The Carolina Way VIII

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Complaining about Duke getting away with bumping and hand checking...from top to bottom all Heel 'fans' are alike...whine, whine, whine.

Ya bring up an interesting point. She's whining about how Duke plays defense as if it were an affront to the game itself. Meanwhile , she's spearheading the worst scam in NCAA history. How many of those tarhole players would've never been subjected to Duke's "bumping and hand-checking" had she not played a huge role in keeping those morons academically eligible? If unx had played the game with true student athletes , hey , maybe Duke wouldn't have had to resort to all that physicality?! LMAO! Yet another example of how unx'ers are THE least self-aware fans on the planet. Anyway...

unc-CH’s fake-classes have cost $10 million, and counting

Legal and public relations costs high

University could have saved most of the money

And a scandal probe hasn’t really ended

The legal and public relations bills related to the academic and athletics scandal over fake classes at unc-Chapel Hill read more like the tabs for some corporate scheme unearthed than for bills for a public university.

The costs to the university for dealing with a scandal wherein athletes were guided to fake classes through an academic advising system run amok are astounding and ought to provoke disgust among alums and taxpayers who support the university. So far, reports The News & Observer’s Dan Kane, the tab for public relations consultants and lawyers has topped $10 million. And there may be more expense to come related to an investigation by and expected sanctions from the NCAA. That organization is on the hot seat. Other schools that have been penalized for lesser offenses are awaiting the punishment for unc-Chapel Hill, which may have the distinction of being the biggest abuse of academics and athletics in the history of college sports.

The university could have saved itself and its supporters lots of money and lots of embarrassment if it had just complied with the records requests that Kane and The News & Observer made early on. The $10 million-plus for lawyers to fight requests, to answer charges and to investigate the scandal represents the cost of a lack of transparency.

Because after all was said and done, Kenneth Wainstein, the Washington attorney hired to conduct a $3.1 million investigation (his firm has been paid another $2.7 million), found that Kane’s reports were right: There were fake classes, athletes were disproportionately enrolled in them, and university officials from the bottom to the top were either oblivious or didn’t take problems seriously.

The university could have played it straight from the beginning. Instead, with a public relations operation of its own that costs hundreds of thousands of dollars a year, it went to high-priced outside firms to “manage” the story, to keep a lid on things, to “spin” the university’s position.

The university is careful to note that the millions spent for all this don’t come from student fees or public appropriations, but from a private foundation. This is a trusted public institution that has been seriously wounded. It doesn’t matter where the money came from, as it still belongs to that public institution.

The best and cheapest response would have been not to circle the wagons and to try to defend the indefensible, but to conduct a straightforward, intense investigation, release all the findings and offer in detail a response not designed to spin the story in the best light but to expose the situation to the brightest light.

Instead, the university first – through neglect, a lack of attention, a desire for athletics success and the lackadaisical attitude of administrators – allowed the scandal to happen and, second, wasted years and millions of dollars trying to pretend it didn’t really happen the way the facts show that it did.
Let the games begin. Lulz...

Search thousands of unc scandal records

In late October 2015, the University of North carolina at Chapel Hill released more than 200,000 pages of documents collected during the investigation of its long-simmering athletic and academic scandal. The records, originally requested by reporters at The News & Observer following the release of the Wainstein Report in October 2014, are just part of the more than 5 million pages of emails, memos and other documents lawyers reviewed to create the report.

See something interesting? Let us know by email or by sharing your findings with the hashtag #uncdocs.

Tyler Dukes‏@mtdukes

unc dumped 200K pages from scandal probe, but didn't make them searchable

We did #uncdocs

So Mary's figures WERE correct. 35% of the team diagnosed with LD/ADD. Vindication for Willingham....

Harry Ramstein@HarryRamstein

Oh look, unc football players with "disabilities". Not that fake classes were enough to keep them eligible


PR team earnin' their keep...

"The good things happening at unc which is spoon fed to local reporters day after day by the unc team..."

Cheating Blue Ram ‏@CheatingBlueRam

Common for unc faculty to coordinate assignments directly with academic support staff, or is that impermissible?


Jaime Lee , btw , is the daughter of long-time Dean Smith secretary/assistant Angela Lee. Keepin' it the family. #carolinaway
Cheating Blue Ram‏@CheatingBlueRam

Really @AndrewJPerrin? Using university IT resources to achieve personal gain with your family's vacation rental?


Can't access the entire article but the first few sentences tell ya all ya need to know about unx's commitment to "reform..."

unc faculty reject athlete-tutoring merger

Critics of unc’s handling of the so-called “paper classes” scandal have lost another round on the Faculty Council, the elected group rejecting a proposal to “fully integrate” tutoring programs for athletes and other students.

As was the case last month with two other proposals, Friday’s voice vote went lopsidedly against a resolution offered by history professor Jay Smith and other members of the informal “Athletics Reform Group...”
Interesting how Roy says he knows nuthin' 'bout no dadgum akademix an' such but by golly he'z a-brangin' in his own grade-fixer upper fum allz tha way out thar in Kansas. Check that e-mail. Crowder says about Burgess McSwain..."They (unx) can't fire her." No sheet. Just a wild guess but I'd say the late athletics tutor knew way too much for unx to simply can her unceremoniously. Was her golden parachute figured into the 10 mil?
"I passed all your football players...some even passed on their own." "Suspiciously similar exams." "Perhaps a discussion about academic integrity might be a good idea."


"Like usual , none of your meatheads failed. Gotta say I was shocked that a couple of 'em seemed to pass on their own. Also as usual , I saw cheating but said nuthin' about it. Now I'm gonna suggest that YOU talk to these morons about "academic integrity." Heck , I may show up for that talk too. Given my complicity , it's not like I know much about it either. Later"

What a joke. Sounds like the notes from someone teaching a class of 3rd graders rather than college students.....

Another example of why Deb Stroman is a piece of garbage. Whining about Jay Smith. Seems Smith , ya know , actually CARES about educating these kids. As an AA she should be sickened at the the way unx exploits their athletes of color for athletic gain while giving exactly 2 sheets about educating them. She even adds in a "GoHeels!" Disgusting...

Handing in papers directly to Deb Crowder. We're all clear here , right? Everyone knows she wasn't a teacher or instructor or professor or guest lecturer or anything of the sort. She just took care of her "boys...."

"Basketball not involved..."

6th Man
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Posted: Today 6:16 PM

Re: unc Scandal Thread. Roy has email, WRAL posts email search

Wayne Walden mentioned almost 200 times in Doc Dump ?
Back to the Stroman/Smith e-mail. Gio...?


Towel Boy
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Posted: Yesterday 11:57 PM

Re: unc Scandal Thread. Roy has email, WRAL posts email searc...

Gio wasn't injured in the NCSU game. Gio missed Sep 8th game vs WF and the Sep 15th game vs Louisville. 2nd and 3rd games of the season. Jay is talking about GIO. No doubt. Frankly, I'm surprised more wasn't redacted.

So now we know Gio plagiarized. Interesting.
Jay Smith tryin' to get thru to a delusional , head-up-his-azz Andrew Perrin. Andy's reaction here is typical of unx faculty...

Beth Bridger tryin' to shmooze a prof into allowing one of her "Supplemental Instructors" into one of his athlete-laden courses. The intent , of course , is to have an "inside man" to make sure everyone stays eligible. She's brutally rebuffed. lol. Prof must not be a sports fan...

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Posted: Today 9:04 AM

Re: unc Scandal Thread. Roy has email, WRAL posts email search

I can't post a screen cap but I found a very interesting email between Classics professor Owen Goslin to Beth Bridger, she was attempting to get the professor to allow a "Supplemental Instructor" (such as herself) into his Classics course 263.
PDF1A page 2046

From: Owen Goslin <>
Sent: Sunday, August22, 2010 2:24 PM
To: Beth Bridger <>
Subject: Re: Supplemental Instruction for Clas 263
Attach: TEXT.htm
Dear Beth,
Thank you for your email, and for the information about this program.
While I understand your concerns about the need for supplemental
tutoring and the development of study habits I would not like to
participate in the program. The reason is that the course is already
supported by two excellent TAs who will provide the very same support as
a Supplemental Instructor - i.e., they will hold office hours and
occasional review sessions, and offer help on paper writing and study
habits. Providing this kind of help to students is an important part of
a graduate student's training in pedagogy. Moreover, I have greater
confidence in their abilities to offer this help than an SI, since they
have teaching experience, and - most importantly - knowledge of the
course material and ancient world. By bringing in a Supplemental
Instructor I would be concerned about undermining my TAs' authority, and
sending mixed messages to my students about course expectations (as well
as possible misinformation). I am committed to helping all of my
students learn and succeed, and believe the course, as it stands,
properly meets these goals.
Owen Goslin
Assistant Professor
Department of Classics
218 Murphey Hall; Campus Box 3145
University of North carolina
ChapelHill, NC 27599-3145
On 8/18/101:05 PM, Beth Bridger wrote:
> Good Afternoon Professor Goslin,
> My name is Beth Bridger and I am the Supplemental Instruction
> Coordinator for the Academic Support Program for Student-Athletes.
> am contacting you in hopes you would be willing to have a Supplemental
> Instructor for your Clas 263 course this fall.
> Supplemental Instruction is a program run in various types of courses
> on our campus. A "leader" would be hired to attend your class and
>then serve as a group facilitator for review sessions open to everyone
> in the course. We have been very successful with the SI programs we
> have run in the past and think it is a great tool in helping students
> navigate academic skills through course content.
> Attached is the "official" letter for the program. If you are willing
>to participate, please sign the letter and return to me as soon as
>possible. If you have further questions, please do not hesitate to
> ask, as I am more than willing to clarify any questions you have.
> I hope to hear from you soon.
> Beth Bridger
>Associate Director/ Leaming Specialist
>Academic Support for Student-Athletes
> unc-Chapel Hill
> (w) 919-843-5669

> <>
Carole Walker to Gerald Gurney: "unx admits morons incapable of doing college-level work..."

"Underprepared?" "Unable to read and comprehend at the college level?" You'll just have to attend the course the 2nd semester as well....

Letter: NCAA is exploiting and hurting students


We all know the hyphenate “student-athlete” with its blissfully wistful connotations of young men and women who spend their days listening to lectures or poring over books and then, in their spare time, engaging in various sports in the name of the university they attend. What most of us don’t realize is that “student-athlete” is a term devised by the NCAA to disguise a billion-dollar business enterprise operated at the expense of athletes whose lives they control for the duration of their college careers. It is a fiction — one that a senior advisor to NCAA president Mark Emmert called an “exploitation” embodying the “great hypocrisy of intercollegiate athletics.”

On one hand, the NCAA contends, in filings before one court, that its principal mission is to maintain intercollegiate athletics as “an integral part of the educational program” and to promote the academic well-being of the athlete. The NCAA likewise insists that it is dedicated to the athletes’ educations first and foremost — that “at its heart, the NCAA is an education entity.” As recently reported, conference commissioners are “bemoaning a rule they say doesn’t fit the NCAA’s educational values” and object to students having the ability to transfer because the NCAA has “raised” them and “educated” them.

But then, before a different court, however, the NCAA claimed that it has no responsibility to safeguard “the academic integrity of the courses offered at its member institutions”. It further declared that it has no role in ensuring “the quality of the education student-athletes receive at member institutions or (in) protect(ing) student-athletes from the independent, voluntary acts of those institutions or their employees.” The NCAA emphasized that it is far “removed from students’ day-to-day academic experience.” Most emphatically, it contended it has no “direct relationship with student-athletes in the academic realm.”

The truth is that the so-called student-athletes are in reality what Bear Bryant confessed they were decades ago — “athlete-students.” When pressed, even NCAA conferences now admit such. In a recent report by the Big Ten Conference, it was noted that the Association is not “living up” to their commitment to educate student-athletes. In an official paper circulated to “important leader(s), thinker(s), voice(s) or influencer(s) who have the ability to impact the direction in which intercollegiate athletics evolves at this critical moment in (its) existence,” the Big Ten describes this failure as a “national” problem of “systemic” proportion. Although the report found that FBS football and Division I men’s basketball “stand alone” in terms of both generating more revenue and receiving more resources, they are not severable “from the fabric of intercollegiate athletics” as a whole. If those two sports are not healthy, the report concludes, “then the (entire) collegiate model is not healthy.”

Without question, academics have been subordinated to and threatened by athletics — a result driven both by the direction of athletic force and the complicity of the education community. The “athlete side,” the report finds, vastly outweighs the “student side.” The Big Ten report urged that reforms were necessary to “change the current trajectory” in intercollegiate athletics and reverse the “imbalance.” It is critical, the Big Ten report declares, that athletes “not (be) shortchanged.” Educational camouflage, it concludes, is educational “exploitation,” and if the educational value of the athlete’s experience cannot be defended, then the intercollegiate model is “indefensible.”

Elite college sports are a product of a “profitable industrial complex.” The leading architect of the NCAA and its first executive director, Walter Byers, characterized the NCAA as “an economic camouflage for monopoly practice,” diverting money and value from those who create it to those who control it. Likewise, civil rights historian and noted journalist Taylor Branch wrote that while college athletes are not slaves, they perform in a system in which “corporations and universities enrich themselves on the backs of uncompensated young men” and women.

The present system is broken and unsustainable. Until athletes have meaningful rights and a meaningful voice in the balanced operation and benefits of the enterprise, college athletics — however popular — will be haunted by “the unmistakable whiff of the plantation.”

Michael D. Hausfeld

"I don't give make-up exams , I don't make exceptions , I'm not flexible and you lied to me but if ya promise to be a real good boy the rest of the semester , I'll drop the zero. Go Heels...!"

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"Sure , they read on a grade school-level but they try hard so the lowest grade I give is a B-. Go Heels...!"


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"I don't give make-up exams , I don't make exceptions , I'm not flexible and you lied to me but if ya promise to be a real good boy the rest of the semester , I'll drop the zero. Go Heels...!"


Just frickin' amazing! If the NCAA doesn't drop the hammer of Thor...

Oh, and great work DevilDJ, all of us know how much hard work goes into this.


Cheating Blue Ram ‏@CheatingBlueRam

It appears Roy's Fortress of Solitude was not impenetrable. Daily academic updates about grades & assignments?



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There's an anecdote shared in the middle of this article courtesy of "2pac1331." As always with this kinda stuff , take it with a grain of salt. That said , the author ( James Thomas Shell ) is on-point...

Carolina Tar Heels #1

Absolute Power rules Chapel Hill

I am going to relate to you some information I have read that was posted on the "Pack Pride" sports website that is dedicated to North Carolina State Wolfpack sports fans. I consider that site to be part of the new media, much in the same manner as the Hickory Hound. It is a forum where people relate ideas and stories of interest. Much of the information gleaned from this site, you will not find in the Old School Media.

The Old School Media's agenda seems to be to control information and filter it to fit into the scheme of the "Powers That Be's" agenda. That agenda, since the beginning of time, has been to maintain their power in the reality of the matrix that they have created. I am sure that floats over most of your heads.

The control of the overarching narrative of "Life's History" is part of the expression, "To the victor goes the spoils." UNC-Chapel Hill is the oldest university in the UNC system. Generations of political figures and professionals have filtered through the place. The identity of the alumni who have graced its halls has become an ideology, "We are better than you." That ideology in turn has formed into a system of religion for many. Pride in their university has gone beyond support and esteem and led to a cult like mentality seen in extreme religious philosophy. To question the stature of UNC-Chapel Hill ("Carolina"), as a university, is to commit a blasphemy not to be tolerated. Those who are critical of "Carolina's" mission are the enemy and must be vanquished. It is the dark side of Camelot.

My personal philosophy, in life, is that you aren't free unless you allow yourself to be free. You aren't controlled unless you allow yourself to be controlled. Most people don't understand the difference. Deal is that you aren't getting out of here alive, so don't take yourself so seriously. You will either be a help or a hindrance to others.

Do you like Good Guys? or Bad Guys? Do you think you are the most important part of this earth? If you do, then you will do anything and everything to obtain your personal wants, desires, and pleasures. If you have some selflessness, and understand that the world is more than just about yourself, then sometimes you are willing to take the backseat and let others shine, realizing that you personally benefit and that the "Ecosystem", the world as a whole, is stronger when more people are stronger, rather than concentrating power in the hands of one entity -- or the very few.

Athletics or Academics?

There is no two ways about it. There has been criminal mischief that has taken place at the University in Chapel Hill, as an example of the modern corruption of the State -- by that I mean the government. Fake Classes, Fake Grades, Fake Degrees, Forgery, Fraud, money changing hands, and no one has been prosecuted to date. For what? Basketball! What a freakin' joke.

UNC-Chapel Hill has now come out and admitted that they have spent over $10 million in Public Relations money related to this scandal. Then there are the legal fees paid by the University and the people surrounding this scandal that I am sure rival that $10 million figure. For what? A cover up of criminality and Basketball!

I've always thought they could have come clean a long time ago. I haven't written about the situation in a while, because I thought that it would surely all get sorted out. The problem with that is that it is too logical and corrupt people survive and thrive on the illogical, subterfuge, and false confidence.

The Powers That Be at UNC-Chapel Hill have fought this athletic fraud for five years, because it is wound so long and so tight, that if it unravels, it could unhinge the foundation that the State of North Carolina was built upon. It isn't an academic scandal. It's an athletic scandal. Athletes didn't go to class, didn't do schoolwork, and weren't tested. How can not participating in academics be an "academic scandal"? Logically it can't be. What it is, is criminal fraud.

The University in Chapel Hill has some graduates that are leaders in their field and do some cutting edge work, but their work is going to be undermined by this scandal. The University in Chapel Hill is already on academic probation related to this athletic scandal. If they don't clean the mess up, then they can lose accreditation. The loss of accreditation will mean the loss of billions of dollars of research money. They've already started feeling the financial repercussions of their win at all costs athletic program. The worst part is that some of these people don't care, because they want to win basketball games by hook or by crook -- apparently heavy on the crook.

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