Official game day thread- Duke vs Miami II

This gives Evan’s a ton more PT and we do have Foster. I wasn’t one that thought the Brown injury was season altering, but losing Rese is and there no two ways about it.

Not saying it ends the season, but that is a MASSIVE blow. Hoping for the best but him not on the bench is bad news.
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Agree with Pisgah and Dad2ze, saying the season is over because Proctor "may or may not be out for the remainder of the year" is blowing things out of proportion. This is the DEEPEST DUKE TEAM (11 deep) since 2019-2020. When you face adversity you ADAPT and OVERCOME.

Evans slides into the starting lineup, Brown is expected back, more responsibility for Foster and Harris. Proctor is an Upperclassmen, but Duke also has James, Gillis, and Brown as Upperclassmen. Proctor is Duke's best Perimeter Defender, but now James gets the assignment of defending the other team's best scoring guard.

Duke is Fine and Still National Champion Worthy. All of These Blue Devils Can Defend and Score.
Who said the season is over? Simply said that’s a massive blow if it’s a major injury and you’re kidding yourself if you think any different.
Yeah, if Proctor is out for extended time or the season I don't see how anyone can be optimistic.
it's a significant blow, but I still Trust these 10 to get the job done, especially since some on here have been very critical of Proctor during his time at Duke!! I recall some of you saying you would be okay with Proctor moving on or he was not nba material, so which is it?


you don't trust these 10?
it's a significant blow, but I still Trust these 10 to get the job done, especially since some on here have been very critical of Proctor during his time at Duke!! I recall some of you saying you would be okay with Proctor moving on or he was not nba material, so which is it?


you don't trust these 10?
I like these 10. They can win a Natty easily
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We're not winning a title without Proctor.

bleed, I love Proctor, been a big fan of his ever since he's been a Blue Devil. I love how he plays defense and how he can shoot. I Believe he will play at the next level.

I am curious to learn your reasoning why Duke "can't win" the title without Proctor if Duke has the other 10 guys healthy?
bleed, I love Proctor, been a big fan of his ever since he's been a Blue Devil. I love how he plays defense and how he can shoot. I Believe he will play at the next level.

I am curious to learn your reasoning why Duke "can't win" the title without Proctor if Duke has the other 10 guys healthy?
Are we forgetting how important he has been defensively???????? Jesus, I want to win it all but this bullshit of acting like it doesn't matter is asinine.
Are we forgetting how important he has been defensively???????? Jesus, I want to win it all but this bullshit of acting like it doesn't matter is asinine.

who is forgetting? did you not read my post above calling him Duke's best perimeter defender? So Duke is 1 dimensional on defense with Proctor being the only guy who plays defense at a high level?

Is James incapable of defending the other team's best guard?
who is forgetting? did you not read my post above calling him Duke's best perimeter defender? So Duke is 1 dimensional on defense with Proctor being the only guy who plays defense at a high level?
I can't believe this is even an argument. We are simply not the same without him on the perimeter. I would love for Foster to step up, but we will miss Proctor and I don't have confidence in winning a title without him. I'd love to be proven wrong. But to act like it's fine without him is really shortsighted.
I can't believe this is even an argument. We are simply not the same without him on the perimeter. I would love for Foster to step up, but we will miss Proctor and I don't have confidence in winning a title without him. I'd love to be proven wrong. But to act like it's fine without him is really shortsighted.

bleed how are you not comprehending that Brown will be back this season.

You calling me shortsighted is rich bleed. You are pretty much saying that a top 5 team in both offensive and defensive efficiency relies on solely one player being available, that's lacking confidence in the other 10 Blue Devils who are Talents.
bleed how are you not comprehending that Brown will be back this season.

You calling me shortsighted is rich bleed. You are pretty much saying that a top 5 team in both offensive and defensive efficiency relies on solely one player being available, that's lacking confidence in the other 10 Blue Devils who are Talents.
Wtf? I never said we rely on him solely. I'm stating that to act like it doesn't matter is asinine.
I am with Bleed on this one. Proctor brings so much to the team. Although Evans has been playing well, but he's still a freshman. We're going to be starting 4 freshman and a senior. Our margin of error was already small with Brown out and it'll be smaller if he don't have Tyrese.
Wtf? I never said we rely on him solely. I'm stating that to act like it doesn't matter is asinine.

it's next man up, again Duke is 11 deep. Since I had to do the work for context hopefully this helps some of you step off the ledge.

James has better defensive stats in contrast to Proctor. James rebounds more, has more assists, more steals, more blocks, less turnovers, shoots better from both the field and the free throw line than Proctor. Also James is also an upperclassmen and is shooting .1% worst than Proctor from 3

Evans turns the ball over less than Proctor, shoots better from the field, free throw line, and 3 point line than Proctor

It will suck if Proctor has a serious injury and is out for the remainder of the season, but if he is the only Blue Devil out for the remainder of the season, Duke is still one of 6 National Championship Contenders, acting like they are not is asisnine.
bleed, have a great night Sir. Tried convincing you the other 10 Duke Blue Devils are capable players, but you're set in your ways. I'll continue to enjoy watching this juggernaut Duke Team, one of the most efficient teams in the last 20 seasons compete, hope you'll join me! Hopefully Proctor didn't sustain a serious injury because he has been one of my favorite Blue Devils while others on here were consistently throwing him under the bus especially last season.

Go Duke!
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bleed, have a great night Sir. Tried convincing you the other 10 Duke Blue Devils are capable players, but you're set in your ways. I'll continue to enjoy watching this juggernaut Duke Team, one of the most efficient teams in the last 20 seasons compete, hope you'll join me! Hopefully Proctor didn't sustain a serious injury because he has been one of my favorite Blue Devils while others on here were consistently throwing him under the bus especially last season.

Go Duke!
Acting like I don't think this team is full of great players is just ignoring everything I've said. Obviously, we have great players. Proctor is one of them and behaving like losing him won't matter is ridiculous. Have a goodnight.
“Rumors” all over the place on X. Jon said he “banged knees” which is an encouraging statement in my opinion. I’m sure we won’t get a legit answer for days.

Florida losing tonight helps
I hope that's all it was. And we get Rese back.
I missed the injury to Proctor. I see both sides of the argument though. He isn’t a role player, so potentially losing him is a blow. On the other hand, this could really benefit Foster and Evans. Gillis can grab a few more minutes too. These guys aren’t scrubs.

The same with Brown being out. It’s given Big Pat a chance, and he’s looking a little more comfortable each time out.
I missed the injury to Proctor. I see both sides of the argument though. He isn’t a role player, so potentially losing him is a blow. On the other hand, this could really benefit Foster and Evans. Gillis can grab a few more minutes too. These guys aren’t scrubs.

The same with Brown being out. It’s given Big Pat a chance, and he’s looking a little more comfortable each time out.

Bingo Mac. Turning Negatives into Positives!!! Duke has the Luxury this season of having multiple guys step up on different nights, none of the 11 are scrubs. The commentators even mentioned that luxury tonight. For many years, many of us have yearned for the coaching staff to play the bench. Ngongba and Evans have made the most of their opportunities (Evans is playing himself into the lottery). If Proctor is out for an extended period of time, I have no doubt Foster will answer the bell.
Losing Proctor would be a big blow, but I don’t think it means we have no chance to win it all. It’s not just about who fills in for him. Each player just has to play a little better to make up the difference. This team is playing with an edge and expects to be National Champions.
Again, we harp about needing upperclassmen and we are down two of our most important upperclassmen but I guess it's fine. Everything is fine.