NCAA tourney thread

Question. If we win our first two games does anyone know if we will be playing Thursday or Friday next week?OFC
For such a great offensive team Utah and SFA are suppose to be they both look awful lol and SFA has 0 size
Originally posted by skysdad:
Question. If we win our first two games does anyone know if we will be playing Thursday or Friday next week?OFC

I was pulling for Tommy and the boys. Great effort. They just didn't have the offensive options down the stretch besides Saunders. Chambers stepped up and played well but he looked uncomfortable at times. I didn't expect much of a kudos to Harvard.

SFA has played their way back into the game against Utah. It's been a pretty good day of basketball.
SFA has had some great looks down the stretch...just haven't been able to get any to drop. It's probably over now.
Wellll if we make it to a sweet 16 matchup with Utah and lose I'll be shocked these guys are terrible
State should be better than what they are. These kind of performances happen every so often to all teams....but the Wolfpack have almost made it a specialty.
I just think Gottfried is a guy that can't coach or produce under pressure or if if they are expected to be good. But when they aren't expected to do anything he does well* same way when he was at bama too
Congrats to State, but that was a total collapse by LSU. The Tigers missed 6 straight fts, and their last 12 fg attempts (I think).

Yep LSU helped A LOT lol but it feels good to have our conf 6th team beat the SEC's 2nd best team
Qualls from Arkansas can sky. Now if he decided to play some defense instead of showing off.

Watching this game makes me think it would take one helluva effort for either of these two to beat the Heels. Is Arkansas really the second best team in the SEC? They look like garbage and will be lucky to win this one.
After the showing the SEC is having today with teams that challenged UK it should really open some eyes to how beatable they are. At least to me
UK has always been beatable...but they're very, very good. I still maintain they would have had a difficult time being perfect in the ACC or Big 12. This is the first time I've watched Arkansas all season, but color me unimpressed.
Right I jus don't think they are head and tails above everyone else I honestly feel there are 5 or 6 good teams that are basically equal and they are in the group. I saw Wofford play in the semis of the socon tourney and was VERY unimpressed they were playing what was suppose to be the very superior team and they just didn't look good then in the final they beat a team that had 11 wins by 3..
After some of these BS hand checks on Wofford, I really hope we see an emphasis in the offseason on holding the offensive player creating contact...
Woffard had a couple really good looks to tie the game.

That was a fun day of basketball. I think it's time to go to bed.
I just read an article that was posted on Facebook that compared Duke's 2010 path in the tourney to Duke's 2015 path in the tourney and both teams paths are potentially identical to each other.
Originally posted by DiehardDukeFan4Life:
I just read an article that was posted on Facebook that compared Duke's 2010 path in the tourney to Duke's 2015 path in the tourney and both teams paths are potentially identical to each other.
I had seen that. I think we played our first two games in Jacksonville, Florida, but, after that it would be the same. I just want to win these two in Charlotte, then two in Houston, and we might as well win the two in Indy as well!
Btw, what a great day of basketball. Would have been perfect had Harvard pulled off the biggest upset of the day in my opinion over the holes.
Incredible day of basketball. I'm cutting out of work around 11 today to make sure I'm home and settled to watch everything. Can't wait for Day #2.
This post was edited on 3/20 8:45 AM by dbav
So carolina fans are 50/50 on their win last night, some are excited Roy has never lost in the first round and some are upset they only won by 2. Those that are excited are rubbing it in that Coach K has had early exits and Roy hasnt, well how were those NIT exits?
Originally posted by CRAZIE4LIFE:
So carolina fans are 50/50 on their win last night, some are excited Roy has never lost in the first round and some are upset they only won by 2. Those that are excited are rubbing it in that Coach K has had early exits and Roy hasnt, well how were those NIT exits?
Haha, Coach K also has 4 NCs and Roy doesn't. I suppose to each their own.
Originally posted by pisgah101:
After the showing the SEC is having today with teams that challenged UK it should really open some eyes to how beatable they are. At least to me
Arkansas wasn't close to Kentucky either game. Ole Miss was the first SEC game of the season. LSU was on fire and then they opened the door and let the killers in. I guess you can create a image that makes UK look beatable.

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