Please tell me you don’t need the ACCN to watch it through ESPN.
Per twitter:

Duke starting 5:

Tre Jones
Wendell Moore
Jack White
Matthew Hurt
Vernon Carey Jr
Sluggish start. Carey with two fouls and missed team 3 pointers. Tre has looked great so far.
There is something off with this first group of 5

Correction. It's a different group with Jav, Jack, and O'Connell. Not gelling.
Scoring updates for those of us who can't see the game. OFC
Sloppy play. Haven’t seen much from the freshman to really say they are making a difference and as sloppy as Duke looks NM looks the same neither team capitalizing off turn overs.
K. Getting into the team at the time out is needed. Right now it’s Javin, Hurt, Stanley, Goldwire and Jones on the floor.
Why blame ACC Network? Literally everyone has struck a deal with them except Comcast at this point lol