We've said it before, that when you have big pharma, big tech, and other power players, making huge donations to certain outlets, they have bought (and controlled) what gets said. The best example I know off the top of my head is the awful, and dishonest coverage of Covid and the vaccines. Two things happened during that time that were criminal, which is why so many that leaned right of center were outraged. First, mental health issues skyrocketed. The other one was even worse, which is people died. They intentionally withheld valuable information from the public. Information that could have saved lives. But they were so into pushing the vaccine down everyone's throat. At the expense of lives, and so they could increase their wealth. They don't give 2 shits about any of us, which makes it worse when arguing with hacks like
@Dattier. He refuses to even consider this, much less agree with us.
The lust for $$ is eroding our world. We see it in sports too.