Maybe I’m the dumb one....but didn’t Bilas say two feet on the floor and the replay he was showing over and over the UVA guy only had one foot on the floor while the other was in the air?

Maybe I didn’t see it correctly??
If establishing position is a moonwalk then yes its a charge otherwise shut up Bilas
I don't understand how that wasn't a charge. Yeah he sold it, but still.
I don't understand how that wasn't a charge. Yeah he sold it, but still.
Watch his feet, they were still moving before he started falling back. Just because he was a mouse trying to handle a horse don't give him the call.
Watch his feet, they were still moving before he started falling back. Just because he was a mouse trying to handle a horse don't give him the call.
I thought that your feet can be moving, you just have to be in a legal guarding position?
He’s my favorite player.....the three was just bonus....his hustle and defense is just refreshing...
Say what you want about our three pt. Shooting....I just think this team does whatever it needs to do to just happens we have great looks and they are going down....if they where not....we would find some other way to make a game out of it...
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