A little off- season trivia gang!

Glad to be back. I'm going to try and be more active when I can. Also, it's the BTK killer, right? Dennis something?

Dennis Rader is the BTK killer, but it's not him. He's verifiably responsible for 10 murders.

I forgot about the BTK killer. I listened to a podcast about him, but couldn't finish it. Too creepy. I think he was caught around 2000

Yes, he is truly vile. I've listened to more about the investigation and how they finally caught him than the actual crimes. I can't stomach the details of the killings. I looked it up and he was caught in 2005.
So, I think I should give a hint: His first name is the same as the actor who plays Nick Fury in the Avengers films and his last name is the same as the first word in the title of Louisa May Alcott's most beloved novel.
Here's a hint, it began during the Celtic celebration of Samhain. Samhain is where Halloween originated from. Though it is far different today than it was then.
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In the movie To Kill a Mocking Bird Atticus daughter's name was Scout. What was his son's and Scout's older brothers name ? OFC
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I'm not a horror fan either. I know he's behind Nightmare on Elm Street and Scream, but that's not the tag line for those. I think it's one of his early films. That tag line sounds like one that could be for The Exorcist to me, so I'm guessing an early 70's release, but I haven't a clue about the title.
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The Last House On the Left. Leave it to me to kill a thread, haha Sorry folks.

Who is the only actor to receive an Oscar nomination for acting in a Lord of the Rings movie?
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Yeah, Carter is my favorite president. So that was an easy one for me, haha

What was Harrison Ford's main occupation before he was cast in Star Wars?