Fellow Braves Fans.....

What a wave of emotions here. But, that's baseball. Unless something changes we're headed back to Houston and I don't like our chances. Max has been awful in the post season. Astros are awake and alive. We had them on the ropes and ****ed ourselves.
I'm just really disappointed in the decision making tonight. Across the board it has been. Awful. Squandered all the momentum early and Houston is in the driver seat. I can't handle another 3-1 collapse. I wish the baseball gods would let the Braves beat this cheating bastards.
I'm just really disappointed in the decision making tonight. Across the board it has been. Awful. Squandered all the momentum early and Houston is in the driver seat. I can't handle another 3-1 collapse. I wish the baseball gods would let the Braves beat this cheating bastards.
It never occurred to aj or snit that Maldonado who basically hits like most pitchers might be up there for a walk They we’re pitching him like he was Lou Gehrig
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Well, I can't believe in a game we had a grand slam in the 1st inning we're going to lose it. And I think the series is going to the Astros too. They just play so damn good at home. They're almost unbeatable when they're hitting like this. And we played right into their hands tonight. I love Snit, but he managed a piss poor effort tonight. Maybe I am too pissed off right now to see clearly. But, I am just furious with how we let this one slip away. Never should've brought Tucker back in for the 3rd. And that really screwed us.
I mean, this is so disappointing. I cannot believe this. When Adam hit that in the bottom of the 1st I was losing my shit at work. Now, I am drinking in the dark at home, haha
I know what you mean. After that grand slam I could taste it. Started to tear up a little bit Little did we know we would score only one more run Been a while since I felt this shitty about a sporting event
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I know what you mean. After that grand slam I could taste it. Started to tear up a little bit Little did we know we would score only one more run Been a while since I felt this shitty about a sporting eventbut

This is what it's like being a Braves fan though. Houston has all the momentum. I said it before the 3 games here in Atlanta, Braves had to win this in Atlanta to get a ring. This will top all the collapses too. Maybe I am too negative, but we've all seen this before. Max has been terrible the entire postseason. Well rested, sure. But, so what? He's been awful of late.
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We will win
I wish I had your optimism man. I don't. I see a 3-1 collapse in the future. We've seen this as Braves fans too many times. It is what it is. Just really pissed and sad right now. Houston has all the momentum. Max has been awful in the postseason. And not just mediocre, he has been AWFUL. Blowing this thing after the grand slam makes it hurts so much worse.

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