Our 3 county area hasn't had a lot of deaths compared to other parts of NC. I have a client whoes parents both died of covid, I am not sure of their health prior. Those are the only deaths of anyone who I know that knows. Most people in my office have had it, no one got really sick. My wife and I had it before Thanksgiving, she lost taste and felt winded, but that was it. I felt bad for 3 days, only one really bad day. We are more fortunate than a lot of people.
I am sorry to hear about your cousin, best wishes to your family.
You are right about covid being real. And you are right about it being political in a way meant to further divide us. It's a shame, but as you said, everything is political today. I believe this should be a wake-up call to our country for us to focus on getting in better health. We like to talk about how the deaths in America are disproportionate to the rest of the world, but we don't like to acknowledge that we are one of, if not the most unhealthy countries.