
It is not that the NCAA found no wrong doing they just did not get Lance or the Jewelry Store to talk. The same thing happened with Rose at Memphis. Rose refused to talk to the NCAA after he left school about his SAT. The NCAA ruled him ineligible with no proof and vacated the entire season. The NCAA had the lawsuit from the Jeweler to prove Lance owed several thousand dollars. The same with Corey. It was proven he took money from an agent while he played at Duke. The NCAA just turned their head. Nothing to see here.Seems like a double standard to me.

If Maggette had taken money from an agent while playing at Duke, then they definitely should have forfeited wins. Fortunately for Duke, that is not remotely close to what happened.
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If Maggette had taken money from an agent while playing at Duke, then they definitely should have forfeited wins. Fortunately for Duke, that is not remotely close to what happened.

I was wrong. He took money from a summer coach while in High School. Which would have made every other player in America at any other University ineligible according to NCAA guidelines. The games he played in at Duke should have been vacated. You tell me why this is not an NCAA violation.
I was wrong. He took money from a summer coach while in High School. Which would have made every other player in America at any other University ineligible according to NCAA guidelines. The games he played in at Duke should have been vacated. You tell me why this is not an NCAA violation.

Actually, there were other players from that very AAU team who got money from that very coach who went to other colleges, and those colleges did not vacate any wins.

I know misery loves company, but at some point you are just going to have to deal with the reality.
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I was wrong. He took money from a summer coach while in High School. Which would have made every other player in America at any other University ineligible according to NCAA guidelines. The games he played in at Duke should have been vacated. You tell me why this is not an NCAA violation.

Haven't read thru this thread thoroughly but I'll say this. Corey took $ BEFORE Duke even recruited 'im and he took it from someone with no ties to all. IOW , he took it from Myron Piggie and Piggie certainly wasn't trying to steer 'im to Duke. The case was investigated and it was determined that Duke played no role in it NOR should they have known about it. Given those circumstances , ya can't make a case for vacating wins etc. Heck , I'm still pizzed at that title game in '99 anyway. Wanna vacate that? Fine. Wipe it off the books as if it never happened. I'd sooner there be no record of it either. Lulz. Also , the NCAA ( supposedly ) now has a policy of strict accountability that wasn't in place back in tha day. Not that Duke would've received sanctions anyway but I just wanted to mention it. Continue...
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Would you love K if he left Duke and went to coach UNC (your most hated rival)? Louisville is not just another Blue blood program. They are UK's biggest rival. Pitino had a chance to go to almost any program he wanted but decided to go to UK's biggest rival. The same school he called Little Brother when he was at Kentucky.
First of all Pitino did not leave UK to coach at UL. The point I'm trying to make is that UK nation despised Cal when he wasn't coaching at UK and he was a dog for what he done at UMass and Memphis. Then you guys hire him and suddenly he becomes the greatest thing since thoroughbred racing and blue grass music both of which I like. Now when Billy G. was there he was also the man but when he couldn't get the job done in UK's eyes all of a sudden he's a dog. It's kind of like this with UK nation. It doesn't matter what one puts in the sausage and you don't want to know what's in it as long as it taste good to you. UK has nothing to stand on when it comes to being critical of any other program or coach with UK's past history. One more thing. Surely you can come up with a better example than Coach K leaving Duke and eventually coming back to coach UNC Even Tar Heel nation doesn't have enough money for that. And really do you think UNC nation would accept that with they way they feel and talk about Coach K? Well on second thought you guys felt pretty much the same way about Cal didn't you? Now I can see Cal leaving UK to come to UNC though. How would that go over in Rupp Rafters. You guys have a pretty large glass house. Big careful with those rocks you seem to be throwing around.
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First of all Pitino did not leave UK to coach at UL. The point I'm trying to make is that UK nation despised Cal when he wasn't coaching at UK and he was a dog for what he done at UMass and Memphis. Then you guys hire him and suddenly he becomes the greatest thing since thoroughbred racing and blue grass music both of which I like. Now when Billy G. was there he was also the man but when he couldn't get the job done in UK's eyes all of a sudden he's a dog. It's kind of like this with UK nation. It doesn't matter what one puts in the sausage and you don't want to know what's in it as long as it taste good to you. UK has nothing to stand on when it comes to being critical of any other program or coach with UK's past history. One more thing. Surely you can come up with a better example than Coach K leaving Duke and eventually coming back to coach UNC Even Tar Heel nation doesn't have enough money for that. And really do you think UNC nation would accept that with they way they feel and talk about Coach K? Well on second thought you guys felt pretty much the same way about Cal didn't you? Now I can see Cal leaving UK to come to UNC though. How would that go over in Rupp Rafters. You guys have a pretty large glass house. Big careful with those rocks you seem to be throwing around.

You still haven't answered why the NCAA looked the other way when investigating the Lance Thomas issue. Their answer was Lance and the Jeweler would not talk to them. In other cases when the accused refused to talk they declared them guilty. Why would you refuse to talk to them if you have nothing to hide?
First of all Pitino did not leave UK to coach at UL. The point I'm trying to make is that UK nation despised Cal when he wasn't coaching at UK and he was a dog for what he done at UMass and Memphis. Then you guys hire him and suddenly he becomes the greatest thing since thoroughbred racing and blue grass music both of which I like. Now when Billy G. was there he was also the man but when he couldn't get the job done in UK's eyes all of a sudden he's a dog. It's kind of like this with UK nation. It doesn't matter what one puts in the sausage and you don't want to know what's in it as long as it taste good to you. UK has nothing to stand on when it comes to being critical of any other program or coach with UK's past history. One more thing. Surely you can come up with a better example than Coach K leaving Duke and eventually coming back to coach UNC Even Tar Heel nation doesn't have enough money for that. And really do you think UNC nation would accept that with they way they feel and talk about Coach K? Well on second thought you guys felt pretty much the same way about Cal didn't you? Now I can see Cal leaving UK to come to UNC though. How would that go over in Rupp Rafters. You guys have a pretty large glass house. Big careful with those rocks you seem to be throwing around.
are you aiming this at me?

I haven't said anything about K or Duke but I gave the reason of "MY" hatred for Pitino.
You still haven't answered why the NCAA looked the other way when investigating the Lance Thomas issue. Their answer was Lance and the Jeweler would not talk to them. In other cases when the accused refused to talk they declared them guilty. Why would you refuse to talk to them if you have nothing to hide?

Just so we're clear. Lance Thomas. Played sparingly at Duke for 4 years. If memory serves , he never became a regular starter until into his SENIOR season. Role player. Did some nice things for Duke during that title run but still a role best. Even though he's made a couple of NBA rosters , he had ZERO NBA potential at the time he made the purchase. None. He's over-achieved and God bless 'im. That said , are ya tryin' to tell us that Lance freakin' Thomas is the guy who Duke lavished thousands of dollars on to make sure he did what? Stay all 4 years? Cut that goofy haircut he had in high school? What? Answer this question. Give the reason why Duke University and Coach K would risk so much for Lance Thomas? Hey , if it was Jabari or Jahlil or Kyrie maybe I'd look sideways at it myself. But Lance Thomas?!?! Dude.
are you aiming this at me?

I haven't said anything about K or Duke but I gave the reason of "MY" hatred for Pitino.[/ OFC
No Hammack. I didn't even read your post. But be really honest with me. Do you really "hate" Rick Patino. How well do you know him and have you always hated him? I'm not trying to make an enemy of you because I do admire, like and respect you but the word hate is powerful. If someone does harm to your family or loved ones I can understand hate but a coach going to your rival school after going to the NBA I don't get it. Was the UK job available when Pitino took the UL job.It doesn't look so good for Pitino and UL right now. It's best he loses his job if everything is true. All this mess over the last several years in college sports has to stop and I don't care what program it is or who the coach is and that includes Duke and Coach K. Now you can believe me or not that's your choice. That's just the way I feel and if that makes me an old fool who can't just accept the way things are now then I'm an old fool. I hope you don't take this personally because I don't mean it to be so. Sometimes people just respectfully disagree. Keep posting please. I do read all of your post but I missed this one and I will right now go respectfully read it right now. OFC
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Just so we're clear. Lance Thomas. Played sparingly at Duke for 4 years. If memory serves , he never became a regular starter until into his SENIOR season. Role player. Did some nice things for Duke during that title run but still a role best. Even though he's made a couple of NBA rosters , he had ZERO NBA potential at the time he made the purchase. None. He's over-achieved and God bless 'im. That said , are ya tryin' to tell us that Lance freakin' Thomas is the guy who Duke lavished thousands of dollars on to make sure he did what? Stay all 4 years? Cut that goofy haircut he had in high school? What? Answer this question. Give the reason why Duke University and Coach K would risk so much for Lance Thomas? Hey , if it was Jabari or Jahlil or Kyrie maybe I'd look sideways at it myself. But Lance Thomas?!?! Dude.

I've been waiting for the generic and standard Thomas shot that UNC fans always use along with Magette and Coach K's fake injury that UNC fans always use. Is that the bet you have. For the life of me why can't posters like you just stay on your own boards like Rupp Rafters where you always be in comfort and all there will agree with you. You still don't get the point I'm trying to make to you. OFC
Glad to hear you guy's say this. I live here in Ky and have to hear bs from Uk fans the yr around. I've always like Pitnio as a coach especially when he was at Uk. Not really a fan of either school but id pull for Ul before Uk.. I hope this isn't true because if it is it will force him out at the University of Louisville. I guess he's old enough to retire..PS, Be glad when Giles commits to Duke. Uk fan's think they have a chance with this guy..

A true Louisville fan always trying to cover up who they are.
I let myself get trapped into posting on this thread which I regret because it's turned into a UK/UL thread. It's not something as a duke I need to be concerned about anyway. Wish it would be just locked up and let the UK and UL fans go at it on their own boards instead of ours. OFC
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Yeah right. Who is we? Are you speaking for UK nation when you say we or just yourself. I think Cal gets away with things that Coach K or any other coach can't get away with.You use the word respect then in the next sentence you use the word hate. It seems as though as UK nation really has it in for Pitino. Would you depise Cal the way you despise Pitino if he left UK for another blue blood program. I've been around a while and remember very well how UK nation felt about Cal while he was a Memphis and not your coach then when he got the UK job he was the man for the job. UK nation as a whole is full of crap. The only time I will pull for UK is when they are playing UNC and that's not saying a lot. OFC

We would despise any coach including Cal if he went to our rivals. No question about it. When Pitino went to the Celtics, BBN had no problem pulling for him. Cal gets away with what at UK? Btw I hated Cal at Memphis but as you get more information in and learn about someone you can have your opinion changed. Your opinion on him is still from the outside looking in. Also while I think coach K deserves respect, don't act like he's squeaky clean.
Uk's fans respect K and Duke. Give me a friggin break.. All they do is complain about how K get's special treatment from the NCAA. Come on now..

Well we feel that's true but it doesn't change how I feel. When CL hit that last shot, K ran to the UK players. Classy at that time.
Btw I hated Cal at Memphis but as you get more information in and learn about someone you can have your opinion changed. Your opinion on him is still from the outside looking in.
I've seen other UK fans use that rationale. You didn't learn anything new about him that changed your opinion. Your opinion changed because he is now your guy, and you like winning. That's fine, just be man enough to own it.
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I've seen other UK fans use that rationale. You didn't learn anything new about him that changed your opinion. Your opinion changed because he is now your guy, and you like winning. That's fine, just be man enough to own it.

Not true at all but I guess the next time I want to know how I feel about something I'll ask you to tell me how I feel? What an idiot. Do you know he goes to Church every morning at 5am? Of course not because you just want to know what you want to know and not learn about him.
I've seen other UK fans use that rationale. You didn't learn anything new about him that changed your opinion. Your opinion changed because he is now your guy, and you like winning. That's fine, just be man enough to own it.

Like I said in a previous post on here you don't care what's in the sausage has long as it taste good. OFC
Not true at all but I guess the next time I want to know how I feel about something I'll ask you to tell me how I feel? What an idiot. Do you know he goes to Church every morning at 5am? Of course not because you just want to know what you want to know and not learn about him.
Speaking of idiots, are you under the impression that he didn't go to church, or do charity work, or things like that while he was at Memphis and you, in your words, "hated him"?
I had no idea if he did or not. Why would I. I can't tell you what K does either. Do you keep up with the Memphis coaches over the years? Guess I have other things to do in life.

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