Roy Admits He Recruits OADs and Has Failed to Land Them

And the mods deleted it. It probably has nothing to do with the fact that it made them look stupid, right?
They must have deleted it sometime early this morning because it was still up when I went to sleep around 2 or 3am and it was at least a couple pages long if not a little longer. Maybe they deleted it so that none of the things that they said in that thread would end up in our favorite THR quotes thread. Just for the record jchammock, I wasn't trying to call you out for starting it out. I was just pointing out the irony that it wasn't started by a THR poster.
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Yeah they are very thin skinned over there. They barred me from their board because I responded to someone who said he wished a 19 year old kid would be barred from playing college ball.
Justin Jackson, James Michael McAdoo and Harrison Barnes could have been OAD. But Roy was wise enough to talk some sense into them.
They must have deleted it sometime early this morning because it was still up when I went to sleep around 2 or 3am and it was at least a couple pages long if not a little longer. Maybe they deleted it so that none of the things that they said in that thread would end up in our favorite THR quotes thread. Just for the record jchammock, I wasn't trying to call you out for starting it out. I was just pointing out the irony that it wasn't started by a THR poster.
i didn't take it that way. I just wanted to explain why I started that thread.

Trust me, if I would have had the same debate with my friends here I would have started a thread here.

I've been bashed by my fanbase and even had threads started about me because I post here and THR.

I really don't care. I love UK. I'm 45 years old and have been die hard since I was born.

I just love getting someone else's opinions other than UK fans. I'm bias through and through. No one will ever make me believe that UK is not the mega of college basketball.

But I love to shoot the ish with fans from other schools. I love to hear their opinions. I love to debate. And I just feel that going here or THR is lets me get someone else's opinion.

I don't need someone from my fanbase telling me we are the greatest program of all time. I already know that.;)
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I must be the exception to the rule, you like me and they love me over at THR. I'm kinda their fav.
You're the perfect example. I love you to death. They don't feel the same way. I love Dsouthr, y'all, not so much.

They complain about your mods, y'all complain about their mods.

I hear from both sides about the most hated rival posters. They're the ones I love the most.

I just love talking ish to the most passionate fan of any fanbase because I know their as invested in their team as I am for UK. It starts a friendship that both people can understand.

I don't care if THR hates you Show, you're my bud to the end.

And I don't care if you or anyone else here hates Dsouthr, he's my bud to the end.

I guarantee you if all three of us went out on the town together some serious ish would happen. ;)
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I'll give JC his due credit. He has the ability to post on DI and THR and stay on the boards. UI understand JC staying on this board but JC my friend if one of us posted some of the things you post over there we would have a tombstone. This is not a negative thing about you JC I just don't see how you do it. You really are a good poster and you behave like a guest here. Never have thought of you as a troll or a flamer. OFC
I'll give JC his due credit. He has the ability to post on DI and THR and stay on the boards. UI understand JC staying on this board but JC my friend if one of us posted some of the things you post over there we would have a tombstone. This is not a negative thing about you JC I just don't see how you do it. You really are a good poster and you behave like a guest here. Never have thought of you as a troll or a flamer. OFC
to be truthful buddy, I just try to be respectful.

I love other fanbases opinions. I love my fanbase. I love UK. But I don't want to hear my fanbases opinion all the time. I check in on RR every day. I love hearing my fellow Cat fans enthusiasm about our team.

But as far as I go, I love other fans ideas and thoughts. I know I'm not perfect or ever will be. I've stuck both of my feet in my mouth at the same time. But what makes interacting with other fans is we all have different opinions.

I love coming here to see what y'all think. I love going to THR and see what they think.

I don't have a clue who the heck is right or wrong. I just love debating with everyone no matter their affiliation of a certain school.

I just love a discussion. Otherwise, it's boring.
It sucks to suck. THR understands this. Truth and sense are discarded in exchange for anger, resentment and disillusionment.
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