I listen to sports radio talk shows while I'm driving and one show seems to irritate me a lot. It is called "The Drive" and I listen to it on 104.5 F.M here in the Piedmont area of N.C. The main host claims he is not pro unc cheater u but I beg to differ. His co-host admits to being a cheater fan though. These guys to me are always knocking Duke and Coach K while praising the cheaters. Today they decided to do a take off on college players being paid for their likeness and endorsements. The 1st one I heard was a shot at NCSU's Dennis Smith and his issues. Then they ask for call ins. The 1st guy who was obviously a cheater fan did take off on Zion with the caller being Zion endorsing a weight loss product. The 2nd also a cheater fan did one on RJ Barrett endorsing a hair color product and the host added Coach K could be a part of it. These are the only three I heard. There were more I'm sure and may have used athletes at other schools including unc cheater u. I never could get the phone number to call in. I wanted to call in and say "This is pj hairston. Need a luxury rental car at a great price. Call me or Fats at 222-222-2222. We also have great prices on hand guns and other weapons." Guys am I over reacting here? Does anyone else listen to the drive and do you get the same vibs. The main host is constantly praising mack brown saying mack brown should be ACC coach of the year over Satterfield at Louisville . Louisville was picked to come in last in their conference division. It really doesn't matter though. I listen to it mainly because I just don't like to change stations. OFC