The Carolina Way VIII

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im sure he got rejected from duke and prolly cheated his way to the scholarships so unc is the perfect school for him...might be the next AFAM department head lol
I edited this a bit but ya get the idea. Some commentary on the previous e-mail. Cravey , btw , is also a prof at unx...

Jay Smith ‏@jaysmith711

One remedy for loss of institutional control: the faculty might consider waking up and doing their jobs.

B. Martin ‏@yibyabby

@jaysmith711 Be firm, but not un-"gracious"

Jay Smith ‏@jaysmith711

@yibyabby "how our boys were handled" was all so offensively paternalistic. And yes, some faculty were shamefully complicit.

Professor Wolf ‏@ProfessrWolf

@yibyabby Interesting question asked this AM. What is the legal basis for the redaction of the word "basketball" from that email? Not FERPA.

Jay Smith ‏@jaysmith711

@ProfessrWolf @yibyabby Does an institution have a legal right not to be embarrassed? unc thinks so, apparently.

Altha Cravey ‏@LocoCravey

@jaysmith711 this is an intriguing email about bball being separate until Burgess got sick.

Hang a banner.


Tweeting that one out , OADD. Awesome work. BTW , so much for any notion of national sources not covering the unx scandal. NY Post weighs in and it's brutal. The new "normal" for unx. The poster-child for cheating and the go-to reference for everything WRONG with collegiate athletics. Laughingstocks. A punchline. Indeed holes...hang a banner....

FIFA scandal has nothing on sham that is big-time college hoops

It’s all a con. Here a FIFA, there a FIFA, everywhere a FIFA, FIFA. It’s like the window sign on Tourist Trap Row: “Why get cheated elsewhere?”

This week, on the (tar) heels of revelations of 18 years of systemic academic fraud that should have brought shame and shame-driven change to University of North Carolina student-athletics, the school instead prepared to reward its highest-paid beneficiary of the fraud, basketball coach Roy Williams, with a contract extension for a job well done.

Apparently, Williams, hired in 2003, provided the appropriate response to the revelations that many, if not most of his recruits, were enrolled in sham, no-show courses for which they scored A-to-A-plus to preserve their eligibility. Rashad McCants, a star of North Carolina’s and Williams’ 2005 NCAA Championship team, is alleged to have made the Dean’s List despite having done zero academic work.

Coach Williams said he had no idea, no clue. And that’s plenty good enough for UNC, a scenic school that overlooks everything except losing basketball games.

So, for 18 years UNC pursued 18-year-olds, dangling full scholarships to play for its basketball team, no reading, writing or arithmetic wanted or needed. You wanna be a junior? Poof, you’re a junior! Senior? Done. Dean’s List? Dean Smith? Oh, that one! Sure! Just hurry up. Don’t be shut out of those imaginary classes!
The logical will conclude that North Carolina not only likes the way Williams had no idea about the academic realities of those he recruits to the college, but also UNC would like him to continue being — or at least playing — ignorant. Keep up the good work, Coach!

Logical folks also can conclude UNC is so shamed by its ways and means on behalf of big-ticket, big-TV money, big-time basketball and football — or so shamed by being caught — that it would like to preserve the status quo. Thus, it’s important that our coaches continue to know nothing about anything.

Or is it that everyone knew that everyone knew, that Williams, all those years, knew what UNC’s wink-and-nod professors, department heads and board of governors knew, thus there was nothing left to do except pledge continued allegiance to Williams?

So, we’re expected to believe that at no time since 2003 was Williams moved to inquire about the academic eligibility — and the means to that end — of his players. It wasn’t, after all, that they had to miss classes for practice. There were no classes.
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Box seats? Season ticket holder? Sideline passes...?

J. Steven Reznick: Immediate unc remedies

Regarding the June 9 editorial “unc dilemma”: The N&O’s claim that unc-Chapel Hill had an “almost institutionalized culture of exploitation” is a notably overstated assertion.

Investigations have identified a very small group of faculty and administrators who were aware of, and made use of, some fraudulent classes to reduce the academic load of student-athletes.

If those of us who are the other approximately more than 99 percent of faculty and administrators at unc-Chapel Hill had been informed about these classes, our hearts and brains tell us clearly that we would have responded strongly to stop this inappropriate undermining of the quality education that we offer all of our students.

When we were informed, and we immediately instituted appropriate corrections that will prevent any similar dilemma from ever occurring (and many of our peer institutions have probably made the same corrections).

From the NCAA perspective, the previous “lack of institutional control” was very disappointing, but because the fraudulent classes were not instituted or funded by athletics, and the inappropriate classes were remedied immediately when discovered, the NCAA should not impose penalties.




Paper Class Inc.@paperclassinc

Can we get a public record release of sideline pass and ticket requests?
J. Steven Reznick: Immediate unc remedies

Last edited:
Another national source weighs in...

unc-Chapel Hill Put on Yearlong Probation by Accreditor

Yearlong probation of the University of North carolina at Chapel Hill is harshest penalty college commission can hand down next to stripping it of accreditation

The University of North carolina at Chapel Hill was placed on probation for one year by its accrediting body Thursday as fallout continues from allegations that for years the school allowed athletes to sign up for no-show classes to remain eligible for sports....
Boo-hoo , Fed....

Larry Fedora sounds off on North carolina scandal

There is plenty more still to come in the North carolina academic fraud scandal, but the school and athletic department already have experienced the fallout.

Coach Larry Fedora has been vocal about the negative recruiting while the NCAA investigation has continued. He went into more detail about that in an interview with an online publication posted Thursday, saying schools are recruiting against him by simply handing out copies of the Wainstein report, which lays bare all the problems North carolina had in its now discredited Department of African and Afro-American Studies.

Fedora told Jeff Greenberg of "We are always having to defend ourselves and how we do things based on what other coaches are saying is going to happen to our school and our program based on actions from the past; and then show and prove that those things aren’t going to happen and most of the things being said are made up. But if you throw enough things up against the wall, some things are bound to stick and create confusion and doubt with the recruit."

Fedora went on to say his biggest frustration is reminding everybody -- from recruits to parents to the media -- that his staff had nothing to do with the scandal. But he has no intention of walking away and quitting. "I came here with goals and I haven’t reached those goals," Fedora said. "To leave just because things were tougher than I thought they would be is something I wouldn’t have been able to live with at all. I wouldn’t know who that person is. This is where I want to be and I love what our future looks like."
I think the SACS ruling puts a little more pressure on the NCAA to do something other than a slap on the wrist. The NCAA left themselves plenty of wiggle room with the NOA. They can pound UNC or not. I believe they purposely did that to run it up the flagpole and see which way the wind is blowing. If the news media (and social media) keep pouring it on...then I think UNC will see some serious actions against their precious men's basketball team, but if the mammoth UNC public relations machine is able to drown out the outcry with their BS...then the NCAA will probably let 'em skate. The NCAA has it's own image problems, and public opinion will be huge in which way it rules.

So, keep on swinging, DevilDJ, PackPride, Dan Kane, etc...the PR war is just beginning.

Latest Dan Kane. Check this out. New ( or newER! ) names continue to surface. Last time it was Jan Boxill. This article mentions 3 more...John Blanchard , Robert Mercer and Janet Huffstetler. Wayne Walden gets a shout too but most who follow this are already familiar with 'im. Anytime ya read anything associated with Huffstetler or concerns men's basketball. Men's basketball , for those of ya keepin' score at home , is all Roy. IOW , while the tarhole nation continues to say , "Roy's name was only mentioned ONCE in the report" , here's the REAL story...

The men’s basketball team appears to be tied to roughly 40 exhibits...Wayne Walden is referenced in nearly 20 exhibits, and longtime tutor Janet Huffstetler’s name appears in 30.


Findings provide clues to unc’s fate

For unc sports fans, alumni and lovers of the nation’s oldest public university – and even those who delight in the university’s current plight – one question seems dominant these days:

What will the NCAA do?

1) The NCAA is interested in how the bogus classes stayed under wraps for roughly a decade.

2) The NCAA is looking at the fake classes to determine eligibility.

3) Men’s basketball is not out of the woods.
NPR. ANOTHER national media outlet doing a story on collegiate corruption and , as always , guess who gets center stage? Nice pic too. This is who you are , holes. Your new identity. Laughingstocks. Hang a banner...

Academic Foul: Some Colleges Accused Of Helping Athletes Cheat

The University of North carolina at Chapel Hill is awaiting its punishment for guiding athletes to enroll in sham classes, among other infractions.

On the heels of what happened at the University of North carolina, in particular, where there were widespread allegations of thousands of students cheating,

The NCAA has issued a notice of infractions [to unc], which tells the university what they've found on them — which shows repeated violations of university employees either doing work for players or allegedly helping them out.

It makes — the case of unc in particular, it makes your degree look less valuable if you've got classes that are fake classes.


Professor Wolf ‏@ProfessrWolf

Special Studies at unc circa '97: “individual contracts for work under the supervision of a member of the permanent faculty.“ 1/4

Professor Wolf ‏@ProfessrWolf

Independent Studies at unc circa '15: “individual contracts for work under the supervision of a member of the permanent faculty.“ 2/4

Professor Wolf ‏@ProfessrWolf

Can unc produce just one of the individual contracts for the 3100 students that participated in the AFAM courses? 3/4

Professor Wolf ‏@ProfessrWolf

I suggest looking in unc's Registrar's Office, departmental academic records, or email archives accessible by the Public Records Office 4/4


Cheating Blue Ram@CheatingBlueRam

The cost of the scandal now tops $11 million. Could be much higher once we have revised financials. ( )

unx alum Bob Lee...

Ain’t Never Gonna Happen

THE Question: BobLee, when will Obnoxious carolina Fans (OCFs) finally “surrender”?

THE Answer: Google Masada or The Alamo…. or Hillary Clinton’s Presidential Campaign.

... unc started handing out fat lifetime pensions as “rewards” to anyone who could permanently stain its once-assumed pristine image?

unc doles out those lifetime pensions like kewpie dolls at a carnival midway’s sucker games. “Step right up and – Be complicit in a decades-long eligibility scheme. Win a nifty Rameses plush toy…. or thousands of taxpayer bucks for THE REST OF YOUR LIFE!”.

Where was I? Of yeah…. Ain’t Never Gonna Happen.

What the average ABCer REALLY want is for his/her personal “Obnoxious carolina Fan” (OCF) to admit he/she/it has worshipped a False God for their entire life which……. Ain’t Never Gonna Happen.

Every ABCer HAS a personal OCF.

Enduring Myth #27: That the worst OCFs are “Wal-Marters”. I’ve never bought into that...The hard-core OCFs are the 3rd-4th generation Old Wellers – a/k/a The Lower-Levelers. Their bulging portfolios are all invested in ONE stock – carolina Basketball. If that goes belly-up – they got nuthin’...IF the NCAA drops the hammer on RoyWorld, the lower-level OCFs will be “Geronimoing” off the roof of Dean’s Dome or The Blue Zone.

This mess soared passed The Jimmy V Scandal in degree of magnitude two years or so ago.

unc admins, in their own delightful fashion, keep dousing the fire with jet fuel...

ABCers expecting humble epiphanies from their personal OCFs are playing solitaire with decks of far fewer than 51. Humility 101 has NEVER appeared in a uncCH course catalogue…. and NEVER WILL.
Scott Dillon: Cheating exposed

Regarding the June 12 letter “unc remedies,”: The writer’s premise is laughable.

unc failed to detect a 17-year-long pattern of academic fraud benefiting athletes and the general student body. When it was discovered, it was first denied repeatedly, then corrections were made. Based on these corrections, it is the writer’s premise this fraud should go unpunished by the NCAA on the technicality that non-athletes also benefited from the no-show courses so it was not an athletic scandal.

The writer fails to consider the 3,000-plus students unc cheated out of a complete education or the schools that competed against unc on an uneven playing field both academically and athletically.

If the writer’s premise is correct and this is not an athletic scandal, then it is an academic scandal, and the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools should revoke unc’s academic accreditation for its failure to identify or address this problem for more than 17 years.


Rats deserting. Sylvia gonna take the hit for Roy...

Mark Armstrong ‏@ArmstrongABC11

Mavunga is now on the clock

Brandon Clay@BrandonClayPSB

BREAKING: North carolina So. Allisha Gray (GA) is leaving. She attended Washington Co. & is a former #EBAAllAmerican.

DevilDJ ‏@DevilDJ32

@ArmstrongABC11 Not that familiar with their roster. DeShields Washington Gray...others gone too?

Mark Armstrong‏@ArmstrongABC11

@DevilDJ32 those are the big three and then you can maybe toss Ivory Latta from the coaching staff on there too

New blog. Quotes yours truly too...;)

Tarheel Denial

Thoughts and views of the never-ending debacle in Chapel Hill, also known as the unc Academic Fraud fiasco.

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

And the crowd goes wild...

As SACS announced that unc would be given one year probation for the academic fraud that took place for almost a quarter of a century, it seemed minuscule. Realizing that was the worst penalty given without the loss of accreditation made me wonder if what unc had practiced as standard procedure for years was enough to get their accreditation card pulled. What I did realize was that many Tarheel fans considered this a victory. A victory, in the name of sports. Quoting Twitter user @DevilDJ32: "There was a time when unc would have been humiliated at hint of probation from SACS...or LOIC from @NCAA. No more. Speaks volumes." I couldn't have said it any better.
It's official. Pages 9 and 10. Hang a banner , holes. Lulz...

The Board continued the accreditation of the following institution and placed it on Probation:

The University of North carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, North carolina
For 12 months for failure to comply with Principle 1.1 (Integrity), Core
Requirement 2.7.2 (Program content), Comprehensive Standard 3.2.11 (Control
of intercollegiate athletics), Comprehensive Standard 3.4.9 (Academic support
services), Comprehensive Standard 3.7.4 (Academic freedom), Comprehensive
Standard 3.7.5 (Faculty role in governance), and Federal Requirement 4.7 (Title
IV program responsibilities) of the Principles of Accreditation. The Committee
authorized a Special Committee to visit the institution.
Punishment yet to arrive, but unc already feeling pain

It’s going to be months before the NCAA decides if and how it’s going to penalize North carolina for the academic fraud outlined in the Notice of Allegations released earlier this month. Even without official sanctions, the Tar Heels are already starting to pay the price.

Allisha Gray, the leading scorer on the women’s basketball team last season, was this week given permission to explore a transfer. Her reasoning was undisclosed, but the Notice of Allegations made it clear that whatever punishment North carolina faces, the women’s basketball program is going to bear the brunt of it.

If Gray indeed transfers, she’ll be the third member of North carolina’s 2013 recruiting class to leave the team, a class ranked No. 1 by ESPNW. National freshman of the year Diamond DeShields transferred to Tennessee in search of a better fit a year ago, and Jessica Washington left this spring seeking more playing time. Only Stephanie Mavunga is left.

Throw in assistant coach Ivory Latta, who recently left the staff to focus on her pro career, and the Carmichael Arena exit has gotten a workout. Their collective departures would gut a team that came within a game of the Final Four two years ago, reached the second weekend of the NCAA tournament this season and now faces what figure to be
very significant NCAA sanctions.

The NCAA has yet to drop the hammer, but women’s basketball is feeling the pain now – and that team is far from alone.

Women’s basketball is discovering now what the football and basketball teams have known for some time: Laboring under the threat and shadow of NCAA sanctions is almost as difficult as sanctions themselves.

Roy Williams this spring lamented his inability to get top prospects to visit the campus, let alone sign them, a staggering admission for a coach who at Kansas and North carolina routinely landed the best players in the country. Kinston’s Brandon Ingram, the state’s top-ranked player, said the threat of sanctions was a significant factor in choosing Duke over North carolina in April.

It was the latest recruiting miss for the Tar Heels, who don’t have a top-50 recruit for next season and only added a second commitment because he was released from his letter of intent to Virginia Commonwealth when Shaka Smart left. (Things are looking up for 2017, with top-10 prospect Jalek Felton already committed.)

Williams wasn’t named specifically in the Notice of Allegations, but the basketball program figured heavily in the supporting evidence, raising questions about what penalties it could face.

It’s something football has been dealing with since the first NCAA investigators arrived on campus five years ago, both explicitly and implicitly. Larry Fedora, after enduring the scholarship restrictions imposed by the initial NCAA sanctions three years ago, has continued to battle negative recruiting as the further investigation into widespread academic fraud has dragged on. “An all-time high,” Fedora said on signing day.

“It’s something that’s going to continue to happen until we get it all straightened out,” Fedora said

In Fedora’s first season, immediately after the sanctions were handed down, the Tar Heels missed out on a chance to play for the ACC championship in 2012 after going 8-4 because of the postseason ban imposed by the NCAA, a year after they declined to self-impose a ban. The program has yet to return to that level since, going 7-6 and 6-7 over the next two seasons.

No matter what the NCAA decides, there’s no question five years of scandal has taken a collective toll on North carolina’s athletic performance as the university’s failure to get to the bottom of the academic fraud in a timely fashion has allowed it to fester.

In the 2013-14 academic year, North carolina failed to win an ACC championship in any sport for the first time since ever. That may be mere coincidence. But as the NCAA process winds to its inevitable close, the Tar Heels already know what that punishment is going to feel like – except it’s probably going to be even worse.
Well , Roy IS used to lying. BTW , we've also "been hearing" those associated with unx say , "This will all be over by Friday," "MBB isn't mentioned in the NOA" and "This is all about rogue offenders and easy classes..."

Clint Jackson‏@clintjackson1

Roy Williams has been proactively talking with recruits about his expectations of the NCAA outcome. And we are hearing he is very confident

Redact EVERYTHING. #carolinaway...

In UNC documents, redactions shield innocuous information

Redactions were to be expected when UNC-Chapel Hill made public the 730 pages of exhibits the NCAA’s enforcement division used to build its notice of allegations against the university. But some of them shield information that wouldn’t appear to run afoul of state and federal privacy laws.

Take, for instance, an email between Janet Huffstetler, the longtime men’s basketball tutor, and Jennifer Townsend, who became the academic counselor for the team in 2009. Huffstetler appears to be missing the days when Dean Smith was coach. She makes reference to changes that took place when Roy Williams took over in 2003, replacing academic counselor Burgess McSwain with Wayne Walden, who followed Williams from Kansas.

“Jenn, for many years, (redacted) was very separate from the Academic Center. Burgess McSwain whom I’m sure you have heard of, kept it that way because Coach Smith wanted it that way. He wanted the (redacted) boys to remain separate and not get lumped in the ‘athlete label’ that I’m sure you have witnessed, often works against them. After Burgess got sick, Coach Williams came, Wayne came, they put (redacted) in the middle of the Academic Center…”

It’s a pretty safe bet the redacted words here are “basketball” or “BB” or “MBB.” It’s difficult to see how their removal satisfies a privacy concern.

Smith and his successor, former longtime assistant coach Bill Guthridge, kept the academic support for his team separate from the Academic Support Program for Student-Athletes. That meant McSwain, a close friend of Deborah Crowder, the former African studies department manager and architect of the fake classes, had academic oversight for men’s basketball. Former Coach Matt Doherty, who ran the team from 2000 to 2003, told investigators last year that Smith and Guthridge wanted him to keep it that way.

“As a result, the McSwain-Crowder pipeline continued to operate, and there were 42 enrollments of men’s basketball players in paper classes during Doherty’s tenure,” said an investigative report from former federal prosecutor Kenneth Wainstein.

Wainstein had included the same email in his supplemental material, and it has the same redactions.

UNC has also redacted dates and course numbers from numerous emails the NCAA has cited in its case. One email, for example, shows that former football academic counselor Cynthia Reynolds asked Crowder if an athlete is running up against the limit of 12 credit hours of independent studies. It was not among the documents released in Wainstein’s investigation.

“Do all these count towards the 12 hours?” Reynolds asked. “Can you eyeball it also to double check the total?”

It would be important to know if that email was sent prior to the 2006-07 academic year, when UNC officials clarified that independent studies were not the correspondence courses being offered out of the Friday Center and were subject to a 12-credit-hour limit for special studies. The university, in a letter to the commission that accredits UNC, said earlier this year that 2006-07 academic year was when the limit was first established for independent studies, and the NCAA’s notice of allegations appears to be accepting UNC’s position.

Wainstein found that Crowder and others at UNC had interpreted the university’s longstanding policy on “special studies” pertained to independent studies. Crowder began disguising her paper classes as lecture courses in 1999 so students didn’t run into that limit, Wainstein said. Many of those who exceeded it were athletes.

The N&O requested that UNC reconsider the redactions in the NCAA exhibits. UNC spokesman Rick White said the university wouldn’t.

“The redactions were done in accordance with federal and state law,” White said in an emailed response.

The NCAA’s notice also references roughly 30 interviews it conducted with former and current UNC employees involved in the case. UNC has access to transcripts of those interviews to help it prepare a response, and its attorney typically sits in on them and asks questions. UNC has described the case as a joint investigation between UNC and the NCAA.

But White said UNC could not release those transcripts.

“The University does not have custody of the materials you mentioned,” White said. “Counsel representing the University only has access to view those materials on a secure NCAA website.”

Check out this letter. Particularly the BOLDED part. unx is the FIRST?! Hang a banner...!

Alan Justus · Top Commenter

The University of National Cheaters will redact until the end of time any reference to the men's basketball team. They cannot allow the most important part of this university to be touched. It is sad that victories, championships, and banners in this now tarnished basketball program trump integrity and ethics. The powers that be in Chapel Hill (including administrators, deans, provost, chancellor, BOT, BOG) are willing to throw the academic reputation of unc under the bus to protect Dean Smith's legacy. Keep in mind they are the FIRST research university in HISTORY to be placed on probation by the SACS. Yet they still obfuscate, hide behind FERPA, and zip their lips when any cheating trail leads to Smith's storied MBB program. Sadly, the faculty at unc has allowed this scandal to occur by turning a blind eye to the cheating. Now they get what they deserve...a tarnished reputation throughout the nation. No longer is unc looked upon as elite and attracting the nation's best teachers and researchers. They are lumped right in with the slimy crowd that kidnapped this once fine and proud university. Enjoy those banners. They came at a high price.

My God. What a cesspool....
Another from the "COMMENTS" section. The plot sickens...

John Wolf

Found in FI250, the Undergraduate Bulletins from academic years relevant to the scandal.

Independent Studies
(Correspondence Courses)

In addition to the courses listed in this Bulletin, many undergraduate courses are available through Independent Studies (correspondence courses). The Independent Studies program allows students to enroll at any time, to work at their own pace, and to take up to nine months to complete a course.

Application for Independent Studies courses is made to the Office of Independent Studies, Friday Center, CB# 1020, telephone (919) 962-1134. Application forms and a complete catalog of course listings may be obtained from the same office.

A student may earn thirty semester hours of credit toward a degree at The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill through Independent Studies courses. Students found academically ineligible to continue in resident study at the University may restore their eligibility through Independent Studies courses. Students attending classes may not enroll in an Independent Studies course at the same time without the written consent of their deans.

Did ASPSA register the student athletes for the independent studies courses through the Friday Center? If so, how did ASPSA avoid the barricade that would have blocked on-campus students?

“Students attending classes may not enroll in an Independent Studies course at the same time without the written consent of their deans”

Can UNC produce the written consent from the students' deans? If not, does that mean on-campus student athletes had access to courses that were not accessible to on-campus non-athletes? Wouldn't this be an impermissible benefit?

Under the Special Studies description from the same Undergraduate Bulletin: "Variable amounts of credit up to six hours per semester and twelve hours total for graduation may be taken for;
graded credit"

If the university wants to call the classes Independent Studies to avoid the 12 hour limit that was in Special Studies description, they have issues with the need for permission for dual-enrolled students (on-campus students in correspondence courses). If the university wants to call the classes Special Studies, then they run afoul with the 12 hour credit limit.

UNC must choose their poison.
unx. Moving BEYOND the "Sports" pages. Any other school would crap themselves over these violations. unx just wants to spend millions to protect the legacy of a cheater and a few yards of cloth. #carolinaway...



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Accreditation Agency Places University of North carolina Under 1-Year Probation Over Academic Fraud Scandal

An accreditation agency evaluating colleges that receive federal funding has placed the University of North carolina on a one-year probation for its fraudulent practice. The group found that the institution failed to meet the seven key operating principles for its member universities, including academic support services, intercollegiate athletics control, integrity, and program content.

The Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACS-COC), an accreditation agency that evaluates colleges receiving federal funding, has placed the University of North carolina on a one-year probation on Thursday over its fraudulent practice. The Chapel Hill university nearly received the most harsh penalty, which would have blocked it from receiving federal money that includes student loan proceeds.

The SACS-COC board met in Portsmouth, Virginia and determined that the country's oldest public university failed to comply with the seven key operating principles for the member schools. Among the key principles are integrity, academic support services, intercollegiate athletics control, and program content. Commission President Belle Wheelan said the school would simply have to present more documents to prove their complience with these principles, The Associated Press reported.

The agency initially did not punish unc-CH, but moved to do so after discovering last fall the scope of artificially high grades and fake classes in one academic department. Investigation showed the fake African studies classes happened between 1993 and 2011, with half of the 3,100 students in these classes being student-athletes.

Wheelan said the board did not choose a punishment that would have resulted to the university's loss of federal funding partly because university chancellor Carol Folt and the administrators she brought it were not involved in the fraudulent practice. She said Folt - who took over in 2013 - and her team did "a lot of work to clean up the problem."

"But there's still these seven standards that the board felt they had not demonstrated compliance yet," Wheelan added.

Folt said in an interview that she never worried the university might lose accreditation or federal funds.

Kenneth Wainstein, formerly a U.S. Justice Department official, found in an October report that the classes in question did not meet. The report detailed how the university's academic counselors enrolled student-athletes in those classes, as well as how poor oversight caused the fraudulent practice remained unchecked for a long time.

"I did not think that would be a fair resolution," said Folt.

"They're asking us to show continued progress on all the reforms that were put in place," she added. "So we presented two years of data on a number of things and they want to see a third year, and I understand that."
Disclosure Statement Regarding the Status of THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH carolina AT CHAPEL HILL

Chapel Hill, North carolina

Issued June 18, 2015, by SACS Commission on Colleges

Why was The University of North carolina at Chapel Hill continued in accreditation and placed on Probation? unc-Chapel Hill was continued in accreditation and placed on Probation because the SACSCOC Board of Trustees determined that it had failed to demonstrate compliance with Principle 1.1 (Integrity), Comprehensive Standard 2.7.2 (Program content), Comprehensive Standard 3.2.11 (Control of intercollegiate athletics), Comprehensive Standard 3.4.9 (Academic support services), Comprehensive Standard 3.7.4 (Academic freedom), Comprehensive Standard 3.7.5 (Faculty role in governance), and Federal Requirement 4.7 (Title IV program responsibilities) of the Principles of Accreditation. The cited standards expect an accredited institution to provide evidence that it (1) operates with integrity in all matters, (2) has programs that embody a coherent course of study, (3) exercises appropriate administrative control over intercollegiate athletics, (4) provides appropriate academic support services for all students, (5) ensures that faculty understands the distinction between academic freedom and academic integrity, (6) ensures faculty understanding of responsibility for academic matters, and (7) complies with its program responsibilities under Title IV.
Yeah, it's a system wide failure. The Red Pill or the Blue Pill? I think we know who chose the blue one.


All is well at The Old Well. HOF Coach Roy Williams has signed a HOF contract extension and all is well.OFC
Phenomenal. Gurney takes it to the CHeats. Explains to a couple of the biggest tarhole apologist dolts on the planet WHY probation from SACS is a big fukking deal. Probation may not affect athletics but it gives potential students ( ones who , ya know , actually give 2 sheets about their education ) pause. Why consider an unaccredited school or a school at risk of losing accreditation or a school ( ala unx ) that's on probation? Good question. Gurney says the athletic integrity issues that SACS has with unx are "unheard of in higher education circles." Also reiterated that SACS felt "lied to" by unx. Despite the unx slobbering , Gurney ignored it and said that the COI will handle unx's offenses as "systematic fraudulent behaviour" that gave the holes a "competitive advantage." Took pains to say that unx is not only still in "hot water" but will suffer serious enough penalties that will affect the school "for years to come." Briefly touched on another related issue as well. Said other schools are watching. If NCAA "goes lightly" then Indy will "have problems." Gurney blew off any suggestion that the NCAA doesn't wanna get involved with academic issues. NCAA would shy away if this were only about a class or two. He described it as a "systematic process designed to keep athletes eligible." Said unx made a "science" out of it. IOW , it doesn't matter how the NCAA labels the violations. Call it "academic fraud" or call it "impermissible benefits." Either way the purpose was to cheat and Gurney says the holes will get punished accordingly. Here's hoping so...

Gurney: This is about academic fraud

Dr. Gerald Gurney, president of the Drake Group, an organization committed to academic integrity in college sports, joined Adam Gold to discuss the unc scandal and the problem of academics in big time athletics. Gurney said, "I expect that unc will receive a serious penalty that will affect them for many years to come."
Roy Williams contract extension, which brings stability, not a surprise at unc

But wait, some are saying as they read this: men's basketball was mentioned in the NOA. And yes, that's true. And yes, Wayne Walden, the former academic counselor for the men's basketball team who also worked with Williams at Kansas, is referenced more than a dozen times in the documentation supporting some of the allegations.

There is a distinction here, though, and it's important to understand the difference between being referenced in the NOA and being charged with an actual violation. Williams is not charged. Neither is his program. Neither is Walden, for that matter, or anyone else associated with men's basketball.

▪ $75,000 for APR score of 975 or higher.

Coulda high-lighted a bunch of this but wanted to address just these two. First of all , Carter plays the same word-games all hole supporters do when talking about who's "mentioned" and who's "charged" etc but I digress. The point is , unx redacted the life outta it so we're nowhere near knowing the full extent of Roy's ( or Walden's ) involvement. Carter failed to mention Huffstetler too. She has damn-near as many mentions as Wayne and she was Roy's too. The flagship turned over interview transcripts to the NCAA so the school can't be compelled to turn 'em over to comply with any FOIA requests. "Transparency" tarhole-style. Finally , what's Roy accepting the APR bonus for? He told us he knows bupkiss about his player's academics. He still takes the kick-back? #carolinaway
Adam Gold ‏@AGoldFan

Talking with @GeraldGurney1 re unc: SACS also felt they were lied to by unc earlier.

Adam Gold ‏@AGoldFan

Gerald Gurney, Pres. The Drake Group: No matter what you call it, this is about academic fraud. Was it a competitive advantage?

Adam Gold ‏@AGoldFan

Gurney: I think unc will struggle in the hearing to reach a compromise when it comes to explaining the academic fraud.

Adam Gold ‏@AGoldFan

Gurney: I expect that unc will receive a serious penalty that will effect them for many years to come.

Adam Gold ‏@AGoldFan

Gurney: The NCAA doesn't want to get into the business of judging individual courses of study, but in this case, it's far beyond that.

Adam Gold ‏@AGoldFan

Gurney: At unc, there was a systematic program designed to keep athletes eligible.

As usual , unx'ers are butthurt over Gurney's comments. Here's a sample and yet another reason ya can't have a reasonable convo about this with unx fans. Five years in and STILL they have no idea what's goin' on. "Two people." Ya believe this?! "Two people!" Unreal...

McKenzie S‏@Neck_Bone09

@AGoldFan and in what way is 2 people "systemic" but you know "drake group gonna drake group"
unx alum Bob Lee brutalizes Roy and his alma mater....

A Cardinal Sin and…. Roy’s Re-ward !!

OK…. you’ve labored thru all the above to see if I go ALLCAPS BALLISTIC re: Bubba Rewards Roy For Pulling Off His Plausible Deniability Scheme.

I think “It” is INCREDIBLY STOOPID and an insult to the intelligence of every living being on The Planet. unc has just “dropped trou” and mooned All Of Earth Beyond Franklin Street.

Why is anyone surprised? So far every major perp with their fingerprints and DNA all over The Scheme has been rewarded with Big Bucks – Dickie – Deborah – Jan – Julius. Being a co-conspirator in the biggest academic/athletic scandal in American History is the unc version of Win The Lottery. Heck. Would it be fair NOT to reward Roy?

Roy has no idea what “Plausible Deniability” is nor can he spell it; yet he has pulled it off soooo successfully. That has to be worth something, right? Huckleberry just kept doing his Bart Simpson impression…. AND, Damn, IT WORKED!

Roy should at least be given “a time out” and forced to stand in a corner with his nose in a circle for an hour ….. at least. Instead he is given a contract extension and MORE MONEY!

Whats next? Will unc bail Bernie Madoof outta prison and name him Dean of Kenan-Flagler Business School? Makes about as much sense.

I’m surprised “they” didn’t bring back “Dickie” to announce this FUBAR along with Rashad McCants and Kevin Madden.

Roy Williams is (1) a Hall-of-Fame Coach and either (2) a Crook or (3) a Fool. Two of those three or maybe all three. Neither should merit such an AttaBoyRoy Reward. Whats next America? Joe Biden as Vice President? Oops, bad example.

Kim Kardashian makes a Top Five Most Admired Women list….. and Roy gets a Big Ol’ Re-ward. When does it start raining frogs?

Bubba is the front man that is uttering the unbelievable banalities to a disbelieving media while not giggling, but it can NOT have been A 100% Bubba Call. No way. I’d like to hang this on “Carol From Dartmouth” but it’s well above her “have-a-clue” level. I smell me some Fat Rams behind this.

I don’t have any names but I definitely smell me some Braggin’ Rights-lovin’ Fat Cat Rams behind this Steamin’ Pile of Stoopid.

If I’m Sylvia Hatchell and I get thrown under the bus; I do believe I might NOT “turn the other cheek” and politely say “Thank you sir, may I have another?” I believe I’d open a bank account “in the Caymans” and I would tell The BOT and every Fat Ram I know to transfer A LOT of Hush Money really really quickly.

Yes, I do believe I would do that if I were Coach Hatchell….. wouldn’t you?
Gawd. Shut it down already. Seriously. Just shut it the F down. more thing...Fedora's a scumbag too...


Some good comments here...

Jay Smith ‏@jaysmith711

Roy extended but Sylvia prepped for the chopping block? Deal with this fact: the 2005 men's team took well over 100 paper classes. WELL OVER

Jay Smith ‏@jaysmith711

@jaysmith711 Players from 2005 men's BB team continued taking paper classes after championship year. Roy gets rewarded for...what?

Jay Smith ‏@jaysmith711

@vwjfos "put in place" for whose benefit? You live in a land of willful self-delusion.
Gerald Gurney@GeraldGurney1

@jaysmith711 it's all about recruiting and assuring prospects that Roy will be at unc.

If you had a nickel for every minute Roy Williams worried about “clustering”, you couldn’t make change for a quarter. Just another buzzword that Steve Kirschner whispered in his ear.

- Bob Lee

Certainly confirms what Gerald Gurney said in his interview this week. Other schools ARE watching what the NCAA does with unx...

North carolina's rewarding of Roy Williams has a whiff about it ... and it's not the smell of posies

With the news wafting from North carolina that Roy Williams, who's learned the value of looking to the left when trouble brews on the right, has been given both more money and added security by his superiors, it's possible that Old Testament scholars will invite us to repent.

Because the end of the world may be nigh. Or, at least, we could be in for a few plagues.

It's right there in Leviticus or Deuteronomy or maybe Ecclesiastes: When the man in charge of a basketball program gets a pay raise and a contract extension after allowing, through benign neglect, his players to claim bogus grades in phantom courses … well, take cover because here come the locusts.

There's a single word for unc's tone-deaf response to the much-discussed academic scandal in front of it. And that single word is: Really?

Down there in Chapel Hill, where winning games is apparently at least as important on campus as the school's stated allegiance to higher learning, the answer seems to be: Yes, really.

Now, none of us sitting here in Central New York could possibly have a grasp of all the particulars of this latest impropriety on the collegiate sporting scene. But experience does tell us that if something looks like a pile of equine fertilizer and smells like a pile of equine fertilizer, it quite likely is a pile of equine fertilizer.

And this carolina mess? It passes neither the eye nor nose test.

Basically, Williams — who is 332-101 in his 12 seasons as the Tar Heels' keeper (and 750-202 in 27 campaigns overall) — has declared that, by jiminy, if he'd known that his guys were cutting corners and getting credit for work not done in classes not convened, he'd have done something about it. Because, gosh darn it, moral cleanliness is next to godliness and he's been forever partial to fistfuls of posies.

Robert Ripley and his peeps have always reminded us that we can choose to believe whatever and whomever we choose to believe. And that would include Roy Williams — now guaranteed a bonus of $925,000 if unc wins another NCAA Tournament on his watch — who has all but said that it's too much to ask of him to keep academic tabs on those 15 scholarship student-(ahem)-athletes in his charge.

Instructively, his bosses seem to agree. Indeed, even though the NCAA just hit the North carolina athletic program with five Level I violations, they've opted to dig deep and keep Williams, who'll be 65 later this summer, on the books (at a hefty wage) through 2020.

Which only makes you wonder how valuable the man, a university employee, might be if he championed schoolwork (as opposed to eligibility) as much as he did rebounding.

What was it that Bear Bryant said? Oh, yes, folks can't rally 'round a math class, which is an operating philosophy those carolina people do embrace. But, gee, it wouldn't hurt the Tar Heels to, you know, attend one every so often … would it?
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