Thanks DevilDJ for always keeping us updated. I won't be satisfied with the sanctions unless at least one banner comes down and there is at least one postseason ban. I would rather see 2 or 3 banners removed and multiple postseason bans.
Thanks DevilDJ for always keeping us updated. I won't be satisfied with the sanctions unless at least one banner comes down and there is at least one postseason ban. I would rather see 2 or 3 banners removed and multiple postseason bans.
LOL show. I never get tired of your post and can't wait to see what you have to say next. I'd love to have you living next door. OFCThe hammer is hovering. Seventh Woods is right in it's path. Run son! Don't get squished ! LOL!
Coaching the Mind @BethelLearning
Jay Smith and Public Records …
Tal Link @talunc
@BethelLearning funny & hypocritical that Smith thinks his email should be protected when everyone else's should be public record @yibyabby
B. Martin @yibyabby
@talunc You're misunderstanding @BethelLearning in interpretating that @jaysmith711 thinks his emails should be protected.
Tal Link @talunc
@yibyabby @BethelLearning @jaysmith711 he has said that his email were protected esp those associated with ARG
B. Martin @yibyabby
@talunc That blog entry doesn't support the stmt you tweeted previously. But @BethelLearning favoriting your tweet suggests he disagrees.
Coaching the Mind @BethelLearning
@yibyabby No, but Smith's requesting those emails after arguing emails unrelated to job function should be protected is hypocritical.
B. Martin @yibyabby
@BethelLearning Are you suggesting Dr. Smith has had a hand in blocking or delaying fulfillment of your public records request?
B. Martin @yibyabby
@BethelLearning @jaysmith711 I see what's going on now. This is more than just Twitter and blog brick bats. Hugh Stevens is on the case.
Jay Smith@jaysmith711
@yibyabby @BethelLearning Boosters have been behind BB's campaign for a very long time.
B. Martin @yibyabby
@jaysmith711 Having boosters behind him is one thing; but having Stevens and Huffman angling in his corner...beyond games of rhetoric.
Tal Link @talunc
@yibyabby @jaysmith711 maybe it's finally time both sides get a say?
B. Martin @yibyabby
@talunc @jaysmith711 By all means, have a say; but I think it's past time for all sides (& there are more than 2) to engage with decorum.
Tal Link @talunc
@yibyabby @jaysmith711 start with professor smith- it would be s first for him
Coaching the Mind @BethelLearning
@yibyabby @jaysmith711 Smith & Willingham have had Michael Hausfeld in their corner since before I started blogging.
B. Martin @yibyabby
@BethelLearning I wasn't criticizing. I just hadn't realized you'd been working with them as counsel.
Dave @heel9091
@jaysmith711 @yibyabby @BethelLearning BB's supporters aren't angling for a percentage of damages. BB's not their puppet. BB's not for sale.
I included the entire exchange ( for now anyway ) but I just wanna comment on 2 things. First of all "@talunc" is certifiable. He's as bad as any number of tarhole apologists on social media. There's some who are as crazy as he is but none moreso. Also , the last tweet. The one about B-Rad not "angling' for anything. B-Rad's obviously "for sale." His price , I'm guessing , is money and a chance to pursue his pipe-dream of being a filmmaker. "Notoriety" and other factors are part of it but the first two are undoubtedly his price. Also , he IS the "puppet" of unx boosters and those boosters are "angling" for much more than any percentage they could ever pay 'im. They're "angling" for banners , wins , what's left of unx's shredded rep and the future of unx's basketball in particular. Some other things too. Hypothetically speaking , if unx was given the judgement they deserve , a ton of people stand to lose their careers. Never mind Roy and those directly related to athletics. Any professors , administrators , tutors , "learning specialists" , whatever would likely get canned if the pervasiveness of the scandal were revealed. unx can't put a price on any of that so this notion that B-Rad and/or the boosters aren't "angling" for anything is a lie. Jus' sayin.'
Does this guy even KNOW how much of a tool he is? Gawd! B-Rad...