Props to Roy Williams and UNC for the Ceremony


Devils Illustrated Hall of Famer
Nov 16, 2009
I know we have the other ceremony thread, but this one is to show appreciation for the people who honored Coach K. I thought it was a terrific gesture on the part of Roy, and UNC to acknowledge K's 1000th win. I love to poke at Roy, and Carolina, but I give credit where it's due. I don't think Roy and K have always been overly friendly to each other, but they've grown closer... due in large part to Dean. I enjoyed seeing these 2 legends and programs show mutual respect for one another by this ceremony, and the one for Dean at Cameron. Thanks Roy, and UNC.


Yes. It was a classy move by UNC. I expected the fans to boo, but the cheers were loud. Kudos to UNC.
I was also happy to see the fans clap when Tyus got up off the floor. I was cringing a little because I thought they were going to mock him or boo, but they were very classy. Glad to see there is still some mutual respect among the fans.

This post was edited on 3/8 8:56 AM by HeLooks2MuchLikeDave
Very kind of UNC nation to do this. I bet Coach K never thought anything like this would happen. Perhaps DI and THR
can get together for a week end of respect and honor each other. Really just kidding about that
K was really touched by this. you could tell.

when your fiercest and most hated rival acknowledges your accomplishments....

its very special. very.
What is sad is that many of us (me included) start comparing all unc fans to THR. I have unc fans as friends that are cool. One has read every book of Coach Ks. And loves him. There are a lot of good and crazy fans from both sides. Just more from unc. Lol

This post was edited on 3/8 12:55 PM by kailman
This was very special. Although, I will say that when they went with the camera shot over the student sections many were not clapping. I still say it was a 30%-40% audience genuinely behind the ceremony. Which I will take! I thought it was a classy move on the part of Roy and company. And yes, I think K was very moved and appreciative of the gesture.
Originally posted by bleediteveryday30:
This was very special. Although, I will say that when they went with the camera shot over the student sections many were not clapping. I still say it was a 30%-40% audience genuinely behind the ceremony. Which I will take! I thought it was a classy move on the part of Roy and company. And yes, I think K was very moved and appreciative of the gesture.
In their defense, they generally do not care anyways...
Originally posted by kwyjibos13:

Originally posted by bleediteveryday30:
This was very special. Although, I will say that when they went with the camera shot over the student sections many were not clapping. I still say it was a 30%-40% audience genuinely behind the ceremony. Which I will take! I thought it was a classy move on the part of Roy and company. And yes, I think K was very moved and appreciative of the gesture.
In their defense, they generally do not care anyways...
Probably so.
This appears to take place during a commercial break. Hole Bomani Jones whines about the Coach K pre-game presentation. Drops a couple of "F bombs" too...

I know a lot of carolina fans and some are normal and cool
But quite a few are complete jerks when it comes to basketball and it's impossible to talk to them after a duke loss or after a duke carolina game either way. It's that bad THR reminds me of them so much. I know kentucky fans too and all I know are actually a lot better then the people on RR tho

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