The New Lounge

Again, these were the reports given to assure a guilty conviction. The city didn’t want the truth, and Chauvin, a white cop, had to be guilty. Seriously most people with any sense knows this. Only later did the truth come out.

Even Bill Maher has slowly come to realize some of the lunacy going on. Not @SDevada though. She just digs in deeper.
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. As you can see Chauvin's knee was on Floyd's NECK, not his back.
Way to focus on a single aspect while ignoring the overall situation.
Of course that’s what the ME said in the report. Because THEY HAD TO!! The outcry was off the chart to convict Chauvin. Nothing but a finding of murder was acceptable.
They came out last year? and stated how he really died, and it wasn’t murder. I’m not saying Chauvin is totally innocent. But, he didn’t murder Floyd.

I shouldn’t be surprised that @Dattier and @SDevada believe what was reported. You both probably believe Biden is mentally fit, and is really calling the shots.

Stop believing the corporate media. Please.
No receipts? Cool story.
I do not demonstrate hate for the people I work with. That is just you being an over dramatic, self righteous fraud. My disdain is demonstrated for the POTATUS using the death of a total piece of shit to reignite racially motivated division. You don't know what my everyday interactions with people are you just use ill willed assumptions based on my willingness to say things that may be off putting and insulting, but true.

As far as celebrating and mocking Floyd's death. Another falsehood. I am mocking how his death is being described. I don't like how he died. But he holds some responsibility. He was not just a man minding his business. Though I find his death to be wrongful. There is absolutely nothing that suggested, prior to or 4 years later, that race had anything to do with it. Like I said, hope the 44 people who died and the $2 billion in property damage was worth it for people like you to perpetuate the lies that either convinced people it was true or enticed people to exploit the situation to cause harm and terror to innocent people and businesses.
Your hatred of our President leads to your hateful comments about George Floyd, whom you see as a “total piece of ****” who is responsible for being murdered. No way you don’t think the same thing about the people you’re supposed to be helping on your job. You deserve to be fired.
I think a lot of people, including myself have a hard time accepting Floyd as some civil rights leader. They took a career criminal druggie who died while under the influence of drugs and turned him into some type of hero/celebrity. My 86 yr old mil watched the funeral on tv and thought some king had died. Biden and the democrats want to keep stirring the racism plot as usual.
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Your hatred of our President leads to your hateful comments about George Floyd, whom you see as a “total piece of ****” who is responsible for being murdered. No way you don’t think the same thing about the people you’re supposed to be helping on your job. You deserve to be fired.
Again. You don't know a thing about my job. I haven't had hate for a single person in my work and there are some not so good people. I still have more respect for them than I do for you. And there is little to argue about on how lowlife of a person Floyd was. I said his death was wrongful but he had SOME responsibility for it. I didn't say he was 100% responsible. Can you give an objective argument for how he had no responsibility for his own death?

And here you are back at the people losing their job because you can't control your emotions. You haven't had a moment in your life where you were important enough to decide who has a job. And that's a good thing.
I think a lot of people, including myself have a hard time accepting Floyd as some civil rights leader. They took a career criminal druggie who died while under the influence of drugs and turned him into some type of hero/celebrity. My 86 yr old mil watched the funeral on tv and thought some king had died. Biden and the democrats want to keep stirring the racism plot as usual.
The shameful part about that is it was during a time when regular people weren't allowed to hold funerals for their moms and dad's, but they parade this scum around the country like he was Lincoln or something. Disgusting.
Again. You don't know a thing about my job. I haven't had hate for a single person in my work and there are some not so good people. I still have more respect for them than I do for you. And there is little to argue about on how lowlife of a person Floyd was. I said his death was wrongful but he had SOME responsibility for it. I didn't say he was 100% responsible. Can you give an objective argument for how he had no responsibility for his own death?

And here you are back at the people losing their job because you can't control your emotions. You haven't had a moment in your life where you were important enough to decide who has a job. And that's a good thing.
Tell us you don’t have a ___-ist bone in your body next. 🙄
You’ve already shown who you are.

Aside from freak accidents, almost every person killed by LEO was doing SOMETHING wrong. The relevant distinction is not whether they were being model citizens in that moment or not. The relevant distinction is whether their actions justified the use of deadly force. If the answer is no, that’s where the discussion should end. Harping on their imperfections is a deflection from the injustice of their death. It’s a classic conservative talking point when it involves marginalized communities at the hands of LEO. It’s no different from blaming a rape victim for what she was wearing.

I feel the same way about you that you feel about me. May our paths never cross.
I think a lot of people, including myself have a hard time accepting Floyd as some civil rights leader. They took a career criminal druggie who died while under the influence of drugs and turned him into some type of hero/celebrity. My 86 yr old mil watched the funeral on tv and thought some king had died. Biden and the democrats want to keep stirring the racism plot as usual.
By the time anyone ever heard of him, he was already dead. The only words the rest of us know that he said was begging for his life. It’s idiotic to think anyone truly likens him to a leader of the civil rights movement. He is a symbol and a rallying point for civil rights.
Tell us you don’t have a ___-ist bone in your body next. 🙄
You’ve already shown who you are.

Aside from freak accidents, almost every person killed by LEO was doing SOMETHING wrong. The relevant distinction is not whether they were being model citizens in that moment or not. The relevant distinction is whether their actions justified the use of deadly force. If the answer is no, that’s where the discussion should end. Harping on their imperfections is a deflection from the injustice of their death. It’s a classic conservative talking point when it involves marginalized communities at the hands of LEO. It’s no different from blaming a rape victim for what she was wearing.

I feel the same way about you that you feel about me. May our paths never cross.
May our paths never cross. Lol. You're a real tough guy, huh?

Something tells me I would be wise to avoid your wagging finger and stern talking. Hate to get schooled by a they/them.
By the time anyone ever heard of him, he was already dead. The only words the rest of us know that he said was begging for his life. It’s idiotic to think anyone truly likens him to a leader of the civil rights movement. He is a symbol and a rallying point for civil rights.
What a sad symbol to rally behind.
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Saying that Floyd had some responsibility for his own death is nowhere close to blaming a rape victim on what they're wearing. Floyd chose to take Fentanyl, he chose to be high on meth at the same time. The wrongful part of his death was not the sole cause and that's what people can't wrap their heads around. Take his self inflicted conditions out of the equation, there's a very good chance that the cops' actions would not have led to his death. I am not saying that him resisting is how he has responsibility for his death. And it also had nothing to do with race. But the people so obsessed with race need it to be so they can lazily call anyone who speaks bad of Floyd, racist. Or, lol, __-ist.
I'm still waiting on @Dattier or even @SDevada response to the video I posted. It's what I expected from them though, which is crickets.
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Like Kyle Rittenhouse, George Zimmerman, and Ashli Babbitt?
Who rallies behind them as a symbol? What a stupid comparison. There are no so-called movements rallying behind those people. One was acting like a cop and put himself in a situation that led to him defending himself. One, only acted in self defense and the other shouldn't be dead, but put herself in that position. Stating those facts is not the same as putting those people on a fvcking pedestal as the face of a movement.
I just don't ever want to meet you. I figured you would agree.
I'd love to meet you. Unlike you, my first thought wouldn't be violence or the desire for it. I would genuinely love to see the face of a man so passionate about progressive politics on the internet. I would shake your hand, but you would decline. Because you are the tolerant one.
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I'm still waiting on @Dattier or even @SDevada response to the video I posted. It's what I expected from them though, which is crickets.
Personally, I have more beef with the initial interaction where the cop came off as hot headed and aggressive. Not saying Floyd made things better by not following orders. The officers involved in detaining him were in a tough spot. I think he was as likely to die with the cop's knee in the dirt as he was with his knee on his upper back.
Like Kyle Rittenhouse, George Zimmerman, and Ashli Babbitt?
You’re clueless. I don’t remember watching a live funeral on tv for any of them. None of the three you mentioned had a criminal record that I’m aware of either. It’s all about race and abortion rights for the Democrats. People have to start thinking for themselves, including you.
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You’re clueless. I don’t remember watching a live funeral on tv for any of them. None of the three you mentioned had a criminal record that I’m aware of either. It’s all about race and abortion rights for the Democrats. People have to start thinking for themselves, including you.
Well, two of them are still alive, of course, and they received massive donations for their legal defenses from rightwingers. The 3rd was treated like a martyr, but with far less cause.
I'd love to meet you. Unlike you, my first thought wouldn't be violence or the desire for it. I would genuinely love to see the face of a man so passionate about progressive politics on the internet. I would shake your hand, but you would decline. Because you are the tolerant one.
I am the tolerant one. Look up the paradox of tolerance, or Popper's paradox.
Well, two of them are still alive, of course, and they received massive donations for their legal defenses from rightwingers. The 3rd was treated like a martyr, but with far less cause.
I'm not trying to be funny or mean here Datt, but I really hope you are seeking professional help. You seem much more agitated than usual.
Could you imagine sending this batch of 18-22 year olds to storm the beaches of Normandy? They'd be more worried about misgendering the enemy than they would be about surviving.
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So sad but true. It doesn’t fit the narrative.
The American flag was flown during the funeral ceremony and the coffin was wrapped in it. What was under discussion was the pride flag that was already up at the state capitol and whether that should be taken down in favor of the blue line flag, which is also not the actual American flag. That flag is very divisive and so a decision was made not to put it up and to leave the pride flag at half mast. Honestly only people who want to start a fight would make anything out of this.
The blue line flag is very divisive? No. It is not. Weak minded people who are ate up with false ideologies are offended by it. But it, itself is not divisive.
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The American flag was flown during the funeral ceremony and the coffin was wrapped in it. What was under discussion was the pride flag that was already up at the state capitol and whether that should be taken down in favor of the blue line flag, which is also not the actual American flag. That flag is very divisive and so a decision was made not to put it up and to leave the pride flag at half mast. Honestly only people who want to start a fight would make anything out of this.
You just went one for four. By that I mean one sentence (the first) is the only one decent. I'm totally against flying any pride flag. I think it's disgusting. In no way in this country should a flag like that be allowed to fly in a public setting. The flag that denotes police officers should have been flown. There's no doubt about that at all.

It's way past time that we quit pandering to the minority of opinion. Now in your home, if you want to fly a pride flag, or if my neighbor wants to put a pride sign in their yard, that's their decision. I disagree with it but I won't mess with it.

We've got way too many people in this country that are as soft as a gay florist.
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You just went one for four. By that I mean one sentence (the first) is the only one decent. I'm totally against flying any pride flag. I think it's disgusting. In no way in this country should a flag like that be allowed to fly in a public setting. The flag that denotes police officers should have been flown. There's no doubt about that at all.

It's way past time that we quit pandering to the minority of opinion. Now in your home, if you want to fly a pride flag, or if my neighbor wants to put a pride sign in their yard, that's their decision. I disagree with it but I won't mess with it.

We've got way too many people in this country that are as soft as a gay florist.
It is gay pride month first of all and thankfully most Americans are far more tolerant than you are. In fact, the majority now suppoer gay marriage so your description of "minority of opinion" is inaccurate.. You complain when people call you homophobic and yet here is exhibit A for why we do. Secondly, the "police flag" was in response to the BLM movement and so is offensive to many Americans. It should be offensive to all Americans actually as it adds to and changes the color scheme the American flag -- the one that is so sacred that kneeling during the anthem is considered disrespectful of it. In any event, there was zero reason to fly it, especially when the actual American flag was everywhere during the ceremony, which was what actually mattered. But, sure. Keep preaching division and intolerance.
It is gay pride month first of all and thankfully most Americans are far more tolerant than you are. In fact, the majority now suppoer gay marriage so your description of "minority of opinion" is inaccurate.. You complain when people call you homophobic and yet here is exhibit A for why we do. Secondly, the "police flag" was in response to the BLM movement and so is offensive to many Americans. It should be offensive to all Americans actually as it adds to and changes the color scheme the American flag -- the one that is so sacred that kneeling during the anthem is considered disrespectful of it. In any event, there was zero reason to fly it, especially when the actual American flag was everywhere during the ceremony, which was what actually mattered. But, sure. Keep preaching division and intolerance.
Like I said, I may not like it, but if you want to fly the gay flag at your home, knock yourself out. But this garbage of making others see it flying at a public building is utter nonsense. I know you're gay, and again, that's your choice. But none of us should have to have it thrown at us, and be called homophobic if we disagree.
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The flag was not a response to BLM. It was to show support for a group of people who were being demonized and attacked. It just so happened that many of the people who demonize and attack police, support or are part of BLM. The fact that anyone can give credence to BLM but say supporting the police is divisive, just shows how many puppets there are on the left. One side protects and serves while having some bad actors. The other side is full of fraud, division, racism and hate. But has some good actors.
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The flag was not a response to BLM. It was to show support for a group of people who were being demonized and attacked. It just so happened that many of the people who demonize and attack police, support or are part of BLM. The fact that anyone can give credence to BLM but say supporting the police is divisive, just shows how many puppets there are on the left. One side protects and serves while having some bad actors. The other side is full of fraud, division, racism and hate. But has some good actors.
It is interesting that asking people to respect differences, even if those differences make them uncomfortable, is. now described as "fraud, division, racism and hate." Oh and Mac, sexual orientation is not a choice.
It is interesting that asking people to respect differences, even if those differences make them uncomfortable, is. now described as "fraud, division, racism and hate." Oh and Mac, sexual orientation is not a choice.
Whether someone is gay or not, that's not the issue. The problems are the parades, the setting aside a month to honor being gay, and those retarded ass flags flying at public buildings.
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It is interesting that asking people to respect differences, even if those differences make them uncomfortable, is. now described as "fraud, division, racism and hate." Oh and Mac, sexual orientation is not a choice.
Lol. You are one gullible person if you think BLM is any of those things.
It is interesting that asking people to respect differences, even if those differences make them uncomfortable, is. now described as "fraud, division, racism and hate." Oh and Mac, sexual orientation is not a choice.
It’s not about respecting differences. TheLGBTQetc… expects everyone to celebrate the pride parades, flags, and other BS. If you’re one of those letters, fine. You shouldn’t get bent out of a shape if others don’t celebrate it. It has nothing to do with homophobic. You people just try to guilt people into acceptance.
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It’s not about respecting differences. TheLGBTQetc… expects everyone to celebrate the pride parades, flags, and other BS. If you’re one of those letters, fine. You shouldn’t get bent out of a shape if others don’t celebrate it. It has nothing to do with homophobic. You people just try to guilt people into acceptance.
If it had nothing to do with homophobia, people like Mac wouldn't blink an eye at a gay flag.

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