Covid--contingency plans


All American
Mar 29, 2010
Seeing what's happening in other sports... I'm starting to get concerned.

It's possible this season could get derailed, which would suck beyond description for obvious reasons.

Should the NCAA be discussing contingency plans? What say you gents?
Seeing what's happening in other sports... I'm starting to get concerned.

It's possible this season could get derailed, which would suck beyond description for obvious reasons.

Should the NCAA be discussing contingency plans? What say you gents?
The conference season is going to be disrupted imo. This virus has become easily spread, with the vaccine possibly helping facilitate spread. Yes it’s less lethal now but groups are acting like it kills quickly and often. Going to be a weird next 6 months....
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At the beginning of the season I thought I read that if a game is cancelled by a team it is considered a forfeit and will not be made up.
I say let it play out I’m so sick of hearing about this virus already that’s all that is talked about.
The conference season is going to be disrupted imo. This virus has become easily spread, with the vaccine possibly helping facilitate spread. Yes it’s less lethal now but groups are acting like it kills quickly and often. Going to be a weird next 6 months....
Vaccine possibly helping facilitate spread? 😂😂😂
At some point you gotta let it go if they have no symptoms. IMO, Covid is going to be around a long time and will probably be a seasonal thing. Are we going to stop every time there's an outbreak or new "variant"?
That’s their plan. Sadly, it works. When you see people driving down the road alone wearing a mask, or a mom in a grocery store with her kids and they’re all wearing masks, that says it’s working.

Bottom line is, we’ve been severely played by people we are supposed to be able to trust.
Watching Duke on tv is pathetic. Coaches and players no masks, yet the managers behind the bench and the fans all wearing them.

What a sh%# show.
Yes, see Vermont, Gibraltar, Israel, Singapore....shall I go on? It’s becoming a more plausible hypothesis by the day. Don’t post dumb replies without clinically refuting my post. Thanks 🤦🏻‍♂️

Yes you could go on and on and that doesn’t support your statement as a “ plausible hypothesis ” at all 😂 I’m not sure what Facebook post you got this information from but no.
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To quote Darth Vader
I really couldn't handle another season cancelled.
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Yes you could go on and on and that doesn’t support your statement as a “ plausible hypothesis ” at all 😂 I’m not sure what Facebook post you got this information from but no.
I got that information from various official sources like CDC, you clinically challenged dolt. let’s just look at 2 of top 3 most vaccinated states per capita: Maine shattered their record high in covid cases today, Vermont shattered theirs less than a week ago (per Google/CDC). Here you can see the top vaxxed states in America, if you can afford it:

When Israel was touting record vaxxed percentages, they immediately went through a spike of epic proportions. They’ve flattened out now, and with booster push coming more strongly there let’s watch their pattern.

Perhaps you can share why it’s a good idea to vaccinate during a sars outbreak? Perhaps you can explain why the vaccinated are still getting covid? Why in specific subset of patients (NFL for example) there are more cases now than ever all while the jabs have been mandated?

I appreciate the subjective reply though. You fell for the bait, congrats. Come back when you have a leg to stand on 😂
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For the most part, they (the power players, politicians, political doctors...) need to quit talking about it.

It's worse now according to the experts, yet more are vaccinated. Someone logically explain that one.
only 60% of Americans are vaccinated. The new variants are forming in the unvaccinated who offer no protection. So this isn’t going anywhere until the other 40% decide to get vaccinated and not talking about it isn’t going to make it disappear either.
I just saw this am , from duke, that of the hospitalizations there, 90 some % that are in ICU are unvaxxed. !00% of those on ventilators are unvaxxed.
only 60% of Americans are vaccinated. The new variants are forming in the unvaccinated who offer no protection. So this isn’t going anywhere until the other 40% decide to get vaccinated and not talking about it isn’t going to make it disappear either.
Can you still get Covid when vaccinated? Yes

Can you still spread Covid when vaccinated?

Can you still get Covid after the booster?

Can you still spread Covid after the booster?

If you’ve had Covid will you get it again? 99.999% - NO.

Do you have a much higher risk of myocarditis if you’re a young healthy male after taking the vaccine? YES.

Athletes, people, in the prime physical shape of their lives are not at risk from Covid. Doesn’t mean you can’t get it, but you are at virtually zero risk of any serious illness.

Your talking points of this being a pandemic of the unvaccinated are not only out of date and proven false, but it’s scary we still think this way. If you want to get vaccinated and take booster shots until kingdom come, knock yourself out. If you’re taking them and still think it’s someone who isn’t vaccinated s fault that you get it, that’s just some warped illogical thinking.
I just saw this am , from duke, that of the hospitalizations there, 90 some % that are in ICU are unvaxxed. !00% of those on ventilators are unvaxxed.
This is saying something with actually very little true info given. The rest of the story is that, from an expert in this area, Dr Peter McCullough, almost all hospitals have no protocol in place to treat the sick. And by time they get to a room, the patient is too far gone. 85% of the deaths could have been prevented. His words, not mine. For the record, he isn’t for or against vaccines

This has been a failure of massive proportions. Being unvaccinated isn’t the problem, it’s being obese, health issues, or the elderly that are at risk.

Some of you guys need to educate yourselves a lot better. The msm, and local news, have an agenda, and our health isn’t the real top priority.

In no way am I saying the frontline workers have an agenda, but they have been given a spoon to fight a war, when they should have been given a gun.

It’s like watching Duke play. They are up 10 with 5 minutes left, and the other team goes on a 20-0 run. Would we be happy if K waited to call a timeout after the other team was now up 10? That’s almost how those with Covid have been treated.
Can you still get Covid when vaccinated? Yes

Can you still spread Covid when vaccinated?

Can you still get Covid after the booster?

Can you still spread Covid after the booster?

If you’ve had Covid will you get it again? 99.999% - NO.

Do you have a much higher risk of myocarditis if you’re a young healthy male after taking the vaccine? YES.

Athletes, people, in the prime physical shape of their lives are not at risk from Covid. Doesn’t mean you can’t get it, but you are at virtually zero risk of any serious illness.

Your talking points of this being a pandemic of the unvaccinated are not only out of date and proven false, but it’s scary we still think this way. If you want to get vaccinated and take booster shots until kingdom come, knock yourself out. If you’re taking them and still think it’s someone who isn’t vaccinated s fault that you get it, that’s just some warped illogical thinking.
My brother is a detective with the sheriff's department. He and 16 other officers caught covid over the summer. 3 were hospitalized, including my brother and a Captain died from it. Every one of them were fully vaccinated. That part never made the news. But whenever an unvaccinated person dies from it, you bet your sweet ass it is mentioned that they were not vaccinated. Our friend is a nurse, she worked with covid patients for over a year without being vaccinated, never got sick. A month after her second shot (that was mandated by the hospital) she got sick with covid. Many doctors, the same. Our head prosecutor and 3 judges are all fully vaccinated and out with covid right now. These are not outliers or breakthrough cases. These are proof that the vaccines are ineffective in terms of slowing down the spread. Which in term means that it is absolutely pointless to mandate them.
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Are we going to get a game in this weekend? Saw on Twitter Coppin State doesn't play until next week and have been mentioned a few times. I'd take it.
My brother is a detective with the sheriff's department. He and 16 other officers caught covid over the summer. 3 were hospitalized, including my brother and a Captain died from it. Every one of them were fully vaccinated. That part never made the news. But whenever an unvaccinated person dies from it, you bet your sweet ass it is mentioned that they were not vaccinated. Our friend is a nurse, she worked with covid patients for over a year without being vaccinated, never got sick. A month after her second shot (that was mandated by the hospital) she got sick with covid. Many doctors, the same. Our head prosecutor and 3 judges are all fully vaccinated and out with covid right now. These are not outliers or breakthrough cases. These are proof that the vaccines are ineffective in terms of slowing down the spread. Which in term means that it is absolutely pointless to mandate them.
Treating anyone who dares not take a vaccine and soon boosters, as a disgrace to society.
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only 60% of Americans are vaccinated. The new variants are forming in the unvaccinated who offer no protection. So this isn’t going anywhere until the other 40% decide to get vaccinated and not talking about it isn’t going to make it disappear either.
So an unvaxxed person who’s recovered from sars co 2 is not protected? Please explain that brilliance.

Lmfao don’t try to step into this arena. Vaxxed are still spreading and will keep spreading even in environments where everyone is vaxxed. Honest question: do you really understand how mRNA vaccines work, especially during an outbreak?

btw....this crushes your narrative:

It’s like arguing with my 11 year old daughter with all the emojis you use. Holy shit, grow up sunshine.
With the CDC saying that a vaccinated person can spread the virus at the same as unvaccinated people.Why would you care as a vaccinated person if I am not vaccinated.The shot protects you from serious problems doesn’t it?
this thread is ridiculous. ya know how people get a flu shot every year?


so the vaccine was conceived to protect against a different virus than what is out there. that’s why it’s spreading.

that doesn’t condemn the vaccine. it’s because the virus spreads at such a rapid rate that mutations occur and the vaccine isn’t magic.

it does help people not die though. that’s proven. so it’s not like it’s worthless. so much hyperbole in here
this thread is ridiculous. ya know how people get a flu shot every year?


so the vaccine was conceived to protect against a different virus than what is out there. that’s why it’s spreading.

that doesn’t condemn the vaccine. it’s because the virus spreads at such a rapid rate that mutations occur and the vaccine isn’t magic.

it does help people not die though. that’s proven. so it’s not like it’s worthless. so much hyperbole in here

I've seen people walking around grocery stores, etc., with no mask on. I just assume they are vaccinated. That said, I could be very wrong, but I've thought you should still wear a mask in something like a grocery store, even if you are vaccinated. I also assume, those that are vaccinated and get Covid, could be because they walk around public places without a mask.

Again, I could be very wrong, but that is my first thought about vaccinated people still catching Covid.
this thread is ridiculous. ya know how people get a flu shot every year?


so the vaccine was conceived to protect against a different virus than what is out there. that’s why it’s spreading.

that doesn’t condemn the vaccine. it’s because the virus spreads at such a rapid rate that mutations occur and the vaccine isn’t magic.

it does help people not die though. that’s proven. so it’s not like it’s worthless. so much hyperbole in here
You're making an argument that doesn't exist. The argument is not that the vaccine is worthless. It is that the unvaccinated are no more likely to spread the virus than the vaccinated. The argument is against the mandates and against treating people who choose not to get the vaccine as if they are a lesser being.
You're making an argument that doesn't exist. The argument is not that the vaccine is worthless. It is that the unvaccinated are no more likely to spread the virus than the vaccinated. The argument is against the mandates and against treating people who choose not to get the vaccine as if they are a lesser being.

It's like the flu.

Maybe the new variant can be spread by vaccinated & unvacinnated equally. BECAUSE ITS A VARIANT. Caused by the existence of the virus spread. Like the flu. Previous variants of the virus that the vaccine was made for were spread LESS by vaccinated, according to the CDC. So either the vaccine helps you die less, or helps you help others die less. But now that the virus wasn't stamped out, like we managed to do for smallpox or polio, it's mutating at a rate only seen by Influenza.

Because of the sheer # of people, many unvaccinated & some vaccinated spreading the virus, it's caused it to mutate. Like the flu. So we're less protected now. Because it's mutated.

We shouldn't treat others as second class citizens for not being vaccinated. My grandma died from CoVid. I wish she would have gotten vaccinated, like she got a polio vaccine, so she could have not died

if they want to mandate an mrna vaccine so others might not die, i'd be fine with it if it helped other people not lose their grandparents like i did
So an unvaxxed person who’s recovered from sars co 2 is not protected? Please explain that brilliance.

Lmfao don’t try to step into this arena. Vaxxed are still spreading and will keep spreading even in environments where everyone is vaxxed. Honest question: do you really understand how mRNA vaccines work, especially during an outbreak?

btw....this crushes your narrative:

How does that crush his narrative? It's a new virus. like a new version of the flu we see EVERY winter. The prevalence of the virus has allowed it to mutate more & the vaccine is less effective against it, but still helping people die less. it's like the flu
It’s pretty easy to understand. People are not taking as many precautions now that we have the vaccine, which is fine imo. Because of this, naturally numbers are going to go up. At our hospital we’ve seen an increase in hospitalizations but nothing significant. It’s expected with the holidays and cold weather. About a 5:1 ratio of unvaccinated to vaccinated. Should level out by early February like it did last year.
How does that crush his narrative? It's a new virus. like a new version of the flu we see EVERY winter. The prevalence of the virus has allowed it to mutate more & the vaccine is less effective against it, but still helping people die less. it's like the flu
Did you skip the part where he blamed the unvaxxed for spreading and mutation? How can the unvaxxed spread it in a population of such heavily vaxxed “n”/cohort?
It's like the flu.

Maybe the new variant can be spread by vaccinated & unvacinnated equally. BECAUSE ITS A VARIANT. Caused by the existence of the virus spread. Like the flu. Previous variants of the virus that the vaccine was made for were spread LESS by vaccinated, according to the CDC. So either the vaccine helps you die less, or helps you help others die less. But now that the virus wasn't stamped out, like we managed to do for smallpox or polio, it's mutating at a rate only seen by Influenza.

Because of the sheer # of people, many unvaccinated & some vaccinated spreading the virus, it's caused it to mutate. Like the flu. So we're less protected now. Because it's mutated.

We shouldn't treat others as second class citizens for not being vaccinated. My grandma died from CoVid. I wish she would have gotten vaccinated, like she got a polio vaccine, so she could have not died

if they want to mandate an mrna vaccine so others might not die, i'd be fine with it if it helped other people not lose their grandparents like i did
So you’re okay with them mandating an experimental vaccine so others don’t die, or if it stops the spread? I’d like to better understand your stance here.

also, sars viruses do mutate like influenza but not usually as rapidly. The problem is how we are trying to vax our way out of this. It’s failing.

Sorry about your grandmother
this thread is ridiculous. ya know how people get a flu shot every year?


so the vaccine was conceived to protect against a different virus than what is out there. that’s why it’s spreading.

that doesn’t condemn the vaccine. it’s because the virus spreads at such a rapid rate that mutations occur and the vaccine isn’t magic.

it does help people not die though. that’s proven. so it’s not like it’s worthless. so much hyperbole in here
It has not been proven it prevents people dying but I hope you are right....
It's like the flu.

Maybe the new variant can be spread by vaccinated & unvacinnated equally. BECAUSE ITS A VARIANT. Caused by the existence of the virus spread. Like the flu. Previous variants of the virus that the vaccine was made for were spread LESS by vaccinated, according to the CDC. So either the vaccine helps you die less, or helps you help others die less. But now that the virus wasn't stamped out, like we managed to do for smallpox or polio, it's mutating at a rate only seen by Influenza.

Because of the sheer # of people, many unvaccinated & some vaccinated spreading the virus, it's caused it to mutate. Like the flu. So we're less protected now. Because it's mutated.

We shouldn't treat others as second class citizens for not being vaccinated. My grandma died from CoVid. I wish she would have gotten vaccinated, like she got a polio vaccine, so she could have not died

if they want to mandate an mrna vaccine so others might not die, i'd be fine with it if it helped other people not lose their grandparents like i did
Condolences to you and your family for your loss. However, I am not intending to get into the discussion about the vaccine more than I am challenging the attitude towards people who bring up the actual fact that the vaccine does not slow the spread. Its effectiveness on the severity may well be worth getting the vaccine for some regardless. My point, is that given the fact that it does not prevent you from getting the virus and spreading it, there is no reason to treat the vaccinated any differently than the unvaccinated and there is no logical reason to mandate it.

We make choices for our health every day. The whole idea that you are being selfish by not thinking about other people if you choose not to get vaccinated is a political tactic to pin us against each other. We never treated people differently for choosing not to get the flu shot. And as you pointed out, this is much like the flu. Fact is, we need to take care of ourselves and not worry about whether someone else is vaccinated or not. This is a completely manageable virus that can be mitigated through healthy life choices and treatment. We could have learned to live with this virus and not hide from it long ago by focusing more on the above than the unrealistic goal to get everyone vaccinated. We are almost a year in to the mass vaccine roll out and there is no reason to believe that the vaccine is the answer to ending the pandemic.

I am vaccinated, I did so by choice. But I fully understand and RESPECT people's choice not to. Especially if they are in good health and/or have already had covid.
People who are vaccinated and get covid are sick for less time. Even against Omicron. Hospital stays, death, and duration of sickness statistically are reduced. So they spread the virus for less days. So if you're vaccinated, you factually spread the virus less and infect less peole. Vaccinated people can spread the virus too. But it's for less time therefor less people.

The virus spreading longer (in vaccinated (few less days) and unvaccinated (more days)) creates more mutations. New mutations weaken the vaccine's effectiveness, allowing even more people to spread it.

If people got vaccinated so they spread it for less time it'd probably help out to an extent. maybe my grandma might be alive. Or not. IDK. Or she'd be alive if she would have gotten the vaccine she asked the doc for in her final days.

I respect people and their choices. But their choices do effect others and our loved ones in SOME capacity. If you don't think it's enough to get the vaccine, then ya. that's your choice. I'm just trying to help my neighbors and for those of us who have lost loved ones, it hits a lot different
Condolences to you and your family for your loss. However, I am not intending to get into the discussion about the vaccine more than I am challenging the attitude towards people who bring up the actual fact that the vaccine does not slow the spread. Its effectiveness on the severity may well be worth getting the vaccine for some regardless. My point, is that given the fact that it does not prevent you from getting the virus and spreading it, there is no reason to treat the vaccinated any differently than the unvaccinated and there is no logical reason to mandate it.

We make choices for our health every day. The whole idea that you are being selfish by not thinking about other people if you choose not to get vaccinated is a political tactic to pin us against each other. We never treated people differently for choosing not to get the flu shot. And as you pointed out, this is much like the flu. Fact is, we need to take care of ourselves and not worry about whether someone else is vaccinated or not. This is a completely manageable virus that can be mitigated through healthy life choices and treatment. We could have learned to live with this virus and not hide from it long ago by focusing more on the above than the unrealistic goal to get everyone vaccinated. We are almost a year in to the mass vaccine roll out and there is no reason to believe that the vaccine is the answer to ending the pandemic.

I am vaccinated, I did so by choice. But I fully understand and RESPECT people's choice not to. Especially if they are in good health and/or have already had covid.
It's more transmissable than the flu and more deadly than the flu. So it's understandable why many think greater action should be taken.

But saying vaccine isn't worth getting because it's not perfect, isn't accurate. This is how viruses work. This one spreads fast, is more globalized, and mutations are arising more quickly. So maybe a vaccine isn't the magic cure-all that some pro-vaxxers proclaim. But neither is the flu vaccine, or even the smallpox or polio vaccine. Still probably worth getting to protect yourself and others from dying
Can you still get Covid when vaccinated? Yes

Can you still spread Covid when vaccinated?

Can you still get Covid after the booster?

Can you still spread Covid after the booster?

If you’ve had Covid will you get it again? 99.999% - NO.

Do you have a much higher risk of myocarditis if you’re a young healthy male after taking the vaccine? YES.

Athletes, people, in the prime physical shape of their lives are not at risk from Covid. Doesn’t mean you can’t get it, but you are at virtually zero risk of any serious illness.

Your talking points of this being a pandemic of the unvaccinated are not only out of date and proven false, but it’s scary we still think this way. If you want to get vaccinated and take booster shots until kingdom come, knock yourself out. If you’re taking them and still think it’s someone who isn’t vaccinated s fault that you get it, that’s just some warped illogical thinking.
Sir, if you want to believe what you want to believe, then cool. But the unvaccinated are dying at alarming rates and if you’re choosing to go up against COVID unprotected, then good luck.