Crazies plans scrapped for UVA GAME-

What about where everyone knew about Guy’s mental health issues prior to January 2nd? Or was that made up?

He detailed his stress and mental struggles on FB later following the loss in spring of '18.

Mental illness is nothing to joke about, even for professional athletes.
However, the Crazies have showed ZERO indication that this was anything more than good-natured fun, I don't see anything wrong here at all.

Kyle Guy came from a VERY wealthy area in Indiana, from a 2-parent household, and plays ACC D-1 basketball, he may not play in the NBA, but he will have a long professional career. He also just got engaged. Again...I'm not making excuses for him, but he is in a situation that 99.999999% of basketball fans would do anything for.
I’m never going to judge someone else for whatever they are dealing with because the fact is everyone is dealing with something. Anyone that would make fun of someone else for that is a loser, plain and simple. If someone said crap to Guy on twitter before or after that article was released is still a loser.

The gimmick of bringing the UMBC player was pretty hilarious. Even Guy admitted that. I’m sorry it got shut down, but whatever, it wasn’t ever a thing i ever really cared or thought about. I can’t imgine K has given a whole lot of thought to this.
This game is between Duke and Uva. A team vs team game. Not the let's go all out against Guy show...

I am sure the Crazies will have chants ready for other UVA players as well. The "dirt sheet" that is passed around before game usually has information on all the players. Guye is a great player and I think he will be more than ready for the challenge that playing in Cameron Saturday night will bring him. Therefore, I still fail to understand why the UMBC player being there was such a big deal.

This not a war... it's just a game being played. I mean what's next does the NCAA Tourney need to remove all clips of the biggest upset of all time being played during March Madness to comfort him...?

If you can't handle that type of adversity then you have no business playing D1 sports.

I for one think Guy is past that and will have a great game in Cameron whether his team wins or loses.
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To me the whole UMBC thing was going to be kind of lame for Duke to use. Doesn’t seem like something worth doing at all for any reason. Yes it’s amazing a 16 seed finally beat a 1 seed, but that doesn’t have shit to do with Duke.
To me the whole UMBC thing was going to be kind of lame for Duke to use. Doesn’t seem like something worth doing at all for any reason. Yes it’s amazing a 16 seed finally beat a 1 seed, but that doesn’t have shit to do with Duke.
This opinion I’m ok with. It would have been hilarious to me but the novelty would have worn off and you know ESPN would have shown him 2000000 times during the game.
There's not a decent chance we get blown out. We're still favored to win the game. And I don't think there's any chance K made a decision to save face in the event of a blowout.
Amen lyon.
I don't think we would be getting blown out even if the game was in Charlottesville. It's gonna be a slow, low-scoring game.

I can think of quite a few UNC games in Cameron where it was one of those "I'll be happy if we keep it close and have a chance to steal one" type games- most notably 2016.
But this, I expect to win.
Hell I have stress and mental struggles after every Duke loss. That doesn’t mean any tarhole fans are gonna take it easy on me. This wasn’t aimed directly at Guy. It was for the entire uva program. It’s college students. Have fun with it. I miss the old crazies that gave the visiting team pure hell. Today’s crazies are tame compared to the 80’s and 90’s crew.
To me the whole UMBC thing was going to be kind of lame for Duke to use. Doesn’t seem like something worth doing at all for any reason. Yes it’s amazing a 16 seed finally beat a 1 seed, but that doesn’t have shit to do with Duke.

Thank you Gill, well said. We're DUKE, we dont need to stoop to that...Just be full throated and yell for Duke, and boo, shout whatever vs UVA. Dont go messing with someone's personal demons. We're better than that....

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To me the whole UMBC thing was going to be kind of lame for Duke to use. Doesn’t seem like something worth doing at all for any reason. Yes it’s amazing a 16 seed finally beat a 1 seed, but that doesn’t have shit to do with Duke.

This is a good post. Nobody is suggesting it’s not ok to disagree with whether or not it was a good idea. It is, however, sensationalism at its finest to suggest it’s somehow inhumane.
This is a good post. Nobody is suggesting it’s not ok to disagree with whether or not it was a good idea. It is, however, sensationalism at its finest to suggest it’s somehow inhumane.

On the first post I agree, everyone is entitled to their opinion and glad you are enjoying the thread.

"Sensationalism at its finest? Good grief."

On the first post I agree, everyone is entitled to their opinion and glad you are enjoying the thread.

"Sensationalism at its finest? Good grief."

Messing with his personal demons and calling it inhumane is a bit of a stretch don’t you think?

And to save you the trouble, yes I’m not agreeing with you and agreeing with DJ and everyone else that is using pure common sense here. Bringing the UMBC kid in wasn’t aimed to mess with Guy’s personal bouts with depresssion etc. it’s sports. You’re making it out to be that the crazies were planning to throw glass bottles at his family on the stands, chant F-U, KYLE, say they were trying to get with your sister etc. but we all know that duke players actually get that kind of extreme reaction from fan bases.
Yep...good grief is right.

Merely play on your earlier quote sir....It was designed w/UVA in mind (no problem) and Guye in particular as focal point (thats where I have problem) . I had rather win the game without challenging someone's past inner struggles...
Messing with his personal demons and calling it inhumane is a bit of a stretch don’t you think?

And to save you the trouble, yes I’m not agreeing with you and agreeing with DJ and everyone else that is using pure common sense here. Bringing the UMBC kid in wasn’t aimed to mess with Guy’s personal bouts with depresssion etc. it’s sports. You’re making it out to be that the crazies were planning to throw glass bottles at his family on the stands, chant F-U, KYLE, say they were trying to get with your sister etc. but we all know that duke players actually get that kind of extreme reaction from fan bases.

Sounds like an AWESOME subject for your next modcast Mr T! OFC
Yeah I would like to think the Duke folks would know better than to do something insensitive and in poor taste to Kyle Guy. I’m assuming this was just a dig at UVA in general.
Just stopping by. Someone said there’s some free tickets for Saturday’s game?
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Wow, just wow. Some people here should apply for a job at ESPN with these takes. Poking fun at a historic college basketball loss is being twisted into a concerted effort to attack an individual player’s mental health demons, wow.

This would be no different than an MLB team bringing in Dave Roberts or David Ortiz and sitting them front row against the Yankees, it’s all good natured fun. It is ok to laugh every once in a while.

And did someone suggest Coach K called it off out of fear that we may get blown out? Maybe Coach K is buying into the no diving on the floor mentality, Yates may be on to something.
Do we really think this UVA team will destroy us? Cmon! While UVA did beat us last year, it was only by 2 points..not to mention Duval/Allen/Trent scoring a combined 19 points. UVA returns 5 players from that team. If we almost beat them last year, we can beat them this year.. I have my faith in RJ/Zion/Cam.

If you haven't been watching them, fine. UVA wrecked FSU and VT. At home, sure. But those are good teams. At full strength, on the road, we needed a last second game winner to beat FSU, and UVA ended that game early in the second. And VT was out of the game at half time. Yes, at UVA, but Duke and UNC play each other tough in those intra state rivalry games, and VT considers UVA to be arrival.
UVA is playing incredibly well right now. Last year's D with a more potent O. Shooters all over the court.
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Its a very positive move. The Crazies planned to focus Maura's presence at the game on explosive shooting guard Kyle Guye. Guye has experienced severe deression over that game and even sought therapy. He was even targeted by death threats from angry Cavalier fans for poor performance vs UMBC...

We're better than this at Duke. Crazies antics are awesome, but this plan was too extreme....


He’s had depression since being a kid, and yes death threats are sad, but this is in good fun and another reflection of how soft we have become as a society. As someone who’s battled depression (specifically from post concussive syndrome), I can attest the Crazies actions would be, if anything, something to chuckle at, even as Kyle Guy.
He’s had depression since being a kid, and yes death threats are sad, but this is in good fun and another reflection of how soft we have become as a society. As someone who’s battled depression (specifically from post concussive syndrome), I can attest the Crazies actions would be, if anything, something to chuckle at, even as Kyle Guy.

Respect your right to your opinion SoCal....Just think it could have been misinterpreted, and as I said provided EVEN more motivation for an undefeated Cavs team vs a shorthanded Duke team....
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If you haven't been watching them, fine. UVA wrecked FSU and VT. At home, sure. But those are good teams. At full strength, on the road, we needed a last second game winner to beat FSU, and UVA ended that game early in the second. And VT was out of the game at half time. Yes, at UVA, but Duke and UNC play each other tough in those intra state rivalry games, and VT considers UVA to be arrival.
UVA is playing incredibly well right now. Last year's D with a more potent O. Shooters all over the court.

You make a really good case Patrick....I am really glad we have the break for Coach K to make the neccessary tweaks and adjustments.
Hart I would just like to point out that Guy himself supported this. He said "let's make it happen" You can read about him supporting it here

Shatter I am well aware of that article and I embrace the young man's courage for answering the challenge. I made a comment earlier today about the angle of the crazies possibly backfiring against a team perhaps playing the best ball in the country.....

Glad to see you've been doing your research though and I enjoy the talking point you inserted.....
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I can agree it was nice to see him go along with it and be a great sport about it. I thought about it possibly backfiring as well but, it seems UVA just wants to destroy whatever they see anyway, I don't see it adding too much fuel to their fire. Guess it's sort of a moot point now however, seeing as he won't be there. Fun debate Hart. Let's just agree on one thing here, and that's that our Dukies need to come out and play like men possessed and crush these Wahoos in our house!!
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Fun debate Hart. Let's just agree on one thing here, and that's that our Dukies need to come out and play like men possessed and crush these Wahoos in our house!!

You darn straight my friend Shatter! Heres a HUGE HIGH FIVE on that one sir. "Fun debate" is right on buddy!!!
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Hart I would just like to point out that Guy himself supported this. He said "let's make it happen" You can read about him supporting it here

Thanks for finding this. My UVA friends during conversation had told me that Guy himself was supporting it. If the Crazies wanted it and Guy himself supported it, not sure why it what made into such a huge deal. Sad to see it not happen since it wasn't a personal attack... but on to the game. We all here support Duke. Here's to hoping Duke can get this win at home. We all know the fans at JPJ will be sure to welcome the Duke team for the rematch on Feb. 9th.
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Thanks for finding this. My UVA friends during conversation had told me that Guy himself was supporting it. If the Crazies wanted it and Guy himself supported it, not sure why it what made into such a huge deal. Sad to see it not happen since it wasn't a personal attack... but on to the game. We all here support Duke. Here's to hoping Duke can get this win at home. We all know the fans at JPJ will be sure to welcome the Duke team for the rematch on Feb. 9th.

Yeah, it's too bad. I think it would have been a fun, little thing too. But, oh well. It's not a big deal, either way. The game will go on whether he's there or not. I'm sure the Crazies still have a little bit of fun up their sleeves.
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But his name is Guy

I went to high school with a Clyde Guy. Awesome athlete and person. He went on to play for Howard's Furniture softball team, one of the greatest slow pitch softball teams ever. They called Clyde "The Chief " and he is in the National Slow Pitch Hall of Fame. One of the best ever. Just in case anyone knows of him. OFC
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We can dive, assuming the math, (to be computed pre-dive), doesn’t result in our guy being near any player or object either during or after said dive. A buffer must also be accounted for just to be extra sure.

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