be devastating to TCW. That the 2005 “stud-athl” did not volunteer them to refute McCants when he came forward was the proof of the poison pill.
What could be in a 10 year old transcript that a person would want to hide…. if there was nothing to hide?


All the NCAA had to do was ask for the transcripts. If they did not, I believe that intentional oversight will be very damaging for them. Kind of a rock and hard place situation, but there’s no real way out at this point. If unc men’s basketball manages to somehow skate major penalties, the stench will be overpowering. Do you sense at least some of them are starting to figure this out?


Again, I don’t know the legalities of the transcript issue. If the NCAA gives unc MBBll a pass, “the stench” can not get much worse than it has been for 4-5 years. The TruBlue faithful will rejoice, mix up a new batch of TCW Kool-Aid and sing HarkTheSound. …. The PTB are “encouraging” Sylvia to fall on her sword. If she refuses to do so, their options get “sticky”. …. FWIW, I believe Art is speaking for himself as he has tended to do over the years. He is not being “a mouthpiece” for the uncAthDept.
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Lotsa "win" here. Particularly the anecdotes from Pat Kennedy and John Feinstein re: Deano...

Mary Willingham And Art Chansky Rumble Over unc Scandal

For Duke fans, or perhaps ACC fans in general, the unc scandal has provided hours of quality entertainment, but it doesn't get much better than this fight between Mary Willingham and Jay Smith on one side and on the other, Art Chansky.

Willingham, the former unc reading specialist who along with Smith has written a book about athletics and academics in Chapel Hill and Chansky, the long-time commentator on unc athletics, are natural antagonists.

Chansky has talent as a journalist, but he tends to be over the top about the Tar Heels.

Case in point: in this article about Sylvia Hatchell, he says the following: "In some ways, she IS a victim of an NCAA witch hunt that unc is fighting with millions of dollars in legal fees."

Two points: 1) it's not like the NCAA is really going after unc particularly hard and 2) unc chooses to spend millions to avoid getting to the heart of the issue. It could and should simply take its medicine and get on with it.

And in this article about Willingham and Smith, Chansky really unloads: "Jay and Mary believe there was an 18-year covert scheme to keep athletes eligible here, and in propagating that ridiculous theory continue to demonstrate how little they know about major Division 1 athletics, and a minute percentage of underprepared recruits that every school admits to stay competitive."

Well he's right about (nearly) every school bending admissions for athletes. unc has been ridiculed for it over the years. Those of you who have followed for a long time will remember the dust-up over Kevin Madden's allegedly very low SAT, or Dean Smith's anger over the "JR can't read" signs at Duke which were aimed at JR Reid (Smith cleverly said that Reid and Scott Williams had combined SAT scores higher than two Duke players, which was a smart way to hide one player's low score).

Pat Kennedy said this about unc: "Gary Williams will tell you this, most of the coaches in the ACC felt that carolina was a fraud in that they walked around like they were Stanford or Vanderbilt or Northwestern, but they weren't, they were not even Duke. They took the most exceptions the last few years of Dean Smith's career they took the most exceptions of any school in the ACC. Meaning kids that would not normally get accepted into the university, that were accepted to the university to play sports. I remember one year at carolina they had five exceptions starting on their men's basketball team. So they were taking guys with very low level qualifications and then they would keep them eligible. By putting them in these courses. So if a guy was close to not being eligible and his GPA was a 1.8 he would then take a couple of these courses and his GPA would be up to 2.4 and then everybody took a deep breath and they did it again."

"And the thing about the coaches not knowing about it in football it's possible because the coaches at different positions would know about it, but it may not get to the head coach. But in basketball the head coach would know about it because he would have to approve dropping classes and getting into another class to stay eligible for graduation."

"Coaches and athletic directors, you go to NCAA meetings and there is a lot of squabbling and coaches and ADs start pointing fingers. When I first got to the ACC I had a problem with a few coaches and a few of the other guys said 'well do you really want to be the guy to turn Dean Smith in?' and you know as a young coach I said 'I guess not' and as young coach you don't want to turn in a Nick Saban."

But to suggest that the "conspiracy" is ridiculous?

It certainly did go on for 18 years, and as we've said before, we heard rumors that unc used AFAM to keep athletes eligible back in the Bill Guthridge era, which would push the timeline back yet again. And by the way, Kennedy's comments circumstantially support an earlier start to the scandal.

So what did Willingham and Smith say that set Chansky off? This is a big part of it: "The propaganda purposes of this particular commentary are obvious even by Chansky’s standards. No team is 'cited' in the NOA if by cited one means singled out for likely punishment. As a team and as a program, women’s basketball is cited in the NCAA document no more and no less than any other team or program. (The NCAA’s NOA did note, however, that the 'special arrangements' used for eligibility purposes at unc had particularly benefited 'the sports of football, men’s basketball, and women’s basketball.') Chansky, in other words, is only continuing and amplifying the PR drumbeat that Roy Williams, Larry Fedora and others began some weeks ago, presumably at the urging of university lawyers. They have repeatedly announced that the big-time men’s revenue sports would seem to be in the clear and should expect no further punishment from the NCAA. They would have us believe that the NCAA is prepared to give football and men’s basketball a free pass even after the exposure of decades’ worth of fraud that clearly benefited the football and men’s basketball teams. And they are evidently all too happy to point the finger of blame in the direction of a women’s team in order to lower expectations about the sanctions likely to be imposed on the men’s teams."

She also points out that Rashad McCants admitted benefiting from the scheme, for which he was heavily criticized by his former teammates - none of whom has released his own transcripts.

We don't know if we buy the entire article, but we do think that it seems more concerned with getting to the truth than does Chansky.

This sort of thing just seems to make sense, at least to us: "Roy Williams has tried to take credit for steering players away from AFAM in 2006-7 (even as he disavows any knowledge of funny business in that department.) But the fact is, the transcripts of the 2009 national championship men’s team look different–with some but far fewer paper classes–only because a new fear of getting caught had set in around 2006. Remember the Auburn scandal and the panic it seems to have caused among ASPSA officials, the Faculty Athletics Committee, and Dean Bobbi Owen (who decreed that the numbers of AFAM independent studies had to be sharply reduced)? The upshot of the Auburn scandal, in the unc men’s basketball program, was a new caution about cheating. The large-scale, team-wide stuff had to end. Paper classes, Walden decided, should be used only for the athletes who desperately needed them – such as the one guy who 'couldn’t read very well.' That particular player, whose needs forged a particularly close relationship between Walden and Willingham (a reading specialist), took between ten and twelve paper classes. That figure–compiled in the years after Roy Williams claims that he cleaned up the basketball program–is significantly higher than the number of paper classes ever taken by ANY women’s basketball player. The number of AFAM majors on the men’s basketball team may have dropped off after 2005, but the need for paper classes remained (for both current and former players), and men’s basketball stayed at the front of the line at least through 2008."

Anyway, it is fun for an outsider to see different faction at each other's throats like this.

And by the way, when Chansky says that Sylvia Hatchell is "[g]etting her friends and colleagues in the university to lobby for an extension to her contract..." it kind of teased our memory.

Some time ago - it might have been in his book about the 1978 Duke team - John Feinstein said that Dean Smith asked Chansky (then the editor of the Durham Morning Herald) to plant a story saying that unc had "no chance" to beat Duke.

We mentioned it here and later heard from Chansky, who denied the incident. So we called Feinstein, who was nice enough to talk to us from home on a holiday. After saying something we certainly can't print about Chansky, other than to say that Feinstein can be admirably blunt and never more so than with this comment, he told us his source for the allegation.

He said it was Dean Smith.

Someone asked Smith who said he "didn't remember" saying it, a remarkable comment coming as it did from a man celebrated for an astonishing memory.

Make of this what you will. It certainly is an interesting counterpoint to what Chansky says here about Hatchell and her friends.

Dean Smith of course said many interesting things during and after his long career. One of his other famous quotes was to say that a college sports program was the "front porch" of a university.

If that's so, what should we make of this house once we get in?
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Don't know whether to crap or go blind. Disgusting...

Groups examine integrity, policies at unc after scandals

As reform continues at scandal-scarred unc-Chapel Hill, a campus group is working to develop a system for confidential reporting of unethical behavior and lapses in integrity.

Meanwhile, another group has undertaken what unc Chancellor Carol Folt said what may be an unprecedented effort – a complete audit of all campus policies and procedures.

On Thursday, leaders of the two working groups presented their early efforts to a unc Board of Trustees committee. The groups are expected to produce recommendations in the fall.

Last year, when the unc-commissioned Wainstein Report detailed an athletic and academic scandal that stretched for 18 years, Folt said she would launch efforts to examine integrity and policies. The working groups were announced June 4, the day that the NCAA gave unc notice of five major allegations arising from the Wainstein findings.

The work of the two new groups are not the first steps unc has taken to clean up an environment that allowed 3,100 students – about half of them athletes – to enroll in sham classes that required little to no work or faculty oversight. The Wainstein Report showed that a number of academic advisers, faculty and coaches had some knowledge of the situation, or saw red flags and ignored them.

Since the misconduct was exposed, the university has enacted about 70 reforms in academics and athletics, advising and admissions. The changes promote more accountability and transparency, unc leaders say.

Even so, those reforms weren’t enough to prevent the regional accrediting agency, the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges, to slap unc with probation – one step shy of accreditation removal. The commission wants proof that unc’s reforms are having an impact by next spring.

The efforts of the two new working groups will no doubt be watched by the commission.

Norma Houston, co-chair of the Ethics and Integrity Working Group, said the committee first wants to define integrity and identify influences that shape the campus culture.

“What is it that led to people not reporting violations?” Houston said. “We’ll be exploring that.”

Houston is a former chief of staff and general counsel to previous state Senate leader Marc Basnight. She also helped lead the unc Tomorrow Commission under former unc President Erskine Bowles.

“We do not see this as a new commitment,” she said of the integrity push. “We see this as a reaffirmation of the carolina Way.”

She said the group will do an inventory of all ethics training across the university and then come up with a way for people to anonymously report wrongdoing. Recommendations are due to Folt Oct. 15, she said.

The other group will hire a consultant to catalog procedures and do a detailed analysis of policies in three areas – the College of Arts and Sciences, the Registrar’s Office and undergraduate academics. The studies would provide a model that could be spread across the university. Recommendations are expected by the end of the year.

Folt called the inquiry broad and probing. “I just can’t tell you how important this is,” she said.

Faculty will give input throughout the process, said Dr. Bruce Cairns, who heads the unc Faculty Council.

The anonymous reporting mechanism is a positive step in preventing future unethical conduct, he said.

“It seems like a good idea to me, because we want people to feel that we having nothing to hide,” Cairns said, “and we’re setting a culture where we don’t want these things to happen.”

WTF?! ANOTHER "unprecedented effort?" I thought the "carolina committment" was an unprecedented effort. All those wonderful reforms? NOT "unprecedented?" Say it ain't so! Gawd more PR nonsense about how unx is "cleaning up." The only thing ya need to know about all of that is this...SACS took one look at those "reforms" and called BS on all of it. And whoever Norma Houston is she needs to look into a new career...stand-up comedy maybe. Why wasn't the scam reported initially?! "Reaffirmation of the carolina way?!" Ya kiddin' me?! How 'bout Cairns? "We have nothing to hide." Ok sure. Whatever. Sure have spent an azzload of money and fresources for a school with "nothing to hide." More tarhole insanity...


unc-Chapel Hill’s fund-raising machine had a record year, despite the negative attention resulting from the athletic and academic scandals.

In the fiscal year that ended June 30, the university had brought in $304.7 million in cash – up 2 percent from 2014.

“The good news is the year finished particularly strong,” David Routh, vice chancellor for development, said Thursday.

When taking into account both cash and pledged gifts, the total reached $447 million — a 44 percent jump from $310 million the previous year.

That robust figure was largely fueled by a $100 million gift from pharmaceutical entrepreneur Fred Eshelman to the pharmacy school late last year.

Routh said the Eshelman donation marked a turnaround in donor support.

“Fred’s vote of confidence hit at a pretty critical time that I think caused this whole community to step back and say, ‘Wow, let’s take a deep breath. We’re fine. We have confidence in the future,’” Routh said. “A very important donor was saying the same thing.”

Donations for student scholarships doubled, from $6 million to $12 million, he said, and gifts to athletics increased by 20 percent.

Says it all about the "carolina way" don't it? Dirtiest school ever and the fans still value ballgames over all else.
There's been a ton of these see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil pics about UNC, but I thought I would add another one to the fire. Something about seeing (skeletons in the closet?) gif with UNC branding that warms my heart.


First of all , I posted a new championship vid above...

The New York Times...

The new "normal" for unx. The poster-child for everything wrong with collegiate athletics...

The Fundamental Way That Universities Are an Illusion

To understand the failures of the modern American college system — from admissions marketing to graduation rates — you can begin with a notorious university football scandal.

In November 2006, Butch Davis, a high-profile coach with jobs in the N.F.L. and the University of Miami on his résumé, was hired to coach football at the University of North carolina at Chapel Hill. The job offered Mr. Davis a rare opportunity to work for a university that had won dozens of championships in multiple sports while avoiding the scandals and corruption that seemed commonplace at Miami and elsewhere.

But it didn’t take long for Mr. Davis to realize that Chapel Hill’s reputation for sports excellence without compromise was a myth. From 1991 to 2009, the university’s department of African and Afro-American studies ran a huge academic fraud operation. Thousands of students, including regular undergraduates and athletes trying to maintain playing eligibility, enrolled in fake courses in which they didn’t have to attend classes, meet with professors or produce any legitimate academic work.

After the fraud was exposed and both the university chancellor and Mr. Davis lost their jobs, outside investigators discovered that U.N.C. had essentially no system for upholding the academic integrity of courses. “So long as a department was offering a course,” one distinguished professor told the investigators, “it was a legitimate course.”

Mr. Davis came to understand this all too well. As the investigators wrote in their final report, Mr. Davis “found Chapel Hill’s attitude toward student-athlete academics to be like an ‘Easter egg,’ beautiful and impressive to the outside world, but without much life inside.”
About a minute and a half (or so) of Mary stomping "the carolina way" into oblivion...

"The fraud at unc started with men's basketball..."

"The fraud , like a disease , eventually spread far and wide but men's basketball introduced the germ in 1988. That's right , 1988 and men's basketball always remained first in line for favors."

"I was there when we won championships in 2005 and 2009 and our athletes were handed fake degrees in exchange for their talents"

"Everyone who worked in academic support for athletes knew and the truth is in the transcripts"

"It's way past time for Coach Williams and his academic advisor and my good friend Wayne Walden to accept responsibility for our mistakes" for this community to face the truth.mp3
unx continues to flip the bird at the world. #carolinaway...

Folt retains unc faculty athletics watchdog

Chancellor Carol Folt has opted to extend the term of unc’s current faculty athletics representative, a law professor who’s held numerous athletics-related advisory and oversight posts for much of the so-called “paper classes” scandal.

The retention of Lissa Broome followed a review by a special committee that included four people affiliated with unc’s athletic department, two administrators, a radiology professor and an English professor.

Though the panel favored keeping Broome, the decision was ultimately Folt’s.

The decision, however, drew criticism from a prominent retired professor, sociologist John Shelton Reed, who’s been a vocal critic of unc’s handling of the paper-classes scandal.

Reed emailed “friends” on Thursday to say the move suggests that “Folt and her advisers are either clueless or shameless” about what it will take to repair the damage the scandal’s done to the university.

He appended to the message a letter he and 1977 alumnus John Powell — a venture capitalist who’s served on the board of the College of Arts and Sciences’ fundraising arm — sent officials earlier this year opposing an extension for Broome.

The pair argued that unc needs “new faces” in key oversight roles, and that Broome decidedly isn’t one.

Given all that’s happened, “the most charitable hypothesis is that professor Broome trusted some people who didn’t deserve it, and if that was the case she was by no means alone,” Reed and Powell said in the letter. “Even so, we find it inappropriate that she be given the [extension] she is seeking. In fact, the honorable course would be for her to step down voluntarily.”

The panel was curious about whether unc might have a similar problem, particularly with “single-assignment courses” that involved a reading and one graded paper.

Three officials from the Athletic Department later claimed the panel was told unc’s then-Department of African and Afro-American Studies was substituting independent-studies work for courses formally advertised as lecture courses.

But panel members told investigators they didn’t remember any discussion “specifically about irregular courses” in African-American Studies, or any “reference to the irregular practice of teaching lecture-designated courses for student-athletes in an independent-study format,” unc-hired investigator Ken Wainstein said last year.

At unc, they include helping “ensure academic integrity and compliance with ACC and NCAA rules,” Broome said, quoting the job description she wrote after taking over in 2010 from Jack Evans, a former business-school dean and interim chancellor.

Lissa Broome: A unc-CH law professor, Broome led the Faculty Committee on Athletics for several years before becoming the university’s faculty representative to the ACC and NCAA. Broome was in charge when the committee asked if there was reason to be concerned about independent studies at unc-CH after a scandal involving those classes at Auburn University in 2006. The committee assigned that task to academic support officials, and minutes show no one saw a problem.

At unx , if it ain't broke....
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Pizzin' match? Lulz...

Coaching the Mind‏@BethelLearning

Jay Smith says, "Faculty are the university." No, students are the university. Universities function better when faculty understand that.

Andrew Perrin@AndrewJPerrin

No, Bradley, you're wrong on this one. The faculty are the university - the students are SOME of the beneficiaries.

Coaching the Mind ‏@BethelLearning

@AndrewJPerrin I knew you would say that. We clearly have different perspectives.

Andrew Perrin ‏@AndrewJPerrin

@BethelLearning yes we do. And mine is informed by the history and theory of higher education.

Coaching the Mind ‏@BethelLearning

@AndrewJPerrin You're right, Andrew, in my years in higher ed, I never read anything about it, such as scholarly books or journal articles.

Andrew Perrin ‏@AndrewJPerrin

@BethelLearning no need to get in a huff about it!

Coaching the Mind ‏@BethelLearning

@AndrewJPerrin I'm not a faculty member, and so I clearly haven't read anything. We non-faculty members should just shut up listen to you.

Andrew Perrin ‏@AndrewJPerrin

@BethelLearning oh good grief, grow a thicker skin.

Coaching the Mind ‏@BethelLearning

@AndrewJPerrin Saying, "I'm more informed than you," even when true, is arrogant and a great way to discourage divergent thinking. Your perspective is also informed by your position of privilege, but your unawareness of that is obvious sometimes.

Andrew Perrin ‏@AndrewJPerrin

@BethelLearning whatever

Coaching the Mind ‏@BethelLearning

@AndrewJPerrin Okay, Mary.

Andrew Perrin ‏@AndrewJPerrin

@Tommoore5 @BethelLearning I have no problem w idea that univ is FOR students (and others) but the univ IS faculty.

THE most LEAST self-aware fanbase on the planet and it ain't close. No shortage of tarhole psychopaths on Twitter (Joey Powell , Doc Kennedy , Tarheel Tony ,etc ) but Tal Link is a straight wacko. His contribution to the above exchange...

Tal Link ‏@talunc

@BethelLearning @AndrewJPerrin at some point will Jay smith actually start doing the job he is paid to do?

Wonder if he ever asks the same from B-Rad?
The new BOT chair was also head of the athletics booster club. When unx claimed they'd be "transparent" I didn't think they were referring to how they were gonna tell SACS , the NCAA and rival fans to go f themselves. Wow. Not even TRYING to appear contrite...

New BOT chair calls for ‘courage to change’

In his opening remarks, new Chair Dwight Stone of Greensboro set the tone for the future with four goals for the board:

Support Folt and her evolving strategic plan;

Tell the story of how carolina improves lives across the state, nation and world;

Accelerate, measure and communicate the growth and economic impact of the University’s innovation and entrepreneurship initiatives; and

Help carolina become more efficient and effective in key operational areas, particularly finance, administration, teaching and research.

So , basically , Stone is "all-in" on the "Moving forward" mantra and the PR push to pump out as much pro-unx pablum as possible. One more...

The trustees also agreed they would all take the University’s Title IX training as soon as possible.

In the midst of trying to pin decades worth of fraud on the women's basketball program , I guess tptb feel like it's only right NOT to appear "discriminatory" about it. "Carolina Committment?!" Lol. To what? The same ol' same ol?' #carolinaway
Another prong...?

Cheating Blue Ram@CheatingBlueRam

Cyber snoops have learned UNC's Delta Kappa Epsilon fraternity is behind a smear campaign targeting @jaysmith711 and @paperclassinc

Rap Sheet addition...

North carolina CB Malik Simmons arrested, suspended indefinitely

North carolina cornerback Malik Simmons was arrested early Wednesday morning and charged with misdemeanor resisting arrest, according to WRAL.

As a result of the arrest, Simmons, a senior, has been suspended indefinitely by the program.

Police said Simmons, 21, was under the influence when he was arrested at 1:46 a.m. for resisting on Wednesday morning in Chapel Hill. He is due in court on Tuesday.

This is Simmons’ second arrest of the summer. According to the Daily Tar Heel, Simmons was cited on May 16 for misdemeanor possession of marijuana. He has a separate court date on Aug. 3 for that charge.

The 5-foot-11, 190-pound Simmons played in 12 games and started five for the Tar Heels last season, registering 34 tackles, 2.5 tackles for loss and three pass breakups.

As a sophomore in 2013, Simmons played in all 13 games (10 starts) and had 47 tackles. He also appeared in 11 games mainly on special teams as a freshman and had five tackles and a fumble recovery.

Second offense too. Dollars to doughnuts , he doesn't miss a snap. #carolinaway
Speaks volumes...

Karamel Korn@BurntKaramel

@DevilDJ32 @drridpath @Rand_Getlin @EricPrisbell @AuthorPMBarrett @sganim Stone tweeted & deleted Jersey Boys "ByeByeBaby" when MW left unc.

Latest from unx alum Bob Lee and it delivers. Big time...

Meet Lissa “Nook & Cranny” Broome – unc “Watchdog”!

Does “this latest one” rise to the level of Rewarding Roy for his Sgt Schultz impression? Probably not since well Roy is Roy……. and Lissa Broome is “who”.

In her latest Edict From On-High, unc-CH’s Chancellor Carol “Chihuahua” Folt announced the reappointment of Lissa Broome as unc’s Faculty Athletics Representative a/k/a “Watchdog”. “It was MY decision” declared the diminutive Madame Folt. Yet another Foltian decision that ooooozes controversy from its every pore.

After five years of more stumbles than Gerald Ford and more pratfalls than Chevy Chase…. unc continues to defy the Blind Hog Rule. They NEVER manage to “find an acorn”. Aren’t the odds “sooner or later they HAVE to get something right”…? Apparently not.

The average unc loyalist (who continually misspells Doherty and Guthridge) likely has never heard of Lissa Broome. Is she:

• A mah jong partner of Deb Crowder and Burgess McSwain? Nope.
• One of those gals that is transferring out of Sylvia’s program? Nope.
• That BOT gal that asked Butch “is it hurting recruiting? Nope.
• One of Bill Dooley’s “Sweet Carolines”? Not that we know of.
• A member of Zackie Murphy’s hot yoga class? Again, not that we know of.

Lissa Broome IS ….. a unc Law Professor who has been unc’s Faculty Athletics Representative (FAR) since 2010. As unc’s FAR, Prof Broome replaced Jack Evans who was (maybe still is) known as “Dickie Baddour’s BFF”. How would you like THAT as your “known as”. OUCH!

As FAR, ‘twas Professor Broome who – in a Pre-Wainstein Report interview with WRAL – announced

“We’ve looked in all the nooks and crannies and I don’t think we will find anything else lurking….” Ergo, we shall refer to her as “Nook & Cranny” Lissa. ….. Not exactly a quote one expects from “a watchdog”.

WRAL Interview – LINK

She was right of course….. unc’s internal investigation found NADA. Ken Wainstein apparently found a few nook and crannies that Lissa’s exhaustive search musta missed….. “just a few”. Wonder if, unlike Governor Martin, Lissa’s investigation “spoke with Coach Williams”?

I called a few of my unc “insiders” about FAR “Nook & Cranny”. One described her as “married to some really rich guy who has his own airplane”. ???? Another said “she and her (really rich) husband are HUGE carolina fans and fly his plane to all the away games.” ….. I’m not sure rich husbands and private planes are valid reasons for Chancy Chihuahua to NOT reappoint her….. but the “HUGE carolina fan” thingy might bring into question her objectivity…. or remove ANY question.

As the article below notes, our pal – John Shelton Reed (JSR) – ain’t no fan of “Nook & Cranny” AT ALL. So you know 58WofKennel is going to take this latest news “unwell” as he (58WK) trusts JSR…. as well he should.

NOTE: I e-spoke with JSR this morning before writing this. He is “across the pond” in Merry Olde England where one of his assignments from moi is getting a selfie with Pippa. JSR confirms that the Herald-Sun quotes him correctly.

As you read this news report, and sharpen your pitchfork and fuel your torch….. ask yourself – (1) Does this surprise you? …… (2) Does it really matter? If Madame Folt had appointed “My Buddy” Art Chansky as FAR, would it matter? No. Art is, of course, not eligible as he is not on the unc Faculty. I’m using absurdity to illustrate absurdity. It’s a trick we Internet smart-alecks often employ in our insightful commentaries.

I intended to avoid any cheap jokes about “Broome” but if I do one, it might keep you guys from doing them. This “Broome” will NOT be sweeping clean but rather “stuff under the rug”. There!

This latest announcement simply confirms that (1) Carol Folt remains a Clueless Twit and (2) unc’s Vice Chancellor of Spin & Obfuscation Joel Curran isn’t getting a lot for unc’s million dollars worth of PR expertise.

Oh…. in case you’re wondering “do I know”…. Yes, I do know that: Current unc BOT Chair Lawry Caudill is switching places with current Rams Club Chair Dwight Stone (Not the Olympic high jumper). Dwight will now chair the BOT and Lawry chair The Rams Club. Both will undoubtedly be vigilant “watchdogs” ….. Yeee Haaaa!



Does anyone else think that unc needs plumbers rather than lawyers to fix the mess or that maybe they don’t want it fixed? One could also assume the insiders think there’s nothing that needs fixing. Just keep recycling the same foxes to guard the hen house. General George S Patton, ~ “If everybody’s thinking alike, somebody’s not thinking.”


unc has been in “a foxhole mentality” for quite a while. Everyone is against “us” because we are so dog-gone wonderful. I realize that is hard to believe by now; but 50 years of mainlining the TCW Kool-Aid will do it.


Every time I think, well, that takes the cake. Something else takes another cake. So the watchdog that neglected to find crannies and nooks that dwarf the Carlsbad Caverns has been reappointed. Even if it were that the watchdog was muzzled and her reports scripted by lawyers and pr guys, just for appearances sake doesn’t whoever is working Dr. Folt’s mouth realize that if you are telling SACS that you are making changes and awaiting a hammer from the NCAA, you should at least find another deaf, dumb and blind watchdog?


Of Many Taken Cakes and Deaf Dumb Blind Watchdogs… you forget that Madame Folt is well beyond Clueless.


Re: The Fat Cat Shuffle between Dwight Stone and Lawry Caudill…. Stone, who will be the new BOT Chair, has publicly insulted Mary Willingham. He went ballistic on social media at Mary last year. You can bet he (Stone) is one of Roy’s Boys for sure. The Fat Cats pressuring Bubba to Keep Roy No Matter What surely include New BOT Chairman Dwight Stone.
With Dwight Stone as the BOT Chair we can expect more and more “stone-walling” – pun intended.


He (Stone) is definitely on the short list of Roy’s Fat Cat Bodyguards. As him as BOT Chair, I can see several more years of sustained arrogance and self-righteousness from unc Admins.


BL, when this all started I used to say if I could find my diploma I would shred it. Now I don’t even want to find it. MAHA.


So Dougie Dibbert can take you off his Christmas Card list, huh? You are not alone MAHA.


Lissa has the personality of a Banking Law professor, is totally tight with Jack Evans who is way more than just an ex-Biz School dean, and both worship at the alter of big time sports and the NCAA. Inconceivable that either would raise serious questions or challenge the status quo. And both were in the middle of all of TGU and I can’t remember actually doing anything constructive other than help with circling the wagons. You are so right about the ongoing stupidity of unc.


You know her lots better than I do uncLSG. Looking like plenty more column fodder awaits.
Speechless. Thing is , there are hole fans who are happy about this...

A farewell to Twitter

We at Paper Class Inc.(@paperclassinc) have used the platform of Twitter over the past few years to share articles of interest, and the occasional personal opinion, related to the unc scandal. From the beginning, however, we have known that a Twitter presence comes with a real cost–exposure to constant badgering and harassment from people who aren’t hesitant to share their own views but who tend to hide behind fake identities. We have endured quite a lot of abuse. One or the other of us has been called: liar, plagiarizer, publicity-hound, egotist, money-chaser, fraud, charlatan, racist, conspirator, criminal, and more. Recently, however, the abuse has reached new levels of indecency. We’re used to wearing the bulls-eye, but the people near and dear to us never signed up for such targeting, and they too have been dragged into the muck. At this point in the history of the unc story we are not inclined to put up with, or subject our loved ones to, yet another smear campaign.

In any case, the unc story has reached a plateau. The institution has clearly made up its mind where its priorities lie, and its leaders have charted the course forward. We’re not very happy about that course, but we’re wise enough to recognize the point at which further resistance is futile. We will continue to follow and contribute to the national conversation about universities, athletics, and higher education. But we will do so without using Twitter.

Thanks for following us at and thanks for all the support over the past few years.
Back in the day. Another unx PR stunt that didn't go as planned. Lulz...

Fanboy Dwight...

“Until you’ve walked in your shoes, nobody in this crowd realizes the amount of time and effort that goes into being a student-athlete at carolina,” said Dwight Stone, a trustee and father of two former unc-CH athletes. “We’ve taken some undeserved shots in the media.”
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Posted: Today 1:12 PM

Re: unc Scandal: Manalishi speaks/Pack rejoices/Holes lurk

unc just tried to throw the wrong person under the bus.


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Posted: Yesterday 1:55 PM

Re: unc Scandal: Manalishi speaks/Pack rejoices/Holes lurk

Not Hatchell or Hawkins someone that had access to certain information that was not released to public. Not a household name.

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Posted: Yesterday 3:07 PM

Re: unc Scandal: Manalishi speaks/Pack rejoices/Holes lurk

Not sure as this person as "Done lawyered Up" and when i say Lawyered this person got a good one.

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Posted: Yesterday 5:13 PM

Re: unc Scandal: Manalishi speaks/Pack rejoices/Holes lurk

Yes this person lawyered up for protection from unc attempting to throw said person under the bus. we will see if the wild animal is released.
"@jamoss94" , obviously , is a hole. Cocky too. Gawd , I hope the NCAA does their job. The John Skipper-led "worldwide leader" joins unx PR in pumping out pro-tarhole bs to try and sway Indy from nuking the "flagship." Ya hate to be cynical but these stories are being planted for a REASON. And lest we forget....unx purposely created a department to "hide" (primarily) young African American athletes. They knew these kids were incapable of doing college-level work but they also knew they needed 'em to compete athletically. The solution was to forfeit ANY attempt to provide a legit education for these kids and do everything possible to keep them AWAY from a classroom. There's a list of words to describe such a reprehensible act. "Cynical" would be at or near the top of that list....


Why We Love Sports Today: Roy Williams sends a personal letter to a die-hard unc fan who is battling melanoma.

DevilDJ ‏@DevilDJ32

@SportsCenter Wonder why @espn doesnt cover biggest cheating scandal in @ncaa history with as much vigor? #hinky

Jarvis Moss ‏@jamoss94

@DevilDJ32 it's all a conspiracy man

More on Broome and Stone. Sickening...

unc faculty athletics representative reappointed

A unc-Chapel Hill law professor involved with athletics for years will continue as the university’s faculty athletics representative, despite calls from some for new blood in the role.

For the past five years, Lissa Broome has been the university’s voting delegate to the Atlantic Coast Conference and unc’s faculty representative to the NCAA. Chancellor Carol Folt said this week she reaffirmed Broome’s position after a recent review process.

But some faculty were dismayed with the decision to extend Broome’s role in athletic matters, given a long-running scandal that has bruised the university’s reputation. Last year, a report by former federal prosecutor Kenneth Wainstein provided evidence of a shadow curriculum at unc from 1993 to 2011 in which 3,100 students – about half of them athletes – took sham classes that required little to no work. That has led to recent NCAA allegations and probation by the university’s accrediting body.

For years in the early 1990s and 2000s, Broome served on the Faculty Athletics Committee, a group that is designed to be a watchdog over the academic-athletic balance at unc.

“I associate her with a tradition of benign neglect that was apparent all across the university,” said Jay Smith, a history professor and co-author of “Cheated,” a book about the unc scandal. “She was in a particularly sensitive leadership role, and where she could have done things, she failed to do them. That’s why this is such a puzzling decision.”

Folt defended her decision. She said a review committee expressed strong support for Broome after the first full evaluation of a faculty athletics representative at unc.

“We have a case always where we’ve got issues going on, but I’m not going to mistakenly attribute the cause to the wrong people,” she said.

Folt said Broome’s law background was particularly useful because the NCAA issues of compliance are so complex. “She is recognized amongst all the [faculty athletics representatives] as pushing the role of faculty governance,” Folt said.

Before becoming faculty athletics representative in 2010, Broome led unc’s Faculty Athletics Committee at a time when the group was asked whether there was reason to be concerned about independent studies at unc after similar trouble at Auburn University. Meeting minutes showed that no one saw a problem; the committee referred the matter to officials in the academic support program for athletes for further tracking. That monitoring never happened, though.

Broome could not be reached for comment, but in a 30-page statement to the review committee, she outlined her many duties, including advising the chancellor and athletic director, monitoring academic progress of athletes and serving on many committees related to athletics. The position includes membership to the board of the Educational Foundation, also known as the Rams Club booster group. She was one of five unc representatives in the 2011 NCAA infractions hearing.

“The last five years have included some of the most challenging times in the history of unc,” she wrote. “It has been, at times, trying and demanding. I believe I have provided important continuity to a new Athletic Director and a new Chancellor.”

The review of Broome lasted about two months and encompassed interviews of roughly 70 people, said Joy Renner, a medical professor who leads the Faculty Athletics Committee. Renner also led the eight-member review committee, which included only one other professor. The rest were administrators, athletic department representatives and a student athlete. The panel’s recommendation in favor of Broome was unanimous, Renner said.

A letter to Folt from an alumnus, John Powell, and a retired professor, John Shelton Reed, strongly urged the chancellor to replace Broome, saying the university needed a representative who had not been “intimately involved with carolina athletics for so many years.” Further, the letter questioned Broome’s performance on the Faculty Athletics Committee as the scandal persisted. “We cannot say whether this record reflects inattention, incompetence or complicity, but it must be at least one of these,” the letter said.

Renner said the majority of people interviewed about Broome had high praise for her work as faculty athletics representative. Of Broome’s record on the Faculty Athletics committee, Renner said: “We can all look backwards and see lots of things and we say, ‘Oh gee, why didn’t we see that?’ But at the time, until you put all of the pieces together, it’s not quite as clear as it is to everyone today.”

Smith, the history professor, called Broome’s reappointment “a very conspicuous sign of continuity, and continuity is not what we need here.”


Dwight Stone, the new chairman of the UNC Board of Trustees, quoted Charles Darwin in his remarks this week, urging the university to have the courage to change. Stone, of Greensboro, is president and chair of D. Stone Builders Inc. He is also the immediate past board chairman of the Educational Foundation, the athletic booster organization better known as the Rams Club. He remains on the Rams Club board.

Lowry Caudill, whose term just ended as UNC trustee chairman, is the new chairman of the Rams Club board, and trustee Don Curtis is also a booster club board member. The bylaws of the Rams Club say that at least two members of the board should be UNC trustees, Caudill said. That, he said, “essentially ensures that we have alignment between the Rams Club and the university” and prevents the fundraising arm from going “sideways.”

Others suggest the overlap is not a good thing. “I challenge anyone to name another serious university in the country that has as close a connection between its booster club and its governance as ours does,” retired UNC professor John Shelton Reed said in an email. “That may help to explain our current sorry state.

The next to last paragraph. Caudill's bs quote. Is that not typical tarhole hypocrisy and deceit? Claiming the rule is to prevent too much athletics influence over academics when it does , nay , INSURES! just the opposite. This is the same BOT that asked Butch , "Has this (scandal etc) affected recruiting?" "To SEEM rather than to BE" #carolinaway
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Dan Kane. Martin retracts....

Former Gov. Martin says he misspoke about unc scandal

Former Gov. Jim Martin calls unc no-show classes an ‘extraordinary athletic scandal’

In new book, admits he misspoke by trying to emphasize academic corruption

Diminishing support for claims athletic officials tried to alert faculty to no-show classes

Nearly three years ago, former Gov. Jim Martin made a blunt pronouncement about the unc-Chapel Hill academic scandal that brought cheers to fans of the university’s sports teams and relief to some public officials.

After investigating the scandal for four months, Martin delivered this conclusion to unc trustees in a hotel ballroom packed with unc officials and reporters: “This was not an athletic scandal. It was an academic scandal, which is worse; but an isolated one.”

unc officials quickly seized on the finding to tell the public it was time to “move forward.” Shortly after, one trustee and unc Athletic Director Bubba Cunningham said in an email exchange that the report likely dissuaded the NCAA from digging more deeply into the scandal.

Now, in a book slated for release in October, Martin says he misspoke. He believed it was an athletic and academic scandal then, and he believes it now.

“I could have said, ‘Not only is it an extraordinary athletic scandal, but it is also an incredibly damaging academic scandal,’” Martin said in a galley of the book provided to The News & Observer by the book publisher.

The book, “Catalyst: Jim Martin and the Rise of North carolina Republicans,” was written by John Hood, the president of the John William Pope Foundation and chairman of the John Locke Foundation’s board. Hood is best known as a political commentator and columnist on the conservative side of the political spectrum.

“Catalyst” is predominantly a biography of Martin, starting with his upbringing in South carolina and his rise in North carolina politics, first as a Mecklenburg County commissioner, then as a congressman and finally as the state’s first two-term Republican governor from 1985 to 1993. Martin left politics in 1993 and remained a highly regarded public servant.

In August 2011, The N&O reported a suspicious transcript of a football player. unc investigated itself, looking back at five years of classes and finding suspect lecture classes that never met and only required a paper. But the university determined the scandal wasn’t about athletics because non-athletes were also in the classes and received the same grades.

After that report in May 2012, more evidence surfaced showing the scandal went back further than five years, and athletes were enrolled in the classes in disproportionate numbers. unc Chancellor Holden Thorp turned to Martin to lead a second investigation.

No emails

Martin, with the assistance of the Baker Tilly consulting firm, spent four months combing through 18 years of course data and interviewing more than 70 people before releasing a 74-page report on Dec. 20, 2012. They found what Martin called “phantom” classes that went at least as far back as 1997, and that there were roughly 200 confirmed or suspected ones.

But Martin and Baker Tilly did not review emails among the people involved, nor did they have access to the two officials who ran the fake classes: Deborah Crowder, the former African studies department manager, and her boss, Julius Nyang’oro, the former chairman of the department.

In early 2014, as more evidence emerged showing the connections between athletics and academics, unc and the unc system ordered a new investigation led by Kenneth Wainstein, a former top U.S. Justice Department official. He and his team had Crowder and Nyang’oro’s cooperation and reviewed at least 14 years of emails. The evidence produced a 131-page report that found an athletic and academic scandal. The NCAA returned and hit unc with allegations of serious misconduct in May.

In a telephone interview last week, Martin confirmed the accuracy of Hood’s reporting. Martin had cooperated fully with the book.

He said his main point to the trustees and the public was what happened at unc was far worse than an athletic scandal, but he erred in saying it wasn’t an athletic scandal.

“If it had just been athletes doing something wrong, like taking money, it would have been a big story,” Martin said. “If it had been tutors writing papers for them it would have been a big story. To me, it was far bigger and far worse, and the reaction was as if I had whitewashed it. That was not my intent, I guarantee you.”

It troubled Martin, a former chemistry professor at Davidson, that some viewed the report as good news because it appeared to clear athletics.

“That, to me, should be a bigger embarrassment to them because they didn’t see that the academic problem was worse than the athletic problem,” he said. “Lack of academic oversight was the reason that they were able to get away with it.”

In Hood’s book and in last week’s interview, Martin said his report also mistakenly said that athletic officials had told him they had twice alerted unc’s faculty athletics committee about lecture classes within the AFAM department that were being held as independent studies instead. That should have raised concerns, since it meant classes that were supposed to meet did not.

He now says the athletic officials didn’t tell him about lecture classes that didn’t meet. They only discussed concerns about independent studies within the department. He said he realized the mistake while reading the report to the trustees.

Martin said he sought to correct that mistake as he answered the trustees’ questions during the presentation, but he and Baker Tilly didn’t make that mistake clear until a special panel of the unc Board of Governors met roughly a month later.

By then, The N&O had contacted several faculty members on the committee and none remembered concerns being raised about the AFAM lecture classes. No documentation showed the committee had been alerted. Martin complained about the newspaper’s report a few days later in a letter to the editor.

Too much deference

Martin now says he gave athletic officials too much deference in accepting their version of events. He had only talked to one member of the faculty committee, former faculty athletic representative Jack Evans. Evans later told Wainstein he did not recall any discussion about lecture classes.

Former Senior Associate Athletic Director John Blanchard and Robert Mercer, the former academic support director for athletes, said in the Wainstein report they raised questions about AFAM lecture classes to the faculty committee. Wainstein found little evidence to back their claims.

Hood said he asked Martin about his report on the scandal because it threw a spotlight on the former governor. The passage takes up five pages of a 330-page book, and Hood said that’s about as much attention as it deserves in looking at Martin’s life and career. He accepted Martin’s explanation about what he meant to say, which reflected a long-time concern over declining academic standards.

“He recognized that athletics was part of the problem, but he resisted any attempt to reduce it to the only problem, or the main problem,” Hood said.

Despite the bashing Martin’s report took as time went on, the former governor said he does not regret taking up the investigation at the request of his friend, Thorp, who later resigned and is now the provost at Washington University in St. Louis. Martin was not paid for his work; Baker Tilly charged unc roughly $940,000 for the probe and an analysis of reforms the university put in place.

While Martin chided critics for failing to credit him for the hard evidence he turned up, such as the fact the fake classes went well back into the 1990s, he acknowledged that he deserved criticism for miscommunicating.

“The most problems I’ve ever had in politics is when they wrote it up the way I said it,” Martin said.
Oh yeah. He looks like a guy who just "misspoke." Lulz. "I could have said, Not only is it an extraordinary athletic scandal, but it is also an incredibly damaging academic scandal, uhhhh , never mind. Job well done boys. Who's buyin...?'

Unbelievable stuff, DevilDJ. Corrupt all the way through.

I thought I would take your House of Cards pic, and pizzazz it up a little by making a gif out of it.


B-Rad blocked me a long time ago but I got this one tonight. Anyone here can get his other tweets on this , by all means, post 'em....

Coaching the Mind@BethelLearning

We were all wrong to dichotomize scandal as either academic or athletic. It was a university scandal. More important is what drove it. [1/4]

This was over two years ago. Perfect opportunity to say he "misspoke." Instead , the ex-guvna took the moment to critique the N & O for daring to point out flaws in his "investigation..."

PUBLISHED WED, JAN 02, 2013 04:01 PM

Jim Martin: We found what we could at unc

Editor’s note: The length limit on letters was waived to allow former Gov. Jim Martin to respond to several news stories, a Point of View piece, editorials and columns about his work investigating irregularities at unc-Chapel Hill.

A football scandal in 2010 led to the first evidence of anomalous courses in the African and Afro-American Studies Department at the University of North carolina at Chapel Hill. An internal review found 54 courses that were approved and listed as lecture courses but did not meet and required only a single term paper for credit and high grades.

With support from the Baker Tilly firm, I was asked to investigate when this unethical practice began, whether other departments had engaged in similar abuses and who was involved. We answered all of those questions and more.

We found no evidence that anyone else in Afri/Afam or any other department was culpable and that the practice began in 1997, a few months after Afri/Afam studies received full departmental status. These were important findings and revealed the nature of an extensive but isolated academic fraud. Many critics object that we did not accuse football and basketball coaches and did not find any money trail implicating boosters or NFL agents, as was widely assumed.

We dug into that as far as our power allowed and reported what we found. If money was a motive, the District Attorney can find it.

Immediately, there was outrage over the fact that no evidence implicated anyone other than former Department Chair Julius Nyang’oro and administrator Deborah Crowder in creating and offering these phantom courses.

Your Dec. 21 editorial lamented that our review did not go deeper. Specifically, you complained that we did not interview Nyang’oro or Crowder. Neither did your excellent reporters. Neither you nor we had the power to compel anyone to talk, and we assumed they had legal advice against it.

Leading up to our report and immediately afterward, you issued demands that we examine term papers for plagiarism. What term papers? None is retained beyond a year.

I assumed that your conclusion was correct: that extensive plagiarism was likely. I commented that it was likely that not all of the hundreds of term papers submitted in these courses were actually read for the grades posted. We could not proofread papers that no longer exist.

On Dec. 23, you published a Point of View piece from history Professor Jay Smith. We did interview him for an hour. He provided an extensive array of leads, and we looked into each point. For some, we found solid supporting evidence, and they are in our report. Others could not be corroborated. We were tasked to find evidence, not compile a list of imagined grievances.

Moreover, Smith offered to provide witnesses, but they never came forward to support his accusations. Now he complains that we did not return for a second interview, but my judgment was that he was not a useful source.

Smith now says that he could have explained the changes in independent studies enrollments because he was associate dean for undergraduate curricula between 2004 and 2008. Ironically, those were the years when a dramatic increase in “term paper courses” erupted to levels far greater than before or since.

In retrospect, perhaps I should have asked why he was oblivious to the anomalous courses in Afri/Afam during his term of responsibility for the undergraduate curriculum. That would have had some bearing on why too many academic officials seemed to look the other way, in what was clearly an academic scandal.

You have objected to our finding that leaders of the Academic Support Program for Student Athletes (ASPSA) raised questions with the Faculty Athletic Committee in April 2002 regarding the various forms of independent studies in seven departments, including Afri/Afam. They say they were told “the faculty have wide latitude how to teach their courses.”

In checking this, you found three members of the committee who deny this was presented, only one of whom was present in April 2002. While discrediting testimony on behalf of ASPSA as self-serving, you need similar skepticism about motives of the accusers. The minutes of that meeting clearly state that this subject was discussed, and there is an appended “Report on Independent Studies.” For our part, we relied on this and four witnesses who were there and affirmed it happened, plus a later conversation with a participant who did not deny it.

We found answers to the issues we were asked to investigate. We also pursued many other issues that were brought to our attention. Lacking police power, we had to rely on those who were willing to be interviewed. With the exception of a few previously indicated, we received full cooperation from all we contacted and a number who contacted us.

What we found and reported was true and fair to all concerned. It is always possible that some truths could not be discovered because of the limitations of our authority.

Jim Martin, Former governor
Good Lord. B-Rad just won't let it go. The rest of his tweets ( so far...)

Coaching the Mind ‏@BethelLearning

Was scandal result of athletics corruption? No. Result of two well-meaning but misguided individuals and complacent deans. [2/4]

Coaching the Mind ‏@BethelLearning

Call it academic scandal, athletics scandal, or both, but reality is it wasn't athletics-driven scandal resulting from corruption. [3/4]

Coaching the Mind ‏@BethelLearning

If scandal was result of some systemic problem, it was system that treats teaching quality as afterthought at research universities. [4/4]
unx alum Bob Lee...

Jim Martin’s Misinformation was Misinterpreted … ?!?

Three Years after the oh-so-memorable Martin Report / unc BOT session – I once described as:

“The most fun anyone ever had at The carolina Inn with both feet on the floor…”
A Revised, Recantation and Re-Remembrance of “What I actually meant to say was……” is coming forth now from Governor Jim Martin.

I have read Damn Dan Kane’s latest BLOCKBUSTER re: The Great Unpleasantness. Chances are most of you have read it too. I can’t wrap my head around it.

…. it’s like Roy Williams explaining Chinese Arithmetic to a flock of pigeons. Both Roy and the pigeons would go cross-eyed from the experience.

Speaking of Roy; what are the odds Roy has a clue who Jim Martin is. Remember Jim never met Roy when he was “looking into every nook & cranny” three years ago.

It has finally dawned on Kindly Jim Martin that what he said three years ago, as ridiculous as it was back then, wasn’t what he meant to say but rather what “they” fed him to say. “They” being still unidentified members of The Old Well Mafia. “#1 Watchdog” Lissa Broome would be among that group along with “Dickie” and his BFF Former Watchdog Jack Evans. It’s the deepest pockets of The Lower Level / Blue Zone Bunch. It speaks to their (lack of) integrity that they will not come forth and identify themselves.

I have more “faith” than most of you in The Old Well Mafia to continue to spin even THIS. They are not paying Joel Curran and his busload of PR hacks over $1.5 million to simply say “Yep, we have been very naughty TruBlues”.

If you think THIS LATEST REVELATION will “bring down the rafters” you really don’t understand the entrenched determination of those in the unc Inner Sanctum. They will throw Jim Martin under the same bus they are throwing Sylvia Hatchell under. They will continue to weave their oh-so-tangled web.

If “they” ever came forth and acknowledged The Scheme was so much more than:

“Two good intentioned albeit misguided ladies (Deb & Burgess) who meant well and just wanted to help Coach Smith and his youngsters”.

That admission would be the equivalent of tearing out their own livers and eating them with fava beans and a nice Chianti. They CANNOT admit that. They WILL NEVER admit that.

NOTE: Am I the only one to see the irony that these “Jim Martin Now Says That ______” are coming out in a book written by a key executive in The Eeeeevil Art Pope Organization – John Hood. The Franklin Street Lunatic Fringe will bite down on that and gnaw on it ’til doomsday. Expect Gene Nichol to gin up his mini-mob of beady-eyed disciples with that fact.

The runaway train continues to barrel down the track. It WILL eventually jump the tracks in a humongous wreck….. but it ain’t there yet.
Dan Williams: unc coaches weren’t paying attention

Several letters have suggested that unc coaches were unaware of the academic fraud that served to maintain eligibility of athletes for which they were responsible.

My father was a championship-winning head coach of an Atlantic Coast Conference program in the 1980s. As an adolescent, I spent time occasionally helping with small chores in his office. One of my tasks was to collate and prepare the classroom reports that he and all other coaches received from the academic support group, once mid-semester and again at the end of the semester. Meetings were then held with each student-athlete to review progress and, if necessary, additional hours of tutoring were arranged. This was a very important function of the head coach, as well as of the assistants.

In addition, I recall seeing benchmark reports from department administrators showing academic performance of each team, including average GPAs, distribution of majors and other key indicators.

The defense argument from men’s basketball coach Roy Williams, athletic director Bubba Cunningham, women’s basketball coach Sylvia Hatchell and their supporters is quite problematic.

They either were aware of the 23 years of massive fraud, grade fixing and other nefarious activities and are lying or they were grossly derelict in their responsibilities. Either way they all should be relieved of their duties.


Gotta admit it. Kinda sucks he blocked me. I miss out on a wealth of material. Thankfully , there's a "retweet" function...

Coaching the Mind‏@BethelLearning

Amidst clamor over "scapegoating" WBB, can anyone recall a news piece arguing Hatchell be fired, the way media has argued Roy be fired?

Not fer nuthin but I sent Altha two articles that hopefully she'll pass on to that jack-azz. One is a "news piece" from Chansky calling for Sylvia to be gutted and the other is a DTH "news piece" that features Brian Barbour's character assassination of Sylvia. Technically , he didn't call for her dismissal outright but he left no doubt as to where he stood on her guilt. It's all diversion anyway and that pos B-Rad knows it. His response is just another opportunity for him to do what he loves most (criticize the media.) Besides , since unx itself has already decided to scapegoat Sylvia , what difference does the media's take on it matter? Especially since unx has PROVEN time and time again they could care less about media perception. Hint: it doesn't. Again , he's diverting and the holes love 'im for it. #carolinaway
Check this out. A little long-ish but amusing. I took some liberties with the order of some of the tweets though. I hope the context is retained. Anyway , here's the deal. B-Rad (as linked earlier) asked if there were as many articles demanding Sylvia's firing as there are demanding Roy's removal. First of all , he totally misses the point. It's not about the "media" or "news pieces" anyway. It's about unx throwing Sylvia under the bus. Plus , it ain't like there's a plethora of "news pieces" out there callin' for Roy's head either but I digress. "Bob Martin" turns 'im into a pretzel. Lulz. B-Rad's forced to split hairs and get into the semantics of it all to justify his original tweet...who's media/who isn't/op-eds vs letters to the editor vs simple "comments" etc. He also (purposely) drags some of his sychophants into it to help bail 'im out. #epicfail. Lulz. One final thought. He states flatly that Hatchell ( nor any other coach ) should be fired over anything scandal-related. IOW , he hasn't budged. Despite what he tweeted yesterday about the involvement of athletics , he doesn't believe it to be enough to warrant firing anyone. Interesting. Art Chansky and Brian Barbour have both either called for her dismissal outright (Art) or insinuated that she leave (Barbour.) The tarhole nation agrees. Wonder how they'll view B-Rad's support. That said...

Coaching the Mind ‏@BethelLearning

Amidst clamor over "scapegoating" WBB, can anyone recall a news piece arguing Hatchell be fired, the way media has argued Roy be fired?

B. Martin ‏@yibyabby

@BethelLearning "...the way media has argued Roy be fire." Not doubting it. Just missed it. A few sample links would be appreciated.

Coaching the Mind ‏@BethelLearning

@yibyabby Multiple op-eds and commentaries. Google it.

Brian Cox ‏@eBrianCox

@BethelLearning @yibyabby aside from O'Neill

B. Martin ‏@yibyabby

@eBrianCox @BethelLearning Thanks, but only Patrick O'Neill among those three argues for Roy's firing.

Coaching the Mind ‏@BethelLearning

@yibyabby @eBrianCox Margolis on WCHL and DTH.

B. Martin ‏@yibyabby

@BethelLearning @eBrianCox Dr. Lewis Margolis? He's not news media. (Is he? Does he write for Chapelboro or DTH?)

Coaching the Mind ‏@BethelLearning

@yibyabby @eBrianCox Opinion pieces published by news outlets are part of media. Margolis regular commentator on WCHL, definitely media.

B. Martin ‏@yibyabby

@BethelLearning Interesting. You consider Dr. Schauer's opinions published by the N&O to qualify her as media then? I wouldn't.

Coaching the Mind ‏@BethelLearning

@yibyabby I'm not sure how to classify letters to the editor. Regardless, Margolis has gone far beyond. He's definitely part of the media.

B. Martin ‏@yibyabby

@BethelLearning Would you classify yourself as part of the media?

Coaching the Mind ‏@BethelLearning

@yibyabby Unfortunately, I have to admit I am. With your blog, you may be, too, though your anonymity complicates that.

David Stewart ‏@dpslaw1

@BethelLearning @yibyabby Well then, as a media member, do you think Hatchell should be fired?

Coaching the Mind ‏@BethelLearning

@dpslaw1 @yibyabby I don't believe any coaches, including Hatchell, should be fired for anything related to scandal.

B. Martin ‏@yibyabby

@BethelLearning I'm not really anonymous; but since I do try to insulate my private life and family, I might as well be.

Coaching the Mind ‏@BethelLearning

@yibyabby But I'm not sure I'm part of the news media. I think the news media is narrower than the media, but I'm not sure where line is.

B. Martin ‏@yibyabby

@BethelLearning I think we are talking "news media" aren't we? I'm trying to get a grip on the notion of Margolis being counted.

Coaching the Mind ‏@BethelLearning

@yibyabby I also think opinion pieces can be part of news media when they come from news outlets. Am I wrong, @andybechtel?

Andy Bechtel ‏@andybechtel

@BethelLearning @yibyabby Most US news organizations include opinion pieces and reviews in what they publish, post and broadcast.

B. Martin ‏@yibyabby

@andybechtel @BethelLearning Question is would the author of opinions published by news orgs be considered part of the "news media?"

Andy Bechtel ‏@andybechtel

@yibyabby @BethelLearning I'd say yes, commentators are part of that universe. Some cable TV personalities are a mix of news and opinion.

David Stewart ‏@dpslaw1

@yibyabby @andybechtel @BethelLearning That would seem to turn the definition of "news media" on its head.

Coaching the Mind ‏@BethelLearning

@yibyabby I have to add this: I'm doing some commentaries for WCHL this week. Therefore, if I'm not part of news media now, I will be soon.

B. Martin ‏@yibyabby

@BethelLearning @andybechtel That's why I mention Schauer. She's had (at least) four opinion pieces published by the N&O. Maybe DTH too.

Coaching the Mind ‏@BethelLearning

@yibyabby Are you sure they were op-eds? I only remember letters to the editor.

B. Martin ‏@yibyabby

@BethelLearning Oh, I'm not sure. I wasn't making that distinction. Does it make a difference?

Coaching the Mind ‏@BethelLearning

@yibyabby I believe it does. Newspapers give op-eds more space and prestige. Letters to the editor are only a step above comments.

B. Martin ‏@yibyabby

@BethelLearning You may feel differently, but I don't consider just anyone with a blog to be part of news media.

Lon Mayer-Salman ‏@lmsalman

@yibyabby @BethelLearning this tweet is a joke, right? How have you missed this?

B. Martin ‏@yibyabby

@lmsalman @BethelLearning Not a joke. I remember the Paul O'Neill opinion the N&O published. Would count as a news piece?

Coaching the Mind ‏@BethelLearning

@yibyabby @lmsalman I did say "news piece." My bad. I should have said "media."

B. Martin ‏@yibyabby

@BethelLearning @lmsalman I figured you meant media opinion since I couldn't imagine a news piece arguing one way or another.

Lon Mayer-Salman ‏@lmsalman

@yibyabby @BethelLearning unless it's written by @dankanenando who lives to blur the line between news and opinion.

B. Martin ‏@yibyabby

@lmsalman Has @dankanenando written an article insinuating firing Roy might be warranted? How about @_andrewcarter ?
You weren't lying, DevilDJ...that was a damn semantic hairsplitting tour de force! Bethel is trying to get himself out of that corner he's boxed himself into. Good luck with that lol. I never dreamed this sordid mess would be so much fun to watch these guys make utter fools of themselves.

You weren't lying, DevilDJ...that was a damn semantic hairsplitting tour de force! Bethel is trying to get himself out of that corner he's boxed himself into. Good luck with that lol. I never dreamed this sordid mess would be so much fun to watch these guys make utter fools of themselves.

Lest we forget , it was all a diversion anyway. What the media does and/or doesn't do has bupkiss to do with unx's shameless attempt to bury Sylvia. He tweeted that nonsense and got everyone all worked up when none of it was germane to unx's despicable treatment of Hatchell. Gawd , what a scumbag.
Grain of salt..,.

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Posted: Today 5:15 PM

Re: unc Scandal I _____ hate unc!

A note here about the Malik Simmons arrest. Several members of the football team were at the bar/club The Library (practically next to Top of the Hill). They started a massive brawl after splitting some poor kid's head wide open. The fight spilled out onto the street, then some thug that had been at Waffle House came out and opened fire (it's thought he had been at The Library earlier). That's right, a freaking shootout right on Franklin St. There were so many cops, that's all you could see on Franklin St. They had all the patrons of the bar sitting outside and wouldn't let them leave until questioning. Bet Top of the Hill loves that!

You would think this would have made a LOT bigger news, but after knowing the football team started it all, guess there's your answer. The heat has been extra hot as there were a couple armed robberies in Chapel Hill, unc campus, and at Duke the next couple days after.

Chapel Hell is about as corrupt as it gets folks, and Fedora's boys haven't changed a bit.
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