The Lone Senior

bleed, nice post. Quinn has been a favorite of mine since I watched him at Oak Hill. I always hoped he would come to Duke and he has given me a lot of pleasure through his 4 years here.
Going to make it tough to watch the start of he game Wednesday (Sr. night)!!
Go Duke!!

Me too man! I've loved watching his progression from a freshman to a senior. Wednesday night is going to be tough, hell, whenever he has his last game in a Duke uniform it will be tough. I haven't felt this strongly about a kid since probably Nolan, Kyle, or Jon. Loved Mason, Ryan, and Seth, but for some reason I just hold a special place for Quinn. I think it is because how much he has improved all around. He is just a really special player and a great kid. Our most valuable player in my opinion.
My favorite memory of Cook was after Rivers' shot in Cook's freshman year. While everyone else is tackling Rivers, Cook goes to the UNC student section and proudly showcases the name on the front of his jersey.
I saw a video from GoDuke of an interview with Quinn and Coack K talking about Quinn's career at Duke and after seeing that video I had forgotten that Quinn was part of a 5 man class.
I've never been more proud of a guy than i am of Quinn this season. The transformation into a leader and a man, were absolutely a thing of beauty. He took it upon himself to know that he had to be the leader and had to lead by example off and ON the court, and in his case the latter was much more difficult. Can't talk enough about how he's been that leader...his play isn't too shabby either.

The kid deserves all of the praise he's gotten from the fans, K and the media. Great to see, hell of a journey, and for him and the rest of this team i hope its one that ends in cutting a few nets down!
Going to be tough seeing Quinn graduate. I have absolutely loved watching him play in a Duke uniform the past 4 years. I have also loved witnessing his progression as a player into the true leader he is today. It's refreshing to see a standout 4-year player in this one-and-done era.

Quinn, you will be missed!
He's made as much improvement from freshman to senior as in player we've ever had. OFC
So proud of this young man. He's attitude is fantastic, he has set the standard and has achieved everything we could ever hope an athlete at Duke to be.

He's one we are going to miss very dearly next season for many, many reasons. Thanks Quinn.
Good player, even better kid. Thank you for 4 years Quinn. We appreciate you and wish you nothing but success and happiness.
This post was edited on 3/4 2:54 AM by dbav
Let's not forget about Sean Kelly brother of Ryan. Walk on and former manager. Really needed him and the other walk on's this year for practice to say the least. OFC
Pretty cool to see how he has progressed over the years. I remember the game at UNC his freshman year. He wasn't getting a ton of minutes at that point and Kendall Marshall basically tore him apart a couple of times (which was rare from Marshall). I remember KM throwing a spin move (the one move he had) on Quinn that made him look pretty foolish. Marshall finished the play and Cook got pulled from the game. I remember one of the coaches talking to him on the bench and he (cook) just looked totally demoralized. Almost looked like he was in tears. It was a real freshman moment.

To see where he has come since then is pretty awesome.
I just read another article discussing Quinn and him getting ready to play in his final game at Cameron and it mentioned that he's on pace to break another former Duke players record. He's on pace to beat Wojo's record for career assist to turnover ratio at Duke. Wojo's assist to turnover ratio was 2.5:1 and currently Quinn has a 2.54:1 assist to turnover ratio.
Quinn has truly impressed me. He's truly one of the great seniors. His presence on this team is vital.
I'm thankful to have watched him grow as a blue devils. Remember when he was on that tv show The Dog Whisperer before he got to Duke.
Also, I remember having a lizard bout a year ago and I named him after quinn cook. Only Duke player I've named a animal after.
Austin, Marshall, Alex Murphy and Gbinije. Alex Murphy also redshirted his freshman year like Marshall.

This post was edited on 3/3 9:39 PM by DiehardDukeFan4Life
Quinn has been a very good player for Duke for a while. He just typically was his own enemy. Seeing his growth illustrates the need for young men to go through growing pains with their peers. Quinn has been THE catalyst for this team. As good as the freshmen, they aren't as successful as a team without Quinn. It's what Duke was missing last year with Jabari. Thank you Quinn. I will definitely miss him more than a lot of guys that have left Duke.

Thank You Quinn
Thanks. I was thinking Murphy and Gbinije. I completely blanked on Austin Rivers. Too bad they all couldn't stick it out like Cook. Props to him for believing in the system and being a team player. 4 year guys just make it better for the fans. Its like we actually get to know them. Nothing against 1 or 2 year types really, still think most of them are great individuals, but there is a special place in heaven for 4 year Duke players.
He has become an exceptional leader, and this team wouldn't be anywhere close to where it is without him. His willingness to accept whatever role has been asked of him is remarkable. He is a great representative of Duke basketball.
Quinn has had a spectacular senior season. He is the anchor for this team. We're going to miss him. And of course Sean Kelly has toiled in practice without fanfare. Much thanks to him also. I wish both of these young men the very best in their future endeavors.

Easily been one of my favorite players of the last decade. I'm really upset the game isn't nationally televised tonight. Hope the crazies really show their appreciation for this kid. He has brought some swag to the program while conducting himself in manner that I'm sure Coach and his parents are very proud. Hats off to Quinn tonight.
Here are a couple of Quinn Cook pics from the past. Thanks for the memories, Quinn, and hope we got some more great ones to come in this season.

Pirate Quinn!


Quinn is Cookin'.


That Quinn look.


Quinn spanking it.


I made a pic of Quinn with a chef's hat on, but I can't seem to find it. Maybe later when I have time.

My best memory of Quinn was when I went with a friend to the NC ProAm and Quinn was there it was the summer between his freshman and sophomore year and I got a chance to briefly speak to him although it was only for maybe 30 seconds at the most but even in that short time I could tell just how he's genuinely a down to earth nice guy. He's definitely been my favorite player at Duke over the last 4 years and high on the list of my all time favorite Duke players.

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