Fellow Braves Fans.....

Hope they sign joc. By most accounts he was a huge benefit in the locker room his energy and enthusiasm contagious. It may wear thin after a while but hope he’s around for another year or two. As for ozuna I hope he gets another chance somewhere but not in the atl
Did you see the interview with Joc's brother Champ? Such a sweet moment to have his brother with him there to experience that.
I've loved watching the reaction to the bus boy at my favorite restaurant. He is a huge Braves fan so he wore a pearl necklace to work. The beautiful hostess now thinks that he is gay, so she talks to him. A week ago, she completely ignored him.
This thread needs to be archived for all time. Just ran it back from page 1 and it's surreal how the division chase through the playoff run came to be. A team that will never be topped in my book despite all the odds!! WE ARE FOREVER THE 2021 WORLD SERIES CHAMPIONS!!!!
This thread needs to be archived for all time. Just ran it back from page 1 and it's surreal how the division chase through the playoff run came to be. A team that will never be topped in my book despite all the odds!! WE ARE FOREVER THE 2021 WORLD SERIES CHAMPIONS!!!!
Yup. Awesome thread from beg to end
Freddie turned down the initial offer of 5 years $135 million. The front office better not screw this up. I say offer 6 years at $160 million with an option for two more at around $20 million a piece. That gets him what he wants.
I hope it gets done this week; call me old fashioned but the less us 99% of the world have to hear numbers like this the better Not hating love Freddie. I guess I’ll never get used to what athletes are making, some of them anyway
What they offered him was a slap in the face …knowing he wasn’t going to take that…idiots treating someone like an idiot …let’s see what happens!
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So now, to 90 % of the public, Freddie looks greedy…. (Bad) The other 10% know you don’t play games with the face of the franchise when everybody wants him back after winning it all. Stupid….
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They are fools if they let him walk. They should match the highest bidder. If they do that he will be back. OFC
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I have my doubts… IF an organization tried to treat me like an idiot and make me look bad after all the blood sweat and tears I put in to win a championship. I’d be salty
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They are fools if they let him walk. They should match the highest bidder. If they do that he willbe back. OFC
If it was me after would have to be real good in ATL for me to take the same pay after lowballing me lol. It’s a lot of money to turn down in the first place to US. But to them it be like us taking 15$ an hour instead of 20. Something like that. You know your worth. They know theirs. Everybody’s out for themself!
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They are fools if they let him walk. They should match the highest bidder. If they do that he willbe back. OFC
If it was me after would have to be real good in ATL for me to take the same pay after lowballing me lol. It’s a lot of money to turn down in the first place to US. But to them it be like us taking 15$ an hour instead of 20. Something like that. You know your worth. They know theirs. Everybody’s out for themself!
The team starts out low. The player starts out high and eventually hopefully they meet in the middle I doubt Freddie butt hurt over it just the way the game played
I say 6 years at $150-$160 million is probably around to what he ends up with. I would be SHOCKED if he doesn't sign with the Braves.
Hope you’re right. That seems to be the consensus view. Generational wealth like this I’d hope a lot of guys aren’t just thinking about more cars that cost as much as our houses or buying islands but what they can leave their kids and grandkids and what they can do to help the less fortunate
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Hope you’re right. That seems to be the consensus view. Generational wealth like this I’d hope a lot of guys aren’t just thinking about more cars that cost as much as our houses or buying islands but what they can leave their kids and grandkids and what they can do to help the less fortunate
That said, it’s not really my business what anyone does with their own $
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Is that the reserve Catcher? I was surprised. Thought that the Braves would bring up one of the AAA prospects

I hope that the Braves and Freeman reach a deal.

With that said, I think that the maximum contract length in pro sports should be four years. The Braves should overpay for past performances and the World Series, but I hate to say that I agree with the Braves that overpaying for six years is too much
Freeman has a fascinating swing. It's not a " level " swing. He appears to rely even more than other elite players upon magnificent timing. I fear that his decline will be steep.

He's done so much for the franchise that he definitely deserves a huge payday. I've read that he's been offered $140 million for five years by the Braves. That's fair, perhaps a little low. I would rather overpay for three years still in his prime. Perhaps $110 million for three years. If he turns that down, give him a big hug and thank him for everything
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If Freddie leaves I will still support regardless of destination. Even the Dodgers. He delivered a Banner. Mission accomplished. Hope he goes to NYY if forced to choose. They haven't won in a while, it would add to his legacy.
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I can't stomach the thought of him in LA or NY. I'll always love Freddie though. No matter what. If he leaves this is on AA and the front office.
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If Freddie leaves I will still support regardless of destination. Even the Dodgers. He delivered a Banner. Mission accomplished. Hope he goes to NYY if forced to choose. They haven't won in a while, it would add to his legacy.
The Yankees or the Dodgers? And you’re “fine with it”. You’ve gotta be sh—n me