Originally posted by OldasdirtDevil:
Originally posted by skysdad:

Originally posted by OldasdirtDevil:

Originally posted by GTHC, GTH!:

Originally posted by OldasdirtDevil:

Originally posted by GTHC, GTH!:

Remember, the text code is Keep Open Windows Near Sidewalk Right Outside Yard. This way I know the opening is ready for infiltration. I will then have the rouge clock operator in place for movement.

This post was edited on 3/7 3:54 PM by GTHC, GTH!

This post was edited on 3/7 4:00 PM by GTHC, GTH!
Roger that, GTHC.


Roger. I have the RCO in position. I have been assured of at least 4 extra time outs late in the game. He is also a relative of one of the refs. The game has been secured. Let me know when Operation $%&^ Carolina has completed.

Be careful, Roy is on to us. If he shows up, don't spill the beans, just take your cyanide capsule...or better yet slip it in Roy's Coke. I hope Sky is listening, if they find you, and me, then you know they'll know where the ring leader is at.

I'm in hiding. I'm scared and nervous. I have no idea how they found out about all this. I'm afraid we are not going to get the benefit of the officials tonight. I was also told that we were not the only people who had money from one arrogant official and from now on the games would be decided by silent bids. I afraid to say this but with the magnitude of their fan base I don't think we are going to be able to compete. Thy have at least a gazillion fans and that could mean 10's of thousands of dollars.It doesn't look good. I'm ashamed to say this but I think maybe one of our own has been a little too free with his information and has let the cat out of the bag. (GTHC GTH) Any suggestions?
Don't worry, Sky, make it to the UNC AFAM classroom and you'll be just fine. No one will ever find you there.

That won't work. They don't actually have a classroom designated for AFAM.
^Dang, GTHC, you keep shooting holes in my plans! Well, Sky, head on down to Roy's drug house for wayward Heels. No one will notice you there...they'll all be too stoned!

Originally posted by GTHC, GTH!:

Originally posted by OldasdirtDevil:
Originally posted by skysdad:

Originally posted by OldasdirtDevil:

Originally posted by GTHC, GTH!:

Originally posted by OldasdirtDevil:

Originally posted by GTHC, GTH!:

Remember, the text code is Keep Open Windows Near Sidewalk Right Outside Yard. This way I know the opening is ready for infiltration. I will then have the rouge clock operator in place for movement.

This post was edited on 3/7 3:54 PM by GTHC, GTH!

This post was edited on 3/7 4:00 PM by GTHC, GTH!
Roger that, GTHC.


Roger. I have the RCO in position. I have been assured of at least 4 extra time outs late in the game. He is also a relative of one of the refs. The game has been secured. Let me know when Operation $%&^ Carolina has completed.

Be careful, Roy is on to us. If he shows up, don't spill the beans, just take your cyanide capsule...or better yet slip it in Roy's Coke. I hope Sky is listening, if they find you, and me, then you know they'll know where the ring leader is at.

I'm in hiding. I'm scared and nervous. I have no idea how they found out about all this. I'm afraid we are not going to get the benefit of the officials tonight. I was also told that we were not the only people who had money from one arrogant official and from now on the games would be decided by silent bids. I afraid to say this but with the magnitude of their fan base I don't think we are going to be able to compete. Thy have at least a gazillion fans and that could mean 10's of thousands of dollars.It doesn't look good. I'm ashamed to say this but I think maybe one of our own has been a little too free with his information and has let the cat out of the bag. (GTHC GTH) Any suggestions?
Don't worry, Sky, make it to the UNC AFAM classroom and you'll be just fine. No one will ever find you there.

That won't work. They don't actually have a classroom designated for AFAM.
Side bar here but by any chance are your initials M.W.?
They are not M.W. Though I think I know of whom you speak. And she is our most important informant.
Originally posted by GTHC, GTH!:
They are not M.W. Though I think I know of whom you speak. And she is our most important informant.
No I was thinking of a guy named Mike Walker who was a co-worker about 40 years ago. He was from Roxboro one of the few Duke fans from there. He said Roxboro was full of Tar Heel fans. We worked together in an office full of UNC fans. He would be in his mid 60's about now. What a guy and great Duke fan. OFC
Originally posted by DiehardDukeFan4Life:
I'm hoping that it doesn't come down to a nail biter and we win by more than 2
I don't think my nerves can take another game like that. lol

^This. Ole' Roy wants this one bad, and our guys need to stay consistent. Big game for us going into Tourney play for confidence. Don't have a good feeling about this one, but I also have not picked against Duke this year, and I cannot pick against them now! Duke is the better team, but we all know about this series. Probably another "white knuckler"!
Go Duke!!

Originally posted by skysdad:
Originally posted by GTHC, GTH!:
They are not M.W. Though I think I know of whom you speak. And she is our most important informant.
No I was thinking of a guy named Mike Walker who was a co-worker about 40 years ago. He was from Roxboro one of the few Duke fans from there. He said Roxboro was full of Tar Heel fans. We worked together in an office full of UNC fans. He would be in his mid 60's about now. What a guy and great Duke fan. OFC
Oh. Yeah I'm 37. My name is Chris. And Roxboro is full of UNC fans, but there are Duke fans. I try to get the word out so they don't have to worry about burning in Hades when they die. Hopefully, they will see the light. I try to save as many souls as possible.
Just an FYI:

UL winning and guaranteeing that UNC doesn't get a double-bye is actually a good thing for UNC and everyone at THR was hoping for it to happen that way. They will do better with a "warm up game."
Meeks is sweating like he just finished 5 Big Macs in 10 minutes.
So Bilas says that this game never fails to meet the hype. Especially when its 82-50.
Nice recognition of Coach K's 1000 wins by UNC. But now on to the one cheer the fans know.
Free throws are going to be huge. We're 5-8 to start. Have to be better than that.

Knock these down Quinn.
All the years that that Duke/Wake game put back on my life, I think this game may cancel that out.
Oak isn't getting enough touches, nothing but good comes from Oak getting touches.
I'll never understand a 9 min scoring drought with the best center in basketball on your team. That's just awful.
Remember last year when Duke went 8 minutes without scoring at the dean dome. Remember how that game went?

Have only made 1 of our last 17 shots..... lord help us.
No worries...... Yet......... Just need a few to fall. We tend to finish halves strong. Next 3 mins wil be telling. Hang around and will be fine.
In good shape considering no pts for ten minutes
It's tough to listen to Bilas, he is so worried about being biased he sounds like a homer! It sucks having him call our games
Can we just stay in the zone? And did jay wear his Carolina panties tonight?

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