Tell me about Oral Roberts

I am on RR. Some good people on there so I dont hate Kentucky. They do hate Duke though. Like really, really hate them. I don't like Michigan.
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I think it's refreshing that opposing fans can come on our site and talk basketball and have some fun. We are all fans or our teams, but we should be able to be polite and have some fun with some good natured ribbing. It was very cool to see you guys here!

I am not a fan of the UNC program, the fact they got caught cheating and nobody did anything about it in high on my list. Their players tend to be thuggish, although one could argue they could legitimately say the same about a couple of ours. But far and away, the biggest issue I have with UNC is their fans. It's one of the worst fan bases in all of sports. They are cocky and arrogant and narrow minded. The cherry on top for me was the "F coach K" chant when Duke played at UNC last year. That is absurdly classless. I didn't expect a red carpet rollout and big ceremony, but that was unacceptable. And to watch the UNC staff sit on their hands was pathetic.

There are other teams I don't like. Kentucky and Kansas are at the top, more liars and cheaters. But right now, I don't think there is another unanimously "hated" school among Duke fans. Maybe Maryland before they decided the ACC was too much for them to handle? NC State a little??
Kitty Kats, u-CON, the twerps, and I despise bama. I can't stand Kansas either, but they did break the hearts of cheater nation, so they get a slight pass from me this year. Plus, I have nothing against Bill Self; by all accounts, he's a good dude, and I hope he's okay.
Kitty Kats, u-CON, the twerps, and I despise bama. I can't stand Kansas either, but they did break the hearts of cheater nation, so they get a slight pass from me this year. Plus, I have nothing against Bill Self; by all accounts, he's a good dude, and I hope he's okay.
Bill Self started his coaching career at ORU. He was our head coach in the late 1990's. Got to know him fairly well. Will have to disagree on the "he's a good dude" comment. But, he's a great coach and motivator.
Bill Self started his coaching career at ORU. He was our head coach in the late 1990's. Got to know him fairly well. Will have to disagree on the "he's a good dude" comment. But, he's a great coach and motivator.
Oh no! I hate to hear that. I've always heard good things. Do tell?
Yup, I am def not a Kansas fan, but I will send well wishes to Self, hope he's feeling better and can coach this weekend.
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What is Self like? Lets hear some gossip.
Thing with Coach Self is he will make every single person he meets feel like you are his best friend. I had a chance to be around him at a few AAU events and he just chats with everyone with a big smile on his face. You can see why he gets the players he does. Now as far as how he treats players that is different story!:) His language is colorful to say the least.

You have seen all the charges and the things his program gets away with. He doesn't care. He will do anything to win.

Voice may have more day to day comments as my connections to ORU didn't start until Self left for Tulsa.
I hope his okay. But just because he has health issues does not make him a good person.
True. I had never heard about his extracurricular activities. A small caveat, though, if it is consensual and you're not betrothed to anyone else, then I don't find much fault in having relationships with people. I can't comment on sleeping with younger women. I have dated several in their early 20s and am pushing 40. But I am not a leader of men, nor was I married then or now, haha Also, I understand he shouldn't be doing that as a college coach on campus. I'm just commenting on the relationships themselves; if they're consensual, it really doesn't matter from that side of things. The ethics and optics of it all are a different story altogether.
True. I had never heard about his extracurricular activities. A small caveat, though, if it is consensual and you're not betrothed to anyone else, then I don't find much fault in having relationships with people. I can't comment on sleeping with younger women. I have dated several in their early 20s and am pushing 40. But I am not a leader of men, nor was I married then or now, haha Also, I understand he shouldn't be doing that as a college coach on campus. I'm just commenting on the relationships themselves; if they're consensual, it really doesn't matter from that side of things. The ethics and optics of it all are a different story altogether.
Bingo! If someone isn't married and being out in front as a big FCA guy, then no biggie. That was my thing...if you're going to be like that, get a divorce and don't go around speaking at FCA events about how much you love the Lord.
Bingo! If someone isn't married and being out in front as a big FCA guy, then no biggie. That was my thing...if you're going to be like that, get a divorce and don't go around speaking at FCA events about how much you love the Lord.
Yeah, I don't pretend to be anything I am not. I'm flawed, as is everyone. But I do have a code of ethics. Sounds like that is something he lacks.
Not as much as he loves the ladies apparently haha
Well like i said he definitely had the gift of gab!:)

On another note as pertains to Coach K. I was lucky enough to sit next to him at an AAU tourney in Vegas a few years ago and he couldn't have been nicer! He walked in with i believe Amaker and another of his assistants and asked me if he could take the seat next to me proceeded to introduce himself!:) I just sat there and listened to him talk hoops with people. Made for a great couple of hours!:)
Well like i said he definitely had the gift of gab!:)

On another note as pertains to Coach K. I was lucky enough to sit next to him at an AAU tourney in Vegas a few years ago and he couldn't have been nicer! He walked in with i believe Amaker and another of his assistants and asked me if he could take the seat next to me proceeded to introduce himself!:) I just sat there and listened to him talk hoops with people. Made for a great couple of hours!:)
My closest interaction with the GOAT was after they beat The Citadel last year; he smacked the **** out of my hand, walking off the court while I was screaming at him, "LET'S ****ING GO!!!!"
We all give Jay a hard time, but he does bleed Duke Blue through and through. He just hides it well, like Joel Osteen hides the gimp that undoubtedly lives in his closet.
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I'm 6-1 and lean, so all of these guys are bigger than me, haha We saw Sheldon Williams at the Duke/Louisville game this season, and he looks like he ate the Sheldon Williams that came onto campus for the 2002-2003 season.
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Also, we got within ten feet of Boozer last Sat night at the championship game; that guy is a blast during the commercial breaks. Talking shit, joking around, and even Joel Berry was okay. He's just terrible at his job.
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Jay is okay. But it is clear he is purposely not gushing over Duke. But he goes too far the other way. J Will is like that. I liked both as players but not as tv personalities. I would rather have Battier or Singler or Hill.
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