Common sense solutions are, as of now, the best prevention. Death rates in most places are relatively low compared to something like Ebola, although a good deal higher than the flu... the flu is about a .1 percent mortality rate, corona seems to be somewhere between 1.7 and under 1 percent, although it’s still too early to REALLY know thanks to lack of information, lack of proper testing making it hard to know if we actually know how many people are infected, and because of environmental concerns (ie popularity of smoking in China and amount of pollution.) Seems that the elderly and people who are health compromised are at the most risk, although this thing does get other folks at a higher rate than the regular flu. Kids appear LESS susceptible to corona, so that’s a plus.
If they get to the point that they are cancelling NCAA games, that would be surprising, at least as things are currently. But you never know what’s ahead.
Trying to write it off as just an overexcited media is pretty nuts. You think the CDC is getting antsy because of a Fox story? You think entire countries are cancelling school because of an NBC story? You think the US military is cancelling exercises and restricting movement because of an article on Drudge? The whole “its all the media looking for clicks!” thing has gotten a bit paranoid.
It is obviously going to get a lot worse before it gets any better.
Personally not happy about it. Working in a school a suburb of NYC that has a huge Asian population who A) travel a lot and receive visitors a lot and B) aren’t good at communicating with the school district sucks, especially when you know first hand how gross kids are and how half assed many custodians are. Yay, working in a virus incubator
In terms of sports forums with news, DBR has a good thread going, with regular contributions from a doc whose background is in respiratory viruses. Look for updates from rsvdevil , who says it is not time to panic, but it is time to be concerned for sure.