We're in a pretty good spot all things considered. To only be down two when you don't make a FG for almost 10 minutes is fortunate.

Here's to a strong start in the second half and taking back some of that momentum.
The kick heard round the world! He should be incarcerated!
We finally righted the ship. I don't know why Jay kept insisting that foul on Justise was a flagrant.

I like Bilas but getting worked up about the kick was excessive
I think we're alright! Always have these swings against them it seems and we should finish strong! Let's go!
Pretty putrid first half all things considered for us on offense, so it's somewhat comforting that we will certainly shoot better next half. Our defense needs a really good half here and we HAVE to protect the ball.
Not sure why Allen does not play more than M.Jones...he seems like a better athlete and defender and better on the Offensive end - our depth is a real weakness and shows when we bring Plumley and Jefferson in. I'd like to play Amile at horse...we could just shoot FT's....
Oak has been off, don't get it. Just not aggressive enough. Is he afraid to go to the line? I'm fine with where we are tonight but Oak has gotta get hungry 2nd half and here on out!!!! They all matter now, no excuse for "sluggish"
We could easily be down 12 right now. Time for adjustments.

Thankful those holes aren't good enough to take advantage of a horrible 10 minutes by Duke.

2 point game, practically a fresh start for the 2nd half. Go Duke!
I mute the sound instead of listening to Bials.
I wish he would jusypt announce the game instead of trying to sound like he is the smartest guy in the room.
Bilas nailed it when he said Okafor is too slow to make a move- he is 1 on 1 but waits for the double to come...a quick move and he may get to the basket. Maybe the fear of being on the FT line is a factor.
Originally posted by Kobe #1:
It's tough to listen to Bilas, he is so worried about being biased he sounds like a homer! It sucks having him call our games
If I never have to listen to Jay Bilas again it might be too soon. Like ACC said I think he must have UNC bloomers on. But he does know everything doesn't he? Just ask him.

This post was edited on 3/7 10:10 PM by gottagonow
I can't believe that Winslow, one primetime national television, would go into the lane with a ninja dragon flying kick to a UNC player like that.
Carolina is tuned in for this one. They are very physical and having their way on the boards. Sure would like to see a little more penetration by the guards. Winslow is having moments of holding back and passing up a couple of shots? Not like him.
We are really in pretty good shape considering the scoring drought. Think we will be more physical in the second half. Jah too hesitant when he gets the ball. Guards to the hole!!! Get a grip on Paige!!
Go Duke!!

Jefferson's long arms don't do jack s*** for him when he drags them on the floor. Whatever happened to hands in the air on defense. Okay, I am done bitching, go Duke!
Yeah, it's pretty bad, it is pathetic if you ask me, just call the game like it was any other
Jah is playing himself out of the POY race... He needs to get the ball and make a move. Don't even bother putting it on the floor.

Anybody else notice how often Justise will get the ball low and put it on the floor? It's like every time and people always get the steal... maddening!!
Posted from Rivals Mobile
I am shocked they didn't call that a flagrant foul on Winslow. Definitely should have been. But when Duke pays the refs, they get away with everything.
Carolina brought it fellas. Duke played Avg, Holes played great. Our shots didn't fall theirs did. Law of averages tell me Duke is just fine
Justise earns yet another James Harden comparison!!

I like him but this dirty play crap needs to stop, it's classless.
Originally posted by WI#1Dukie22:
Carolina brought it fellas. Duke played Avg, Holes played great. Our shots didn't fall theirs did. Law of averages tell me Duke is just fine
I like this reasoning, and I agree. These games make me nervous, I need all the help I can get.
Well at least tarhole fans won't be whining about the refs this time. Oh wait, yes they will.
There we go Justise.. That's the play we need, man.
Brice Johnson didn't think he fouled, you could tell by the death scream!

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